Provided by: sympa_6.2.24~dfsg-1_amd64 

list_config - Configuration file for mailing list
config is main configuration file of the mailing list. Format of config is as following: • Lines beginning with "#" and containing only spaces are ignored. • There are parameters with single line and multiple lines: • On single line parameters, each line has the form "parameter value". value may contain spaces but may not contain newlines. Several parameters may have multiple vlues. If it's the case, values may be separated by comma (",") or parameter lines may be repeated. Some of parameters must have one or more of limited values. Example: subject This is subject of my list remove_headers User-Agent,Importance custom_headers X-List: mylist custom_headers X-Face: %`-W7!?^]Sg'I-K>P<cdn&k:~A^{x>(]Gc{V... rfc2369_header_fields post,owner • A multiple line parameter, so-called "paragraph", consists of the first line specifying parameter name and subsequent one or more sub-parameter lines. Paragraph must be separated by one or more empty lines from the other parameters. Several multiple line parameters may occur multiple times.
Below is entire list of configuration parameters. "Default" is built-in default value if any. List definition "subject" Subject of the list Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. This parameter indicates the subject of the list, which is sent in response to the LISTS mail command. The subject is a free form text limited to one line. "visibility" Visibility of the list Format: Name of "visibility" scenario. Default: "default" This parameter indicates whether the list should feature in the output generated in response to a LISTS command or should be shown in the list overview of the web-interface. "owner" Owner Multiple occurrences allowed, mandatory Owners are managing subscribers of the list. They may review subscribers and add or delete email addresses from the mailing list. If you are a privileged owner of the list, you can choose other owners for the mailing list. Privileged owners may edit a few more options than other owners. "" email address Format: /$email/ Default: None, mandatory. "owner.gecos" name Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "" private information Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "owner.profile" profile Format: "privileged" - privileged owner "normal" - normal owner Default: "normal" "owner.reception" reception mode Format: "mail" - receive notification email "nomail" - no notifications Default: "mail" "owner.visibility" visibility Format: "conceal" - concealed from list menu "noconceal" - listed on the list menu Default: "noconceal" "owner_include" Owners defined in an external data source Multiple occurrences allowed "owner_include.source" the datasource Format: /"[\w-]+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "owner_include.source_parameters" datasource parameters Format: /".*"/ Default: None. "owner_include.profile" profile Format: "privileged" - privileged owner "normal" - normal owner Default: "normal" "owner_include.reception" reception mode Format: "mail" - receive notification email "nomail" - no notifications Default: "mail" "owner_include.visibility" visibility Format: "conceal" - concealed from list menu "noconceal" - listed on the list menu Default: "noconceal" "editor" Moderators Multiple occurrences allowed Editors are responsible for moderating messages. If the mailing list is moderated, messages posted to the list will first be passed to the editors, who will decide whether to distribute or reject it. FYI: Defining editors will not make the list moderated; you will have to set the "send" parameter. FYI: If the list is moderated, any editor can distribute or reject a message without the knowledge or consent of the other editors. Messages that have not been distributed or rejected will remain in the moderation spool until they are acted on. "" email address Format: /$email/ Default: None, mandatory. "editor.gecos" name Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "" private information Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "editor.reception" reception mode Format: "mail" - receive notification email "nomail" - no notifications Default: "mail" "editor.visibility" visibility Format: "conceal" - concealed from list menu "noconceal" - listed on the list menu Default: "noconceal" "editor_include" Moderators defined in an external data source Multiple occurrences allowed "editor_include.source" the data source Format: /"[\w-]+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "editor_include.source_parameters" data source parameters Format: /".*"/ Default: None. "editor_include.reception" reception mode Format: "mail" - receive notification email "nomail" - no notifications Default: "mail" "editor_include.visibility" visibility Format: "conceal" - concealed from list menu "noconceal" - listed on the list menu Default: "noconceal" "topics" Topics for the list Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". List topic. Default: None. This parameter allows the classification of lists. You may define multiple topics as well as hierarchical ones. WWSympa's list of public lists uses this parameter. "host" Internet domain Format: /$host/ Default: Value of "host" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Domain name of the list, default is the robot domain name set in the related robot.conf file or in file sympa.conf. "lang" Language of the list Format: Language tag. Default: Value of "lang" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. This parameter defines the language used for the list. It is used to initialize a user's language preference; Sympa command reports are extracted from the associated message catalog. "family_name" Family name Format: /$family_name/ Default: None. "max_list_members" Maximum number of list members Format: Number of list members. Default: Value of "default_max_list_members" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. limit for the number of subscribers. 0 means no limit. "priority" Priority Format: 0 - 0 - highest priority 1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 4 - 4 5 - 5 6 - 6 7 - 7 8 - 8 9 - 9 - lowest priority "z" - queue messages only Default: Value of "default_list_priority" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. The priority with which Sympa will process messages for this list. This level of priority is applied while the message is going through the spool. The z priority will freeze the message in the spool. Sending/receiving setup "send" Who can send messages Format: Name of "send" scenario. Default: "default" This parameter specifies who can send messages to the list. "delivery_time" Delivery time (hh:mm) Format: /"[0-2]?\d\:[0-6]\d"/ Default: None. "digest" Digest frequency Single occurrence Definition of digest mode. If this parameter is present, subscribers can select the option of receiving messages in multipart/digest MIME format, or as a plain text digest. Messages are then grouped together, and compiled messages are sent to subscribers according to the frequency selected with this parameter. "digest.days" days Format: Multiple occurrences allowed. Day of week, 0 - 6. Default: None, mandatory. "digest.hour" hour Format: /"\d+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "digest.minute" minute Format: /"\d+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "digest_max_size" Digest maximum number of messages Format: Number of messages. Default: 25 "available_user_options" Available subscription options Single occurrence "available_user_options.reception" reception mode Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". Reception mode of list member. Default: "mail,notice,digest,digestplain,summary,nomail,txt,urlize,not_me" Only these modes will be allowed for the subscribers of this list. If a subscriber has a reception mode not in the list, Sympa uses the mode specified in the default_user_options paragraph. "default_user_options" Subscription profile Single occurrence Default profile for the subscribers of the list. "default_user_options.reception" reception mode Format: Reception mode of list member. Default: "mail" Mail reception mode. "default_user_options.visibility" visibility Format: Visibility mode of list memeber. Default: "noconceal" Visibility of the subscriber. "msg_topic" Topics for message categorization Multiple occurrences allowed This paragraph defines a topic used to tag a message of a list, named by ("other" is a reserved word), its title is msg_topic.title. The msg_topic.keywords entry is optional and allows automatic tagging. This should be a list of keywords, separated by ','. "" Message topic name Format: /"[\-\w]+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "msg_topic.keywords" Message topic keywords Format: /"[^,\n]+(,[^,\n]+)*"/ Default: None. "msg_topic.title" Message topic title Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "msg_topic_keywords_apply_on" Defines to which part of messages topic keywords are applied Format: "subject" - subject field "body" - message body "subject_and_body" - subject and body Default: "subject" This parameter indicates which part of the message is used to perform automatic tagging. "msg_topic_tagging" Message tagging Format: "required_sender" - required to post message "required_moderator" - required to distribute message "optional" - optional Default: "optional" This parameter indicates if the tagging is optional or required for a list. "reply_to_header" Reply address Single occurrence This defines what Sympa will place in the Reply-To: SMTP header field of the messages it distributes. "reply_to_header.value" value Format: "sender" - sender "list" - list "all" - all "other_email" - other email address Default: "sender" This parameter indicates whether the Reply-To: field should indicate the sender of the message (sender), the list itself (list), both list and sender (all) or an arbitrary e-mail address (defined by the other_email parameter). Note: it is inadvisable to change this parameter, and particularly inadvisable to set it to list. Experience has shown it to be almost inevitable that users, mistakenly believing that they are replying only to the sender, will send private messages to a list. This can lead, at the very least, to embarrassment, and sometimes to more serious consequences. "reply_to_header.other_email" other email address Format: /$email/ Default: None. If value was set to other_email, this parameter defines the e-mail address used. "reply_to_header.apply" respect of existing header field Format: "forced" - overwrite Reply-To: header field "respect" - preserve existing header field Default: "respect" The default is to respect (preserve) the existing Reply-To: SMTP header field in incoming messages. If set to forced, Reply-To: SMTP header field will be overwritten. "anonymous_sender" Anonymous sender Format: /".+"/ Default: None. To hide the sender's email address before distributing the message. It is replaced by the provided email address. "custom_header" Custom header field Format: Multiple occurrences allowed. /"\S+:\s+.*"/ Default: None. This parameter is optional. The headers specified will be added to the headers of messages distributed via the list. As of release 1.2.2 of Sympa, it is possible to put several custom header lines in the configuration file at the same time. "custom_subject" Subject tagging Format: /".+"/ Default: None. This parameter is optional. It specifies a string which is added to the subject of distributed messages (intended to help users who do not use automatic tools to sort incoming messages). This string will be surrounded by [] characters. "footer_type" Attachment type Format: "mime" - add a new MIME part "append" - append to message body Default: "mime" List owners may decide to add message headers or footers to messages sent via the list. This parameter defines the way a footer/header is added to a message. mime: The default value. Sympa will add the footer/header as a new MIME part. append: Sympa will not create new MIME parts, but will try to append the header/footer to the body of the message. Predefined message-footers will be ignored. Headers/footers may be appended to text/plain messages only. "max_size" Maximum message size Format: Number of bytes. Default: Value of "max_size" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Maximum size of a message in 8-bit bytes. "merge_feature" Allow message personalization Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: Value of "merge_feature" parameter in sympa.conf. "message_hook" Hook modules for message processing Single occurrence "message_hook.pre_distribute" A hook on the messages before distribution Format: /"(::|\w)+"/ Default: None. "message_hook.post_archive" A hook on the messages just after archiving Format: /"(::|\w)+"/ Default: None. "reject_mail_from_automates_feature" Reject mail from automatic processes (crontab, etc)? Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: Value of "reject_mail_from_automates_feature" parameter in sympa.conf. "remove_headers" Incoming SMTP header fields to be removed Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". /"\S+"/ Default: Value of "remove_headers" parameter in sympa.conf. "remove_outgoing_headers" Outgoing SMTP header fields to be removed Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". /"\S+"/ Default: Value of "remove_outgoing_headers" parameter in sympa.conf. "rfc2369_header_fields" RFC 2369 Header fields Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". "help" - help "subscribe" - subscription "unsubscribe" - unsubscription "post" - posting address "owner" - owner "archive" - list archive Default: Value of "rfc2369_header_fields" parameter in sympa.conf. "forced_reply_to" Deprecated. "reply_to" Deprecated. Privileges "info" Who can view list information Format: Name of "info" scenario. Default: "default" "subscribe" Who can subscribe to the list Format: Name of "subscribe" scenario. Default: "default" The subscribe parameter defines the rules for subscribing to the list. "add" Who can add subscribers Format: Name of "add" scenario. Default: "default" Privilege for adding (ADD command) a subscriber to the list "unsubscribe" Who can unsubscribe Format: Name of "unsubscribe" scenario. Default: "default" This parameter specifies the unsubscription method for the list. Use open_notify or auth_notify to allow owner notification of each unsubscribe command. "del" Who can delete subscribers Format: Name of "del" scenario. Default: "default" "invite" Who can invite people Format: Name of "invite" scenario. Default: "default" "remind" Who can start a remind process Format: Name of "remind" scenario. Default: "default" This parameter specifies who is authorized to use the remind command. "review" Who can review subscribers Format: Name of "review" scenario. Default: "default" This parameter specifies who can access the list of members. Since subscriber addresses can be abused by spammers, it is strongly recommended that you only authorize owners or subscribers to access the subscriber list. "owner_domain" Required domains for list owners Format: /"$host( +$host)*"/ Default: Value of "owner_domain" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Restrict list ownership to addresses in the specified domains. "owner_domain_min" Minimum owners in required domains Format: /"\d+"/ Default: Value of "owner_domain_min" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Require list ownership by a minimum number of addresses in the specified domains. "shared_doc" Shared documents Single occurrence This paragraph defines read and edit access to the shared document repository. "shared_doc.d_read" Who can view Format: Name of "d_read" scenario. Default: "default" "shared_doc.d_edit" Who can edit Format: Name of "d_edit" scenario. Default: "default" "shared_doc.quota" quota Format: Number of Kbytes. Default: Value of "default_shared_quota" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Archives "process_archive" Store distributed messages into archive Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: Value of "process_archive" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. "archive" Archives Single occurrence Privilege for reading mail archives and frequency of archiving Defines who can access the web archive for the list. "archive.period" Deprecated. "archive.access" Deprecated. "archive.web_access" access right Format: Name of "access_web_archive" scenario. Default: None. "archive.mail_access" access right by mail commands Format: Name of "archive_mail_access" scenario. Default: "default" "archive.quota" quota Format: Number of Kbytes. Default: Value of "default_archive_quota" parameter in sympa.conf. "archive.max_month" Maximum number of month archived Format: Number of months. Default: None. "archive_crypted_msg" Archive encrypted mails as cleartext Format: "original" - original messages "decrypted" - decrypted messages Default: "original" "web_archive_spam_protection" email address protection method Format: "cookie" - use HTTP cookie "javascript" - use JavaScript "at" - replace @ characters "none" - do nothing Default: Value of "web_archive_spam_protection" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Idem spam_protection is provided but it can be used only for web archives. Access requires a cookie, and users must submit a small form in order to receive a cookie before browsing the archives. This blocks all robot, even google and co. "web_archive" Deprecated. Bounces "bounce" Bounces management Single occurrence "bounce.warn_rate" warn rate Format: Number of %. Default: Value of "bounce_warn_rate" parameter in sympa.conf. The list owner receives a warning whenever a message is distributed and the number (percentage) of bounces exceeds this value. "bounce.halt_rate" Deprecated. "bouncers_level1" Management of bouncers, 1st level Single occurrence Level 1 is the lower level of bouncing users "bouncers_level1.rate" threshold Format: Number of points. Default: Value of "default_bounce_level1_rate" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Each bouncing user have a score (from 0 to 100). This parameter defines a lower limit for each category of bouncing users.For example, level 1 begins from 45 to level_2_treshold. "bouncers_level1.action" action for this population Format: "remove_bouncers" - remove bouncing users "notify_bouncers" - send notify to bouncing users "none" - do nothing Default: "notify_bouncers" This parameter defines which task is automaticaly applied on level 1 bouncers. "bouncers_level1.notification" notification Format: "none" - do nothing "owner" - owner "listmaster" - listmaster Default: "owner" When automatic task is executed on level 1 bouncers, a notification email can be send to listowner or listmaster. "bouncers_level2" Management of bouncers, 2nd level Single occurrence Level 2 is the highest level of bouncing users "bouncers_level2.rate" threshold Format: Number of points. Default: Value of "default_bounce_level2_rate" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Each bouncing user have a score (from 0 to 100). This parameter defines the score range defining each category of bouncing users.For example, level 2 is for users with a score between 80 and 100. "bouncers_level2.action" action for this population Format: "remove_bouncers" - remove bouncing users "notify_bouncers" - send notify to bouncing users "none" - do nothing Default: "remove_bouncers" This parameter defines which task is automaticaly applied on level 2 bouncers. "bouncers_level2.notification" notification Format: "none" - do nothing "owner" - owner "listmaster" - listmaster Default: "owner" When automatic task is executed on level 2 bouncers, a notification email can be send to listowner or listmaster. "verp_rate" percentage of list members in VERP mode Format: "100%" - 100% - always "50%" - 50% "33%" - 33% "25%" - 25% "20%" - 20% "10%" - 10% "5%" - 5% "2%" - 2% "0%" - 0% - never Default: Value of "verp_rate" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. "tracking" Message tracking feature Single occurrence "tracking.delivery_status_notification" tracking message by delivery status notification Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: Value of "tracking_delivery_status_notification" parameter in sympa.conf. "tracking.message_disposition_notification" tracking message by message disposition notification Format: "on" - enabled "on_demand" - on demand "off" - disabled Default: Value of "tracking_message_disposition_notification" parameter in sympa.conf. "tracking.tracking" who can view message tracking Format: Name of "tracking" scenario. Default: "default" "tracking.retention_period" Tracking datas are removed after this number of days Format: Number of days. Default: Value of "tracking_default_retention_period" parameter in sympa.conf. "welcome_return_path" Welcome return-path Format: "unique" - bounce management "owner" - owner Default: Value of "welcome_return_path" parameter in sympa.conf. If set to unique, the welcome message is sent using a unique return path in order to remove the subscriber immediately in the case of a bounce. "remind_return_path" Return-path of the REMIND command Format: "unique" - bounce management "owner" - owner Default: Value of "remind_return_path" parameter in sympa.conf. Same as welcome_return_path, but applied to remind messages. Data sources setup "inclusion_notification_feature" Notify subscribers when they are included from a data source? Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: "off" "member_include" Users included from parameterizable data sources Multiple occurrences allowed "member_include.source" the data source Format: /"[\w-]+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "member_include.source_parameters" data source parameters Format: /".*"/ Default: None. "sql_fetch_timeout" Timeout for fetch of include_sql_query Format: Number of seconds. Default: Value of "default_sql_fetch_timeout" parameter in sympa.conf. "include_file" File inclusion Format: Multiple occurrences allowed. /"\S+"/ Default: None. Include subscribers from this file. The file should contain one e-mail address per line (lines beginning with a "#" are ignored). "include_remote_file" Remote file inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_remote_file.url" data location URL Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_remote_file.user" remote user Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_remote_file.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_sympa_list" List inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed Include subscribers from other list. All subscribers of list listname become subscribers of the current list. You may include as many lists as required, using one include_sympa_list paragraph for each included list. Any list at all may be included; you may therefore include lists which are also defined by the inclusion of other lists. Be careful, however, not to include list A in list B and then list B in list A, since this will give rise to an infinite loop. "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sympa_list.listname" list name to include Format: /"$listname(\@$host)?"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sympa_list.filter" filter definition Format: /".*"/ Default: None. "include_remote_sympa_list" remote list inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed Sympa can contact another Sympa service using HTTPS to fetch a remote list in order to include each member of a remote list as subscriber. You may include as many lists as required, using one include_remote_sympa_list paragraph for each included list. Be careful, however, not to give rise to an infinite loop resulting from cross includes. For this operation, one Sympa site acts as a server while the other one acs as client. On the server side, the only setting needed is to give permission to the remote Sympa to review the list. This is controlled by the review scenario. "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "" remote host Format: /$host/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_remote_sympa_list.port" remote port Format: /"\d+"/ Default: 443 "include_remote_sympa_list.path" remote path of sympa list dump Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_remote_sympa_list.cert" certificate for authentication by remote Sympa Format: "robot" - robot "list" - list Default: "list" "include_ldap_query" LDAP query inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed This paragraph defines parameters for a query returning a list of subscribers. This feature requires the Net::LDAP (perlldap) PERL module. "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "" remote host Format: /$multiple_host_or_url/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_query.port" Deprecated. "include_ldap_query.use_tls" use TLS (formerly SSL) Format: "starttls" - use STARTTLS "ldaps" - use LDAPS (LDAP over TLS) "none" - do nothing Default: "none" "include_ldap_query.ssl_version" SSL version Format: "sslv2" - SSL version 2 "sslv3" - SSL version 3 "tlsv1" - TLS version 1 "tlsv1_1" - TLS version 1.1 "tlsv1_2" - TLS version 1.2 Default: "tlsv1" "include_ldap_query.ssl_ciphers" SSL ciphers used Format: /".+"/ Default: "ALL" "include_ldap_query.ca_verify" Certificate verification Format: "none" - do nothing "optional" - optional "required" - required Default: "required" "include_ldap_query.user" remote user Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_query.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_ldap_query.suffix" suffix Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_query.scope" search scope Format: "base" - base "one" - one level "sub" - subtree Default: "sub" "include_ldap_query.timeout" connection timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 30 "include_ldap_query.filter" filter Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_query.attrs" extracted attribute Format: /"$ldap_attrdesc(\s*,\s*$ldap_attrdesc)?"/ Default: "mail" "" selection (if multiple) Format: "all" - all "first" - first entry Default: "first" "include_ldap_query.nosync_time_ranges" Time ranges when inclusion is not allowed Format: /$time_ranges/ Default: None. "include_ldap_query.use_ssl" Obsoleted. Use "use_tls". "include_ldap_2level_query" LDAP 2-level query inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed This paragraph defines parameters for a two-level query returning a list of subscribers. Usually the first-level query returns a list of DNs and the second-level queries convert the DNs into e-mail addresses. This feature requires the Net::LDAP (perlldap) PERL module. "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "" remote host Format: /$multiple_host_or_url/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_2level_query.port" Deprecated. "include_ldap_2level_query.use_tls" use TLS (formerly SSL) Format: "starttls" - use STARTTLS "ldaps" - use LDAPS (LDAP over TLS) "none" - do nothing Default: "none" "include_ldap_2level_query.ssl_version" SSL version Format: "sslv2" - SSL version 2 "sslv3" - SSL version 3 "tlsv1" - TLS version 1 "tlsv1_1" - TLS version 1.1 "tlsv1_2" - TLS version 1.2 Default: "tlsv1" "include_ldap_2level_query.ssl_ciphers" SSL ciphers used Format: /".+"/ Default: "ALL" "include_ldap_2level_query.ca_verify" Certificate verification Format: "none" - do nothing "optional" - optional "required" - required Default: "required" "include_ldap_2level_query.user" remote user Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_query.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_query.suffix1" first-level suffix Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_query.scope1" first-level search scope Format: "base" - base "one" - one level "sub" - subtree Default: "sub" "include_ldap_2level_query.timeout1" first-level connection timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 30 "include_ldap_2level_query.filter1" first-level filter Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_2level_query.attrs1" first-level extracted attribute Format: /$ldap_attrdesc/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_query.select1" first-level selection Format: "all" - all "first" - first entry "regex" - entries matching regular expression Default: "first" "include_ldap_2level_query.regex1" first-level regular expression Format: /".+"/ Default: "" "include_ldap_2level_query.suffix2" second-level suffix template Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_query.scope2" second-level search scope Format: "base" - base "one" - one level "sub" - subtree Default: "sub" "include_ldap_2level_query.timeout2" second-level connection timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 30 "include_ldap_2level_query.filter2" second-level filter template Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_2level_query.attrs2" second-level extracted attribute Format: /"$ldap_attrdesc(\s*,\s*$ldap_attrdesc)?"/ Default: "mail" "include_ldap_2level_query.select2" second-level selection Format: "all" - all "first" - first entry "regex" - entries matching regular expression Default: "first" "include_ldap_2level_query.regex2" second-level regular expression Format: /".+"/ Default: "" "include_ldap_2level_query.nosync_time_ranges" Time ranges when inclusion is not allowed Format: /$time_ranges/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_query.use_ssl" Obsoleted. Use "use_tls". "include_sql_query" SQL query inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed This parameter is used to define the SQL query parameters. "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_query.db_type" database type Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "" remote host Format: /$host/ Default: None. "include_sql_query.db_port" database port Format: /"\d+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_query.connect_options" connection options Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_query.db_name" database name Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_query.db_env" environment variables for database connection Format: /"\w+\=\S+(;\w+\=\S+)*"/ Default: None. "include_sql_query.user" remote user Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_query.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_sql_query.sql_query" SQL query Format: /$sql_query/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_query.f_dir" Directory where the database is stored (used for DBD::CSV only) Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_query.nosync_time_ranges" Time ranges when inclusion is not allowed Format: /$time_ranges/ Default: None. "include_voot_group" VOOT group inclusion Multiple occurrences allowed "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_voot_group.user" user Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_voot_group.provider" provider Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "" group Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "ttl" Inclusions timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 3600 Sympa caches user data extracted using the include parameter. Their TTL (time-to-live) within Sympa can be controlled using this parameter. The default value is 3600 "distribution_ttl" Inclusions timeout for message distribution Format: Number of seconds. Default: None. This parameter defines the delay since the last synchronization after which the user's list will be updated before performing either of following actions: * Reviewing list members * Message distribution "include_ldap_ca" LDAP query custom attribute Multiple occurrences allowed "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "" remote host Format: /$multiple_host_or_url/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_ca.port" Deprecated. "include_ldap_ca.use_tls" use TLS (formerly SSL) Format: "starttls" - use STARTTLS "ldaps" - use LDAPS (LDAP over TLS) "none" - do nothing Default: "none" "include_ldap_ca.ssl_version" SSL version Format: "sslv2" - SSL version 2 "sslv3" - SSL version 3 "tlsv1" - TLS version 1 "tlsv1_1" - TLS version 1.1 "tlsv1_2" - TLS version 1.2 Default: "tlsv1" "include_ldap_ca.ssl_ciphers" SSL ciphers used Format: /".+"/ Default: "ALL" "include_ldap_ca.ca_verify" Certificate verification Format: "none" - do nothing "optional" - optional "required" - required Default: "required" "include_ldap_ca.user" remote user Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_ca.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_ldap_ca.suffix" suffix Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_ca.scope" search scope Format: "base" - base "one" - one level "sub" - subtree Default: "sub" "include_ldap_ca.timeout" connection timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 30 "include_ldap_ca.filter" filter Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_ca.attrs" extracted attribute Format: /$ldap_attrdesc/ Default: "mail" "include_ldap_ca.email_entry" Name of email entry Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "" selection (if multiple) Format: "all" - all "first" - first entry Default: "first" "include_ldap_ca.nosync_time_ranges" Time ranges when inclusion is not allowed Format: /$time_ranges/ Default: None. "include_ldap_ca.use_ssl" Obsoleted. Use "use_tls". "include_ldap_2level_ca" LDAP 2-level query custom attribute Multiple occurrences allowed "" remote host Format: /$multiple_host_or_url/ Default: None, mandatory. "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.port" Deprecated. "include_ldap_2level_ca.use_tls" use TLS (formerly SSL) Format: "starttls" - use STARTTLS "ldaps" - use LDAPS (LDAP over TLS) "none" - do nothing Default: "none" "include_ldap_2level_ca.ssl_version" SSL version Format: "sslv2" - SSL version 2 "sslv3" - SSL version 3 "tlsv1" - TLS version 1 "tlsv1_1" - TLS version 1.1 "tlsv1_2" - TLS version 1.2 Default: "tlsv1" "include_ldap_2level_ca.ssl_ciphers" SSL ciphers used Format: /".+"/ Default: "ALL" "include_ldap_2level_ca.ca_verify" Certificate verification Format: "none" - do nothing "optional" - optional "required" - required Default: "required" "include_ldap_2level_ca.user" remote user Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.suffix1" first-level suffix Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.scope1" first-level search scope Format: "base" - base "one" - one level "sub" - subtree Default: "sub" "include_ldap_2level_ca.timeout1" first-level connection timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 30 "include_ldap_2level_ca.filter1" first-level filter Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_2level_ca.attrs1" first-level extracted attribute Format: /$ldap_attrdesc/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.select1" first-level selection Format: "all" - all "first" - first entry "regex" - entries matching regular expression Default: "first" "include_ldap_2level_ca.regex1" first-level regular expression Format: /".+"/ Default: "" "include_ldap_2level_ca.suffix2" second-level suffix template Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.scope2" second-level search scope Format: "base" - base "one" - one level "sub" - subtree Default: "sub" "include_ldap_2level_ca.timeout2" second-level connection timeout Format: Number of seconds. Default: 30 "include_ldap_2level_ca.filter2" second-level filter template Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_2level_ca.attrs2" second-level extracted attribute Format: /$ldap_attrdesc/ Default: "mail" "include_ldap_2level_ca.select2" second-level selection Format: "all" - all "first" - first entry "regex" - entries matching regular expression Default: "first" "include_ldap_2level_ca.regex2" second-level regular expression Format: /".+"/ Default: "" "include_ldap_2level_ca.email_entry" Name of email entry Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_ldap_2level_ca.nosync_time_ranges" Time ranges when inclusion is not allowed Format: /$time_ranges/ Default: None. "include_ldap_2level_ca.use_ssl" Obsoleted. Use "use_tls". "include_sql_ca" SQL query custom attribute Multiple occurrences allowed "" short name for this source Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_ca.db_type" database type Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "" remote host Format: /$host/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_ca.db_port" database port Format: /"\d+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_ca.db_name" database name Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_ca.connect_options" connection options Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_ca.db_env" environment variables for database connection Format: /"\w+\=\S+(;\w+\=\S+)*"/ Default: None. "include_sql_ca.user" remote user Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_ca.passwd" remote password Format: The value to be concealed. Default: None. "include_sql_ca.sql_query" SQL query Format: /$sql_query/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_ca.f_dir" Directory where the database is stored (used for DBD::CSV only) Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "include_sql_ca.email_entry" Name of email entry Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "include_sql_ca.nosync_time_ranges" Time ranges when inclusion is not allowed Format: /$time_ranges/ Default: None. "include_list" Deprecated. "user_data_source" Deprecated. DKIM "dkim_feature" Insert DKIM signature to messages sent to the list Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: Value of "dkim_feature" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Enable/Disable DKIM. This feature require Mail::DKIM to installed and may be some custom scenario to be updated "dkim_parameters" DKIM configuration Single occurrence A set of parameters in order to define outgoing DKIM signature "dkim_parameters.private_key_path" File path for list DKIM private key Format: /"\S+"/ Default: Value of "dkim_private_key_path" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. The file must contain a RSA pem encoded private key "dkim_parameters.selector" Selector for DNS lookup of DKIM public key Format: /"\S+"/ Default: Value of "dkim_selector" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. The selector is used in order to build the DNS query for public key. It is up to you to choose the value you want but verify that you can query the public DKIM key for <selector>._domainkey.your_domain "dkim_parameters.header_list" Deprecated. "dkim_parameters.signer_domain" DKIM "d=" tag, you should probably use the default value Format: /"\S+"/ Default: Value of "dkim_signer_domain" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. The DKIM "d=" tag, is the domain of the signing entity. the list domain MUST be included in the "d=" domain "dkim_parameters.signer_identity" DKIM "i=" tag, you should probably leave this parameter empty Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None. DKIM "i=" tag, you should probably not use this parameter, as recommended by RFC 4871, default for list brodcasted messages is i=<listname>-request@<domain> "dkim_signature_apply_on" The categories of messages sent to the list that will be signed using DKIM. Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". "md5_authenticated_messages" - authenticated by password "smime_authenticated_messages" - authenticated by S/MIME signature "dkim_authenticated_messages" - authenticated by DKIM signature "editor_validated_messages" - approved by editor "none" - do nothing "any" - any messages Default: Value of "dkim_signature_apply_on" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. This parameter controls in which case messages must be signed using DKIM, you may sign every message choosing 'any' or a subset. The parameter value is a comma separated list of keywords "dmarc_protection" DMARC Protection Single occurrence Parameters to define how to manage From address processing to avoid some domains' excessive DMARC protection "dmarc_protection.mode" Protection modes Format: Multiple values allowed, separated by ",". "none" - do nothing "all" - all "dkim_signature" - DKIM signature exists "dmarc_reject" - DMARC policy suggests rejection "dmarc_any" - DMARC policy exists "dmarc_quarantine" - DMARC policy suggests quarantine "domain_regex" - domain matching regular expression Default: Value of "dmarc_protection_mode" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Select one or more operation modes. "Domain matching regular expression" (domain_regex) matches the specified Domain regexp; "DKIM signature exists" (dkim_signature) matches any message with a DKIM signature header; "DMARC policy ..." (dmarc_*) matches messages from sender domains with a DMARC policy as given; "all" (all) matches all messages. "dmarc_protection.domain_regex" Match domain regexp Format: /".+"/ Default: Value of "dmarc_protection_domain_regex" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. Regexp match pattern for From domain "dmarc_protection.other_email" New From address Format: /".+"/ Default: Value of "dmarc_protection_other_email" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. This is the email address to use when modifying the From header. It defaults to the list address. This is similar to Anonymisation but preserves the original sender details in the From address phrase. "dmarc_protection.phrase" New From name format Format: "display_name" - "Name" "name_and_email" - "Name" (e-mail) "name_via_list" - "Name" (via List) "name_email_via_list" - "Name" (e-mail via List) "list_for_email" - "List" (on behalf of e-mail) "list_for_name" - "List" (on behalf of Name) Default: Value of "dmarc_protection_phrase" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. This is the format to be used for the sender name part of the new From header. Miscellaneous "clean_delay_queuemod" Expiration of unmoderated messages Format: Number of days. Default: Value of "clean_delay_queuemod" parameter in sympa.conf. "cookie" Secret string for generating unique keys Format: The value to be concealed. Default: Value of "cookie" parameter in sympa.conf. This parameter is a confidential item for generating authentication keys for administrative commands (ADD, DELETE, etc.). This parameter should remain concealed, even for owners. The cookie is applied to all list owners, and is only taken into account when the owner has the auth parameter. "custom_attribute" Custom user attributes Multiple occurrences allowed "" internal identifier Format: /"\w+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "" label Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "custom_attribute.comment" additional comment Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "custom_attribute.type" type Format: "string" - string "text" - multi-line text "integer" - number "enum" - set of keywords Default: "string" "custom_attribute.enum_values" possible attribute values (if enum is used) Format: /".+"/ Default: None. "custom_attribute.optional" is the attribute optional? Format: "required" - required "optional" - optional Default: "optional" "custom_vars" custom parameters Multiple occurrences allowed "" var name Format: /"\S+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "custom_vars.value" var value Format: /".+"/ Default: None, mandatory. "expire_task" Periodical subscription expiration task Format: /"\w+"/ Default: None. This parameter states which model is used to create an expire task. An expire task regularly checks the subscription or resubscription date of subscribers and asks them to renew their subscription. If they don't they are deleted. "loop_prevention_regex" Regular expression applied to prevent loops with robots Format: /"\S*"/ Default: Value of "loop_prevention_regex" parameter in sympa.conf or robot.conf. "pictures_feature" Allow picture display? (must be enabled for the current robot) Format: "on" - enabled "off" - disabled Default: Value of "pictures_feature" parameter in sympa.conf. "remind_task" Periodical subscription reminder task Format: /"\w+"/ Default: Value of "default_remind_task" parameter in sympa.conf. This parameter states which model is used to create a remind task. A remind task regularly sends subscribers a message which reminds them of their list subscriptions. "spam_protection" email address protection method Format: "at" - replace @ characters "javascript" - use JavaScript "none" - do nothing Default: "javascript" There is a need to protect Sympa web sites against spambots which collect email addresses from public web sites. Various methods are available in Sympa and you can choose to use them with the spam_protection and web_archive_spam_protection parameters. Possible value are: javascript: the address is hidden using a javascript. A user who enables javascript can see a nice mailto address where others have nothing. at: the @ char is replaced by the string " AT ". none: no protection against spammer. "latest_instantiation" Latest family instantiation Single occurrence "" who ran the instantiation Format: /"listmaster|$email"/ Default: None. "latest_instantiation.date_epoch" date Format: The time in second from Unix epoch. Default: None, mandatory. "" Deprecated. "creation" Creation of the list Single occurrence "" who created the list Format: /"listmaster|$email"/ Default: None, mandatory. "creation.date_epoch" date Format: The time in second from Unix epoch. Default: None, mandatory. "" Deprecated. "update" Last update of config Single occurrence "" who updated the config Format: /"(listmaster|automatic|$email)"/ Default: None. "update.date_epoch" date Format: The time in second from Unix epoch. Default: None, mandatory. "" Deprecated. "status" Status of the list Format: Status of list. Default: "open" "serial" Serial number of the config Format: /"\d+"/ Default: 0 "account" Deprecated.
$EXPLDIR/<list name>/config or $EXPLDIR/<mail domain name>/<list name>/config List main configuration file.
sympa.conf(5). Sympa, Mailing List Management Software - Reference Manual. <>.