bionic (4) m-anlz.4.gz

Provided by: libmdc2-dev_0.14.1-2_amd64 bug


       m-anlz - Analyze (SPM) medical image format (MedCon)


  This  is a very simple format. The basic headers are written in one file with extension `.hdr', the image data
  in another file with extension `.img'.

  The basic defines for the format:


  typedef struct Header_Key_t{
          Int32  sizeof_hdr;               /* 348 or 148                 */
          char data_type[10];              /* "dsr"                      */
          char db_name[18];                /* filename without extension */
          Int32 extents;                   /* 16384                      */
          Int16 session_error;
          char regular;                    /* 'r'                        */
          char hkey_un0;

  #define MDC_ANLZ_HK_SIZE 40

  typedef struct Image_Dimensions_t{
          Int16 dim[8];                    /* [0] = # of dimensions      */
                                           /* [1] = X-dim                */
                                           /* [2] = Y-dim                */
                                           /* [3] = Z-dim                */
                                           /* [4] = t-dim                */
                                           /* ...                        */
          Int16 unused[7];
          Int16 datatype;                  /* pixel type                 */
                                           /*  0 = Unknown   1 = one-bit */
                                           /*  2 = Uint8     4 = Int16   */
                                           /*  8 = Int32    16 = float   */
                                           /* 32 = complex  64 = double  */
                                           /*128 = RGB     255 = all     */

          Int16 bitpix;                    /* bits per pixel             */
          Int16 dim_un0;
          float pixdim[8];                 /* [0] = # of dimensions      */
                                           /* [1] = X-dim (mm)           */
                                           /* [2] = Y-dim (mm)           */
                                           /* [3] = Z-dim (mm)           */
                                           /* [4] = t-dim (ms)           */
                                           /* ...                        */
          float funused[6];
          float compressed;
          float verified;
          Int32 glmax,glmin;

  #define MDC_ANLZ_IMD_SIZE 108

  typedef struct Data_History_t{
          char descrip[80];
          char aux_file[24];
          char orient;                     /* patient orientation        */
                                           /* 0 = transverse unflipped   */
                                           /* 1 = coronal unflipped      */
                                           /* 2 = sagittal unflipped     */
                                           /* 3 = transverse flipped     */
                                           /* 4 = coronal flipped        */
                                           /* 5 = sagittal flipped       */

          char originator[10];
          char generated[10];
          char scannum[10];
          char patient_id[10];
          char exp_date[10];
          char exp_time[10];
          char hist_un0[3];
          Int32 views;
          Int32 vols_added;
          Int32 start_field;
          Int32 field_skip;
          Int32 omax, omin;
          Int32 smax, smin;

  #define MDC_ANLZ_DH_SIZE 200


  The structures are defined in the order as they should be found in the file. The Data_History  header  is  not
  obliged.  The  SPM  Analyze  format,  intended  for the SPM software, differs a little from the normal Analyze

  What does the format support or not support:

  Item            Supported                             Not Supported
  Color Map     : grayscale                                   -
  File Endian   : little & big                                -
  Pixeltypes    : 1-bit, Uint8, Int16, Int32           Int8,Uint16,Uint32
                  float, double, (complex)               Int64,Uint64
  Scaling factors  : quantify & calibrate factors/image  are NOT supported
  Dimensions/Image : different dimensions for each image are NOT supported
  Pixeltypes/Image : different pixeltypes for each image are NOT supported
  SPM remarks      : 1) imd.funused[0] = the offset
                     2) imd.funused[1] = one global scaling factor
                     3) (Int16)dh.originator[0...1] \
                        (Int16)dh.originator[2...3]  } =  origin (X, Y, Z)
                        (Int16)dh.originator[4...5] /


  A note about the image (patient) orientation in SPM:

            increases from leftside  (hand) to rightside (hand).

            increases from posterior (back) to anterior  (front).

            increases from inferior  (feet) to superior  (head).


  /usr/local/xmedcon/source/m-anlz.h      The header file.
  /usr/local/xmedcon/source/m-anlz.c      The source file.


  medcon(1), xmedcon(1), xmedcon-config(1)

  m-acr(4), m-gif(4), m-inw(4), m-intf(4), m-ecat(4)



  (X)MedCon project was originally written by Erik Nolf (eNlf) for the former  PET-Centre  at  Ghent  University

  e-mail:   www:
