Provided by: asterisk_13.18.3~dfsg-1ubuntu4_amd64 bug


       smsq - helper to send SMS messages


       smsq <oa/da> <message>


       smsq  is a simple helper application designed to make it easy to send messages from a command line. it is
       intended to run on the Asterisk box and have direct access to the  queue  directories  for  SMS  and  for


       -q, --queue=number[-X]
              Queue [inc sub address] (default: "")

       -d, --da=number
              Destination address

       -o, --oa=number
              Origination address

       -m, --ud=text

       -f, --ud-file=filename
              Message file

              File treated as null terminated UTF-8 (default)

              File treated as UCS-1

              File treated as UCS-2

       -t, --mt
              Mobile Terminated

       --mo   Mobile Originated

       --tx   Send message

       -r, --rx
              Queue for receipt

       -e, --process=command
              Rx queue process command

       -x, --no-dial
              Do not dial

              Do not wait if already calling

              Number of concurrent calls to allow (default: 1)

              Channel for motx calls (default: "Local/1709400X")

              Caller ID for motx calls (default is queue name without sub address)

              Time to wait for motx call to answer (default: 10)

              Time between motx call retries (default: 1)

              Number of retries for motx call (default: 10)

              Channel for mttx calls (default is Local/ and queue name without sub address)

              Caller ID for mttx calls (default is queue name without sub address) (default: "080058752X0")

              Time to wait for mttx call to answer (default: 10)

              Time between mttx call retries (default: 30)

              Number of retries for mttx call (default: 100)

       -n, --mr=n
              Message reference

       -p, --pid=n
              Protocol ID

       -c, --dcs=n
              Data Coding Scheme

              User data header

       --srr  Status Report Request

       --rp   Return Path request

              Validity Period


              Default sub address (default: "9")

              Asterisk spool dir (default: "/var/spool/asterisk")

   Help options:
       -?, --help
              Show this help message

              Display brief usage message




       This manual page was written by Jeremy Lainé <>.