Provided by: infiniband-diags_2.0.0-2_amd64 bug


       infiniband-diags - Diagnostics for InfiniBand Fabrics


       infiniband-diags  is  a  set  of  utilities  designed  to  help configure, debug, and maintain infiniband
       fabrics.  Many tools and utilities are provided.  Some with similar functionality.

       The base utilities use directed route MAD's to perform their operations.  They may therefore work even in
       unconfigured  subnets.   Other, higher level utilities, require LID routed MAD's and to some extent SA/SM


       Many of the tools in this package rely on the use of SMPs via QP0 to acquire data directly from the  SMA.
       While  this  mode  of  operation  is  not  technically  in  compliance with the InfiniBand specification,
       practical experience has found that this level of diagnostics is valuable  when  working  with  a  fabric
       which is broken or only partially configured.  For this reason many of these tools may require the use of
       an MKey or operation from Virtual Machines may be restricted for security reasons.


       Most OpenIB diagnostics take some of the following common flags. The exact list of  supported  flags  per
       utility can be found in the documentation for those commands.

   Addressing Flags
       The -D and -G option have two forms:

       -D, --Direct     The address specified is a directed route

             [options] -D [options] "0"          # self port
             [options] -D [options] "0,1,2,1,4"  # out via port 1, then 2, ...

             (Note the second number in the path specified must match the port being
             used.  This can be specified using the port selection flag '-P' or the
             port found through the automatic selection process.)

       -D, --Direct <dr_path>     The address specified is a directed route

             -D "0"          # self port
             -D "0,1,2,1,4"  # out via port 1, then 2, ...

             (Note the second number in the path specified must match the port being
             used.  This can be specified using the port selection flag '-P' or the
             port found through the automatic selection process.)

       -G, --Guid     The address specified is a Port GUID

       --port-guid, -G <port_guid>  Specify a port_guid

       -L, --Lid   The address specified is a LID

       -s, --sm_port <smlid>     use 'smlid' as the target lid for SA queries.

   Port Selection flags
       -C, --Ca <ca_name>    use the specified ca_name.

       -P, --Port <ca_port>    use the specified ca_port.

   Local port Selection
       Multiple  port/Multiple  CA  support:  when  no  IB  device  or  port  is  specified (see the "local umad
       parameters" below), the libibumad library selects the port to use by the following criteria:

          1. the first port that is ACTIVE.

          2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up).

          If a port and/or CA name is specified, the libibumad library attempts to fulfill the user request, and
          will fail if it is not possible.

          For example:

              ibaddr                 # use the first port (criteria #1 above)
              ibaddr -C mthca1       # pick the best port from "mthca1" only.
              ibaddr -P 2            # use the second (active/up) port from the first available IB device.
              ibaddr -C mthca0 -P 2  # use the specified port only.

   Debugging flags
       -d     raise the IB debugging level.  May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d).

       -e     show send and receive errors (timeouts and others)

       -h, --help      show the usage message

       -v, --verbose
              increase the application verbosity level.  May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v)

       -V, --version     show the version info.

   Configuration flags
       -t, --timeout <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads.

       --outstanding_smps, -o <val>
              Specify the number of outstanding SMP's which should be issued during the scan

              Default: 2

       --node-name-map <node-name-map> Specify a node name map.
          This file maps GUIDs to more user friendly names.  See FILES section.

       --config, -z  <config_file> Specify alternate config file.
          Default: /etc/infiniband-diags/ibdiag.conf


       The following config files are common amongst many of the utilities.


       A  global  config  file is provided to set some of the common options for all tools.  See supplied config
       file for details.

       The node name map is used to specify user friendly names for nodes in the  output.   GUIDs  are  used  to
       perform the lookup.

       This  functionality is provided by the opensm-libs package.  See opensm(8) for the file location for your


          # comment
          <guid> "<name>"


          # IB1
          # Line cards
          0x0008f104003f125c "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 1   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f125d "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 1   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f10d2 "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 2   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f10d3 "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 2   ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"
          0x0008f104003f10bf "IB1 (Rack 11 slot 12  ) ISR9288/ISR9096 Voltaire sLB-24D"

          # Spines
          0x0008f10400400e2d "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 1   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e2e "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 1   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e2f "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 1   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e31 "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 2   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"
          0x0008f10400400e32 "IB1 (Rack 11 spine 2   ) ISR9288 Voltaire sFB-12D"

          # GUID   Node Name
          0x0008f10400411a08 "SW1  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"
          0x0008f10400411a28 "SW2  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"
          0x0008f10400411a34 "SW3  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"
          0x0008f104004119d0 "SW4  (Rack  3) ISR9024 Voltaire 9024D"

       The topology file format is human readable and largely intuitive.  Most  identifiers  are  given  textual
       names  like  vendor  ID  (vendid),  device  ID  (device  ID), GUIDs of various types (sysimgguid, caguid,
       switchguid, etc.).  PortGUIDs are shown in parentheses ().  For switches, this is shown on the switchguid
       line.   For  CA  and  router  ports,  it  is  shown on the connectivity lines.  The IB node is identified
       followed by the number of ports and a quoted the node GUID.  On the right of this line is a  comment  (#)
       followed  by  the  NodeDescription  in  quotes.  If the node is a switch, this line also contains whether
       switch port 0 is base or enhanced, and the LID and LMC of port 0.  Subsequent lines  pertaining  to  this
       node  show  the  connectivity.   On the left is the port number of the current node.  On the right is the
       peer node (node at other end of link). It is identified in quotes with nodetype followed by - followed by
       NodeGUID  with  the port number in square brackets.  Further on the right is a comment (#).  What follows
       the comment is dependent on the node type.  If it it a switch node, it is followed by the NodeDescription
       in  quotes  and  the LID of the peer node.  If it is a CA or router node, it is followed by the local LID
       and LMC and then followed by the NodeDescription in quotes and the LID of the peer node.  The active link
       width and speed are then appended to the end of this output line.

       An example of this is:

          # Topology file: generated on Tue Jun  5 14:15:10 2007
          # Max of 3 hops discovered
          # Initiated from node 0008f10403960558 port 0008f10403960559

          Non-Chassis Nodes

          Switch  24 "S-005442ba00003080"         # "ISR9024 Voltaire" base port 0 lid 6 lmc 0
          [22]    "H-0008f10403961354"[1](8f10403961355)         # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies" lid 4 4xSDR
          [10]    "S-0008f10400410015"[1]         # "SW-6IB4 Voltaire" lid 3 4xSDR
          [8]     "H-0008f10403960558"[2](8f1040396055a)         # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies" lid 14 4xSDR
          [6]     "S-0008f10400410015"[3]         # "SW-6IB4 Voltaire" lid 3 4xSDR
          [12]    "H-0008f10403960558"[1](8f10403960559)         # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies" lid 10 4xSDR

          Switch  8 "S-0008f10400410015"          # "SW-6IB4 Voltaire" base port 0 lid 3 lmc 0
          [6]     "H-0008f10403960984"[1](8f10403960985)         # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies" lid 16 4xSDR
          [4]     "H-005442b100004900"[1](5442b100004901)        # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies" lid 12 4xSDR
          [1]     "S-005442ba00003080"[10]                # "ISR9024 Voltaire" lid 6 1xSDR
          [3]     "S-005442ba00003080"[6]         # "ISR9024 Voltaire" lid 6 4xSDR

          Ca      2 "H-0008f10403960984"          # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies"
          [1](8f10403960985)     "S-0008f10400410015"[6]         # lid 16 lmc 1 "SW-6IB4 Voltaire" lid 3 4xSDR

          Ca      2 "H-005442b100004900"          # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies"
          [1](5442b100004901)     "S-0008f10400410015"[4]         # lid 12 lmc 1 "SW-6IB4 Voltaire" lid 3 4xSDR

          Ca      2 "H-0008f10403961354"          # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies"
          [1](8f10403961355)     "S-005442ba00003080"[22]                # lid 4 lmc 1 "ISR9024 Voltaire" lid 6 4xSDR

          Ca      2 "H-0008f10403960558"          # "MT23108 InfiniHost Mellanox Technologies"
          [2](8f1040396055a)     "S-005442ba00003080"[8]         # lid 14 lmc 1 "ISR9024 Voltaire" lid 6 4xSDR
          [1](8f10403960559)     "S-005442ba00003080"[12]                # lid 10 lmc 1 "ISR9024 Voltaire" lid 6 1xSDR

       When  grouping  is  used,  IB  nodes are organized into chassis which are numbered. Nodes which cannot be
       determined to be in a chassis are displayed as "Non-Chassis Nodes".  External ports are also shown on the
       connectivity lines.


   Basic fabric conectivity
          See: ibnetdiscover, iblinkinfo

   Node information
          See: ibnodes, ibswitches, ibhosts, ibrouters

   Port information
          See: ibportstate, ibaddr

   Switch Forwarding Table info
          See: ibtracert, ibroute, dump_lfts, dump_mfts, check_lft_balance, ibfindnodesusing

   Performance counters
          See: ibqueryerrors, perfquery

   Local HCA info
          See: ibstat, ibstatus

   Connectivity check
          See: ibping, ibsysstat

   Low level query tools
          See: smpquery, smpdump, saquery, sminfo

   Fabric verification tools
          See: ibidsverify


       The  following scripts have been identified as redundant and/or lower performing as compared to the above
       scripts.  They are provided as legacy scripts when --enable-compat-utils is specified at build time.

       ibcheckerrors,  ibclearcounters,  ibclearerrors,  ibdatacounters  ibchecknet,  ibchecknode,  ibcheckport,
       ibcheckportstate,  ibcheckportwidth,  ibcheckstate,  ibcheckwidth,  ibswportwatch,  ibprintca, ibprintrt,


       Ira Weiny
              < >
