Provided by: libsnmp-info-perl_3.39-1_all 

SNMP::Info::CiscoStpExtensions - SNMP Interface to "CISCO-STP-EXTENSIONS-MIB"
Carlos Vicente
Create or use a subclass of SNMP::Info that inherits this class. Do not use directly. For debugging you can call new() directly as you would in SNMP::Info my $stpx = new SNMP::Info::CiscoStpExtensions(...); Inherited Classes SNMP::Info SNMP::Info::Bridge MIBs can be found at
These are methods that return scalar values from SNMP $stpx->stp_ver() Returns the particular STP version running on this device. Meant to override SNMP::Info::Brigde::stp_ver() Values: "pvstPlus", "mistp", "mistpPvstPlus", "mst", "rapidPvstPlus" ("stpxSpanningTreeType")
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of a reference to a hash. $stpx->mst_config_digest() Returns the Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) configuration digest ("stpxSMSTConfigDigest") $stpx->mst_region_name() Returns the Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) region name ("stpxMSTRegionName") $stpx->mst_region_rev() Returns the Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) region name ("stpxSMSTRegionRevision") $stpx->mst_vlan2instance() Returns the mapping of vlan to MST instance in the form of a hash reference with key = VLAN id, value = STP instance $stpx->i_rootguard_enabled() Returns 1 or 0 depending on whether "RootGuard" is enabled on a given port. Format is a hash reference with key = "ifIndex", value = [1|0] ("stpxRootGuardConfigEnabled") $stpx->i_loopguard_enabled() Returns 1 or 0 depending on whether "LoopGuard" is enabled on a given port. Format is a hash reference with key = "ifIndex", value = [1|0] ("stpxLoopGuardConfigEnabled") $stpx->i_bpduguard_enabled() Returns 1 or 0 depending on whether "BpduGuard" is enabled on a given port. Format is a hash reference with key = "ifIndex", value = [1|0] ("stpxFastStartPortBpduGuardMode") $stpx->i_bpdufilter_enabled() Returns 1 or 0 depending on whether "BpduFilter" is enabled on a given port. Format is a hash reference with key = "ifIndex", value = [1|0] ("stpxFastStartBpduFilterEnable")
oct2str() Unpacks H* into a string