bionic (8) icmpush.8.gz

Provided by: icmpush_2.2-6.1build1_amd64 bug


       icmpush - ICMP packet builder


       icmpush type [options] host


       icmpush is a tool that builds ICMP packets fully customized from command line.

       It  supports  the following ICMP error types: Redirect, Source Quench, Time Exceeded, Destination Unreach
       and Parameter Problem.

       And the following ICMP information types: Address Mask  Request,  Timestamp,  Information  Request,  Echo
       Request, Router Solicitation and Router Advertisement.

       Is  not of our concern to give a fully description of how ICMP protocol works, but the more knowledgement
       we have we can fully understand its management, use and posibilities of this tool.

       The quantity of arguments needed can appear excessive but his own author  reminds  that  some  imperative
       data  must be given through a command line for a fully adjustment to the protocol format on a ICMP packet

       A long number of examples is given at the EXAMPLES section of this page that shows a  real  use  of  this


       -h, --help

       -V, --version
              Program version.

       -v, --verbose
              Informative mode.

       -vv, --more_verbose
              More informative. Useful when debugging.

       The ICMP type type can be any of the following below:

       -du, --dest_unreach
              Destination Unreach. IP packet couldn't be given.  This ICMP type is error.

       -sq, --src_quench
              Source Quench. IP packet is not given do a congestion on the net.  This ICMP type is error.

       -red, --redirect
              Redirect. Request to forward IP packets through another router.  This ICMP type is error.

       -echo, --echo_request
              Echo Request. Request sent to a host to receive an echo reply.  This ICMP type is information.

       -rta, --router_advert address[/preference]
              Router  Advertisement.  Router  trasmits  one  or more routers with address address and preference
              preference.  If this is ommited, default preference 0 is given.  This ICMP type is information.

       -rts, --router_solicit
              Router Solicitation. Host requeriment for a message of one or more routers.  Like the previous, is
              a part of the messages exchange Router Discovery and this ICMP type is information.

       -tx, --time_exc
              Time Exceeded. Time Exceeded for an IP packet.  This ICMP type is error.

       -param, --param_problem
              Parameter Problem. Erroneous value on a variable of IP header.  This ICMP type is error.

       -tstamp, --timestamp
              Timestamp. Host request to receive the time of another host.  This ICMP type is information.

       -info, --info_req
              Information  Request.  Host request to receive an Info Reply from another host.  This ICMP type is

       -mask, --mask_req
              Address Mask Request. Used to find out a host network mask.  This ICMP type is information.

       The options can be any of the following:

       -sp, --spoof address
              IP address to be used as the source of the ICMP packet.

       -to, --timeout secs
              Timeout in seconds to read the answers. Only valid on ICMPs of information  type  but  the  Router
              Advertisement type (-rta).  Default is 5 seconds. If 0 is given answers can not be read.

       -n, --no_resolve
              Don't use name resolution.

       -lt, --lifetime secs
              Lifetime  in seconds of the router announcement. Only valid with Router Advertisement (-rta) type.
              1800 seconds on default (30').

       -gw, --gateway address
              Route gateway address on an ICMP Redirect (-red).  On default will be the spoof address (-sp),  if
              it has been specified, or the outgoing IP address if it has not been specified.

       -dest, --route_dest address
              Route  destination  address  on an ICMP Redirect (-red). This is a required option when sending an
              ICMP Redirect.

       -orig, --orig_host address
              Original host within the IP header sent in the 64 bits data field of an ICMP  error.   On  default
              will be the same as the IP of the host that sends the ICMP packet.

       -psrc, --port_src port
              Source  port  (tcp or udp) within the IP header sent in the 64 bits data field of an ICMP error. 0
              on default.

       -pdst, --port_dest port
              Destination port (tcp or udp) within the IP header sent in the 64  bits  data  field  of  an  ICMP
              error. 0 on default.

       -prot, --protocol icmp|tcp|udp
              Protocol  to be used within the IP header sent in the 64 bits data field of an ICMP error. Must be
              one of the three listed above. Tcp on default.

       -id, --echo_id identificator
              Echo identificator within the IP header sent in the 64 bits data field of an ICMP error  when  the
              IP header protocol of the 64 bits data field (-prot) is icmp. 0 on default.

       -seq, --echo_seq sequence
              Echo sequence number within the IP header sent in the 64 bits data field of an ICMP error when the
              IP header protocol of the 64 bits data field (-prot) is icmp. 0 on default.

       -pat, --pattern pattern
              Data pattern to send on an Echo Request (-echo).

       -gbg, --garbage bytes|max
              Number of garbage bytes that will be sent on any ICMP packet. With max the maximum  possible  will
              be sent.

       -ptr, --pointer byte
              Pointer  to  erroneus  byte  byte  on  an  ICMP packet showing a parameter problem.  Valid only on
              Parameter Problem type (-param).

       -c, --code code|num|max
              ICMP code to send. Code code valid  for  Destination  Unreach  (-du),  Redirect  (-red)  and  Time
              Exceeded (-tx) types.

              Numerical  code  can  be specified for the ICMP types that doesn't have (Echo Request, Information
              Request, Address Mask Request, Router Solicitation, Router Advertisement, Source Quench, Parameter
              Problem and Timestamp).

              Using max an ICMP code bigger than the admited ones will be sent.

              Next ICMP CODES section enumerates the valid code types.


       Valid codes used with Destination Unreach, Redirect y Time Exceeded types are,

       - Used with Destination Unreach type (-du):

       net-unreach (Net Unreachable) The destination net is unreacheable.

       host-unreach (Host Unreachable) The destination host is unreacheable.

       prot-unreach (Protocol Unreachable) desired protocol is unreacheable to destination host.

       port-unreach (Port Unreachable) desired port is unreacheable to destination host.

       frag-needed  (Fragmentation  Needed and Don't Fragment was Set) Shows that IP packet had to be fragmented
       because of its size but the sender did not allowed it because of DF (DON'T FRAGMENT) flag.

       sroute-fail (Source Route Failed) could'nt follow the route indicated on IP packet.

       net-unknown (Destination Network Unknown) Destination network is unknown.

       host-unknown (Destination Host Unknown) Destination host unknown but network is.

       host-isolated (Source Host Isolated) Can't reach destination host.

       net-ano (Communication with Destination Network is Administratively Prohibited) access network is  denied
       through firewall or similar on receiver side.

       host-ano  (Communication  with  Destination  Host  is  Administratively Prohibited) access host is denied
       through firewall or similar on receiver side.

       net-unr-tos (Destination Network Unreachable for Type of Service) indicates on destination  network  that
       the Type Of Service (TOS) applied for is not allowed.

       host-unr-tos  (Destination  Host  Unreachable  for  Type  of  Service)  shows  that  destination  host is
       unreachable with applied TOS.

       com-admin-prohib (Communication Administratively Prohibited) a router can't forward a packet  because  of
       administrative filter.

       host-precedence-viol (Host Precedence Violation) IP packet procedence is not allowed.

       precedence-cutoff  (Precedence cutoff in effect) a smaller IP packet precedence has tried to be sent over
       the minimous impossed by network's manager.

       - To be used with Redirect type (-red):

       net (Redirect Datagram for the Network) shows that destination is a network.

       host (Redirect Datagram for the Host) shows that destination is a host.

       serv-net (Redirect Datagram for the Type Of Service and Network) destination is a  type  of  service  and

       serv-host (Redirect Datagram for the Type Of Service and Host) destination is a type of service and host.


       - to be used with Time Exceeded type (-tx):

       ttl (Time to Live exceeded in Transit) time is over on an IP's header packet.

       frag (Fragment Reassembly Time Exceeded) could not put IP's packet fragment together again.


       icmpush can be easily used within shell scripts.  Program returns the following data to the shell:

       Value  Meaning
       -----  -----------
       0      Finished program OK.
       1      Incorrect argument number.
       2      Unkown ICMP protocol.
       3      Cannot create RAW socket type.
       4      Erroneous ICMP packet.
       5      Erroneous gateway.
       6      Erroneous destination route.
       7      Erroneous ICMP packet code.
       8      Erroneous source host.
       9      Error sending packet.
       10     Protocol still not implemented.
       11     Erroneous IP address or spoof host incorrect.
       12     Could not save memory for the data_hdr union.
       13     Erroneous IP address or packet destination host.
       14     Unkown protocol.
       16     Error reading RAW socket.
       17     Error initializing signal handler SIGALARM.
       18     Echo Request packet data too big.
       19     Source port incorrect.
       20     Destination port incorrect.
       21     Incorrect timeout value.
       22     Incorrect Echo ID.
       23     Incorrect sequence number.
       24     Erroneous Echo data.
       25     IP_HDRINCL error.
       26     Erroneous router address in Router Advertisement.
       27     Incorrect garbage bytes number.
       28     Incorrect ICMP pointer Parameter Problem.


       -  In  response to a packet send with TCP source port 100 and destination on port 90, we want to send and
       ICMP Redirect to to modify its routing table with the following data: as a gateway
       to the host masking the packet source as if it was sent from infect.comx host:

       icmpush  -red  -sp  infect.comx  -gw  -dest  -c  host -prot tcp -psrc 100 -pdst 90

       - In response to an ICMP packet Echo Request sent with Echo Request id  100  and  Echo  Request  sequence
       number  90,  we  want to send an ICMP Redirect to the host to modify its routing table with
       the following data: the host pizza.death as a gateway to the host, masking the packet source  as
       if iit was sent from infect.comx host.

       icmpush  -red  -sp  infect.comx  -gw  pizza.death  -dest  -c  host  -prot  icmp -id 100 -seq 90

       - We want to send an ICMP packet Destination Unreach to the host saying that our TCP port number
       20 connected with his TCP port 2100, is unreachable.  We mask ourselves as host

       icmpush -du -sp -c port-unreach -prot tcp -psrc 2100 -pdst 20

       -  We  want to send an ICMP packet Destination Unreach to host saying that the host inferno.hell
       and its TCP port 69, connected with his port TCP 666  in  unreacheable.  We  mask  ourselves  as  gateway

       icmpush -du -sp router.comx -c host-unreach -prot tcp -psrc 666 -pdst 69 -orig inferno.hell

       -  We  want  to send a packet ICMP Source Quench to host ldg02.hell in response to a packet destinated to
       host ldg00 with UDP protocol, source port 100 and destination port 200.  We  mask  ourselves  as  gateway

       icmpush -sq -sp -prot udp -psrc 100 -pdst 200 -orig ldg00 ldg02.hell

       -  We  want to send an ICMP packet Time Exceeded to host ldg02.hell in response to a packet destinated to
       host ldg00 with UDP protocol, source port 100 and destination port 200. We mask as gateway ldg04.hell:

       icmpush -tx -sp ldg04.hell -c frag -prot udp -psrc 100 -pdst 200 -orig ldg00 ldg02.hell

       - We want to send an ICMP packet Address Mask Request and wait 10 seconds to see the replies. We mask the
       packet with source address of and we send it to the address

       icmpush -mask -sp -to 10

       - We want to send an ICMP packet Timestamp to host sepultura.hell.  We mask the packet as if it were send
       from host We use the default timeout (5 seconds):

       icmpush -tstamp --spoof sepultura.hell

       - We want to send an ICMP packet Information Request to host voucher.hell.  The source  address  will  be
       our own IP address, and the timeout will be 20 seconds:

       icmpush -info -to 20 voucher.hell

       -  We  want  to send an ICMP packet Router Solicitation to host lazy.hell. The source address will be our
       own IP address and the timeout will be 20 seconds:

       icmpush -rts --timeout 20 lazy.hell

       - We want to send an ICMP packet Echo Request to host lazy.hell with the data pattern 'MyNameIsGump'. The
       source address will be our own IP address and the timeout to read the data will be 2 seconds:

       icmpush -echo -data MyNameIsGump -to 2 lazy.hell

       -  We want to send ICMP packet Echo Request to with the following data pattern: and we do not
       want to read the answers:

       icmpush -echo -sp -data 'D E A T H' -to 0

       - We want to send an ICMP packet Destination Unreach to host destination.death but  sending  it  with  an
       ICMP code bigger to the legal ones adding also 60K of garbage data:

       icmpush -du -c max -gbg 60000 destination.death

       -  We  want  to  send  an ICMP Router Advertisement to host, saying that the routers to use are:
       router1.xtc with preference 20, router2.xtc with preference 50 and router3.xtc  with  default  preference
       (0). We mask ourselves as fatherouter.xtc

       icmpush -rta router1.xtc/20 -rta router2.xtc/50 -rta router3.xtc -sp fatherouter.xtc

       -  We send an ICMP Parameter Problem to host saying that the packet sent from the host
       with udp protocol, source port 13 and destination port 53, has an error on the IP header byte 13. We will
       also add all garbage bytes as possible:

       icmpush -sp -param -ptr 13 -prot udp -psrc 13 -pdest 53 -gbg max

       -  We  want  to  send  an ICMP packet Timestamp to host with code 38 instead of code (0) as

       icmpush -tstamp -c 38


       Postel, John, "Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA Internet Program  Protocol  Specification",  RFC
       792, USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

       Mogul,   Jeffrey   and  John  Postel,  "Internet  Standard  Subnetting  Procedure",  RFC  950,  Stanford,
       USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1985.

       Braden, Robert, "Requeriments for Internet Hosts  -  Communication  Layers",  RFC  1122,  USC/Information
       Sciences Institute, October 1989.

       Deering, Stephen, "ICMP Router Discovery Messages", RFC 1256, Xerox PARC, September 1991.

       Baker, Fred, "Requeriments for IP Version 4 Routers", RFC 1812, Cisco Systems, June 1995.

       The Linux source code, everything referent to network code and to ICMP protocol.


       Slayer <>