Provided by: libtest-net-ldap-perl_0.07-1_all 

Test::Net::LDAP::Util - Testing utilities for Test::Net::LDAP
The following subroutines are exported on demand. use Test::Net::LDAP::Util qw( ldap_result_ok ldap_result_is ldap_mockify ldap_dn_is ); All the subroutines are exported if ":all" is specified. use Test::Net::LDAP::Util ':all';
ldap_result_ok ldap_result_ok($mesg, $name); Tests the result of an LDAP operation to see if the code is "LDAP_SUCCESS". $mesg is either a Net::LDAP::Message object returned by LDAP operation methods or a result code. $name is the optional test name. ldap_result_is ldap_result_is($mesg, $expect, $name); Tests the result of an LDAP operation to see if the code is equal to $expect. The values of $mesg and $expect are either a Net::LDAP::Message object returned by LDAP operation methods or a result code. $name is the optional test name. ldap_mockify ldap_mockify { # CODE }; Inside the code block (recursively), all the occurrences of "Net::LDAP::new" are replaced by "Test::Net::LDAP::Mock::new". Subclasses of "Net::LDAP" are also mockified. "Test::Net::LDAP::Mock" is inserted into @ISA of each subclass, only within the context of "ldap_mockify". See Test::Net::LDAP::Mock for more details. ldap_dn_is ldap_dn_is($actual_dn, $expect_dn, $name); Tests equality of two DNs that are not necessarily canonicalized. The comparison is case-insensitive.