bionic (5) xymonserver.cfg.5.gz

xymonserver.cfg - Xymon environment variables
Xymon programs use multiple environment variables beside the normal set of variables. The environment definitions are stored in the ~Xymon/server/etc/xymonserver.cfg file. Each line in this file is of the form NAME=VALUE and defines one environment variable NAME with the value VALUE. You can also append data to existing variables, using the syntax NAME+=VALUE. VALUE is then appended to the existing value of the NAME variable. If NAME has not been defined, then this acts as if it were a normal definition.
In some cases it may be useful to have different values for an environment variable, depending on where it is used. This is possible by defining variables with an associated "area". Such definitions have the form AREA/NAME=VALUE. E.g. to define a special setup of the XYMSERVERS variable when it is used by an application in the "management" area, you would do this: XYMSERVERS="" # Default definition management/XYMSERVERS="" # Definition in the "management" area Areas are invoked by using the "--area" option for all tools, or via the ENVAREA setting in the tasks.cfg(5) file.
XYMONSERVERHOSTNAME The fully-qualified hostname of the server that is running Xymon. XYMONSERVERWWWNAME The hostname used to access this servers' web-pages, used to construct URL's in the Xymon webpages. Default is the XYMONSERVERHOSTNAME. XYMONSERVERIP The public IP-address of the server that is running Xymon. XYMONSERVEROS A name identifying the operating system of the Xymon server. The known names are currently "linux", "freebsd", "solaris", "hpux", "aix" and "osf". FQDN If set to TRUE, Xymon will use fully-qualified hostnames throughout. If set to FALSE, hostnames are stripped of their domain-part before being processed. It is highly recommended that you keep this set to TRUE. Default: TRUE. XYMONLOGSTATUS Controls how the HTML page for a status log is generated. If set to DYNAMIC, the HTML logs are generated on-demand by the svcstatus.cgi(1) script. If set to STATIC, you must activate the xymond_filestore(8) module (through an entry in the tasks.cfg(5) file) to create and store the HTML logs whenever a status update is received. Setting "XYMONLOGSTATUS=STATIC" is discouraged since the I/O load on the Xymon server will increase significantly. PINGCOLUMN Defines the name of the column for "ping" test status. The data from the "ping" test is used internally by Xymon, so it must be defined here so all of the Xymon tools know which column to watch for this data. The default setting is PINGCOLUMN=conn. INFOCOLUMN Defines the name of the column for the "info" pages. TRENDSCOLUMN Defines the name of the column for the RRD graph pages. RRDHEIGHT The default height (in pixels) of the RRD graph images. Default: 120 pixels. RRDWIDTH The default width (in pixels) of the RRD graph images. Default: 576 pixels. RRDGRAPHOPTS Extra options for the RRD graph command. These are passed directly to the "rrdgraph" command used to generate graphs, see the rrdgraph(1) man-page for details of the options. TRENDSECONDS The graphs on the "trends" page show data for the past TRENDSECONDS seconds. Default: 172800 seconds, i.e. 48 hours. HTMLCONTENTTYPE The Content-type reported by the CGI scripts that generate web pages. By default, this it "text/html". If you have on-line help texts in character sets other than the ISO-8859-1 (western european) character set, it may be necessary to modify this to include a character set. E.g. HTMLCONTENTTYPE="text/html; charset=euc-jp" for a Japanese character sets. Note: Some webservers will automatically add this, if configured to do so. XYMWEBREFRESH The default HTTP page reload interval for many xymongen and status pages. Note that while this can be overridden in the header template files for regular pages, dynamically generated status logs displayed with svcstatus.cgi(1) use this value in the HTTP response header and for security reasons the value in hostsvc_header may be ignored on many modern browsers. (default [seconds]: 60) HOLIDAYS Defines the default set of holidays used if there is no "holidays" tag for a host in the hosts.cfg file. Holiday sets are defined in the holidays.cfg(5) file. If not defined, only the default holidays (those defined outside a named holiday set) will be considered as holidays. WEEKSTART Defines which day is the first day of the week. Set to "0" for Sunday, "1" for Monday. Default: 1 (Monday). XYMONBODYHEADER Text that is included in the Xymon web pages at the location specified by ~xymon/server/web/*_header templates. If this is set to a value beginning with "file:", then the contents of the specified file is included. Default: "file:$XYMONHOME/etc/xymonmenu.cfg" XYMONBODYFOOTER Text that is included in the Xymon web pages at the location specified by ~xymon/server/web/*_footer templates. If this is set to a value beginning with "file:", then the contents of the specified file is included. Default: Empty. XYMONBODYMENUCSS URL for the Xymon menu CSS file. Default: "$XYMONMENUSKIN/xymonmenu.css" HOSTPOPUP Determines what is used as the host comment on the webpages. The comment by default appears as a pop-up when the mouse hovers over the hostname, and is also shown on the "info" status page. This setting must be one or more of the letters "C" (COMMENT), "D" (DESCRIPTION) or "I" (IP-address). Including "C" uses the COMMENT setting for the host, including "D" uses the DESCR setting for the host, and "I" uses the IP-address of the host. If more than one of these is set, then COMMENT takes precedence over DESCR which again has precence over IP. Note that DESCR and IP only appear in pop-up windows (if enabled), whereas the COMMENT is always used - if pop-up's have been disabled, then the COMMENT value is displayed next to the hostname on the webpages. Default: CDI STATUSLIFETIME The number of minutes that a status is considered valid after an update. After this time elapses, the status will go purple. Default: 30 minutes
XYMONSERVERROOT The top-level directory for the Xymon installation. The default is the home-directory for the user running Xymon. XYMONSERVERLOGS The directory for the Xymon's own logfiles (NOT the status-logs from the monitored hosts). XYMONHOME The Xymon server directory, where programs and configurations are kept. Default: $XYMONSERVERROOT/server/ . XYMONTMP Directory used for temporary files. Default: $XYMONHOME/tmp/ XYMONWWWDIR Directory for Xymon webfiles. The $XYMONWEB URL must map to this directory. Default: $XYMONHOME/www/ XYMONNOTESDIR Directory for Xymon notes-files. The $XYMONNOTESSKIN URL must map to this directory. Default: $XYMONHOME/www/notes/ XYMONREPDIR Directory for Xymon availability reports. The $XYMONREPURL URL must map to this directory. Note also that your webserver must have write-access to this directory, if you want to use the report.cgi(1) CGI script to generate reports on-demand. Default: $XYMONHOME/www/rep/ XYMONSNAPDIR Directory for Xymon snapshots. The $XYMONSNAPURL URL must map to this directory. Note also that your webserver must have write-access to this directory, if you want to use the snapshot.cgi(1) CGI script to generate snapshots on-demand. Default: $XYMONHOME/www/snap/ XYMONVAR Directory for all data stored about the monitored items. Default: $XYMONSERVERROOT/data/ XYMONRAWSTATUSDIR Directory for storing the raw status-logs. Not used unless "xymond_filestore --status" is running, which is discouraged since it increases the load on the Xymon server significantly. Default: $XYMONVAR/logs/ XYMONHTMLSTATUSDIR Directory for storing HTML status-logs. Not used unless "xymond_filestore --status --html" is running, which is discouraged since it increases the load on the Xymon server significantly. Default: $XYMONHOME/www/html/ XYMONHISTDIR Directory for storing the history of monitored items. Default: $XYMONVAR/hist/ XYMONHISTLOGS Directory for storing the detailed status-log of historical events. Default: $XYMONVAR/histlogs/ XYMONACKDIR Directory for storing information about alerts that have been acknowledged. Default: $XYMONVAR/acks/ XYMONDISABLEDDIR Directory for storing information about tests that have been disabled. Default: $XYMONVAR/disabled/ XYMONDATADIR Directory for storing incoming "data" messages. Default: $XYMONVAR/data/ XYMONRRDS Top-level directory for storing RRD files (the databases with trend-information used to generate graphs). Default: $XYMONVAR/rrd/ CLIENTLOGS Directory for storing the data sent by a Xymon client around the time a status changes to a warning (yellow) or critical (red) state. Used by the xymond_hostdata(8) module. Default: $XYMONVAR/hostdata/ XYMONCGILOGDIR Directory where debug output from CGI applications are stored. If not specified, it defaults to $XYMONSERVERLOGS, but this is often a directory that is not writable by the userid running the CGI applications. It is therefore recommended when using "--debug" on CGI applications that you create a separate directory owned by the user running your webserver, and point XYMONCGILOGDIR to this directory.
HOSTSCFG Full path to the Xymon hosts.cfg(5) configuration file. Default: $XYMONHOME/etc/hosts.cfg. XYMON Full path to the xymon(1) client program. Default: $XYMONHOME/bin/xymon. XYMONGEN Full path to the xymongen(1) webpage generator program. Default: $XYMONHOME/bin/xymongen.
XYMONSERVERWWWURL The root URL for the Xymon webpages, without the hostname. This URL must be mapped to the ~/server/www/ directory in your webserver configuration. See the sample Apache configuration in ~/server/etc/xymon-apache.conf. XYMONSERVERCGIURL The root URL for the Xymon CGI-scripts, without the hostname. This directory must be mapped to the ~/cgi-bin/ directory in your webserver configuration, and must be flagged as holding executable scripts. See the sample Apache configuration in ~/server/etc/xymon-apache.conf. XYMONWEBHOST Initial part of the Xymon URL, including just the protocol and the hostname, e.g. "" XYMONWEBHOSTURL Prefix for all of the static Xymon webpages, e.g. "" XYMONWEBHTMLLOGS URL prefix for the static HTML status-logs generated when XYMONLOGSTATUS=STATIC. Note that this setting is discouraged so this setting should not be used. XYMONWEB URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon webpages. E.g. "/xymon". XYMONSKIN URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon graphics. E.g. "/xymon/gifs". XYMONHELPSKIN URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon on-line help files. E.g "/xymon/help". XYMONMENUSKIN URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon menu files. E.g "/xymon/menu". XYMONNOTESSKIN URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon on-line notes files. E.g "/xymon/notes". XYMONREPURL URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon availability reports. E.g. "/xymon/rep". XYMONSNAPURL URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon snapshots. E.g. "/xymon/snap". XYMONWAP URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon WAP/WML files. E.g. "/xymon/wml". CGIBINURL URL prefix (without hostname) of the Xymon CGI-scripts. Default: $XYMONSERVERCGIURL . COLUMNDOCURL Format string used to build a link to the documentation for a column heading. Default: "$CGIBINURL/", which causes links to use the script to document a column. HOSTDOCURL Format string used to build a link to the documentation for a host. If not set, then Xymon falls back to scanning the XYMONNOTES directory for files matching the hostname, or the hostname together with a common filename extension (.php, .html, .doc and so on). If set, this string becomes a formatting string for the documentation URL. E.g. for the host "myhost", a setting of HOSTDOCURL="/docs/%s.php" will generate a link to "/docs/myhost.php". Default: Not set, so host documentation will be retrieved from the XYMONNOTES directory.
XYMSRV The IP-address used to contact the xymond(8) service. Used by clients and the tools that perform network tests. Default: $XYMONSERVERIP XYMSERVERS List of IP-addresses. Clients and network test tools will try to send status reports to a Xymon server running on each of these addresses. This setting is only used if XYMSRV= XYMONDPORT The portnumber for used to contact the xymond(8) service. Used by clients and the tools that perform network tests. Default: 1984. MAXMSGSPERCOMBO The maximum number of status messages to combine into one combo message. Default: 100. SLEEPBETWEENMSGS Length of a pause introduced between each successive transmission of a combo-message by xymonnet, in microseconds. Default: 0 (send messages as quickly as possible).
ALERTCOLORS Comma-separated list of the colors that may trigger an alert-message. The default is "red,yellow,purple". Note that alerts may further be generated or suppresed based on the configuration in the alerts.cfg(5) file. OKCOLORS Comma-separated list of the colors that may trigger a recovery-message. The default is "green,clear,blue". ALERTREPEAT How often alerts get repeated while a status is in an alert state. This is the default setting, which may be changed in the alerts.cfg(5) file. MAXMSG_STATUS The maximum size of a "status" message in kB, default: 256. Status messages are the ones that end up as columns on the web display. The default size should be adequate in most cases, but some extension scripts can generate very large status messages - close to 1024 kB. You should only change this if you see messages in the xymond log file about status messages being truncated. MAXMSG_CLIENT The maximum size of a "client" message in kB, default: 512. "client" messages are generated by the Xymon client, and often include large process-listings. You should only change this if you see messages in the xymond log file about client messages being truncated. MAXMSG_DATA The maximum size of a "data" message in kB, default: 256. "data" messages are typically used for client reports of e.g. netstat or vmstat data. You should only change this setting if you see messages in the xymond log file about data messages being truncated. MAXMSG_NOTES The maximum size of a "notes" message in kB, default: 256. "notes" messages provide a way for uploading documentation about a host to Xymon; it is not enabled by default. If you want to upload large documents, you may need to change this setting. MAXMSG_STACHG The maximum size of a "status change" message in kB, default: Current value of the MAXMSG_STATUS setting. Status-change messages occur when a status changes color. There is no reason to change this setting. MAXMSG_PAGE The maximum size of a "page" message in kB, default: Current value of the MAXMSG_STATUS setting. "page" messages are alerts, and include the status message that triggers the alert. There is no reason to change this setting. MAXMSG_ENADIS The maximum size of an "enadis" message in kB, default: 32. "enadis" are small messages used when enabling or disabling hosts and tests, so the default size should be adequate. MAXMSG_CLICHG The maximum size of a "client change" message in kB, default: Current value of the MAXMSG_CLIENT setting. Client-change messages occur when a status changes color to one of the alert-colors, usually red, yellow and purple. There is no reason to change this setting. MAXMSG_USER The maximum size of a "user" message in kB, default: 128. "user" messages are for communication between custom Xymon modules you have installed, it is not used directly by Xymon.
XYMONALLHISTLOG If set to TRUE, xymond_history(8) will update the $XYMONHISTDIR/allevents file logging all changes to a status. The allevents file is used by the eventlog.cgi(1) tool to show the list of recent events on the "All non-green" webpage. XYMONHOSTHISTLOG If set to TRUE, xymond_history(8) will update the host-specific eventlog that keeps record of all status changes for a host. This logfile is not used by any Xymon tool. SAVESTATUSLOG If set to TRUE, xymond_history(8) will save historical detailed status-logs to the $XYMONHISTLOGS directory.
MAIL Command used to send alerts via e-mail, including a "Subject:" header in the mail. Default: "mail -s" MAILC Command used to send alerts via e-mail in a form that does not have a "Subject" in the mail. Default: "mail" SVCCODES Maps status-columns to numeric service-codes. The numeric codes are used when sending an alert using a script, where the numeric code of the service is provided in the BBSVCNUM variable.
TEST2RRD List of "COLUMNNAME[=RRDSERVICE]" settings, that define which status- and data-messages have a corresponding RRD graph. You will normally not need to modify this, unless you have added a custom TCP-based test to the protocols.cfg file, and want to collect data about the response-time, OR if you are using the xymond_rrd(8) external script mechanism to collect data from custom tests. Note: All TCP tests are automatically added. GRAPHS_<COLUMNAME> List of GRAPHs that should be displayed on the corresponding colmn page. Note this will override the default, so to add multiple graphs you should include the original one (e.g. GRAPHS_cpu="la,vmstat1"). These are used together by the svcstatus.cgi(1) script to determine if the detailed status view of a test should include a graph. GRAPHS List of the RRD databases, that should be shown as a graph on the "trends" column. NORRDDISKS This is used to disable the tracking of certain filesystems. By default all filesystems reported by a client are tracked. In some cases you may want to disable this for certain filesystems, e.g. database filesystems since they are always completely full. This setting is a regular expression that is matched against the filesystem name (the Unix mount-point, or the Windows disk-letter) - if the filesystem name matches this expression, then it will not be tracked by Xymon. Note: Setting this does not affect filesystems that are already being tracked by Xymon - to remove them, you must remove the RRD files for the unwanted filesystems from the ~xymon/data/rrd/HOSTNAME/ directory. RRDDISKS This is used to enable tracking of only selected filesystems (see the NORRDDISKS setting above). By default all filesystems are being tracked, setting this changes that default so that only those filesystems that match this pattern will be tracked.
XYMONNETWORK If this variable is defined, then only the hosts that have been tagged with "NET:$XYMONNETWORK" will be tested by the xymonnet tool. CONNTEST If set to TRUE, the connectivity (ping) test will be performed. IPTEST_2_CLEAR_ON_FAILED_CONN If set to TRUE, then failing network tests go CLEAR if the conn-test fails. NONETPAGE List of network services (separated with <space>) that should go yellow upon failure instead of red. XYMONROUTERTEXT When using the "router" or "depends" tags for a host, a failure status will include text that an "Intermediate router is down". With todays network topologies, the router could be a switch or another network device; if you define this environment variable the word "router" will be replaced with whatever you put into the variable. So to inform the users that an intermediate switch or router is down, use XYMONROUTERTEXT="switch or router". This can also be set on a per-host basis using the "DESCR:hosttype:description" tag in the hosts.cfg(5) file. NETFAILTEXT When a network test fails, the status message reports "SERVICENAME not OK". The "not OK" message can be changed via this variable, e.g. you can change it to "FAILED" or customize it as you like. FPING The command used to run the xymonping(1) tool for the connectivity test. (The name FPING is due to the fact that the "fping" utility was used until Xymon version 4.2). This may include suid-root wrappers and xymonping options. Default: "xymonping" FPINGOPTS Options used for the fping(1) or xymonping(1) tool for the connectivity test. Note that xymonnet will still expect the output to match the default format. Default: "-Ae" TRACEROUTE TRACEROUTEOPTS Defines the location of the "traceroute" tool and any options needed to run it. traceroute is used by the connectivity test when the ping test fails; if requested via the "trace" tag, the TRACEROUTE command is executed to try to indicate the point in the network that is causing the problem. For backwards compatibility, with prior versions, if TRACEROUTEOPTS is unset, TRACEROUTE is assumed to have whatever options are desired and no addl options are used. Recommended defaults are: "-n -q 2 -w 2 -m 15" (no DNS lookup, max. 2 probes, wait 2 seconds per hop, max 15 hops). If you have the mtr(8) tool installed - available from - I strongly recommend using this instead. The recommended TRACEROUTEOPTS for mtr are "-c 2 -n --report" Note that mtr needs to be installed suid-root on most systems. NTPDATE Defines the ntpdate(1) program used for the "ntp" test. Default: "ntpdate" NTPDATEOPTS Options used for the ntpdate(1) program. Default: "-u -q -p 1" RPCINFO Defines the rpcinfo(8) program used for "rpc" tests. Default: "rpcinfo"
XYMONLOGO HTML code that is inserted on all standard headers. The default is to add the text "Xymon" in the upper-left corner of the page, but you can easily replace this with e.g. a company logo. If you do, I suggest that you keep it at about 30-35 pixels high, and 100-150 pixels wide. XYMONPAGELOCAL The string "Pages hosted locally" that appears above all of the pages linked from the main Xymon webpage. XYMONPAGESUBLOCAL The string "Subpages hosted locally" that appears above all of the sub-pages linked from pages below the main Xymon webpage. XYMONPAGEREMOTE The string "Remote status display" that appears about the summary statuses displayed on the min Xymon webpage. XYMONPAGETITLE HTML tags designed to go in a <FONT> tag, to choose the font for titles of the webpages. XYMONPAGEROWFONT HTML tags designed to go in a <FONT> tag, to choose the font for row headings (hostnames) on the webpages. XYMONPAGECOLFONT HTML tags designed to go in a <FONT> tag, to chose the font for column headings (test names) on the webpages. XYMONPAGEACKFONT HTML tags designed to go in a <FONT> tag, to chose the font for the acknowledgement text displayed on the status-log HTML page for an acknowledged status. ACKUNTILMSG When displaying the detailed status of an acknowledged test, Xymon will include the time that the acknowledge expires using the print-format defined in this setting. You can define the timeformat using the controls in your systems strftime(3) routine, and add the text suitable for your setup. ACK_COOKIE_EXPIRATION The valid length of an acknowledgement cookie. You want to set this large enough so that a late- answered acknowledgement for an alert is still processed properly. Default value: 86400 XYMONDATEFORMAT On webpages generated by xymongen, the default header includes the current date and time. Normally this looks like "Tue Aug 24 21:59:47 2004". The XYMONDATEFORMAT controls the format of this timestamp - you can define the format using the controls in the strftime(3) routine. E.g. to have it show up as "2004-08-24 21:59:47 +0200" you would set XYMONDATEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" HOLIDAYFORMAT How holiday dates are displayed. The default is "%d/%m" which show the day and month. American users may want to change this to "%m/%d" to suit their preferred date-display style. This is a formatting string for the system strftime(3) routine, so any controls available for this routine may be used. XYMONPAGECOLREPEAT Inspired by Jeff Stoner's col_repeat_patch.tgz patch, this defines the maximum number of rows before repeating the column headings on a webpage. This sets the default value for the xymongen(1) "--maxrows" option; if the command-line option is also specified, then it overrides this environment variable. Note that unlike Jeff's patch, xymongen implements this for both the "All non-green" page and all other pages (xymon.html, subpages, critical.html). SUMMARY_SET_BKG If set to TRUE, then summaries will affect the color of the main Xymon webpage. Default: FALSE. DOTHEIGHT The height (in pixels) of the icons showing the color of a status. Default: 16, which matches the default icons. DOTWIDTH The width (in pixels) of the icons showing the color of a status. Default: 16, which matches the default icons. CLIENTSVCS List of the status logs fed by data from the Xymon client. These status logs will - if there are Xymon client data available for the host - include a link to the raw data sent by the client. Default: cpu,disk,memory,procs,svcs. XYMONRSSTITLE If defined, this is the title of the RSS/RDF documents generated when xymongen(1) is invoked with the "--rss" option. The default value is "Xymon Alerts". WMLMAXCHARS Maximum size of a WAP/WML output "card" when generating these. Default: 1500. XYMONNONGREENEXT List of scripts to run as extensions to the "All non-green" page. Note that two scripts, "" and "" are handled specially: They are handled internally by xymongen, but the script names must be listed in this variable for this function to be enabled. XYMONHISTEXT List of scripts to run as extensions to a history page. XYMONREPWARN Default threshold for listing the availability as "critical" (red) when generating the availability report. This can be set on a per-host basis with the WARNPCT setting in hosts.cfg(5). Default: 97 (percent) XYMONGENREPOPTS Default xymongen options used for reports. This will typically include such options as "--subpagecolumns", and also "--ignorecolumns" if you wish to exclude certain tests from reports by default. XYMONGENSNAPOPTS Default xymongen options used by snapshots. This should be identical to the options you normally used when building Xymon webpages.