Provided by: drobo-utils_0.6.1+repack-2_all bug


       drobom - CLI for managing drobo units


       drobom [ options ] <command> [ arguments... ]


   options is one of:
       -c, --command
              the command to execute.

       -d, --device
              the device to operate on (default searches all devices and picks first one found.)

       -h, --help
              print a usage message

       -v, --verbose
              verbosity,  a bit-field to trigger increased output as needed, mostly for debugging.  1 - General,
              2 - Hardware Dialog, 4 - Initiation, 8 - DMP layer, 16-  Detection  64  will  print  everything...
              (default:  0,  as  terse  as possible.)  128 enables simulation mode (for testing when no Drobo is
              available. Dangerous!)

       -V, --version
              print the version id.

   command is one of:
       blink  identify the drobo by making the lights blink

       diag   dump diagnostics file into /tmp directory

       diagprint <diagdumpfile>
              print diagnostics file to standard output

              <diagdumpfile> the diagnostic dump file to print.

       fwcheck query for updates to firmware for the given Drobo
              fwload  load a specific firmware for the given Drobo. Arguments:

              <fwimage> the firmware file to load.

              upgrade the firmware to the latest and greatest, recommended by DRI

       help   print this text

       info  <toprint>
              print information on a Drobo. The <toprint> argument is a comma separated list of the values below
              (default  is to print all of them): config, capacity, protocol, settings, slots, firmware, status,
              options, luns

       list   show device files for all Drobos found.

       name  <newname>
              Set the name of the Drobo to the given value ( only firmware > 1.3.0 supports this command )

       settime sync Drobo's clock to UTC

       setlunsize  Set the size of LUNS on device. Arguments:

              <sz> integer number of TiB to set the lunsize to

              <confirmation> Specify 'PleaseEraseMyData' if you really mean it

              Note: After execution, Drobo reboots, wait a few minutes before accessing again

              shutdown drobo (DRI calls this 'standby')

       status report how is the Drobo doing

       raw block device of a drobo (i.e. /dev/sdz) . If not given, assumes all attached drobos.


       This manual page was written by Chris AtLee <> for the Debian project (but may be  used  by