Provided by: speech-tools_2.5.0-8build1_amd64 bug


     ch_lab — change/copy label files


     ch_lab [-S frame spacing] [-start time] [-end time] [-ext file extension] [-extract file] [-extend time]
            [-f sample frequency] [-lf sample frequency] [-itype file type] [-key key file]
            [-lablist list of labels] [-length time] [-map map file] [-name feature name] [-class class]
            [-o output file] [-otype file type] [-pad high | low] [-pos list of labels] [-q timestep]
            [-range range] [-sed sed file] [fl shift time delta] [-style output stype] [-vocab vocab file]
            [-verify] [-nopath] [-base] [-combine] [-divide] [-h] input files ...


     ch_lab copies from one or more input label files to an output label file, optionally performing various
     operations along the way.

     The following option flags are recognized:

           -h    Print a summary of usage to standard output.
           -S frame spacing
                 frame spacing of output
           -start time
                 start time, in seconds, for label extraction
           -end time
                 end time, in seconds, for label extraction
           -ext file extension
                 filename extension to use for multiple output files
           -extract file
                 extract a single file from a list of files
           -extend time
                 extend track file by time seconds beyond label file
           -f sample frequency
                 sample frequency of label file
           -lf sample frequency
                 sample frequency for labels
           -itype file type
                 type of input label file: esps htk ogi
           -key key file
                 key label file
           -lablist list
                 list of labels to be considered as blank
           -length time
                 length of track produced, in seconds
           -map map file
                 label mapping file
           -name feature name
                 eg. Fo Phoneme
           -class class
                 name of class defined in op file
           -o output file
                 output file name
           -otype file type
                 output file type: xmg, ascii, esps, htk
           -pad high | low
                 pad with high or low values
           -pos list
                 list of labels to be regarded as 'pos'
           -q timestep
                 quantize label timings to nearst value
           -range range
                 difference between high and low values
           -sed sed file
                 perform regex editing using sed file
           fl shift time delta
                 shift the times of the labels
           -style output style
                 output style e.g. track
           -vocab file
                 file containing list of words in vocabulary
                 check that only labels in vocab file are in label file
                 ignore pathnames when searching label lists
                 use base filenames for lists of label files


     ch_wave(1) ch_track(1)