Provided by: global_6.6.4-1_amd64 bug


       htags - generate a hypertext from a set of source files


       htags [-aDfFghInosTvw][-d dbpath][-m name][-t title][dir]


       Htags  generates  a  hypertext  from  a set of source files of C, C++, Yacc, Java, PHP and

       In advance of using this command, you should execute gtags(1) in the root directory  of  a
       source  project.   Then  you can execute htags in the same place.  Htags makes a directory
       named ´HTML´, and puts a hypertext in it.  You can start browsing at ´HTML/index.html´.

       Since htags generates a static hypertext as long as  neither  -D  nor  -f  option  is  not
       specified,  you can move it anywhere and browse it by any browser without any HTTP server.
       If you use -D or -f option, you need to  use  HTTP  server.  Though  any  HTTP  server  is
       available, htags-server(1) is recommended.

       This  command  has  so  many  options.   If you are new to htags, it is recommended to use
       --suggest option.  With that option, htags chooses popular options on your behalf.


       The following options are available:

       -a, --alphabet
              Make an alphabetical index suitable for a large project.

              Enable auto-completion facility for the input form.  If limit is specified,  number
              of  candidates  is  limited  to  the  value.   Please  note  this function requires
              javascript language in your browser.

              Display a caution message on the top page.

       --cflow cflowfile
              Add a call tree by cflow(1). cflowfile must be posix format.  If you use GNU cflow,
              invoke  the  command  at the project root directory with the --format=posix option.
              This option is deprecated; please use --call-tree or --callee-tree instead.

       --call-tree callfile
              Add a call tree by cflow(1); callfile must be posix format.  If you use GNU  cflow,
              invoke the command at the project root directory with the --format=posix option.

       --callee-tree calleefile
              Add  a  callee  tree  by cflow(1); calleefile must be posix format.  If you use GNU
              cflow, invoke the command at the project root directory with the --format=posix and
              --reverse options.

              Use color to highlight warned lines.

       --cvsweb url
              Add  a link to cvsweb; url is used as the base of URL.  When directory ´CVS´ exists
              in the root directory of the project, the content of ´CVS/Repository´  is  used  as
              the relative path from the base.

       --cvsweb-cvsroot cvsroot
              Specify cvsroot in cvsweb URL.

       -D, --dynamic
              Generate  a  tag  list dynamically using CGI program.  Though this option decreases
              both the size and generation time of hypertext, you need to start up HTTP server.

       -d, --dbpath dbpath
              Specify the directory  in  which  ´GTAGS´  exists.   The  default  is  the  current

              Disable grep in the search form (-f, --form).

              Disable idutils in the search form (-f, --form).

       -F, --frame
              Use frames for the top page.

       -f, --form
              Add a search form using CGI program.  You need to start a HTTP server for it.

              Put a fixed guide at the bottom of the screen of the browser.

              Use full path name in the file index.  By default, use just the last component of a

       -g, --gtags
              Execute gtags(1) before starting job.  The -v, -w and dbpath options are passed  to

       --gtagsconf file
              Set environment variable GTAGSCONF to file.

       --gtagslabel label
              Set environment variable GTAGSLABEL to label.

       -h, --func-header[=position]
              Insert  a  function  header  for each function.  By default, htags doesn't generate
              them.  You can choose the position using position, which allows  one  of  ´before´,
              ´right´ or ´after´ (default).

       --html-header file
              Insert a header record derived from file into the HTML header of each file.

       -I, --icon
              Use icons instead of text for some links.

       --insert-footer file
              Insert custom footer derived from file before </body> tag.

       --insert-header file
              Insert custom header derived from file after <body> tag.

       --item-order spec
              Specify the order of the items in the top page.  The spec is a string consisting of
              item signs in order.  Each sign means as follows: ´c´: caution; ´s´:  search  form;
              ´m´: mains; ´d´: definitions; ´f´: files; ´t´: call tree.  The default is ´csmdf´.

       -m, --main-func name
              Specify startup function name; the default is ´main´.

              Generate file ´MAP´.

       -n, --line-number[=columns]
              Print  line  numbers.  By  default, don't print line numbers.  The default value of
              columns is 4.

              Numbers are not given in list form.

       -o, --other
              Pick up not only source files but also other files for the file index.

       -s, --symbol
              Make anchors not only for definitions and references but also other symbols.

              Print the position string per function definition. The string can be interpreted by
              general editors in UNIX. The default is false.

              Print statistics information.

              Htags  chooses  popular  options  on  behalf  of  beginners.   It  is equivalent to
              -aghInosTxv --show-position --fixed-guide now.

              Htags chooses popular options on behalf of beginners.  This option  enables  frame,
              AJAX and CGI facility in addition to the facilities by the --suggest option.  It is
              equivalent to --suggest  -DfF --auto-completion --tree-view=filetree now.

       -T, --table-flist[=rows]
              Use <table> tag to display the file index.  You can optionally specify  the  number
              of rows; the default is 5.

       -t, --title title
              Title  of  the  hypertext.   The  default  is the last component of the path of the
              current directory.

       --tabs cols
              Tab stops. The default is 8.

              Use <table> tag to display the tag list.

              Use treeview for the file index.  Please note  this  function  requires  javascript
              language  in  your  browser.   Possible  values  of  type are as follows: treeview,
              filetree,  treeview-red,  treeview-black,  treeview-gray,  treeview-famfamfam.  The
              default is treeview.

       -v, --verbose
              Verbose mode.

       -w, --warning
              Print warning messages.

       dir    The  directory  in  which the result of this command is stored.  The default is the
              current directory.


       $ gtags -v
       $ htags -sanohITvt 'Welcome to XXX source tour!'
       $ firefox HTML/index.html

       $ htags --suggest2
       $ htags-server >& log &
       $ firefox


              Tag file for definitions.

              Tag file for references.

              Tag file for source files.

       ´gtags.conf´, ´$HOME/.globalrc´
              Configuration data for GNU GLOBAL.  See gtags.conf(5).

              Mapping file for converting file name into the path of the file.

              If this file exists, CGI program ´global.cgi´ sets environment  variable  GTAGSROOT
              to  the  contents  of  it.   If  you move directory ´HTML´ from the original place,
              please make this file.

              Local configuration file for Apache. This file is  generated  when  the  -f  or  -D
              options are specified.

              Start-up file.

              Mapping file for converting tag name into the path of tag list.

              Style sheet file.

              The template of the style sheet file (´HTML/style.css´).


       The following environment variables affect the execution of htags:

              The size of the B-tree cache. The default is 50000000 (bytes).

              Configuration file.

              Configuration label. The default is ´default´.

              The value of this variable is inserted in the head of arguments.

       TMPDIR The location used to stored temporary files. The default is ´/tmp´.

              If  this variable is set, each file whose suffix is ´.h´ is treated as a C++ source


       The following configuration variables affect the execution of htags:

              Shared data directory. The default is ´/usr/local/share´ but  you  can  change  the
              value  using  configure  script.   Htags  looks  up  template  files in the ´gtags´
              directory in this data directory.

       include_file_suffixes(comma separated list)
              Suffixes of include files. The default is:

       langmap(comma separated list)
              Language mapping. Each comma-separated map consists of the language name, a  colon,
              and a list of file extensions.  Default mapping is:


       Htags exits with a non-0 value if an error occurred, 0 otherwise.


       htags-server(1), global(1), gtags(1), gtags.conf(5).

       GNU GLOBAL source code tag system


       Generated hypertext is VERY LARGE.  In advance, check the space of your disk.

       PHP support is far from complete.

       The -f and -D options generate CGI programs.  If you open the  hypertext  to  the  public,
       please recognize security dangers.

       Htags does not support plug-in parser.


       Shigio YAMAGUCHI, Hideki IWAMOTO and others.


       The htags command appeared in FreeBSD 2.2.2.