Provided by: gammu-smsd_1.41.0-1ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       gammu-smsdrc - gammu-smsd(1) configuration file


       gammu-smsd  reads  configuration  from  a  config  file.  It's location can be specified on command line,
       otherwise default path /etc/gammu-smsdrc is used.

       This file use ini file syntax, see ini.

       Configuration file  of  gammu-smsd  consists  of  at  least  two  sections  -  [gammu]  and  [smsd].  For
       gammu-smsd-sql you can also use [sql] and [tables].

       The  [gammu]  section is configuration of a phone connection and is same as described in gammurc with the
       only exception that LogFile is ignored and common logging for gammu  library  and  SMS  daemon  is  used.
       However the LogFormat directive still configures how much messages gammu emits.

       [smsd] The  [smsd]  section  configures  SMS daemon itself, which are described in following subsections.
              First general parameters of SMS daemon  are  listed  and  then  specific  parameters  for  storage

              List of numbers from which accept messages, see Message filtering.

              List of numbers from which reject messages, see Message filtering.

              List of SMSC numbers from which accept messages, see Message filtering.

              List of SMSC numbers from which reject messages, see Message filtering.

       [sql]  Configure SQL queries used by gammu-smsd-sql, you usually don't have to modify them.

              SEE ALSO:
                 Configurable queries

              Configure SQL table names used by gammu-smsd-sql, you usually don't have to modify them.

              SEE ALSO:
                 Configurable tables


              SMSD service to use, one of following choices:

              FILES  Stores messages in files, see gammu-smsd-files for details.

              NULL   Does not store messages at all, see gammu-smsd-null for details.

              SQL    Stores  messages  in  SQL database, see gammu-smsd-sql for details, choose database type to
                     use by Driver.

                     New in version 1.28.93.

              MYSQL  Deprecated since version 1.28.93: Use Service = SQL and Driver = native_mysql instead.

                     Compatibility option for older configuration files, stores messages in MySQL database,  see
                     gammu-smsd-mysql for details.

              PGSQL  Deprecated since version 1.28.93: Use Service = SQL and Driver = native_pgsql instead.

                     Compatibility option for older configuration files, stores messages in PostgreSQL database,
                     see gammu-smsd-pgsql for details.

              DBI    Deprecated since version 1.28.93: Use Service = SQL and Driver = DBI driver instead.

                     Compatibility option for  older  configuration  files,  stores  messages  in  any  database
                     supported by libdbi, see gammu-smsd-dbi for details.

                 Availability of backends depends on platform and compile time configuration.

       PIN    PIN  for  SIM  card. This is optional, but you should set it if your phone after power on requires

              Network personalisation password. This is optional, but some phones require it after power on.

              Phone lock password. This is optional, but some phones require it after power on.

              File where SMSD actions are being logged. You can also use special value syslog  which  will  send
              all  messages  to syslog daemon. On Windows another special value eventlog exists, which will send
              logs to Windows Event Log.

              If you run SMSD as a system daemon (or service), it is recommended to use  absolute  path  to  log
              file as startup directory might be different than you expect.

              Default is to provide no logging.

                 For  logging  to  Windows  Event Log, it is recommended to install Event Log source by invoking
                 gammu-smsd -e (this is automatically done during installation of Gammu).

              Facility to use on logging backends which support it (currently only  syslog).  One  of  following

              • DAEMON (default)


              New in version 1.30.91.

              Debug level for SMSD. The integer value should be sum of all flags you want to enable.

              1      enables basic debugging information

              2      enables logging of SQL queries of service backends

              4      enables logging of gammu debug information

              Generally to get as much debug information as possible, use 255.

              Default is 0, what should mean no extra information.

              How many seconds should SMSD wait after there is no message in outbox before scanning it again.

              Default is 30.

              Shows  how  many seconds SMSD should wait for network answer during sending sms. If nothing happen
              during this time, sms will be resent.

              Default is 30.

              How many times will SMSD try to resend message if sending fails. This is tracked per  message  and
              currently supported only with SQL backends.

              Default is 1.

              How long to wait before resending failed message (needs to be enabled by MaxRetries).

              Is used in update_retries.

              Default is 600.

              The  number  of  seconds between testing for received SMSes, when the phone is busy sending SMSes.
              Normally a test for received SMSes is done every CommTimeout seconds and after each sent SMS.

              Default is 15.

              The number of seconds between refreshing phone status (battery, signal) stored  in  shared  memory
              and possibly in service backends. Use 0 to disable.

              You might want to increase this for higher throughput.

              Default is 60.

              The number of seconds how long will SMSD sleep before checking for some activity. Please note that
              setting this to higher value than 1 will have effects to other time based configurations,  because
              they will be effectively rounded to multiply of this value.

              Setting  this to 0 disables sleeping. Please note this might cause Gammu to consume quite a lot of
              CPU power as it will effectively do busy loop.

              This sleep is utilized only if the main loop (sending and  receiving  messages)  takes  less  than
              defined  time. For example if you set LoopSleep to 5 seconds and sending messages take 10 seconds,
              no sleep will be done in the iteration which is sending messages. Also the sleep time  is  lowered
              by the already processed time.

              Default is 1.

              The  number  of  seconds  how long will SMSD wait for all parts of multipart message. If all parts
              won't arrive in time, parts will be processed as separate messages.

              Default is 600 (10 minutes).

              Whether to check if phone wants to enter PIN.

              Default is 1 (enabled).

              New in version 1.34.0.

              Whether to automatically hangup any incoming calls.

              Default is 0 (disabled).

              Whether to check phone battery state periodically.

              Default is 1 (enabled).

              Whether to check signal level periodically.

              Default is 1 (enabled).

              New in version 1.37.90.

              Whether to check network status periodically.

              If phone is reported to be not on the network, SMSD tries to power it on.

              Default is 1 (enabled).

              The number of seconds between performing a preventive soft reset in order to minimize the cases of
              hanging  phones  e.g.  Nokia  5110 will sometimes freeze to a state when only after unmounting the
              battery the phone will be functional again.

              Default is 0 (not used).

              New in version 1.28.92.

                 For some phones hard reset means deleting all data in it. Use  ResetFrequency  instead,  unless
                 you know what you are doing.

              The number of seconds between performing a preventive hard reset in order to minimize the cases of
              hanging phones.

              Default is 0 (not used).

              Whether delivery reports should be used, one of no, log, sms.

              log    one line log entry,

              sms    store in inbox as a received SMS

              no     no delivery reports

              Default is no.

              Delay in seconds how long is still delivery report considered valid. This depends on brokenness of
              your  network  (delivery  report  should  have  same  timestamp as sent message). Increase this if
              delivery reports are not paired with sent messages.

              Default is 600 (10 minutes).

              String with info about phone used for sending/receiving. This can be useful if  you  want  to  run
              several SMS daemons (see Multiple modems).

              When you set PhoneID, all messages (including injected ones) will be marked by this string (stored
              as SenderID in the database) and it allows more SMS daemons to share a single database.

              SMSD daemon will in such case send outbox messages only with matching or empty SenderID.

              This option has actually no effect with gammu-smsd-files.

       SMSC   New in version 1.36.2.

              SMSC number to use for  sending  messages  if  not  specified  in  the  message  (see  options  of

              In  most  cases  you  don't need this settings as Gammu tries to read correct SMSC from phone, but
              sometimes this fails (try gammu getsmsc).

              Executes a program after receiving message.

              This parameter is executed through shell, so you might need to escape some special characters  and
              you  can  include  any  number of parameters. Additionally parameters with identifiers of received
              messages are appended to the command  line.  The  identifiers  depend  on  used  service  backend,
              typically it is ID of inserted row for database backends or file name for file based backends.

              Gammu  SMSD waits for the script to terminate. If you make some time consuming there, it will make
              SMSD not receive new messages. However to limit breakage from this situation, the waiting time  is
              limited  to  two minutes. After this time SMSD will continue in normal operation and might execute
              your script again.

              The process has available  lot  of  information  about  received  message  in  environment,  check
              gammu-smsd-run for more details.

              New in version 1.28.93.

              Executes a program on failure.

              This  can  be  used  to  proactively  react on some failures or to interactively detect failure of
              sending message.

              The program will receive optional parameter, which can currently be either INIT  (meaning  failure
              during phone initialization) or message ID, which would indicate error while sending the message.

                 The environment with message (as is in RunOnReceive) is not passed to the command.

              New in version 1.36.4.

              Executes a program after sending message.

              The  program  will receive optional parameter a message ID and environment with message details as
              described in gammu-smsd-run.

              New in version 1.38.5.

              Executes a program after cancelling incoming call.

              The program will receive a parameter with a phone number of the call.  This  requires  HangupCalls
              to be enabled.

              File with list of numbers which are accepted by SMSD. The file contains one number per line, blank
              lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and is reread  only  when  configuration  is  being
              reread. See Message filtering for details.

              File  with  list of numbers which are not accepted by SMSD. The file contains one number per line,
              blank lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and is  reread  only  when  configuration  is
              being reread. See Message filtering for details.

              File  with list of SMSC numbers which are accepted by SMSD. The file contains one number per line,
              blank lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and is  reread  only  when  configuration  is
              being reread. See Message filtering for details.

              File  with  list  of SMSC numbers which are not accepted by SMSD. The file contains one number per
              line, blank lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and is reread only  when  configuration
              is being reread. See Message filtering for details.

              How many times will SMSD backend retry operation.

              The  implementation  on  different backends is different, for database backends it generally means
              how many times it will try to reconnect to the server.

              Default is 10.

       Send   New in version 1.28.91.

              Whether to enable sending of messages.

              Default is True.

              New in version 1.28.91.

              Whether to enable receiving of messages.

              Default is True.


       All DBI, ODBC,  MYSQL  and  PGSQL  backends  (see  gammu-smsd-mysql,  gammu-smsd-odbc,  gammu-smsd-pgsql,
       gammu-smsd-dbi for their documentation) supports same options for configuring connection to a database:

       User   User name used for connection to a database.

              Password used for connection to a database.

       Host   Database  server  address.  It  can  also contain port or socket path after semicolon, for example
              localhost:/path/to/socket or

              For ODBC this is used as Data source name.

                 Some database servers differentiate usage of localhost (to use local socket) and  (to
                 use  locat  TCP/IP  connection).  Please make sure your SMSD settings match the database server

              New in version 1.28.92.

       PC     Deprecated since version 1.28.92: Please use Host instead.

              Synonym for Host, kept for backwards compatibility.

              Name of database (or schema) to use and where SMSD can find it's tables.

              Please note that you should create tables in this database before using gammu-smsd. SQL files  for
              creating   needed   tables  are  included  in  documentation  for  individual  database  backends:
              gammu-smsd-mysql, gammu-smsd-odbc, gammu-smsd-pgsql, gammu-smsd-dbi

              When you send sms from some SMS centers you can have delivery reports from other SMSC number.  You
              can set here number of this SMSC used by you and Gammu will not check it's number during assigning
              reports to sent SMS.

       Driver SQL driver to use, Gammu supports several native drivers and generic interface using ODBC and DBI.
              Availability of the backends depends on compile time options.

              Available drivers:

                 Connects to the database using ODBC, see gammu-smsd-odbc.

                 Stores messages in MySQL database, see gammu-smsd-mysql for details.

                 Stores messages in PostgreSQL database, see gammu-smsd-pgsql for details.

              db2, firebird, freetds, ingres, msql, mysql, oracle, pgsql, sqlite, sqlite3
                 Stores  messages using DBI library in given backend. You need to have installed appropriate DBI
                 driver to make it work. See gammu-smsd-dbi for details.

       SQL    SQL dialect to use. This is specially useful with gammu-smsd-odbc where SMSD does not  know  which
              server it is actually talking to.

              Possible values:

              • mysql - MySQL

              • pgsql - PostgreSQL

              • sqlite - SQLite

              • mssql - Microsoft SQL Server

              • sybase - Sybase

              • access - Microsoft Access

              • oracle - Oracle

              • odbc - Generic ODBC

              New in version 1.28.93.

              SEE ALSO:
                 You can also completely customize SQL queries used as described in SQL Queries.

              Path,  where  DBI  drivers  are  stored, this usually does not have to be set if you have properly
              installed drivers.

       DBDir  Database directory for some (currently only sqlite)  DBI  drivers.  Set  here  path  where  sqlite
              database files are stored.

   Files backend options
       The FILES backend accepts following configuration options. See gammu-smsd-files for more detailed service
       backend description. Please note that all  path  should  contain  trailing  path  separator  (/  on  Unix

              Where the received SMSes are stored.

              Default is current directory.

              Where SMSes to be sent should be placed.

              Default is current directory.

              Where the transmitted SMSes are placed, if same as OutboxPath transmitted messages are deleted.

              Default is to delete transmitted messages.

              Where SMSes with error in transmission is placed.

              Default is same as SentSMSPath.

              The format in which the SMS will be stored: detail, unicode, standard.

              detail format used for message backup by gammu, see gammu-smsbackup.

                     message text stored in unicode (UTF-16)

                     message text stored in system charset

              The standard and unicode settings do not apply for 8-bit messages, which are always written raw as
              they are received with extension .bin.

              Default is unicode.

                 In detail format, all message parts are stored into signle file, for all  others  each  message
                 part is saved separately.

              The  format  in which messages created by gammu-smsd-inject will be stored, it accepts same values
              as InboxFormat.

              Default is detail if Gammu is compiled in with backup functions, unicode otherwise.

              The format for transmitting the SMS: auto, unicode, 7bit.

              This option is used only if OutboxFormat is not set to detail. In such case encoding specified  in
              the message is used (you can specify it to gammu-smsd-inject).

              Default is auto.


       SMSD  allows  one  to process only limited subset of incoming messages. You can define filters for sender
       number  in  [include_numbers]  and   [exclude_numbers]   sections   or   using   IncludeNumbersFile   and
       ExcludeNumbersFile directives.

       If  [include_numbers]  section  exists,  all  values (keys are ignored) from it are used as allowed phone
       numbers and no other message is processed. On the  other  side,  in  [exclude_numbers]  you  can  specify
       numbers which you want to skip.

       Lists from both sources are merged together. If there is any number in include list, only include list is
       used and only messages in this list are being accepted. If include list is empty,  exclude  list  can  be
       used to ignore messages from some numbers. If both lists are empty, all messages are accepted.

       Similar  filtering  rules  can  be  used  for  SMSC  number  filtering,  they  just  use different set of
       configuration options - [include_smsc] and [exclude_smsc] sections or IncludeSMSCFile and ExcludeSMSCFile


       There  is  more  complete  example  available  in  Gammu  documentation.  Please note that for simplicity
       following examples do not include [gammu] section, you can look into gammurc for some examples how it can
       look like.

   Files service
       SMSD configuration file for FILES backend could look like:

          Service = files
          PIN = 1234
          LogFile = syslog
          InboxPath = /var/spool/sms/inbox/
          OutboxPath = /var/spool/sms/outbox/
          SentSMSPath = /var/spool/sms/sent/
          ErrorSMSPath = /var/spool/sms/error/

   MySQL service
       If you want to use MYSQL backend, you will need something like this:

          Service = sql
          Driver = native_mysql
          PIN = 1234
          LogFile = syslog
          User = smsd
          Password = smsd
          PC = localhost
          Database = smsd

   DBI service using SQLite
       For gammu-smsd-dbi backend, in this particular case SQLite:

          Service = sql
          Driver = sqlite3
          DBDir = /var/lib/sqlite3
          Database = smsd.db

   ODBC service using MySQL
       For gammu-smsd-odbc backend, in this particular case using DSN smsd server:

          Service = sql
          Driver = odbc
          Host = smsd

       The DSN definition (in ~/.odbc.ini on UNIX) for using MySQL server would look like:

          Description         = MySQL
          Driver              = MySQL
          Server              =
          Database            = smsd
          Port                =
          Socket              =
          Option              =
          Stmt                =

          Driver              = MySQL ODBC 3.51.27r695 Driver
          DATABASE            = smsd
          SERVER              =

   Numbers filtering
       Process only messages from 123456 number:

          number1 = 123456

       Do not process messages from evil number 666:

          number1 = 666

       Enabling debugging:

          debuglevel = 255
          logfile = smsd.log

   Multiple modems
       You  can  run any number of SMSD instances and they can even share same backend database. For routing the
       messages, you need to set different PhoneID for each instance and set SenderID column in outbox table.

       Following example shows configuration for two modems, but you can have any number of SMSD instances.  The
       only limitation is performance of your hardware, especially if all modems are connected using USB.

       Configuration for first SMSD:

          device = /dev/ttyACM0
          connection = at

          Service = sql
          Driver = native_mysql
          PIN = 1234
          LogFile = syslog
          User = smsd
          Password = smsd
          PC = localhost
          Database = smsd
          PhoneID = first

       Configuration for second SMSD:

          device = /dev/ttyACM1
          connection = at

          Service = sql
          Driver = native_mysql
          PIN = 1234
          LogFile = syslog
          User = smsd
          Password = smsd
          PC = localhost
          Database = smsd
          PhoneID = second

       You can then start two separate instances of SMSD:

          gammu-smsd -c /path/to/first-smsdrc
          gammu-smsd -c /path/to/second-smsdrc


       Michal Čihař <>


       2009-2015, Michal Čihař <>