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       c_cssgrid - tension spline interpolation on a sphere


       float *c_cssgrid(int, float [], float [], float [],
                        int, int, float [], float [], int *);


       float *c_cssgrid (n, rlat, rlon, f, ni, nj, plat, plon, ier)


       n           The number of input data points, n > 2.

       rlat        An  array  containing the latitudes of the input data, expressed in degrees.  The first three
                   points must not be collinear (lie on a common great circle).

       rlon        An array containing the longitudes of the input data, expressed in degrees.

       f           Array containing data values. f[i] is the functional value at (rlat[i],rlon[i]) for i = 0  to

       ni          The number of latitudes in the interpolated grid.

       nj          The  number  of  longitudes  in the interpolated grid.  ni and nj can both be 1, allowing for
                   interpolation at a single point.

       plat        An array containing the latitudes of the points where interpolated values are to be computed.
                   The values in plat should be in degrees.

       plon        An  array  of  length nj containing the longitudes the output grid lines.  The values in plon
                   should be in degrees.

       ier         An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were  detected.  If  *ier  is
                   non-zero, then refer to the error list in cssgrid_errors for details.


       c_cssgrid  is  called  to  find  an  interpolating  tension spline for randomly positioned data on a unit


       c_cssgrid returns a pointer to a linear array of data that contains interpolated values at user-specified
       lat/lon pairs. The returned array stores its values as if they were a 2-dimensional C array with latitude
       being the first dimension and longitude the second dimension. That is, if out is declared as

         float *out;

       and we set:

         out = c_cssgrid(n, rlat, rlon, f, nlat, nlon, plat, plon, &ier);

       then out[i*nlon+j] is the interpolated function value at coordinate point (plat[i], plon[j]) for 0 <= i <
       nlat and 0 <= j < nlon. The space for out is allocated internal to c_cssgrid and is nlat * nlon floats in


       To use c_cssgrid, load the NCAR Graphics library ngmath.


       css_overview, cssgrid_errors

       Complete documentation for Cssgrid is available at URL


       Copyright (C) 2000
       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

       The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.