Provided by: tcllib_1.19-dfsg-2_all bug


       tool - A TclOO and coroutine based web server


       package require Tcl  8.6

       package require httpd  ?4.1.1?

       package require sha1

       package require dicttool

       package require oo::meta

       package require oo::dialect

       package require tool

       package require coroutine

       package require fileutil

       package require fileutil::magic::filetype

       package require websocket

       package require mime

       package require cron

       package require uri

       package require Markdown

       constructor  ?port  ?port??  ?myaddr  ?ipaddr?|all?  ?server_string ?string?? ?server_name

       method add_uri pattern dict

       method connect sock ip port

       method Connect uuid sock ip

       method counter which

       method CheckTimeout

       method dispatch header_dict

       method log args

       method port_listening

       method PrefixNormalize prefix

       method start

       method stop

       method template page

       method TemplateSearch page

       method Validate_Connection sock ip

       method ENSEMBLE::add field element

       method ENSEMBLE::dump

       method ENSEMBLE::get field

       method ENSEMBLE::reset

       method ENSEMBLE::remove field element

       method ENSEMBLE::replace keyvaluelist

       method ENSEMBLE::reset

       method ENSEMBLE::set field value

       method http_info::netstring

       method request::parse string

       method reply::output

       method close

       method HttpHeaders sock ?debug?

       method dispatch newsock datastate

       method error code ?message? ?errorInfo?

       method content

       method EncodeStatus status

       method FormData

       method MimeParse mimetext

       method output

       method DoOutput

       method PostData length

       method puts string

       method reset

       method timeOutCheck

       method timestamp

       method TransferComplete args

       method Url_Decode string

       method cgi_info

       option path

       option prefix

       method proxy_info

       method scgi_info



       This module implements a web server, suitable for embedding in an application. The  server
       is  object  oriented,  and  contains  all  of  the  fundamentals needed for a full service


       Starting a web service requires starting a class of type httpd::server, and providing that
       server  with  one  or  more  URIs to service, and httpd::reply derived classes to generate

              tool::define ::reply.hello {
                method content {} {
                  my puts "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>IRM Dispatch Server</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>"
                  my puts "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"
                  my puts </BODY></HTML>
              ::docserver::server create HTTPD port 8015 myaddr
              HTTPD add_uri /* [list mixin reply.hello]


       This class is the root object of the webserver. It is responsible for opening  the  socket
       and providing the initial connection negotiation.

       constructor  ?port  ?port??  ?myaddr  ?ipaddr?|all?  ?server_string ?string?? ?server_name
              Build a new server object. ?port? is the port to listen on

       method add_uri pattern dict
              Set the hander for a URI pattern. Information given in the dict is  stored  in  the
              data  structure  the  dispatch  method uses. If a field called mixin is given, that
              class will be mixed into the reply object immediately after construction.

       method connect sock ip port
              Reply to an open socket. This method builds a coroutine to manage the remainder  of
              the connection. The coroutine's operations are driven by the Connect method.

       method Connect uuid sock ip
              This  method reads HTTP headers, and then consults the dispatch method to determine
              if the request is valid, and/or what kind of reply to generate. Under normal cases,
              an  object of class ::http::reply is created.  Fields the server are looking for in
              particular are: class: A class to use  instead  of  the  server's  own  reply_class
              mixin:  A  class  to  be  mixed  into the new object after construction.  All other
              fields are passed along to the http_info structure of the reply object.  After  the
              class  is  created  and the mixin is mixed in, the server invokes the reply objects
              dispatch method. This action passes control of the socket to the reply object.  The
              reply object manages the rest of the transaction, including closing the socket.

       method counter which
              Increment an internal counter.

       method CheckTimeout
              Check open connections for a time out event.

       method dispatch header_dict
              Given  a  key/value list of information, return a data structure describing how the
              server should reply.

       method log args
              Log an event. The input for args is free  form.  This  method  is  intended  to  be
              replaced by the user, and is a noop for a stock http::server object.

       method port_listening
              Return the actual port that httpd is listening on.

       method PrefixNormalize prefix
              For  the stock version, trim trailing /'s and *'s from a prefix. This method can be
              replaced by the end user to  perform  any  other  transformations  needed  for  the

       method start
              Open the socket listener.

       method stop
              Shut off the socket listener, and destroy any pending replies.

       method template page
              Return a template for the string page

       method TemplateSearch page
              Perform  a  search  for the template that best matches page. This can include local
              file  searches,  in-memory  structures,  or  even  database  lookups.   The   stock
              implementation  simply  looks  for  files  with  a  .tml  or .html extension in the
              ?doc_root? directory.

       method Validate_Connection sock ip
              Given a socket and an  ip  address,  return  true  if  this  connection  should  be
              terminated,  or false if it should be allowed to continue. The stock implementation
              always returns 0. This is intended for applications to be able to  implement  black
              lists and/or provide security based on IP address.


       A  class  which shephards a request through the process of generating a reply.  The socket
       associated with the reply is available at all times as the chan variable.  The process  of
       generating a reply begins with an httpd::server generating a http::class object, mixing in
       a set of behaviors and then invoking  the  reply  object's  dispatch  method.   In  normal
       operations the dispatch method:

       [1]    Invokes the reset method for the object to populate default headers.

       [2]    Invokes the HttpHeaders method to stream the MIME headers out of the socket

       [3]    Invokes  the request parse method to convert the stream of MIME headers into a dict
              that can be read via the request method.

       [4]    Stores the raw stream of MIME headers in the rawrequest variable of the object.

       [5]    Invokes the content method for the object, generating an call to the  error  method
              if an exception is raised.

       [6]    Invokes the output method for the object


       The  http::reply  class  and  its  derivatives  maintain several variables as dictionaries
       internally. Access to these dictionaries is managed  through  a  dedicated  ensemble.  The
       ensemble  implements  most  of  the  same  behaviors  as  the dict command.  Each ensemble
       implements the following methods above, beyond, or modifying standard dicts:

       method ENSEMBLE::add field element
              Add element to a list stored in field, but only if it is not already present om the

       method ENSEMBLE::dump
              Return the current contents of the data structure as a key/value list.

       method ENSEMBLE::get field
              Return the value of the field field, or an empty string if it does not exist.

       method ENSEMBLE::reset
              Return a key/value list of the default contents for this data structure.

       method ENSEMBLE::remove field element
              Remove all instances of element from the list stored in field.

       method ENSEMBLE::replace keyvaluelist
              Replace the internal dict with the contents of keyvaluelist

       method ENSEMBLE::reset
              Replace the internal dict with the default state.

       method ENSEMBLE::set field value
              Set the value of field to value.


       Manages HTTP headers passed in by the server.  Ensemble Methods:

       method http_info::netstring
              Return the contents of this data structure as a netstring encoded block.


       Managed data from MIME headers of the request.

       method request::parse string
              Replace  the  contents  of  the  data  structure with information encoded in a MIME
              formatted block of text (string).


       Manage the headers sent in the reply.

       method reply::output
              Return the contents of this data structure as a MIME encoded block appropriate  for
              an HTTP response.


       method close
              Terminate the transaction, and close the socket.

       method HttpHeaders sock ?debug?
              Stream  MIME  headers  from the socket sock, stopping at an empty line. Returns the
              stream as a block of text.

       method dispatch newsock datastate
              Take over control of the socket newsock, and store that as the  chan  variable  for
              the  object.  This  method  runs  through all of the steps of reading HTTP headers,
              generating content, and closing the connection. (See class writetup).

       method error code ?message? ?errorInfo?
              Generate an error message of the specified code, and display  the  message  as  the
              reason  for  the  exception.  errorInfo  is  passed in from calls, but how or if it
              should be displayed is a prerogative of the developer.

       method content
              Generate the content for the reply. This method is intended to be replaced  by  the
              mixin.   Developers  have  the  option of streaming output to a buffer via the puts
              method of the reply, or simply populating the reply_body variable  of  the  object.
              The  information  returned by the content method is not interpreted in any way.  If
              an exception is thrown (via the error command in Tcl, for example) the caller  will
              auto-generate  a 505 {Internal Error} message.  A typical implementation of content
              look like:

              tool::define ::test::content.file {
                superclass ::httpd::content.file
                # Return a file
                # Note: this is using the content.file mixin which looks for the reply_file variable
                # and will auto-compute the Content-Type
                method content {} {
                  my reset
                  set doc_root [my http_info get doc_root]
                  my variable reply_file
                  set reply_file [file join $doc_root index.html]
              tool::define ::test::content.time {
                # return the current system time
                method content {} {
                   my variable reply_body
                  my reply set Content-Type text/plain
                   set reply_body [clock seconds]
              tool::define ::test::content.echo {
                method content {} {
                   my variable reply_body
                  my reply set Content-Type [my request get Content-Type]
                   set reply_body [my PostData [my request get Content-Length]]
              tool::define ::test::content.form_handler {
                method content {} {
                  set form [my FormData]
                  my reply set Content-Type {text/html; charset=UTF-8}
                  my puts "<HTML><HEADER><TITLE>My Dynamic Page</TITLE></HEADER>"
                  my puts "<BODY>"
                  my puts "You Sent<p>"
                  my puts "<TABLE>"
                  foreach {f v} $form {
                    my puts "<TR><TH>$f</TH><TD><verbatim>$v</verbatim></TD>"
                  my puts "</TABLE><p>"
                  my puts "Send some info:<p>"
                  my puts "<FORM action=/[my http_info get REQUEST_PATH] method POST>"
                  my puts "<TABLE>"
                  foreach field {name rank serial_number} {
                    set line "<TR><TH>$field</TH><TD><input name=\"$field\" "
                    if {[dict exists $form $field]} {
                      append line " value=\"[dict get $form $field]\"""
                    append line " /></TD></TR>"
                    my puts $line
                  my puts "</TABLE>"
                  my puts "</BODY></HTML>"

       method EncodeStatus status
              Formulate a standard HTTP status header from he string provided.

       method FormData
              For GET requests, converts the QUERY_DATA header into a key/value list.   For  POST
              requests, reads the Post data and converts that information to a key/value list for
              application/x-www-form-urlencoded posts. For multipart posts, it composites all  of
              the  MIME  headers  of  the  post to a singular key/value list, and provides MIME_*
              information as computed by the mime package, including the MIME_TOKEN, which can be
              fed back into the mime package to read out the contents.

       method MimeParse mimetext
              Converts  a  block  of  mime  encoded  text to a key/value list. If an exception is
              encountered, the method will generate  its  own  call  to  the  error  method,  and
              immediately  invoke  the  output  method  to  produce  an  error code and close the

       method output
              Schedules a call to DoOutput when chan becomes writeable

       method DoOutput
              Generates the the HTTP reply, and streams that reply back across chan.

       method PostData length
              Stream length bytes from the chan socket, but only of the  request  is  a  POST  or
              PUSH. Returns an empty string otherwise.

       method puts string
              Appends the value of string to the end of reply_body, as well as a trailing newline

       method reset
              Clear the contents of the reply_body variable, and reset all headers in  the  reply
              structure back to the defaults for this object.

       method timeOutCheck
              Called  from the http::server object which spawned this reply. Checks to see if too
              much time has elapsed while waiting for data or generating a reply,  and  issues  a
              timeout error to the request if it has, as well as destroy the object and close the
              chan socket.

       method timestamp
              Return the current system time in the format:

              %a, %d %b %Y %T %Z

       method TransferComplete args
              Intended to be invoked from chan copy as a callback. This closes every channel  fed
              to it on the command line, and then destroys the object.

                  # Output the body
                  chan configure $sock -translation binary -blocking 0 -buffering full -buffersize 4096
                  chan configure $chan -translation binary -blocking 0 -buffering full -buffersize 4096
                  if {$length} {
                    # Send any POST/PUT/etc content
                    chan copy $sock $chan -command [namespace code [list my TransferComplete $sock]]
                  } else {
                    catch {close $sock}
                    chan flush $chan
                    my destroy

       method Url_Decode string
              De-httpizes a string.


       The  httpd  module  includes  several  ready  to use implementations of content mixins for
       common use cases. Options are passed in to the add_uri method of the server.


       An implementation to relay requests to process which will accept post data streamed in vie
       stdin, and sent a reply streamed to stdout.

       method cgi_info
              Mandatory  method  to be replaced by the end user. If needed, activates the process
              to proxy, and then returns a list of three values: exec - The arguments to send  to
              exec to fire off the responding process, minus the stdin/stdout redirection.


       An implementation to deliver files from the local file system.

       option path
              The root directory on the local file system to be exposed via http.

       option prefix
              The prefix of the URI portion to ignore when calculating relative file paths.


       An  implementation  to  relay  requests to another HTTP server, and relay the results back
       across the request channel.

       method proxy_info
              Mandatory method to be replaced by the end user. If needed, activates  the  process
              to  proxy,  and then returns a list of three values: proxyhost - The hostname where
              the proxy is located proxyport - The port to connect to proxyscript -  A  pre-amble
              block of text to send prior to the mirrored request


       An  implementation  to  relay  requests  to  a server listening on a socket expecting SCGI
       encoded requests, and relay the results back across the request channel.

       method scgi_info
              Mandatory method to be replaced by the end user. If needed, activates  the  process
              to  proxy,  and  then returns a list of three values: scgihost - The hostname where
              the scgi listener is located scgiport - The port to connect  to  scgiscript  -  The
              contents of the SCRIPT_NAME header to be sent


       A  placeholder  for  a  future  implementation  to  manage  requests that can expect to be
       promoted to a Websocket. Currently it is an empty class.


       The HTTP module  also  provides  an  SCGI  server  implementation,  as  well  as  an  HTTP
       implementation. To use the SCGI functions, create an object of the http::server.scgi class
       instead of the http::server class.


       An modified http::reply implementation that understands how to deal with netstring encoded


       A  modified  http::server  which  is tailored to replying to request according to the SCGI
       standard instead of the HTTP standard.


       Sean Woods


       This document, and the package it describes,  will  undoubtedly  contain  bugs  and  other
       problems.    Please   report   such  in  the  category  network  of  the  Tcllib  Trackers
       [].  Please also report any ideas for enhancements you
       may have for either package and/or documentation.

       When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

       Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments can
       be made by going to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation,  and  then
       using the left-most button in the secondary navigation bar.


       TclOO, WWW, http, httpd, httpserver, services




       Copyright (c) 2018 Sean Woods <>