bionic (5) cvsgraph.conf.5.gz

Provided by: cvsgraph_1.7.0-4_amd64 bug


       cvsgraph.conf - CVS/RCS repository grapher configuration


       The  configuration  file is a context free grammar where empty lines and whitespace are ignored. Comments
       start with '#' and everything until end of line is ignored.
       A configuration parameter is written as:
            <keyword> = <argument> ;

       Keywords are defined in PARAMETERS. The argument can be either numerical or string typed.

       Numbers may be entered as octal, decimal or hex as in 0117, 79  and  0x4f  respectively.  Floating  point
       numbers contain a single '.', but must start with a digit. Integer numbers are automagically converted to
       floats if required.

       Strings are C-style strings, enclosed in double quotes in which characters may be escaped  with  '\'  and
       written  in  octal  and hex escapes. Note that '\' must be escaped if it is to be entered as a character.
       Escapes recognized are '\[abfnrtv]', '\[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{2}' and '\[012][0-7]{0,2}'.
       Some strings are expanded with printf like conversions which start with '%'. Not all  are  applicable  at
       all times, in which case they will expand to nothing.
       Note  that  expansions  of paths are available with and without trailing '/'. The distinction is required
       for path construction to ensure that empty expansions will not redirect the path to root  and  no  double
       '/' in a path is generated.

       %c     CVS root including a trailing '/' if non-empty

       %C     CVS root without trailing '/', regardless of how it was entered on the command line

       %m     CVS module including trailing '/' if non-empty

       %M     CVS module without trailing '/', regardless of how it was entered on the command line

       %f     filename without path (basename <name> functionality)

       %F     filename without path and with ",v" stripped (basename <name> ,v functionality)

       %p     path part of filename. This includes a trailing '/' if the path is non-empty

       %r     number of revisions

       %b     number of branches

       %%     literal '%'

       %R     the revision number (e.g. '')

       %P     previous revision number

       %B     the branch number (e.g. '1.2.4')

       %d     date of revision

       %a     author of revision

       %s     state of revision

       %l     The  log  entry of the revision. You need to enable parse_logs for this to work. You may append an
              optional truncate length by writing '[num]' (with num the maximum length) directly after %l. If no
              truncation  is specified, then all will be expanded. Specifying a negative truncation length means
              that newlines should be replaced by spaces. If truncation occurs, then "..." will be appended. The
              expansion is scanned for possible HTML entities and are replaced by &#...; equivalents.
              For example: "%l[25]" will expand up to 25 characters of the log.
              Note: This expansion is obsolete. Please use "%(%L%)"; see comment below.

       %L     Same as %l, but no HTML entity translations are performed.

       %t     current tag of branch or revision

       %0..%9 command-line argument -0 .. -9

              HTMLize  the  string  withing  the  parenthesis.  This  is useful to prevent a possible cross site
              scripting bug when expanding tags into the map generation.  For an exploit, you need  to  have  an
              attack  on your CVS server, or you need to be a complete idiot to enter a tag with '<', '>' or '"'
              Example:  a  string  "%(%t%)",  with  tag  ><script  xxx="..."><  will  expand  to  &gt;&lt;script
              xxx=&#34;...&#34;&gt;&lt; and not into the execution of a script.
              Note:  This method is preferred to the %l expansion, because it is more generic solution (i.e. use
              "%(%L%)" for log expansions).

       Fonts are numbered 0..4 (as defined in libgd) where 0 = tiny, 1 = small, 2 = medium (bold), 3 = large and
       4 = giant.

       Colors are strings, similar to HTML type colors in the form "#rrggbb" with parts written in hex, where rr
       = red (00-ff), gg = green (00-ff) and bb = blue (00-ff).

       Colors and some strings can also be defined as conditional expressions so that revision/branch conditions
       can be repesented visually:
         color/string = [ "key" op "content" truecase falsecase ];
       Operator 'op' can be one of:

       =~     contained in regex

       =*     contained in regex, case insensitive

       !~     not contained in regex

       !*     not contained in regex, case insensitive

       <      less than string, timestamp or rev/branch number

       <=     less or equal than string, timestamp or rev/branch number

       >      greater than string, timestamp or rev/branch number

       >=     greater or equal than string, timestamp or rev/branch number

       ==     equal than string, timestamp or rev/branch number

       !=     not equal than string, timestamp or rev/branch number

       The 'content' is one of:
           * POSIX 1003.2 extended regular expression
           * timestamp in UTC format: YYYY[.MM[.DD[.hh[.mm[.ss]]]]]
           * revision or branch number

       The 'key' can be one of:

       state  State of the revision

       author The auther of a revision

       tag    both revision- and branch-tags

       date   date of the revision

       rev    numeric revision- or branch-number

       Both  'truecase' and 'falsecase' can be either a (color-)string, as described above, or a new conditional
       expression.  Examples:
           rev_bgcolor = [ "state" =~ "dead" "#e08080" "#f0f0f0" ];
           branch_color= [ "rev" < "2.1.2" "#000000" [ "tag" =~ "XyZ.*" "#123456" "#654321" ] ];
           rev_idtext  = [ "state" == "dead" "Dead %R" "%R" ]
       Note that not all colors can be changed on the fly. For example, branch_color cannot be be changed  based
       on  revision  identification  (i.e.  author, date or state). The color_bg is always unique and fixed (all
       expressions will evaluate to the  false  case).   Also,  only  string  rev_text  and  rev_idtext  can  be
       conditional expressions as other do not make much sense to be dynamic.

       Booleans  have three possible arguments: true, false and not. `Not' means inverse of what it was (logical
       negation) and is represented by the value -1.  For the configuration file that  means  that  the  default
       value is negated.  However, the not possibility is a very handy tool for command line overrides generated
       from (CGI) scripts.

       There are several reserved words besides of the keywords.  These  additional  reserved  words  expand  to
       numerical values:
            false  = 0
            true   = 1
            not    = -1
       Alignment specifiers:
            left   = 0
            center = 1
            right  = 2
       Image specifiers:
            gif    = 0
            png    = 1
            jpeg   = 2
       Font specifiers:
            tiny   = 0
            small  = 1
            medium = 2
            large  = 3
            giant  = 4
       HTML level specifiers:
            HTML3  = 1
            HTML4  = 2
            XHTML  = 3


       cvsroot string
              The  absolute base directory where the CVS/RCS repository can be found.  A '/' will be appended to
              the string if it is not empty and does not contain a trailing '/'.
              Default is an empty string.

       cvsmodule string
              The module name in the CVS/RCS repository. This is converted  into  a  subdirectory  name  with  a
              trailing '/'.
              Default is an empty string.

       color_bg color
              The background color of the image.
              Default is white ("#ffffff").

       transparent_bg boolean
              The  background  color  of  the  image is to be the transparent color. This is only useful for PNG
              images. Be sure to set color_bg to something reasonable to make sure that the  image  is  viewable
              with programs that do not support transparency.
              Default is false.

       date_format string
              The strftime(3) format string for date and time representation in the '%d' expansion.
              Default is "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S".

       box_shadow boolean
              A boolean whether or not to draw a shadow for the boxes of revisions and branches.
              Default is false.

       upside_down boolean
              Draw  the  entire tree upside down if set. I.e. highest revisions are at the top of the image. See
              also cvsgraph(1) option '-u'.
              Default is false.

       left_right boolean
              Draw the entire tree from left to right instead of top down if set.  I.e. highest revisions are at
              the right of the image. You can also draw the tree right to left when upside_down is set too.
              Default is false.

       strip_untagged boolean
              Omit  all revisions that do not have tags and are not a branch point. This reduces the image-size,
              but can be confusing when looking for a specific revision. See also cvsgraph(1) option '-s'.
              Default is false.

       strip_first_rev boolean
              Also omit the first revision in a branch if it does not have tags and is not a branch point.  This
              has only effect if strip_untagged is set. See also cvsgraph(1) option '-S'.
              Default is false.

       auto_stretch boolean
              Try  to  stretch  the  inter-revision  spacing  to  move  the trunks more to the left, effectively
              reducing the image's size. See also cvsgraph(1) option '-k'.
              Default is false.

       use_ttf boolean
              Enable TrueType rendering of strings using  the  FreeType  interface  of  libgd.   Note  that  ttf
              rendering is significantly slower than libgd's bitmap fonts.
              Default is false.

       anti_alias boolean
              Enable  antialias  rendering  of  TrueType fonts. This has only effect if use_ttf is set. Enabling
              anti_alias gives very nice results.  However, that is at the expense of 8-bit vs.  4-bit  colormap
              images, which can be a major drawback because the size of 8-bit images is 3..4 times that of 4-bit
              images (with compressed PNG as output).
              Default is true.

       thick_lines number
              Set the thickness of connector lines between boxes. Normally, lines are drawn one pixel wide,  but
              can look somewhat thin. Setting the thickness to anything over 5 would be plain ugly (but hey, who
              is to debate taste :-).  Values less than 1 and over 11 are clipped.
              Default is 1.

       parse_logs boolean
              Enable the parsing of the entire ,v file to  read  the  log-entries  between  revisions.  This  is
              necessary for the %l expansion to work, but slows down parsing by a very large factor. You've been
              Default is false.

       html_level number
              Set the compliance to different types of HTML. The generated image map is slightly  different  for
              version 3.x, 4.x and XHTML. You can use the predefined identifiers (HTML3, HTML4 and XHTML) to set
              this value. Command line option '-x' overrides the setting.
              Default is HTML3 (3.x compatibility).

       branch_ttfont string

       branch_tag_ttfont string

       rev_ttfont string

       rev_text_ttfont string

       tag_ttfont string

       title_ttfont string

       msg_ttfont string
              Set the TrueType font face or filename for the individual elements. Gd's bitmap fonts are used  as
              a fallback if the font cannot be found or contains errors.
              Default none.

       branch_ttsize float

       branch_tag_ttsize float

       rev_ttsize float

       rev_text_ttsize float

       tag_ttsize float

       title_ttsize float

       msg_ttsize float
              Set the TrueType font size for the individual elements. See also *_ttfont.
              Default 0.0.

       tag_font number
              The font used to draw tags in the revision boxes.
              Default is tiny.

       tag_color color
              The color used to draw tags in the revision boxes.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       tag_ignore string
              An  extended  regular  expression  as  described  in regex(7) to match all tags that should not be
              displayed  in  the  graph.  Note  that  a  tag  will  always  be  displayed  if  it  matches   the
              merge_from/merge_to expressions regardless to it being set to ignore here.
              Example: tag_ignore = "(test|alpha)_release.*";
              Default is empty (no matching occurs).

       tag_nocase boolean
              Ignore the case in regex matching in tag_ignore.
              Default is false.

       tag_negate boolean
              Negate  the  matching  criteria  of the tag_ignore setting. If set, tags that match the tag_ignore
              will be shown, instead of matches being ignored. In any case, tags that match  merge_from/merge_to
              expressions will never be suppressed.
              Default is false.

       tag_ignore_merge boolean
              If  set, then tags matched with tag_ignore will no longer be considered for matching by merge_from
              and merge_to.
              Default is false.

       rev_font number
              Default is tiny.

       rev_color color
              The color of revision boxes, including the revision number.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       rev_bgcolor color
              Revision box background color. This is the interior fill of the box.
              Default is white ("#ffffff").

       rev_separator number
              Space between tags in revision boxes.
              Default is 0.

       rev_minline number
              The minimum vertical distance between revision boxes.
              Default is 0.

       rev_maxline number
              The maximum vertical distance between revision boxes.  This has only effect if auto_stretch is set
              to true (or option '-k' is specified).
              Default is 5 times rev_minline.

       rev_lspace number

       rev_rspace number

       rev_tspace number

       rev_bspace number
              Interior spacing in revision boxes of left, right, top and bottom respectively. Note that the left
              right spacing is not used separately because text is center aligned.
              Default is 0.

       rev_idtext conditional string
              The revision ID or revision number in a revision box.
              Default is "%R".

       rev_text conditional string
              The additional text in a revision box under the revision number.
              Default is "%d".

       rev_text_font number
              The font of the additional text in a revision box under the revision number.
              Default is tiny.

       rev_text_color color
              The font color of the additional text in a revision box under the revision number.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       rev_maxtags number
              Limit the number of tags in a revision box. Old trees tend to have some revisions  with  extremely
              many  tags attached, which would generate a huge revision box when drawn. Limiting the number is a
              fair solution. Note that tag sorting is not specified in the rcsfile(7), but cvs(1) will  normally
              have  the newest tags located before older ones. Therefore, limiting the number of tags would most
              likely only affect older tags to be stripped.  However, no guarantees are given  that  a  specific
              tag  is present when the limit is imposed. An ellipsis (...) is shown in the revision box when the
              number of tags got truncated.
              Default is 0, meaning all tags shown.

       rev_hidenumber boolean
              If set, then no revision number is displayed in the revisionboxes. This  reduces  size  for  those
              graphs where the actual revision-number is irrelevant.
              Default is false.

       msg_font number
              The font used to draw error and warning messages at the bottom of the graph.
              Default is tiny.

       msg_color color
              The color used to draw error and warning messages.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       merge_color color
              The color of the lines to show merges.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       merge_front boolean
              The  merge  lines  are  drawn  on  top  of  the  image  if  true. Otherwise, merge lines are drawn
              Default is false.

       merge_nocase boolean
              Ignore the case in regex matching in merge_from and merge_to.
              Default is false.

       merge_from string
              The merge_from is an extended regular expression as described in regex(7) and  POSIX  1003.2  (see
              also  Single  Unix  Specification at ). The matching tags describe source
              revisions of merges. Each match is subsequently used in  a  search  for  the  destination  tag  as
              described by the merge_to parameter.
              Note: normal string rules apply. Therefore, all backslashes '\' must be escaped, e.g. "\." must be
              written as "\\.".
              Example: merge_from = "^from_(.*)";
              Default is empty (no matching occurs).

       merge_to string
              The merge_to is an  extended  regular  expression  with  a  twist.  All  subexpressions  from  the
              merge_from  are  expanded  into  merge_to using %[1-9] (in contrast to \[1-9] for backreferences).
              Care is taken to escape the constructed expression. A '$' at the end of  the  merge_to  expression
              can  be  important  to prevent 'near match' references. Normally, you want the destination to be a
              good representation of the source. However, this depends on how well you defined the tags  in  the
              first place.
              Example: merge_to = "^merge_%1$";
              Above  example,  combined  with the merge_from example would match a tag "from_BugFix_2002" to the
              merge-destination with tag "merge_BugFix_2002".
              Default is empty (no matching occurs).

       merge_findall boolean
              Normally, merge_from/merge_to will only find the first matching tag-combination and  draw  a  line
              between  them,  If merge_findall is set, then all matching merge_tos will result in lines from the
              from-tag to the to-tag.
              Default is false.

       merge_arrows boolean
              Enable the use of arrows pointing to the merge destination.
              Default is true.

       merge_on_tag boolean
              Draw merge lines originating from/to the actual tags that are matched when left_right is  enabled.
              This  improves  the  usability  of  the  lines  drawn  but can under circumstances be difficult to
              visualize without revision boxes overlapping the lines and arrows.
              Default is false.

       merge_cvsnt boolean
              Enable drawing of mergepoints as used by CVSNT.
              Default is true.

       merge_cvsnt_color color
              The color of the lines to show merges from mergepoints.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       arrow_width number

       arrow_length number
              Specifies the size of the arrow pointing to the merge destination.
              Default is arrow_width=3, arrow_length=12.

       branch_font number
              The font of the number in a branch box.
              Default is tiny.

       branch_tag_font number
              The font of the tags in a branch box.
              Default is tiny.

       branch_color color
              All branch element's color excluding tags.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       branch_bgcolor color
              Branch box background color. This is the interior fill of the box.
              Default is white ("#ffffff").

       branch_tag_color color
              All branch tags' color.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       branch_lspace number

       branch_rspace number

       branch_tspace number

       branch_bspace number
              Interior spacing of branch boxes.
              Default is 0.

       branch_margin number
              Exterior spacing of branches. Each branch will be spaced with a minimum of this value.
              Default is 0.

       branch_connect number
              Length of the vertical connector from a revision to the branch box.
              Default is 0.

       branch_dupbox boolean
              Add an extra branch box at the end of the trunk. Useful for upside down drawn trees. If there  are
              no commits on a branch, then no extra box is added, regardless of the setting of this option.
              Default is false.

       branch_fold boolean
              Fold  branches  that  have  no  commits  into one branch-box. This helps to reduce the size of the
              overall image by a huge factor (5..10 in most cases). Many applications of CVS use many  branches,
              but  not  all  files  in  the  repository  change  for  each  branch. Especially stable files line
              .cvsignore or older code tend to accumulate many empty branches at  one  and  the  same  revision.
              Folding these branches into one box reduces the width of these images considerably.
              Default is true.

       branch_foldall boolean
              Fold  all empty branches that sprout from the save revision in one box. If this option is not set,
              then multiple boxes will be created if the empty branches are  interspaced  with  ones  that  have
              revisions  attached.  When  this  option is set, then all empty branches will be collected and put
              into the box of the first occurring empty branch on the revision's  branch  point.   Setting  this
              option will reduce image size with interspaced commits to the a maximum.
              Default is false.

       branch_resort boolean
              Resort  the  branches  according  to  the number of revisions they have, where less revisions will
              stick closer to the sprouting trunk. This will reduce image size under  circumstances  where  many
              branches have significant different number of revisions.
              Default is false.

       branch_subtree string
              Reduce  the  tree only to include the subtree from the branch-number given in the argument. If the
              argument is a revision which is the root of branches, then all those branches will be  shown.  The
              argument  can  also  be  a symbolic tag (either a branch- or revision-tag). You normally would set
              this option from the command line with the -O option for interactive flexibility.
              Example: branch_subtree = "1.2.4";
              Default is empty (all branches shown).

       title string
              The title of the image.
              Default is empty string.

       title_x number

       title_y number
              Position of title.
              Default is 0.

       title_font number
              The font of the title.
              Default is tiny.

       title_align number
              Horizontal alignment of the title.
              Default is left.

       title_color color
              The color of the title.
              Default is black ("#000000").

       margin_top number

       margin_bottom number

       margin_left number

       margin_right number
              Margins of the image. Note: the title position is not affected by the margin.
              Default is 0.

       image_type number
              Image types are available if they can be found in the gd library. Some versions of gd do not  have
              gif,  although  newer version have it implemented again.  CvsGraph will automatically generate png
              images if gif is not available.
              Default is dependent on availability and is prioritized in the order png, gif and jpeg.

       image_quality number
              The quality of a jpeg image (1..100)
              Default is 100.

       image_compress number
              Set the compression level of png images (-1..9). Zero means no compression. A higher number  means
              higher compression. Minus one selects the default library setting.
              Default is -1.

       image_interlace boolean
              Write  png  and jpeg images in interlaced format. This enables progressive loading in your browser
              (if supported).
              Default is false.

       map_name string
              The name= attribute in <map name="mapname">...</map> in the generated HTML map.
              Default is "CvsGraphImageMap".

       map_branch_href string

       map_rev_href string

       map_diff_href string

       map_merge_href string
              These are the href= attributes in the <area> tags of HTML.
              Default are:
              branch: "href=\"unset: conf.map_branch_href\""
              revision: "href=\"unset: conf.map_rev_href\""
              diff: "href=\"unset: conf.map_diff_href\""
              merge: "href=\"unset: conf.map_merge_href\""

       map_branch_alt string

       map_rev_alt string

       map_diff_alt string

       map_merge_alt string
              These are the alt= attributes in the <area> tags of HTML.
              Default are "alt=\"%B\"", "alt=\"%R\"", "alt=\"%P &lt;-&gt; %R\"" and  "alt=\"%P  &lt;-&gt;  %R\""


       CvsGraph is written and maintained by B. Stultiens.
       Send  comments  and bug reports to (read the mailnote in the README file first) and
       visit the homepage at:

