Provided by: libterm-extendedcolor-perl_0.224-1_all 

Term::ExtendedColor - Color screen output using 256 colors
use Term::ExtendedColor qw(:all); # Or use the 'attributes' tag to only import the functions for setting # attributes. # This will import the following functions: # fg(), bg(), bold(), underline(), inverse(), italic(), clear() use Term::ExtendedColor ':attributes'; ## Foreground colors my $red_text = fg('red2', 'this is in red'); my $spring = fg('springgreen3', 'this is green'); ## Background colors print bg('red5', "Default foreground text on dark red background"), "\n"; my $red_on_green = fg('red3', bg('green12', 'Red text on green background')); print "$red_on_green\n"; ## Fall-through attributes Term::ExtendedColor::autoreset(0); my $bold = fg('bold', 'This is bold'); my $red = fg('red2', 'This is red... and bold'); my $green = bg('green28', 'This is bold red on green background'); # Make sure to clear all attributes when autoreset turned OFF, # or else the users shell will be messed up my $clear = clear(); print "$bold\n"; print "$red\n"; print "$green $clear\n"; ## Non-color attributes # Turn on autoreset again Term::ExtendedColor::autoreset(1); for(qw(italic underline blink reverse bold)) { print fg($_, $_), "\n"; } # For convenience my $bolded = bold("Bold text!"); my $italic = italic("Text in italics!"); ## Remove all attributes from input data my @colored; push(@colored, fg('bold', fg('red2', 'Bold and red'))); push(@colored, fg('green13', fg('italic', 'Green, italic'))); print "$_\n" for @colored; print "$_\n" for uncolor(@colored);
Term::ExtendedColor provides functions for sending so called extended escape sequences to the terminal. This ought to be used with a 256-color compatible terminal; see the NOTES section for a matrix of terminal emulators currently supporting this.
None by default. Two tags are provided for convience: # Import all functions use Term::ExtendedColor qw(:all); # Import functions for setting attributes # fg(), bg(), bold(), italic(), underline(), inverse(), clear() use Term::ExtendedColor qw(:attributes);
fg($color, $string) my $green = fg('green2', 'green foreground'); my @blue = fg('blue4', ['takes arrayrefs as well']); my $x_color = fg('mediumorchid1', 'Using mappings from the X11 rgb.txt'); my $arbitary_color = fg(4, 'This is colored in the fifth ANSI color'); Set foreground colors and attributes. See "COLORS AND ATTRIBUTES" for valid first arguments. Additionally, colors can be specified using their index value: my $yellow = fg(220, 'Yellow'); If the internal $AUTORESET variable is non-zero (default), every element in the list of strings will be wrapped in escape sequences in such a way that the requested attributes will be set before the string and reset to defaults after the string. Fall-through attributes can be enabled by setting $AUTORESET to a false value. Term::ExtendedColor::autoreset( 0 ); my $red = fg('red1', 'Red'); my $green = fg('green1', 'Green'); print "Text after $red is red until $green\n"; print "Text is still green, ", bold('and now bold as well!'); # If you exit now without resetting the colors and attributes, chances are # your prompt will be messed up. clear(); # All back to normal If an invalid attribute is passed, the original data will be returned unmodified. bg($color, $string) my $green_bg = bg('green4', 'green background'); my @blue_bg = bg('blue6', ['blue background']); Like "fg()", but sets background colors. uncolor($string) my $stripped = uncolor($colored_data); my @no_color = uncolor(\@colored); Remove all attribute and color escape sequences from the input. See uncolor for a command-line utility using this function. get_colors() my $colors = get_colors(); Returns a hash reference with all available attributes and colors. clear() When called in scalar context, returns the escape sequence that resets all attributes to their defaults. When called in void context, prints it directly. autoreset() Turn autoreset on/off. Enabled by default. Term::ExtendedColor::autoreset( 0 ); # Turn off autoreset bold(@data) Convenience function that might be used in place of "fg('bold', @data)"; italic(@data) Convenience function that might be used in place of "fg('italic', @data)"; underline(@data) Convenience function that might be used in place of "fg('underline', @data)"; inverse(@data) Reverse video / inverse. Convenience function that might be used in place of "fg('inverse', @data)";
The codes generated by this module complies to the extension of the ANSI colors standard first implemented in xterm in 1999. The first 16 color indexes (0 - 15) is the regular ANSI colors, while index 16 - 255 is the extension. Not all terminal emulators support this extension, though I've had a hard time finding one that doesn't. :) Terminal 256 colors ---------------------- aterm no eterm yes gnome-terminal yes konsole yes lxterminal yes mrxvt yes roxterm yes rxvt no rxvt-unicode yes * sakura yes terminal yes terminator yes vte yes xterm yes iTerm2 yes no GNU Screen yes tmux yes TTY/VC no * Previously needed a patch. Full support was added in version 9.09. There's no way to give these extended colors meaningful names. Our first thought was to map them against some standard color names, like those in the HTML 4.0 specification or the SVG one. They didn't match. Therefore, they are named by their base color (red, green, magenta) plus index; The first index (always 1) is the brightest shade of that particular color, while the last index is the darkest. It's also possible to use some X color names, as defined in "rgb.txt". Do note that the color values do not match exactly; it's just an approximation. A full list of available colors can be retrieved with "get_colors()". See "COLORS AND ATTRIBUTES" for full list. All mapped colors can also be retrieved programmatically with "get_colors()".
Attributes reset, clear, normal reset all attributes bold, bright bold or bright, depending on implementation faint decreased intensity (not widely supported) italic, cursive italic or cursive underline, underscore underline blink slow blink blink_ms rapid blink (only supported in MS DOS) reverse, inverse, negative reverse video conceal conceal, or hide (not widely supported) Standard color map FIRST LAST red1 red5 blue1 blue17 cyan1 cyan24 gray1 gray24 green1 green28 orange1 orange5 purple1 purple30 yellow1 yellow18 magenta1 magenta26 X color names aquamarine1 aquamarine3 blueviolet cadetblue1 cadetblue2 chartreuse1 chartreuse2 chartreuse3 chartreuse4 cornflowerblue cornsilk1 darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgreen darkkhaki darkmagenta1 darkmagenta2 darkolivegreen1 darkolivegreen2 darkolivegreen3 darkolivegreen4 darkolivegreen5 darkorange3 darkorange4 darkorange1 darkred1 darkred2 darkseagreen1 darkseagreen2 darkseagreen3 darkseagreen4 darkslategray1 darkslategray2 darkslategray3 darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink1 deeppink2 deeppink3 deeppink4 deepskyblue1 deepskyblue2 deepskyblue3 deepskyblue4 deepskyblue4 dodgerblue1 dodgerblue2 dodgerblue3 gold1 gold3 greenyellow grey0 grey100 grey11 grey15 grey19 grey23 grey27 grey30 grey3 grey35 grey37 grey39 grey42 grey46 grey50 grey53 grey54 grey58 grey62 grey63 grey66 grey69 grey70 grey74 grey7 grey78 grey82 grey84 grey85 grey89 grey93 honeydew2 hotpink2 hotpink3 hotpink indianred1 indianred khaki1 khaki3 lightcoral lightcyan1 lightcyan3 lightgoldenrod1 lightgoldenrod2 lightgoldenrod3 lightgreen lightpink1 lightpink3 lightpink4 lightsalmon1 lightsalmon3 lightsalmon3 lightseagreen lightskyblue1 lightskyblue3 lightskyblue3 lightslateblue lightslategrey lightsteelblue1 lightsteelblue3 lightsteelblue lightyellow3 mediumorchid1 mediumorchid3 mediumorchid mediumpurple1 mediumpurple2 mediumpurple3 mediumpurple4 mediumpurple mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred mistyrose1 mistyrose3 navajowhite1 navajowhite3 navyblue orangered1 orchid1 orchid2 orchid palegreen1 palegreen3 paleturquoise1 paleturquoise4 palevioletred1 pink1 pink3 plum1 plum2 plum3 plum4 purple rosybrown royalblue1 salmon1 sandybrown seagreen1 seagreen2 seagreen3 skyblue1 skyblue2 skyblue3 slateblue1 slateblue3 springgreen1 springgreen2 springgreen3 springgreen4 steelblue1 steelblue3 steelblue tan thistle1 thistle3 turquoise2 turquoise4 violet wheat1 wheat4
Term::ExtendedColor::Xresources, Term::ExtendedColor::TTY, Term::ANSIColor
Magnus Woldrich CPAN ID: WOLDRICH
None required yet.
Copyright 2010, 2011 the Term::ExtendedColor "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above.
This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.