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       gfx - standard graph module


       The  Standard  Graphmodule  is an original implementation dedicated to the graph moddeling
       and manipulation. At the heart of this module is the concept of edges and vertices.

       Graph concepts
       The afnix-gfxmodule provides the support for manipulating graphs. Formally a  graph  is  a
       collection of edges and vertices. In a normal graph, an edge connects two vertices. On the
       other hand, a vertex can have several edges. When an edge connects several vertices, it is
       called an hyperedge and the resulting structure is called an hypergraph.

       Edge class
       The  Edgeclass  is  a  class  used  for  a  graph  construction  in  association  with the
       Vertexclass. An edge is used to connect vertices. Normally, an edge connects two vertices.
       The  number  of  vertices attached to an edge is called the cardinality of that edge. When
       the edge cardinality is one, the edge is called a  self-loop.  This  mean  that  the  edge
       connects  the  vertex  to  itself.  This last point is merely a definition but present the
       advantage of defining an hyperedge as a set of vertices.

       Vertex class
       The Vertexis the other class used for  the  graph  construction.  and  operates  with  the
       edgeclass. A vertex is used to reference edges. the number of edges referenced by a vertex
       is called the degree of that vertex.

       The Graphclass is class that represent either a graph or a hypergraph.  By  definition,  a
       graph  is collection of edges and vertices. There are numerous property attached to graph.
       Formally, a graph consists of a set of  edges,  a  set  of  vertices  and  the  associated
       endpoints.  However,  the implementation is designed in a way so that each edge and vertex
       carry its associated objects. This method ensures that the graph is fully defined by  only
       its two sets.

       Graph construction
       The  graph construction is quite simple and proceed by adding edges and vertices. The base
       system does not enforce rules on the graph structure. it is possible to add con  connected
       vertices as well as unreferenced edges.

       Edge construction
       An  edge  is  constructed by simply invoking the default constructor. Optionally, a client
       object can be attached to the edge.

       # create a default edge
       const edge (afnix:gfx:Edge)
       # create an edge with a client object
       const hello (afnix:gfx:Edge "hello")

       The edge-ppredicate can be used to check for the object type. When an edge is created with
       client object, the get-clientmethod can be used to access that object.

       Vertex construction
       A  vertex  is  constructed  a way similar to the Edge>object. The vertex is constructed by
       simply invoking the default constructor. Optionally, a client object can  be  attached  to
       the edge.

       # create a default vertex
       const vrtx (afnix:gfx:Vertex)
       # create an vertex with a client object
       const world (afnix:gfx:Vertex "world")

       The  vertex-ppredicate  can be used to check for the object type. When a vertex is created
       with a client object, the get-clientmethod can be used to access that object.

       Graph construction
       A graph is constructed by simply adding edges and vertices to it. The graph-ppredicate can
       be  use  to  assert  the  graph  type. the graph class also supports the concept of client
       object which can be attached at construction or with the set-clientmethod.

       const graph (afnix:gfx:Graph)

       The addmethod can be used to add edges or vertices to the graph. The  important  point  is
       that  during  the  construction  process,  the  graph structure is updated with the proper
       number of edge and vertices.

       # create a graph
       const  g    (afnix:gfx:Graph)
       assert true (afnix:gfx:graph-p g)
       # create an edge and add vertices
       const edge (afnix:gfx:Edge)
       edge:add   (afnix:gfx:Vertex "hello")
       edge:add   (afnix:gfx:Vertex "world")
       assert 2   (edge:degree)
       # add the edge to the graph and check
       g:add edge
       assert 1 (g:number-of-edges)
       assert 2 (g:number-of-vertices)
       # check for nodes and edges
       assert true (afnix:gfx:edge-p   (g:get-edge   0))
       assert true (afnix:gfx:vertex-p (g:get-vertex 0))
       assert true (afnix:gfx:vertex-p (g:get-vertex 1))


       The Edgeclass  is  a  class  used  for  a  graph  construction  in  association  with  the
       Vertexclass. An edge is used to connect vertices. Normally, an edge connects two vertices.
       The number of vertices attached to an edge is called  the  cardinality  of  that  edge.  A
       client object can also be attached to the class.






              Edge (none)
              The Edgeconstructor create an empty edge.

              Edge (Object)
              The Edgeconstructor create an edge with a client object.


              reset -> none (none)
              The resetmethod reset all vertices attached to the edge.

              cardinality -> Integer (none)
              The  cardinalitymethod  returns  the cardinality of the edge. The cardinality of an
              edge is the number of attached vertices.

              add -> Vertex (Vertex)
              The addmethod attach a vertex to this edge. The method return the argument vertex.

              get -> Vertex (Integer)
              The getmethod returns the attached vertex by index. If the index is  out-of  range,
              and exception is raised.

              get-client -> Object (none)
              The  get-clientmethod  returns  the edge client object. If the client object is not
              set, nil is returned.

              set-client -> Object (Object)
              The set-clientmethod sets the edge client object. The object is  returned  by  this

       The  Vertexclass  is  a  class  used  for  a  graph  construction  in association with the
       Edgeclass. An vertex is an edge node. The number of edges referenced by a vertex is called
       the degree of that vertex. A client object can also be attached to the object.






              Vertex (none)
              The Vertexconstructor create an empty vertex.

              Vertex (Object)
              The Vertexconstructor create a vertex with a client object.


              reset -> none (none)
              The resetmethod reset all edges attached to the vertex.

              degree -> Integer (none)
              The  degreemethod  returns  the degree of the vertex. The degree of a vertex is the
              number of referenced edges.

              add -> Edge (Edge)
              The addmethod references an edge with this vertex. The method return  the  argument

              get -> Edge (Integer)
              The  getmethod  returns the referenced edge by index. If the index is out-of range,
              and exception is raised.

              get-client -> Object (none)
              The get-clientmethod returns the vertex client object. If the client object is  not
              set, nil is returned.

              set-client -> Object (Object)
              The  set-clientmethod sets the vertex client object. The object is returned by this

       The Graphobject is a general graph class that manages a set of  edges  and  vertices.  The
       graph  operates by adding edges and vertices to it. The graph object also accepts a client
       object in a way similar to the Edgeand Vertexclasses






              Graph (none)
              The Graphconstructor create an empty graph.

              Graph (Object)
              The Graphconstructor create a graph with a client object.


              reset -> none (none)
              The resetmethod reset the graph

              reset-edges -> none (none)
              The reset-edgesmethod reset all edges attached to the graph.

              reset-vertices -> none (none)
              The reset-verticesmethod reset all vertices attached to the graph.

              add -> Object (Vertex|Edge)
              The addmethod adds a vertex or an edge to the  graph.  When  adding  an  edge,  the
              methods check that the source and target vertices are also part of the graph.

              exists -> Boolean (Vertex|Edge)
              The existsmethod returns true if the vertex or edge argument exists in the graph.

              get-edge -> Edge (Integer)
              The  get-edgemethod  returns  an  edge  by  index. If the index is out-of-range, an
              exception is raised.

              get-vertex -> Vertex (Integer)
              The get-vertexmethod returns a vertex by index. If the index  is  out-of-range,  an
              exception is raised.

              number-of-vertices -> Integer (none)
              The number-of-verticesmethods returns the number of vertices in the graph.

              number-of-edges -> Integer (none)
              The number-of-edgesmethods returns the number of edges in the graph.

              get-client -> Object (none)
              The  get-clientmethod  returns the graph client object. If the client object is not
              set, nil is returned.

              set-client -> Object (Object)
              The set-clientmethod sets the graph client object. The object is returned  by  this