Provided by: libbobcat-dev_4.08.02-2build1_amd64 bug


       FBB::DiffieHellman - Diffie-Hellman PKI, computing shared keys


       #include <bobcat/diffiehellman>
       Linking option: -lbobcat -lcrypto


       The  class  FBB::DiffieHellman  computes  shared  keys  (shared  secrets) using the Diffie-Hellman (1976)
       algorithm. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm uses public  and  private  information.  The  public  information
       consists of a prime (e.g., a prime number consisting of 1024 bits), a generator (for which the value 5 is
       commonly used), and (using ** to represent the power operator on integral values) the value generator  **
       private mod prime, where private is a randomly selected large number, which is the private information.

       The  Diffie-Hellman  algorithm  is  commonly  used  to  compute a shared key which can be used to encrypt
       information sent between two parties. One party, which in this man-page is called the initiator  computes
       the  prime  and  defines the generator.  The prime is computed by FBB::DiffieHellman’s first constructor,
       while the generator is passed to this constructor as one of its arguments. For the generator the value  5
       is often used.

       Next  the  initiator passes its public information, consisting of the prime, the generator, and the value
       generator ** private mod prime) to the other party, which in this man-page is called the peer. The public
       information  is  written  in  binairy,  big-endian  form to file using the member save. The initiator may
       optionally save the private information to a separate file as well.

       The peer thereupon receives the initiator’s public information. The  initialor’s  public  information  is
       read  by  a  FBB::DiffieHellman  constructor  either  expecting  the  name  of  a  file or a std::istream
       containining the initiator’s public information.

       Having obtained the prime and generator, the peer’s public  (and,  optionally,  private  information)  is
       saved  by  also  calling  save.  This  results, among other things, in the value generator ** private mod
       prime, but now using the peer’s private information.

       At this point the peer is already able to compute the shared key. The key is returned by calling the  key
       member, which returns the shared key as a series of bytes stored in a std::string.

       Before  the  initiator can compute the shared key the peer’s generator ** private mod prime value must be
       available. The peer sends the saved public data to the initiator. The initiator then  passes  the  peer’s
       public data either by file name or by std::istream to the key member, returning the shared key.

       Perfect Forward Secrecy and Ephemeral Diffie Hellman

       If  the  initiator  and  peer  decide  not  to save their private information Perfect Forward Secrecy and
       Ephemeral Diffie Hellman may be obtained. Here, the procedure is applied as follows:

       o      Initiator and peer have agreed upon and securely exchanged a long-lasting common secret, which may
              be used in combination with, e.g., symmetric encryption methods.

       o      Applying   the  abovementioned  procedure,  the  private  information  is  never  saved  on  file.
              Consequently, the shared key, once computed, cannot be reconstructed anymore.

       o      The value generator ** private mod prime is not sent to either peer or initiator `in  the  clear’,
              but encrypted using the long-lasting common secret. As the current implementation saves all public
              information on file, it’s probably easiest to encrypt the file containing the public information.

       o      The recipients, having received the other party’s encrypted public information, decrypt  it  using
              the long-lasting shared secret and compute the the shared key.

       o      As  the  secret  information  is  not  kept,  the  shared  key  cannot  be  reconstructed, while a
              Man-In-The-Middle attack is prevented by only exchanging encrypted public information.

       o      The shared key can now be used to encrypt a communication session


       All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this man-page,  are  defined  in  the
       namespace FBB.




       The enumeration FBB::DiffieHellman::SecretKey has two values:

       o      DONT_SAVE_SECRET_KEY, indicating that the secret information should not be saved on file;

       o      SAVE_SECRET_KEY, indicating that the secret information should be saved on file;


       o      DiffieHellman(size_t primeLength = 1024, size_t generator = 5, bool progress = false):
              This  constructor computes a prime of the specified length, and initializes the public information
              with the indicated generator. If progress is true, the progress of the prime construction  process
              is  shown  to  std::cout by a series of dots, minuses and plusses. Generating a suitable prime may
              fail, resulting in an FBB::Exception being thrown. Unless the generator is specified as 2 or 5 the
              warning  cannot  check  the validity of generator ... is inserted into the mstream(3bobcat)’s wmsg
              object. A warning is also inserted if the provided generator is not a generator for  the  computed

              This  constructor  should  be  called  by  the  initiator  to  start the Diffie-Hellman shared key
              computation procedure.

       o      DiffieHellman(std::string const &initiatorPublicFileName):
              This constructor should be called by the peer, after having received the initiator’s public  info.
              It  makes  the initiator’s public information available to the peer, after which the peer’s public
              and private information can be computed.

       o      DiffieHellman(std::stream &initiatorPublicStream):
              This constructor acts like the previous constructor, expecting a std::istream rather than  a  file
              name. It should be called by the peer, after having received the initiator’s public info. It makes
              the initiator’s public information available to the  peer,  after  which  the  peer’s  public  and
              private information can be computed.

       o      DiffieHellman(std::string       const       &initiatorPublicFileName,       std::string      const
              Unless the initiator’s DiffieHellman object is still available, this constructor should  again  be
              called by the initiator, to load the initiator’s public and private data.

       o      DiffieHellman(std::stream &initiatorPublicStream, std::stream &initiatorPrivateStream):
              This  constructor  acts  like  the  previous constructor, expecting std::istreams rather than file
              names. It should be called by the initiator, to load the  initiator’s  public  and  private  info.
              Copy and move constructors are available.


       Copy and move assignment operators are available.


       o      std::string key() const:
              This  member  should  be  called  by  the  peer.  It  returns the shared key. If the key cannot be
              computed, or if the key is not resistant to the small group attack (i.e., if the key equals 1,  or
              is  at least equal to the public prime value, or if key ** ((prime - 1) / 2) mod prime != 1), then
              an FBB::Exception is thrown.

       o      std::string key(std::string const &peerPublicFileName) const:
              This member should be called by the initiator. It skips  the  data  referring  to  the  prime  and
              generator  found  in  peerPublicFileName  and then reads the peer’s generator ** private mod prime
              value.  If this value cannot be read or if the key is not resistant to the small group attack (cf.
              the  description  of  the  previous  key  member) then an FBB::Exception is thrown. It returns the
              shared key.

       o      std::string key(std::istream const &peerPublicStream) const:
              This member should be called by the initiator. It acts like the previous key member,  reading  the
              peer’s generator ** private mod prime value from peerPublicStream. It returns the shared key.

       o      void save(std::string const &basename, SecretKey action = DONT_SAVE_SECRET_KEY):
              This  member  should  be  called  by  the  initiator.  It saves the public information on the file
              ’basename’.pub. The information is written in  binary,  big-endian  format,  using  the  following

              - the size of the prime in bytes;
              - the prime’s bytes;
              - the size of the generator in bytes;
              - the generator’s bytes;
              - the size of the public info (generator ** private mod prime) in bytes;
              - the public info’s bytes.

              If  action  is  specified  as  SAVE_SECRET_KEY  then the private information is written in binary,
              big-endian format, using the following organization:

              - the size of the private information in bytes;
              - the private information bytes.


       When called without arguments, the  example  program  generates  Diffie-Hellman  parameters  writing  the
       initiator’s public and private information to, respectively, and init.sec.

       When called with one argument, is read, and the peer’s public and private information is written
       to, respectively, and peer.sec. Next, the (peer’s) shared key is written to peerkey.

       When called with two arguments, and init.sec are read, as well as the peer’s public  information
       (on the file Next, the (initiator’s) shared key is written to initkey.

       The files peerkey and initkey should be identical.

       #include <fstream>
       #include <iostream>
       #include <bobcat/diffiehellman>

       using namespace FBB;
       using namespace std;

       int main(int argc, char **argv)
           if (argc == 1)              // initiator: create DH parameters
               DiffieHellman dh(1024, 5, true);
     "init", DiffieHellman::SAVE_SECRET_KEY);

           if (argc == 2)              // peer: save peer’s scret key
               DiffieHellman dh("");
     "peer", DiffieHellman::SAVE_SECRET_KEY);

               string key = dh.key();
               cout << "Key length: " << key.length() << ’\n’;
               ofstream outkey("peerkey");
               outkey.write(, key.length());

           if (argc == 3)
               DiffieHellman dh("", "init.sec");

               string key = dh.key("");
               cout << "Key length: " << key.length() << ’\n’;
               ofstream outkey("initkey");
               outkey.write(, key.length());

       catch (std::exception const &exc)
           std::cout << exc.what() << ’\n’;


       bobcat/diffiehellman - defines the class interface


       bobcat(7), bigint(3bobcat)


       None Reported.


       o      bobcat_4.08.02-x.dsc: detached signature;

       o      bobcat_4.08.02-x.tar.gz: source archive;

       o      bobcat_4.08.02-x_i386.changes: change log;

       o      libbobcat1_4.08.02-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries;

       o      libbobcat1-dev_4.08.02-x_*.deb: debian package holding the libraries, headers and manual pages;

       o public archive location;


       Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And Templates’.


       This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


       Frank B. Brokken (