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       cover - A Coverage Analysis Tool for Erlang


       The  module cover provides a set of functions for coverage analysis of Erlang programs, counting how many
       times each executable line of code is executed when a program is run.
       An executable line contains an Erlang expression such as a matching or a function call. A blank line or a
       line containing a comment, function head or pattern in a case- or receive statement is not executable.

       Coverage  analysis  can  be  used to verify test cases, making sure all relevant code is covered, and may
       also be helpful when looking for bottlenecks in the code.

       Before any analysis can take place, the involved modules must be Cover compiled.  This  means  that  some
       extra  information  is  added to the module before it is compiled into a binary which then is loaded. The
       source file of the module is not affected and no .beam file is created.

       Each time a function in a Cover compiled module is called, information about the  call  is  added  to  an
       internal  database  of  Cover.  The coverage analysis is performed by examining the contents of the Cover
       database. The output Answer is determined by two parameters, Level and Analysis.

         * Level = module

           Answer = {Module,Value}, where Module is the module name.

         * Level = function

           Answer = [{Function,Value}], one tuple for each function in the module. A function  is  specified  by
           its module name M, function name F and arity A as a tuple {M,F,A}.

         * Level = clause

           Answer  =  [{Clause,Value}],  one  tuple  for each clause in the module. A clause is specified by its
           module name M, function name F, arity A and  position  in  the  function  definition  C  as  a  tuple

         * Level = line

           Answer = [{Line,Value}], one tuple for each executable line in the module. A line is specified by its
           module name M and line number in the source file N as a tuple {M,N}.

         * Analysis = coverage

           Value = {Cov,NotCov} where Cov is the number of executable lines in the module, function,  clause  or
           line that have been executed at least once and NotCov is the number of executable lines that have not
           been executed.

         * Analysis = calls

           Value = Calls which is the number of times the module, function, or clause has been  called.  In  the
           case of line level analysis, Calls is the number of times the line has been executed.


       Cover can be used in a distributed Erlang system. One of the nodes in the system must then be selected as
       the main node, and all Cover commands must be executed from this node. The error reason not_main_node  is
       returned if an interface function is called on one of the remote nodes.

       Use cover:start/1 and cover:stop/1 to add or remove nodes. The same Cover compiled code will be loaded on
       each node, and analysis will collect and sum up coverage data results from all nodes.

       To only collect data from remote nodes without stopping cover on those nodes, use cover:flush/1

       If the connection to a remote node goes down, the main node will mark it as lost. If the node comes  back
       it  will  be  added  again. If the remote node was alive during the disconnected periode, cover data from
       before and during this periode will be included in the analysis.


       start() -> {ok,Pid} | {error,Reason}


                 Pid = pid()
                 Reason = {already_started,Pid}

              Starts the Cover  server  which  owns  the  Cover  internal  database.  This  function  is  called
              automatically by the other functions in the module.

       start(Nodes) -> {ok,StartedNodes} | {error,not_main_node}


                 Nodes = StartedNodes = [atom()]

              Starts a Cover server on the each of given nodes, and loads all cover compiled modules.

       compile(ModFiles) -> Result | [Result]
       compile(ModFiles, Options) -> Result | [Result]
       compile_module(ModFiles) -> Result | [Result]
       compile_module(ModFiles, Options) -> Result | [Result]


                 ModFiles = ModFile | [ModFile]
                 ModFile = Module | File
                  Module = atom()
                  File = string()
                 Options = [Option]
                  Option = {i,Dir} | {d,Macro} | {d,Macro,Value} | export_all
                   See compile:file/2.
                 Result = {ok,Module} | {error,File} | {error,not_main_node}

              Compiles a module for Cover analysis. The module is given by its module name Module or by its file
              name File. The .erl extension may be omitted. If the module is located in another  directory,  the
              path has to be specified.

              Options  is  a  list  of compiler options which defaults to []. Only options defining include file
              directories and macros are passed to compile:file/2, everything else is ignored.

              If the module is successfully Cover compiled, the  function  returns  {ok,Module}.  Otherwise  the
              function returns {error,File}. Errors and warnings are printed as they occur.

              If  a  list  of  ModFiles  is  given as input, a list of Result will be returned. The order of the
              returned list is undefined.

              Note that the internal database is (re-)initiated during the compilation, meaning  any  previously
              collected coverage data for the module will be lost.

       compile_directory() -> [Result] | {error,Reason}
       compile_directory(Dir) -> [Result] | {error,Reason}
       compile_directory(Dir, Options) -> [Result] | {error,Reason}


                 Dir = string()
                 Options = [Option]
                   See compile_module/1,2
                 Result = {ok,Module} | {error,File} | {error,not_main_node}
                   See compile_module/1,2
                 Reason = eacces | enoent

              Compiles  all  modules  (.erl  files)  in  a  directory  Dir  for  Cover  analysis the same way as
              compile_module/1,2 and returns a list with the return values.

              Dir defaults to the current working directory.

              The function returns {error,eacces} if the directory is not  readable  or  {error,enoent}  if  the
              directory does not exist.

       compile_beam(ModFiles) -> Result | [Result]


                 ModFiles = ModFile | [ModFile]
                 ModFile = Module | BeamFile
                  Module = atom()
                  BeamFile = string()
                 Result = {ok,Module} | {error,BeamFile} | {error,Reason}
                  Reason  =  non_existing  |  {no_abstract_code,BeamFile} | {encrypted_abstract_code,BeamFile} |
                 {already_cover_compiled,no_beam_found,Module} | not_main_node

              Does the same as compile/1,2, but uses an existing .beam file as base,  i.e.  the  module  is  not
              compiled from source. Thus compile_beam/1 is faster than compile/1,2.

              Note that the existing .beam file must contain abstract code, i.e. it must have been compiled with
              the debug_info option. If not, the error reason {no_abstract_code,BeamFile} is  returned.  If  the
              abstract  code  is  encrypted,  and  no  key  is  available  for  decrypting  it, the error reason
              {encrypted_abstract_code,BeamFile} is returned.

              If only the module name (i.e. not the full name of the .beam file) is given to this function,  the
              .beam  file  is  found  by calling code:which(Module). If no .beam file is found, the error reason
              non_existing is returned. If the module is already cover compiled with compile_beam/1,  the  .beam
              file  will  be  picked  from the same location as the first time it was compiled. If the module is
              already cover compiled with compile/1,2, there is no way to find the correct .beam  file,  so  the
              error reason {already_cover_compiled,no_beam_found,Module} is returned.

              {error,BeamFile} is returned if the compiled code can not be loaded on the node.

              If  a  list  of  ModFiles  is  given as input, a list of Result will be returned. The order of the
              returned list is undefined.

       compile_beam_directory() -> [Result] | {error,Reason}
       compile_beam_directory(Dir) -> [Result] | {error,Reason}


                 Dir = string()
                 Result = See compile_beam/1
                 Reason = eacces | enoent

              Compiles all modules (.beam files) in  a  directory  Dir  for  Cover  analysis  the  same  way  as
              compile_beam/1 and returns a list with the return values.

              Dir defaults to the current working directory.

              The  function  returns  {error,eacces}  if  the directory is not readable or {error,enoent} if the
              directory does not exist.

       analyse() -> {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Modules) -> OneResult | {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Analysis) -> {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Level) -> {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Modules, Analysis) -> OneResult | {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Modules, Level) -> OneResult | {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Analysis, Level) -> {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse(Modules, Analysis, Level) -> OneResult | {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}


                 Modules = Module | [Module]
                 Module = atom()
                 Analysis = coverage | calls
                 Level = line | clause | function | module
                 OneResult = {ok,{Module,Value}} | {ok,[{Item,Value}]} | {error, Error}
                  Item = Line | Clause | Function
                  Line = {M,N}
                  Clause = {M,F,A,C}
                  Function = {M,F,A}
                  M = F = atom()
                  N = A = C = integer()
                  Value = {Cov,NotCov} | Calls
                  Cov = NotCov = Calls = integer()
                  Error = {not_cover_compiled,Module}
                 Ok = [{Module,Value}] | [{Item,Value}]
                 Fail = [Error]

              Performs analysis of one or more Cover compiled modules, as specified by Analysis and  Level  (see
              above), by examining the contents of the internal database.

              Analysis defaults to coverage and Level defaults to function.

              If  Modules  is  an  atom  (one  module),  the  return  will be OneResult, else the return will be

              If Modules is not given, all modules that have data in the cover data table,  are  analysed.  Note
              that this includes both cover compiled modules and imported modules.

              If   a   given   module   is   not   Cover  compiled,  this  is  indicated  by  the  error  reason

       analyse_to_file() -> {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse_to_file(Modules) -> Answer | {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse_to_file(Options) -> {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}
       analyse_to_file(Modules,Options) -> Answer | {result,Ok,Fail} | {error,not_main_node}


                 Modules = Module | [Module]
                 Module = atom()
                 OutFile = OutDir = string()
                 Options = [Option]
                 Option = html | {outfile,OutFile} | {outdir,OutDir}
                 Answer = {ok,OutFile} | {error,Error}
                 Ok = [OutFile]
                 Fail = [Error]
                 Error = {not_cover_compiled,Module} | {file,File,Reason} | {no_source_code_found,Module}
                  File = string()
                  Reason = term()

              Makes copies of the source file for the given modules,  where  it  for  each  executable  line  is
              specified how many times it has been executed.

              The  output file OutFile defaults to Module.COVER.out, or Module.COVER.html if the option html was

              If Modules is an atom (one module), the return will be Answer, else the return  will  be  a  list,

              If  Modules  is  not given, all modules that have data in the cover data table, are analysed. Note
              that this includes both cover compiled modules and imported modules.

              If   a   module   is   not   Cover   compiled,   this   is   indicated   by   the   error   reason

              If the source file and/or the output file cannot be opened using file:open/2, the function returns
              {error,{file,File,Reason}} where File is the file name and Reason is the error reason.

              If  a  module  was  cover  compiled  from  the  .beam   file,   i.e.   using   compile_beam/1   or
              compile_beam_directory/0,1,  it is assumed that the source code can be found in the same directory
              as the  .beam  file,  in  ../src  relative  to  that  directory,  or  using  the  source  path  in
              Module:module_info(compile).  When  using  the  latter,  two  paths  are  examined:  first the one
              constructed by joining ../src and the tail of the compiled path below a  trailing  src  component,
              then  the  compiled path itself. If no source code is found, this is indicated by the error reason

       async_analyse_to_file(Module) ->
       async_analyse_to_file(Module,Options) ->
       async_analyse_to_file(Module, OutFile) ->
       async_analyse_to_file(Module, OutFile, Options) -> pid()


                 Module = atom()
                 OutFile = string()
                 Options = [Option]
                 Option = html
                 Error = {not_cover_compiled,Module}  |  {file,File,Reason}  |  {no_source_code_found,Module}  |
                  File = string()
                  Reason = term()

              This function works exactly the same way as analyse_to_file except that it is asynchronous instead
              of synchronous. The spawned process will link with the caller when created.  If  an  Error  occurs
              while   doing  the  cover  analysis  the  process  will  crash  with  the  same  error  reason  as
              analyse_to_file would return.

       modules() -> [Module] | {error,not_main_node}


                 Module = atom()

              Returns a list with all modules that are currently Cover compiled.

       imported_modules() -> [Module] | {error,not_main_node}


                 Module = atom()

              Returns a list with all modules for which there are imported data.

       imported() -> [File] | {error,not_main_node}


                 File = string()

              Returns a list with all imported files.

       which_nodes() -> [Node] | {error,not_main_node}


                 Node = atom()

              Returns a list with all nodes that are part of the coverage analysis. Note that the  current  node
              is not returned. This node is always part of the analysis.

       is_compiled(Module) -> {file,File} | false | {error,not_main_node}


                 Module = atom()
                 Beam = string()

              Returns  {file,File}  if the module Module is Cover compiled, or false otherwise. File is the .erl
              file used by cover:compile_module/1,2 or the .beam file used by compile_beam/1.

       reset(Module) ->
       reset() -> ok | {error,not_main_node}


                 Module = atom()

              Resets all coverage data for a Cover compiled module Module in the Cover database on all nodes. If
              the argument is omitted, the coverage data will be reset for all modules known by Cover.

              If Module is not Cover compiled, the function returns {error,{not_cover_compiled,Module}}.

       export(ExportFile,Module) -> ok | {error,Reason}


                 ExportFile = string()
                 Module = atom()
                 Reason = {not_cover_compiled,Module} | {cant_open_file,ExportFile,Reason} | not_main_node

              Exports the current coverage data for Module to the file ExportFile. It is recommended to name the
              ExportFile with the extension .coverdata, since other filenames can not be read by the  web  based
              interface to cover.

              If Module is not given, data for all Cover compiled or earlier imported modules is exported.

              This function is useful if coverage data from different systems is to be merged.

              See also cover:import/1

       import(ExportFile) -> ok | {error,Reason}


                 ExportFile = string()
                 Reason = {cant_open_file,ExportFile,Reason} | not_main_node

              Imports  coverage  data  from  the  file  ExportFile  created  with cover:export/1,2. Any analysis
              performed after this will include the imported data.

              Note that when compiling a module all existing coverage data is removed, including imported  data.
              If  a module is already compiled when data is imported, the imported data is added to the existing
              coverage data.

              Coverage data from several export files can be imported into one system. The coverage data is then
              added up when analysing.

              Coverage data for a module can not be imported from the same file twice unless the module is first
              reset or compiled. The check is based on the filename, so  you  can  easily  fool  the  system  by
              renaming your export file.

              See also cover:export/1,2

       stop() -> ok | {error,not_main_node}

              Stops the Cover server and unloads all Cover compiled code.

       stop(Nodes) -> ok | {error,not_main_node}


                 Nodes = [atom()]

              Stops  the Cover server and unloads all Cover compiled code on the given nodes. Data stored in the
              Cover database on the remote nodes is fetched and stored on the main node.

       flush(Nodes) -> ok | {error,not_main_node}


                 Nodes = [atom()]

              Fetch data from the Cover database on the remote nodes and stored on the main node.


       code(3erl), compile(3erl)