Provided by: libncarg-dev_6.4.0-9_amd64 bug


       VELVCT - Plots a vector field, given two 2-dimensional vector component arrays, U and V. You may control
       certain characteristics of the plot by adjusting the values given to the input arguments. Other less
       frequently changed characteristics may be affected by modifying VELDAT, the BLOCK DATA routine that
       initializes members of the common blocks VEC1 and VEC2. In addition, depending on the value given to the
       compatibility parameter, CPM, you may set other options by calling VVSETC, VVSETI, or VVSETR to modify
       internal parameters.




       VELVCT is obsolete, and is supported only to provide compatibility with old NCAR Graphics codes. However,
       the compatibility mode parameter, CPM, offers a number of options to help ease the the transition to the
       new version of the utility. When writing new code you are encouraged not to use this entry point, since
       it provides less capability than the standard Vectors interface, and may eventually be phased out.


       #include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

       void c_velvct(float *u, int lu, float *v, int lv, int m,
                     int n, float flo, float hi, int nset,
                     int length, int ispv, float *spv)


       U           (REAL 2-dimensional array, dimensioned LU x n: n >= N, input): By default, assumed to contain
                   the first dimensional Cartesian components of the vector field. However, if PLR is non-zero,
                   it is treated as containing the vector magnitudes.

       LU          (INTEGER, input): Actual value of the first dimension of array U.

       V           (REAL 2-dimensional array, dimensioned LV x n: n >= N, input): By default, assumed to contain
                   the second dimensional Cartesian components of the vector field. However, if PLR is non-zero,
                   it is treated as containing the vector angles.

       LV          LV (INTEGER, input): Actual value of the first dimension of array V.

       M           (INTEGER, input): Number of contiguous elements along the first dimensional axis containing
                   data to be processed in each of the arrays, U and V.

       N           (INTEGER, input): Number of contiguous elements along the second dimensional axis containing
                   data to be processed in each of the arrays, U and V.

       FLO         (REAL, input): Minimum vector magnitude allowed to be displayed in the plot.

       HI          (REAL, input): Maximum vector magnitude allowed to be displayed in the plot. If set to 0.0
                   there is no upper limit imposed.

       NSET        (INTEGER, input): Flag that controls how and when the SET call is invoked. If NSET is 0,
                   VELVCT makes a SET call to establish a standard viewport and window boundaries coincident
                   with the array coordinate boundaries. PERIM is called to draw a border. If NSET is greater
                   than zero, VELVCT does not call SET or PERIM. If NSET is less than zero, VELVCT calls SET to
                   establish window boundaries coincident with the array grid coordinate boundaries but does not
                   modify the viewport or call PERIM. Unlike the VVINIT/VVECTR interface, when VELVCT does a SET
                   call, it always restores the original coordinate system state before returning.

       LENGTH      (INTEGER, input): The length in plotter address units (PAUs) used to render the vector with
                   the greatest magnitude that is eligible for plotting. A vector is eligible for plotting if it
                   is less than or equal to the value of HI, unless HI is 0.0 in which case all vectors are
                   eligible. If LENGTH is set to 0.0, the length selected is one half the diagonal length of a
                   grid cell assuming a linear mapping of the grid coordinate space into the viewport.

       ISPV        (INTEGER, input): Flag to control the special value feature. 0 means that the feature is not
                   in use. 1 means that if the value of U(I,J)=SPV(1) the vector will not be plotted.  2 means
                   that if the value of V(I,J)=SPV(2) the vector will not be plotted. 3 means that if either
                   U(I,J)=SPV(1) or V(I,J)=SPV(2) then the vector will not be plotted. 4 means that if
                   U(I,J)=SPV(1) and V(I,J)=SPV(2), the vector will not be plotted.

       SPV         (REAL array, dimensioned 2, input): An array of length 2 which gives the value in the U array
                   and the value in the V array which denote special values. This argument is ignored if ISPV=0.
                   The default values are 1.0E12.


       The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions with the following

       lu          The second dimension of u in the calling program.

       lv          The second dimension of v in the calling program.

       m           Number of contiguous elements along the second dimensional axis containing data to be
                   processed in each of the arrays, u and v.

       n           Number of contiguous elements along the first dimensional axis containing data to be
                   processed in each of the arrays, u and v.


       Beginning with version 3.2 of NCAR Graphics, the VELVCT entry point has been recoded as a front end to
       the VVINIT/VVECTR interface to Vectors. The compatibility mode parameter, CPM, controls the degree to
       which a call to the Version 3.2 VELVCT emulates the older call. Appropriate settings of CPM can
       separately address each of the following three questions regarding the level of emulation:

       •      Should FX, FY, MXF, and MYF rather than the Version 3.2 mapping routines perform the mapping to
              user coordinates?

       •      Should the input arguments FLO, HI, NSET, LENGTH, ISPV, SPV override the current values of the
              corresponding Vectors' internal parameters?

       •      Should the values contained in the common blocks VEC1 and VEC2 override the current values of
              corresponding Vectors' internal parameters?

       Given the default value of CPM, all these questions are answered in the affirmative, and a call to VELVCT
       gives a reasonably faithful emulation of the older version's behavior.

       However, even in this case, it is possible to use the parameter setting routines to control the behavior
       of features that have no counterpart in the older version of VELVCT, as long as the feature is accessible
       without calling the new interface. For instance, you could control the vector linewidth by setting the
       LWD parameter, although you could not draw vectors masked to an area map because doing so requires direct
       invocation of VVECTR

       The following two tables show how the VELVCT input arguments and VEC1/VEC2 common block members map into
       internal parameters currently supported by Vectors. (Consult the vectors_params man page for descriptions
       of the internal parameters.)

              Input Argument        Internal Parameter

              FLO                   VLC (VLC is set to -FLO if FLO is positive, 0.0 otherwise)

              HI                    VHC (VHC is set to -HI if HI is positive, 0.0 otherwise)

              NSET                  SET (NSET = 0 is approximately equivalent to SET = 1)

              LENGTH                VRL (LENGTH in Plotter Address Units is converted to VRL as a fraction of
                                    the viewport width)

              ISPV                  SVF

              SPV(1)                USV

              SPV(2)                VSV

              Common Block Member   Internal Parameter

              EXT                   VPS

              ICTRFG                VPO

              ILAB                  LBL

              IOFFD                 DPF

              RMN                   AMN (RMN in metacode coordinates is converted to AMN as a fraction of the
                                    viewport width)

              RMX                   AMX (RMX in metacode coordinates is converted to AMX as a fraction of the
                                    viewport width)

              SIZE                  LBS (Character size in metacode coordinates is converted to LBS as a
                                    fraction of viewport width)

              INCX                  XIN

              INCY                  YIN

              -                     MNT (When common blocks VEC1 and VEC2 override parameter settings, MNT is
                                    always set to " ", indicating that the minimum vector text block is not to
                                    be displayed.)

              IOFFM                 MXT (If IOFFM is non-zero, MXT is set to " ", indicating that the maximum
                                    text block is not to be displayed. Otherwise MXT is set to the string
                                    "MAXIMUM VECTOR")

              IOFFM                 MXX (If IOFFM is 0, MXX is set to a computed value that, as a fraction of
                                    the viewport width, specifies a point 0.05 in NDC left of the right hand
                                    edge of the plotter frame.)

              IOFFM                 MXY (If IOFFM is 0, MXY is set to a computed value that, as a fraction of
                                    the viewport height, specifies a point 0.005 in NDC up from the bottom edge
                                    of the plotter frame.)

              IOFFM                 MXP (If IOFFM is 0, MXP is set to -2, indicating that the text block should
                                    be lower-right justified.

Note that the emulation of the maximum vector text block differs from

       the older implementation in that it now uses high-quality text.


       Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant example: stex02, tvelvc.


       To use VELVCT or c_velvct, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in
       that order.


       Online: vectors, vectors_params, fx, vvectr, vvgetc, vvgeti, vvgetr, vvinit, vvrset, vvsetc, vvseti,
       vvsetr, vvudmv, vvumxy, ncarg_cbind.


       Copyright (C) 1987-2009
       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

       The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.