bionic (8) ngetty.8.gz

Provided by: ngetty_1.1-3_amd64 bug


       ngetty - daemon for virtual console terminals


       ngetty [ tty1 | vc/1 | 1 ] [ /dev/tty2 | vc/2 | 2 ] ...
       ngetty-helper /dev/ttyX [ login ]
       ngetty-argv :options:child:[name]:args [user [tty]]


       ngetty  is  a  daemon  that  starts login sessions on virtual console terminals, on demand.  It opens the
       virtual console terminals specified by the tty...  arguments, displays a /etc/issue message,  prints  the
       login prompt on each terminal and waits for user name.  On user action, ngetty executes login(1) in a new
       process with the terminal the user is typing in as the controlling terminal.

       login(1) then prompts for a password to login with  the  system  and  finally,  if  the  login  succeeds,
       executes the user's login shell.

       When the user logs out, ngetty restarts the corresponding virtual console terminal.

       Actually almost the whole work is done by a ngetty-helper program.  It makes /var/run/utmp, /var/log/wtmp
       records, prints /etc/issue, hostname, login prompt, waits for user  name.   ngetty  invokes  the  ngetty-
       helper by need.


       The  traditional  way  to  enable  logins  on  virtual  console terminals is to start a bunch of getty(8)
       programs, one for each virtual console terminal, from init(8).  As most users  rarely  login  on  virtual
       console  terminals  nowadays,  preferring  graphical  logins instead, it seems wasteful to have all those
       getty(8) processes doing nothing but wasting memory.  Alternatively, ngetty manages logins on any  number
       of virtual console terminals from a single, light, process.


       ngetty does not use stdin, stdout or stderr and closes them.

       When  running ngetty in the background, remember to disassociate it from the current controlling terminal
       by making it the process group leader of a new session, e.g.:

           setsid ngetty tty...  &
           ngetty-argv :-D:-S:-e:--:/sbin/ngetty::1:2:3:4

       To start ngetty from init(8), add something like this to /etc/inittab:

              ng:2345:respawn:/sbin/ngetty tty1 tty2 ... tty6

       If ngetty-argv is available use it to start ngetty from /etc/inittab.  See the example bellow.


       If ngetty can not open one of the virtual console terminals specified  in  the  tty...   arguments,  most
       likely  because  that  tty  device  node  does  not  exist, no greeting message will be displayed on that
       terminal, obviously, and ngetty will simply go on, ignoring the offending terminal.  Create  the  missing
       tty  device and send SIGCHLD to ngetty.  Then it will reopen the new tty.  Instead of sending SIGCHLD you
       can login and logout on some working tty.  This also forces ngetty to reopen the new tty.

       ngetty uses ngetty-helper program.  It's path  is  hard-coded  in  ngetty.   Never  remove  ngetty-helper
       program nor move it to other location.

       If,  on  user  action,  ngetty-helper can not execute login(1), in all likelihood because the compiled-in
       LOGIN path does not match your system's login(1) path, ngetty restarts the terminal  and  redisplays  the
       greeting message.

       In any case, ngetty does not output error messages.


       It's possible to set different options for ngetty-helper program in file /etc/ngetty/Conf.  If the option
       begin with "=" it's applied for all tty.  If it start with a tty name it's applied only on  current  tty.

              # options format:
              # [ttyX]=option[=value]

       For security reasons ngetty-helper evaluate the file /etc/ngetty/Conf only if it has mode:

              -rw-------    root   root   /etc/ngetty/Conf

       ngetty-helper recognizes the following options which might be embedded in the /etc/ngetty/Conf file:

       # tty5=login-prog=/bin/login.test
              If a line starts with #, space or tab it is a comment.

       debug  If debug is set ngetty-helper write on terminal all successfully applied options.  Set this on the
              fist line of /etc/ngetty/Conf file.

              Escape \d (current day) in /etc/issue as:
              Fri Jun 01 2007.  Default is: 2007-06-01.

              Abbreviation for week days (21 bytes).  Default is:

              Abbreviation for months (36 bytes).  Default is:

              Change the timezone offset.  If the string starts with slash it's the name of tzfile.  The  string
              is  positive  number  if  the  local time zone is east of the Prime Meridian and negative if it is
              west.  Default is /etc/localtime.  Examples:
              =tz=-18000        -0500
              =tz=7200          +0200

              Turn the echo off just before starting /bin/login.  It's similar to stty -echo.

              Print this string before writing out /etc/issue.  (default is \012).  Example:
              tty3=newline=\012I am \l\012

              Clear the screen before prompting  for  the  login  name  with  the  string  (default  is  \033c).

              Do not clear the screen before prompting for the login name the first time after reboot.  Example:

              Do not call vhangup() to disable writing to this tty by other applications.

              By  default  the hostname is only printed until the first dot.  With this option enabled, the full
              text from gethostname() is shown.

              Do not ask for user name.  Exec login(1) immediately.  Example:
              =login-prompt= Press ENTER to activate \l

              Disable login process for some users.  The first char after "deny=" is split char.  Example:

              Enable login process only for the users.  The first char after "allow=" is split char.  Example:

              Accept only these chars in user name.  Default is  to  accept  only  ",-._  0-9  a-z  A-Z".   It's
              possible to insert here the output of
              printf 'tty3=print=az:AZ:\ABC\XYZ:__'
              Here ABC and XYZ are octal numbers.  Examples:

              Change the issue file.  Disable printing of the issue file with:

              Change the login app.  It's possible to use fgetty's /bin/login1 application with:

              Read login name over the string.  Default string is 40 bytes long.  Example:

       login-prompt=\n login:
              Change the login prompt string.  Example:
              =login-prompt=\033[1;33m\l\033[0;39m  \n login:

              Change the priority by calling nice().

              Sleep this many seconds before printing the file /etc/issue.

              Wait at most this many seconds for user name.

              Change into this directory before calling the login prog.

              Call chroot() with this directory name.

              Log  the  specified user automatically in without asking for a login name and password.  Check the
              -f option from /bin/login for this.  Example:

              Log in automatically only the first time  after  reboot  without  asking  for  a  login  name  and
              password.  Example:

              Replace the environ.  The first char after "environ=" is split char.  Examples:

              Exec this line before printing /etc/issue.  The line is executed using /bin/sh -c line.  It's good
              idea to use the full paths here.  Example:
              tty4=sh-A=exec /bin/ps e -u root

              Similar to option sh-A.  This is executed before asking for username.

              Ngetty starts login application with options
              login -- XYZ      # default
              login -f XYZ      # if autologin-name=XYZ
              With this option it's possible to start login appl with any_string instead of -- or -f.  Using the
              program  ngetty-argv(8)  one  can  start  arbitrary  program  with  different arguments.  Two very
              dangerous examples are (never try them):


       If ngetty-helper finds stdout or stderr open it exits immediately with  error  100.   Ngetty  invokes  it
       correctly.  See also the program test-helper.c in source package.

       Do not edit the file /etc/ngetty/Conf directly.  Put the configurations in /etc/ngetty/Conf.sed (the same
       syntax and permissions as /etc/ngetty/Conf) and after editing it, execute:

              cd /etc/ngetty && ./setup

       The script /etc/ngetty/setup removes comments, merges lines ending  with  a  backslash  and  expands  the
       string =tz=AUTO to numeric number.  Then it updates /etc/ngetty/Conf.


       If  ngetty  receives  SIGTERM it kill all child's PID (first with SIGTERM and then with SIGKILL) and exit
       immediately.  It does not change UID, GID and mode of the controlling tty devices.  It does not catch the
       other  signals.   Sending  SIGCHLD to ngetty forces it to reread his internal cache tables and to restart
       failed tty devices.


       ngetty-helper recognizes the following escapes sequences which might be  embedded  after   login-prompt=,
       newline=, clear= or in the /etc/issue file:

       \d     insert current day (localtime),

       \l     insert line on which ngetty is running,

       \m     inserts machine architecture (uname -m),

       \n     inserts machine's network node hostname (uname -n),

       \o     inserts domain name,

       \r     inserts operating system release (uname -r),

       \t     insert current time (localtime),

       \s     inserts operating system name,

       \u     insert the number of users which are currently logged in,

       \U     insert  the   string   "1  user" or "<n> users", where <n> is the number of users currently logged

       \v     inserts operating system version (uname -v).

       \XYZ   inserts a letter with octal code XYZ.


       "Linux eos i386 #1 Tue Mar 19 21:54:09 MET 1996" was produced by putting "\s \n \m \v" into /etc/issue.


       The program ngetty-argv(8) splits argv[1] on strings, expands %U and %T to  username  and  tty  and  then
       start  the  the  application.   The  first char after "login-argv=" is split char.  In the examples above
       every user logs on tty4 without password and tty5 is always root.  To understand better  how  ngetty-argv
       works try as non-root:

       ngetty-argv ':/bin/echo:echo:%U: on %T' usr tty3
       ngetty-argv ':/bin/sleep:-hacker:39:I am %U on %T' 123 X

       One can put also options for ngetty-argv at the beginning.

              --         last option

              -u503      setuid to 503

              -g230      setgid to 230

              -a120      exec alarm(120) before starting child

              -s10       sleep 10 secs before starting child

              -d/X/YZ    chdir(/X/YZ)  before starting child

              -r/A/BC    chroot(/A/BC) before starting child

              -D         start the child in background and exit

              -N -C      NOTTY | SCTTY controlling tty

              -S         like setsid(8)

              -e,HOME=/,TERM=linux     same as environ= above

              -p/path/to/pid.file      write the child pid here

       One possible example for /etc/ngetty/Conf is:
           tty9=login-prompt=\n  \d \t  qmail-qread:

       Another example is setting the TTY environ automatically:

       I recommend using ngetty-argv  in /etc/inittab also.  Put as last argument runlevel string.  Then ps will
       show ngetty-2345 instead of ngetty.  Next start tty1 ... tty6 on runlevels 2345.
             ngetty 2345

       On a terminal (in scripts) start ngetty with
           ngetty-argv .-N.-S.-e./sbin/%U.%U.8.9.10 ngetty
           ngetty-argv .-D.-S.-e./sbin/%U.%U.8.9.10 ngetty

       This program is a hack written for ngetty-helper.  There is no additional code in ngetty-helper and  it's
       possible  to  start  a  program  with  any  args.   It  is  like a filter between ngetty-helper and login
       application.  One can easy modify it without touching ngetty-helper.  It's  similar  to  DJB  well  known
       argv0(1) and setuidgid(8).  You can write own such programs and use them instead of ngetty-argv.


       /etc/ngetty/Conf        ngetty-helper configuration file
       /etc/ngetty/Conf.sed    private setup file
       /etc/ngetty/setup       updates Conf.sed -> Conf
       /etc/issue              printed before the login prompt
       /var/run/utmp           the system status file
       /var/log/wtmp           the system logging file
       /etc/inittab            init(8) configuration file


       getty(8) fgetty(8) mingetty(8)
       login(1) nlogin(1) argv0(1) setuidgid(8) stty(1)


       Nikola Vladov

       Copyright 2007,2008,2010 Nikola Vladov

       This  program  is  free  software;  you  can  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,  or
       (at your option) any later version.

       This  program  is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General  Public
       License for more details.

                                                    May 2010                                           NGETTY(8)