Provided by: libxml-compile-soap-perl_3.22-2_all 

XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP - exchange XML-SOAP via HTTP
XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP is a XML::Compile::Transport is a XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP; my $http = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new(@options); my $send = $http->compileClient(@options2); my $call = $wsdl->compileClient ( operation => 'some-port-name' , transport => $send ); my ($xmlout, $trace) = $call->($xmlin); $wsdl->compileCalls(transport => $send);
This module handles the exchange of (XML) messages, according to the rules of SOAP (any version). The module does not known how to parse or compose XML, but only worries about the HTTP aspects. Extends "DESCRIPTION" in XML::Compile::Transport.
Extends "METHODS" in XML::Compile::Transport. Constructors Extends "Constructors" in XML::Compile::Transport. XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new(%options) Create a SOAP-over-HTTP handler, implemented as a wrapper around LWP::UserAgent. If you need to change UserAgent settings (for instance at runtime), you can always directly access the internal "LWP::UserAgent" object via userAgent(). Warning: The "keep_alive" and "timeout" options are only used when an default internal "LWP::UserAgent" is created; this is only once in a program. Later instantiations of this ::SOAPHTTP will share that default agent, even though these passed parameters have different parameters. If that is not what you want, then pass your own "user_agent" object to the constructor to avoid the use of the default. -Option --Defined in --Default address XML::Compile::Transport 'http://localhost' charset XML::Compile::Transport 'utf-8' keep_alive <true> timeout 180 user_agent <created when needed> address => URI|ARRAY-of-URI charset => STRING keep_alive => BOOLEAN When connection can be re-used. timeout => SECONDS The maximum time for a single connection before the client will close it. The server may close it earlier. Do not set the timeout too long, because you want objects to be cleaned-up. user_agent => LWP::UserAgent object If you do not pass your own user agent, a default will be created for you. WSDL11 Extends "WSDL11" in XML::Compile::Transport. $obj->wsdl11Init($wsdl, $args) XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->wsdl11Init($wsdl, $args) Inherited, see "WSDL11" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension SOAP11 Extends "SOAP11" in XML::Compile::Transport. $obj->soap11ClientWrapper($operation, $call, $args) Inherited, see "SOAP11" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension $obj->soap11HandlerWrapper($operation, $callback, $args) Inherited, see "SOAP11" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension $obj->soap11OperationInit($operation, $args) XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->soap11OperationInit($operation, $args) Inherited, see "SOAP11" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension SOAP12 Extends "SOAP12" in XML::Compile::Transport. $obj->soap12ClientWrapper($operation, $call, $args) Inherited, see "SOAP12" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension $obj->soap12HandlerWrapper($operation, $callback, $args) Inherited, see "SOAP12" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension $obj->soap12OperationInit($operation, $args) XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->soap12OperationInit($operation, $args) Inherited, see "SOAP12" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension Accessors Extends "Accessors" in XML::Compile::Transport. $obj->address() Inherited, see "Accessors" in XML::Compile::Transport $obj->addresses() Inherited, see "Accessors" in XML::Compile::Transport $obj->charset() Inherited, see "Accessors" in XML::Compile::Transport $obj->defaultUserAgent() XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->defaultUserAgent() [3.07] Returns the used LWP::UserAgent, available after the compilation of the SOAP call(s). $obj->userAgent( [$agent|<undef, %options>] ) Returns the User Agent which will be used. You may change the configuration of the $agent (the returned LWP::UserAgent object) or provide one yourself. See also new(user_agent). Changes to the agent configuration can be made before or after the compilation, or even inbetween SOAP calls. Handlers Extends "Handlers" in XML::Compile::Transport. $obj->compileClient(%options) Compile an HTTP client handler. Returned is a subroutine which is called with a text represenation of the XML request, or an XML::LibXML tree. In SCALAR context, an XML::LibXML parsed tree of the answer message is returned. In LIST context, that answer is followed by a HASH which contains trace information. -Option --Defined in --Default action '' header <created> hook XML::Compile::Transport <undef> kind 'request-response' method 'POST' mime_type <depends on soap version> mpost_id 42 soap 'SOAP11' xml_format XML::Compile::Transport 0 action => URI header => HTTP::Headers object Versions of XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, and LWP will be added to simplify bug reports. hook => CODE kind => DIRECTION What kind of interactie, based on the four types defined by WSDL(1): "notification-operation" (server initiated, no answer required), "one-way" (client initiated, no answer required), "request-response" (client initiated, the usual in both directions), "solicit-response" (server initiated "challenge"). method => 'POST'|'M-POST' With "POST", you get the standard HTTP exchange. The "M-POST" is implements the (Microsoft) HTTP Extension Framework. Some servers accept both, other require a specific request. mime_type => STRING mpost_id => INTEGER With method "M-POST", the header extension fields require (any) number to be grouped. soap => 'SOAP11'|'SOAP12'|OBJECT xml_format => 0|1|2 example: create a client my $trans = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new ( address => '' ); my $call = $trans->compileClient ( action => '' ); # $request and $answer are XML::LibXML trees! # see XML::Compile::SOAP::Client::compileClient() for wrapper which # converts from and to Perl data structures. my ($answer, $trace) = $call->($request); my $answer = $call->($request); # drop $trace info immediately $obj->headerAddVersions($header) XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->headerAddVersions($header) Adds some lines about module versions, which may help debugging or error reports. This is called when a new client or server is being created.
Extends "DETAILS" in XML::Compile::Transport.
Extends "Helpers" in XML::Compile::Transport. XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->register($uri) Inherited, see "Helpers" in XML::Compile::Transport
This module is part of XML-Compile-SOAP distribution version 3.22, built on June 30, 2017. Website: Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at . For live contact with other developers, visit the "#xml-compile" channel on "".
Copyrights 2007-2017 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See