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amgetconf - look up configuration parameters and manipulate debug logs
amgetconf [-l|--list] [--platform] [--distro] [--client] [--execute-where client|server] [-o configoption...] [config] parameter
Amgetconf has three main jobs: to fetch configuration information from the Amanda configuration; to fetch build-time configuration values; and to open and close debug logs for shell scripts. Each is treated in its own subsection, below. If config is not specified, amgetconf assumes it is being run from the configuration directory and that amanda.conf is present. The order of options and arguments does not matter. parameter is always case-insensitive, and '-' and '_' are treated as identical, just as in amanda.conf(5). See the "CONFIGURATION OVERRIDE" section in amanda(8) for information on the -o option. AMANDA CONFIGURATION If parameter is a configuration keyword (from amanda.conf(5)), then amgetconf will return the corresponding value. For keywords which can take multiple values, amgetconf will return all values, one on each line. Values in configuration subsections are specified with parameters of the form TYPE:NAME:PARAMETER, where TYPE is the subsection type (one of dumptype, tapetype, interface, holdingdisk, application-tool, or script-tool; NAME is the name of the subsection (e.g., user-tar), and PARAMETER is the name of the disired parameter within that subsection. The --list option lists the subsections of a certain type, where the type is givein as the parameter. The --client option is equivalent to --execute-where client (below). The --execute-where option tells amgetconf whether to operate on the client or the server; the server is the default. BUILD CONFIGURATION If parameter begins with build., then the following name is a build environment variable. Variables without a value (e.g. XFSDUMP on a system that does not support that type of file system) will not report an error and will return an empty string as the value. Some boolean variables (e.g. USE_AMANDAHOSTS) will return 1 if the flag is set or an empty string if it is not, while others return yes or no, as indicated below (the difference is historical). Combining the --list option with the parameter build will enumerate all available build parameters. Build Parameters bindir, sbindir, libexecdir, mandir Install directories AMANDA_TMPDIR, CONFIG_DIR, AMANDA_DBGDIR, GNUTAR_LISTED_INCREMENTAL_DIR Runtime directories listed_inc_dir Same as GNUTAR_LISTED_INCREMENTAL_DIR CC, VERSION, ASSERTIONS, LOCKING Build information. ASSERTIONS is 1 or empty. DUMP, RESTORE, VDUMP, VRESTORE, XFSDUMP, XFSRESTORE, VXDUMP, VXRESTORE, SAMBA_CLIENT, GNUTAR, STAR, COMPRESS_PATH, UNCOMPRESS_PATH Paths to various utility progarms (empty if they are not found or not used) AIX_BACKUP Is DUMP the AIX backup program? (empty or 1) DUMP_RETURNS_1 Does DUMP return 1 on success? (empty or 1) BSD_SECURITY, BSDUDP_SECURITY, BSDTCP_SECURITY, KRB5_SECURITY, SSH_SECURITY, RSH_SECURITY Indicate which authentication mechanisms are available (yes or no). USE_AMANDAHOSTS Should the "bsd" authentication mechanism use amandahosts? (yes or no). AMANDA_DEBUG_DAYS Number of days after which debug logs are deleted. DEFAULT_SERVER, DEFAULT_CONFIG, DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER, DEFAULT_TAPE_DEVICE Default values for configuration parameters CLIENT_LOGIN Userid under which the client runs (from --with-user). USE_RUNDUMP Should Amanda use the rundump wrapper? (empty or 1) CHECK_USERID Does Amanda check that userids are correct? (empty or 1) COMPRESS_SUFFIX, COMPRESS_FAST_OPT, COMPRESS_BEST_OPT, UNCOMPRESS_OPT Command-line options for the compression program. DEBUG LOG MANAGEMENT Note That this application is responsible for debug logs is a historical quirk, but the functionality is widely used. If parameter begins with dbopen., the string following the period is a program name and an Amanda debug file will be created for the caller. The name of the logfile is returned. If parameter begins with dbclose., the string following the period is a program name previously used with dbopen., followed by a colon (:) and the previously opened file name. The name of the logfile is returned.
Find out the path to the log file directory: % amgetconf daily logdir /usr/local/etc/amanda/daily/logs Find out the current tape type: % amgetconf daily tapetype DLT4000-IV Find out that tape type's length: % amgetconf daily tapetype:DLT4000-IV:length 1024000 List the other available tapetype: % amgetconf daily --list tapetype DISK QIC-60 DEC-DLT2000 ... Find out the configuration directory: % amgetconf build.CONFIG_DIR /usr/local/etc/amanda/ List all build-time parameters % amgetconf --list build AIX_BACKUP AMANDA_DBGDIR AMANDA_DEBUG_DAYS ... On which platform we are running % amgetconf --platform Fedora release 22 (Twenty Two) On which distro we are running % amgetconf --distro Fedora Create, use and close a debug file in a script: % debug_file=`amgetconf daily dbopen.myscript` % echo debug information >> $debug_file % amgetconf daily dbclose.myscript:$debug_file
amgetconf: no such parameter param Parameter param is not a known keyword (e.g. not a valid amanda.conf keyword).
amanda(8), amanda.conf(5), amanda-client.conf(5), amadmin(8) The Amanda Wiki: :
Jean-Louis Martineau <> Zmanda, Inc. (