Provided by: calendarserver_9.1+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


     calendarserver_manage_timezones — Calendar Server timezone database management utility


     calendarserver_manage_timezones [-f file] [-h] [-x file] [-z directory] [--tzvers tzdb-version] [--url url]
                                     [--refresh] [--refreshpkg] [--create] [--update] [--list] [--changed date]


     calendarserver_manage_timezones This utility will create, update, or list an XML timezone database summary
     XML file, or refresh timezone data from IANA, or refresh timezone data from another timezone server.

     It can also be used to update the server's own zoneinfo database from IANA.

     It should be run as a user with the same privileges as the Calendar Server itself, as it needs to read and
     write data that belongs to the server. If using the --refreshpkg option it will need to write to the actual
     python package data so will need to be run as root.

     Actions to perform are specified via the options below.  Only one action is allowed.


     -h    Displays usage information

     -f FILE
           Use the Calendar Server configuration specified in the given file.  Defaults to

     -x FILE
           Update the timezone database XML file at the specified location.  Defaults to timezones.xml in the
           zoneinfo directory.

           Path to a zoneinfo directory where timezone data is stored.  Defaults to the configuration file's
           Data/zoneinfo directory.

     --tzvers version
           Name of IANA timezone data version to use (e.g., '2013a').

           If the server is configured as a secondary timezone zone, use this URL as the URL of the secondary
           server to pull timezone data from.


           Update the zoneinfo data from the IANA registry.

           Update the server's zoneinfo package data from the IANA registry.  This updates
           twistedcaldav.zoneinfo and should only be used by server developers wishing to update the server

           Create a new timezone database XML file based on the timezone data currently in the zoneinfo

           Update the timezone database XML file based on the timezone data currently in the zoneinfo directory.

           List the timezones specified in the timezone database XML file.

     --changed date
           List the timezones in the timezone database XML file that have changed since the specified date value

           Update the server's timezone database by pulling data from a primary timezone server.


     Update the server's timezone data from the latest IANA data:

           calendarserver_manage_timezones --refesh


           The Calendar Server configuration file.

