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       PDSTEBZ - compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel


                           WORK, LWORK, IWORK, LIWORK, INFO )

           CHARACTER       ORDER, RANGE


           DOUBLE          PRECISION ABSTOL, VL, VU

           INTEGER         IBLOCK( * ), ISPLIT( * ), IWORK( * )

           DOUBLE          PRECISION D( * ), E( * ), W( * ), WORK( * )


       PDSTEBZ computes the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel. The user may ask for  all
       eigenvalues, all eigenvalues in the interval [VL, VU], or the eigenvalues indexed IL through IU. A static
       partitioning of work is done at the beginning of PDSTEBZ  which  results  in  all  processes  finding  an
       (almost) equal number of eigenvalues.

       NOTE : It is assumed that the user is on an IEEE machine. If the user
              is not on an IEEE mchine, set the compile time flag NO_IEEE
              to 1 (in The features of IEEE arithmetic that
              are needed for the "fast" Sturm Count are : (a) infinity
              arithmetic (b) the sign bit of a single precision floating
              point number is assumed be in the 32nd bit position
              (c) the sign of negative zero.

       See  W.  Kahan  "Accurate  Eigenvalues  of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix", Report CS41, Computer Science
       Dept., Stanford
       University, July 21, 1966.


       ICTXT   (global input) INTEGER
               The BLACS context handle.

       RANGE   (global input) CHARACTER
               Specifies which eigenvalues are to be found.  = 'A': ("All")   all eigenvalues will be found.
               = 'V': ("Value") all eigenvalues in the interval [VL, VU] will be found.  =  'I':  ("Index")  the
               IL-th through IU-th eigenvalues (of the entire matrix) will be found.

       ORDER   (global input) CHARACTER
               Specifies  the order in which the eigenvalues and their block numbers are stored in W and IBLOCK.
               = 'B': ("By Block") the eigenvalues will be grouped by split-off block (see IBLOCK,  ISPLIT)  and
               ordered  from smallest to largest within the block.  = 'E': ("Entire matrix") the eigenvalues for
               the entire matrix will be ordered from smallest to largest.

       N       (global input) INTEGER
               The order of the tridiagonal matrix T.  N >= 0.

       VL      (global input) DOUBLE PRECISION
               If RANGE='V', the lower bound of the interval to be searched for eigenvalues.   Eigenvalues  less
               than VL will not be returned.  Not referenced if RANGE='A' or 'I'.

       VU      (global input) DOUBLE PRECISION
               If  RANGE='V',  the  upper  bound  of  the  interval to be searched for eigenvalues.  Eigenvalues
               greater than VU will not be returned.  VU must be greater than VL.  Not referenced  if  RANGE='A'
               or 'I'.

       IL      (global input) INTEGER
               If RANGE='I', the index (from smallest to largest) of the smallest eigenvalue to be returned.  IL
               must be at least 1.  Not referenced if RANGE='A' or 'V'.

       IU      (global input) INTEGER
               If RANGE='I', the index (from smallest to largest) of the largest eigenvalue to be returned.   IU
               must be at least IL and no greater than N.  Not referenced if RANGE='A' or 'V'.

       ABSTOL  (global input) DOUBLE PRECISION
               The  absolute  tolerance  for  the  eigenvalues.   An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to be
               located if it has been determined to lie in an interval whose width is ABSTOL or less.  If ABSTOL
               is  less  than  or  equal  to  zero,  then ULP*|T| will be used, where |T| means the 1-norm of T.
               Eigenvalues will be computed most accurately when  ABSTOL  is  set  to  the  underflow  threshold
               DLAMCH('U'),  not  zero.  Note : If eigenvectors are desired later by inverse iteration ( PDSTEIN
               ), ABSTOL should be set to 2*PDLAMCH('S').

       D       (global input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
               The n diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix T.  To  avoid  overflow,  the  matrix  must  be
               scaled  so  that  its  largest  entry  is  no  greater than overflow**(1/2) * underflow**(1/4) in
               absolute value, and for greatest accuracy, it should not be much smaller than that.

       E       (global input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1)
               The (n-1) off-diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix T.  To avoid overflow, the matrix  must
               be  scaled  so  that  its  largest entry is no greater than overflow**(1/2) * underflow**(1/4) in
               absolute value, and for greatest accuracy, it should not be much smaller than that.

       M       (global output) INTEGER
               The actual number of eigenvalues found. 0 <= M <= N.  (See also the description of INFO=2)

       NSPLIT  (global output) INTEGER
               The number of diagonal blocks in the matrix T.  1 <= NSPLIT <= N.

       W       (global output) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
               On exit, the first M elements of W contain the eigenvalues on all processes.

       IBLOCK  (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
               At each row/column j where E(j) is zero or small, the matrix T is  considered  to  split  into  a
               block  diagonal matrix.  On exit IBLOCK(i) specifies which block (from 1 to the number of blocks)
               the eigenvalue W(i) belongs to.  NOTE:  in the (theoretically impossible)  event  that  bisection
               does not converge for some or all eigenvalues, INFO is set to 1 and the ones for which it did not
               are identified by a negative block number.

       ISPLIT  (global output) INTEGER array, dimension (N)
               The splitting points, at which T breaks up into submatrices.  The  first  submatrix  consists  of
               rows/columns  1 to ISPLIT(1), the second of rows/columns ISPLIT(1)+1 through ISPLIT(2), etc., and
               the NSPLIT-th consists of rows/columns ISPLIT(NSPLIT-1)+1 through  ISPLIT(NSPLIT)=N.   (Only  the
               first  NSPLIT  elements will actually be used, but since the user cannot know a priori what value
               NSPLIT will have, N words must be reserved for ISPLIT.)

       WORK    (local workspace) DOUBLE PRECISION array,
               dimension ( MAX( 5*N, 7 ) )

       LWORK   (local input) INTEGER
               size of array WORK must be >= MAX( 5*N, 7 ) If LWORK = -1, then  LWORK  is  global  input  and  a
               workspace query is assumed; the routine only calculates the minimum and optimal size for all work
               arrays. Each of these values is returned in the first entry of the corresponding work array,  and
               no error message is issued by PXERBLA.

       IWORK   (local workspace) INTEGER array, dimension ( MAX( 4*N, 14 ) )

       LIWORK  (local input) INTEGER
               size of array IWORK must be >= MAX( 4*N, 14, NPROCS ) If LIWORK = -1, then LIWORK is global input
               and a workspace query is assumed; the routine only calculates the minimum and  optimal  size  for
               all  work  arrays.  Each of these values is returned in the first entry of the corresponding work
               array, and no error message is issued by PXERBLA.

       INFO    (global output) INTEGER
               = 0 :  successful exit
               < 0 :  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
               > 0 :  some or all of the eigenvalues failed to converge or
               were not computed:
               = 1 : Bisection failed to converge for some eigenvalues;  these  eigenvalues  are  flagged  by  a
               negative block number.  The effect is that the eigenvalues may not be as accurate as the absolute
               and relative tolerances. This is generally caused by  arithmetic  which  is  less  accurate  than
               PDLAMCH  says.  = 2 : There is a mismatch between the number of eigenvalues output and the number
               desired.  = 3 :  RANGE='i',  and  the  Gershgorin  interval  initially  used  was  incorrect.  No
               eigenvalues  were  computed.   Probable cause: your machine has sloppy floating point arithmetic.
               Cure: Increase the PARAMETER "FUDGE", recompile, and try again.


       RELFAC  DOUBLE PRECISION, default = 2.0
               The  relative  tolerance.   An  interval  [a,b]  lies  within  "relative  tolerance"  if   b-a  <
               RELFAC*ulp*max(|a|,|b|), where "ulp" is the machine precision (distance from 1 to the next larger
               floating point number.)

       FUDGE   DOUBLE PRECISION, default = 2.0
               A "fudge factor" to widen the Gershgorin intervals.  Ideally, a value of 1 should  work,  but  on
               machines  with  sloppy  arithmetic,  this  needs to be larger.  The default for publicly released
               versions should be large enough to handle the worst machine around.  Note that this has no effect
               on the accuracy of the solution.