Provided by: libtest-file-sharedir-perl_1.001002-1_all bug


       Test::File::ShareDir - Create a Fake ShareDir for your modules for testing.


       version 1.001002


           use Test::More;

           # use FindBin; optional

           use Test::File::ShareDir
               # -root => "$FindBin::Bin/../" # optional,
               -share => {
                   -module => { 'My::Module' => 'share/MyModule' }
                   -dist   => { 'My-Dist'    => 'share/somefolder' }

           use My::Module;

           use File::ShareDir qw( module_dir dist_dir );

           module_dir( 'My::Module' ) # dir with files from $dist/share/MyModule

           dist_dir( 'My-Dist' ) # dir with files from $dist/share/somefolder


       "Test::File::ShareDir" is some low level plumbing to enable a distribution to perform tests while
       consuming its own "share" directories in a manner similar to how they will be once installed.

       This allows "File::ShareDir" to see the latest version of content instead of simply whatever is installed
       on whichever target system you happen to be testing on.

       Note: This module only has support for creating 'new' style share dirs and are NOT compatible with old

       For this reason, unless you have File::ShareDir 1.00 or later installed, this module will not be usable
       by you.


       Starting with version 0.4.0, there are a few extra interfaces you can use.

       These will probably be more useful, and easier to grok, because they don't have a layer of indirection in
       order to simultaneously support both "Module" and "Dist" "ShareDir"'s.

   Simple Exporter Interfaces

       "Test::File::ShareDir::Dist" provides a simple export interface for making "TempDir" "ShareDir"'s from a
       given path:

           use Test::File::ShareDir::Dist { "Dist-Name" => "share/" };

       This will automatically create a "ShareDir" for "Dist-Name" in a "TempDir" based on the contents of

       See "Test::File::ShareDir::Dist" for details.


       "Test::File::ShareDir::Module" provides a simple export interface for making "TempDir" "ShareDir"'s from
       a given path:

           use Test::File::ShareDir::Module { "Module::Name" => "share/" };

       This will automatically create a "ShareDir" for "Module::Name" in a "TempDir" based on the contents of

       See "Test::File::ShareDir::Module" for details.

   Simple Object Oriented Interfaces

       "Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist" provides a simple object oriented interface for making "TempDir"
       "ShareDir"'s from a given path:

           use Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist;

           my $obj = Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist->new( dists => { "Dist-Name" => "share/" } );

       This will automatically create a "ShareDir" for "Dist-Name" in a "TempDir" based on the contents of

       See "Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Dist" for details.


       "Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module" provides a simple object oriented interface for making "TempDir"
       "ShareDir"'s from a given path:

           use Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module;

           my $obj = Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module->new( modules => { "Module::Name" => "share/" } );

       This will automatically create a "ShareDir" for "Module::Name" in a "TempDir" based on the contents of

       See "Test::File::ShareDir::Object::Module" for details.


       "Test::File::ShareDir" provides a few utility functions to aide in temporarily adjusting "ShareDir"

           use Test::File::ShareDir qw( with_dist_dir with_module_dir );

           with_dist_dir({ 'Dist-Name' => 'Some/Path' }, sub {
             # dist_dir() now behaves differently here
           with_module_dir({ 'Module::Name' => 'Some/Path' }, sub {
             # module_dir() now behaves differently here

       See "EXPORTABLE FUNCTIONS" for details.


       Since 1.001000, there are 2 ways of passing arguments to "import"

         use Foo { -root => ... options }, qw( functions to import );
         use Foo -optname => option, -optname => option, qw( functions to import );

       Both should work, but the former might be less prone to accidental issues.


       This parameter is the prefix the other paths are relative to.

       If this parameter is not specified, it defaults to the Current Working Directory ( "CWD" ).

       In versions prior to 0.3.0, this value was mandatory.

       The rationale behind using "CWD" as the default value is as follows.

       •   Most users of this module are likely to be using it to test distributions

       •   Most users of this module will be using it in "$project/t/" to load files from "$project/share/"

       •   Most "CPAN" tools run tests with "CWD" = $project

       Therefor, defaulting to "CWD" is a reasonably sane default for most people, but where it is not it can
       still be overridden.

         -root => "$FindBin::Bin/../" # resolves to project root from t/ regardless of Cwd.


       This parameter is mandatory, and contains a "hashref" containing the data that explains what directories
       you want shared.

         -share =>  { ..... }


       "-module" contains a "hashref" mapping Module names to path names for module_dir style share dirs.

         -share => {
           -module => { 'My::Module' => 'share/mymodule/', }



       Notedly, it is a "hashref", which means there is a limitation of one share dir per module. This is simply
       because having more than one share dir per module makes no sense at all.


       "-dist" contains a "hashref" mapping Distribution names to path names for dist_dir style share dirs. The
       same limitation applied to "-module" applies here.

         -share => {
           -dist => { 'My-Dist' => 'share/mydist' }


       Sets up a "ShareDir" environment with limited context.

         # with_dist_dir(\%config, \&sub);
         with_dist_dir( { 'Dist-Name' => 'share/' } => sub {

             # File::ShareDir resolves to a copy of share/ in this context.

         } );

       %config can contain anything "Test::File::ShareDir::Dist" accepts.

       "-root": Defaults to $CWD
       "$distName": Declare $distName's "ShareDir".

       Since 1.001000

       Sets up a "ShareDir" environment with limited context.

         # with_module_dir(\%config, \&sub);
         with_module_dir( { 'Module::Name' => 'share/' } => sub {

             # File::ShareDir resolves to a copy of share/ in this context.

         } );

       %config can contain anything "Test::File::ShareDir::Module" accepts.

       "-root": Defaults to $CWD
       "$moduleName": Declare $moduleName's "ShareDir".

       Since 1.001000


       Thanks to the "#distzilla" crew for ideas,suggestions, code review and debugging, even though not all of
       it made it into releases.

       •   DOLMEN <cpan:///author/dolmen>

       •   ETHER <cpan:///author/ether>

       •   HAARG <cpan:///author/haarg>

       •   RJBS <cpan:///author/rjbs>


       Kent Fredric <>


       This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Kent Fredric <>.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5
       programming language system itself.