Provided by: cnvkit_0.9.6-3_amd64 bug


       cnvkit_export - Convert CNVkit output files to another format.


       usage: cnvkit export [-h]

              {bed,seg,vcf,theta,nexus-basic,nexus-ogt,cdt,jtv} ...

   positional arguments:
              Export formats (use with -h for more info).

       bed    Convert segments to BED format. Input is a segmentation file (.cns) where, preferably, log2 ratios
              have already been adjusted to integer absolute values using the 'call' command.

       seg    Convert segments to SEG format. Compatible with IGV and GenePattern.

       vcf    Convert segments to VCF format. Input is a segmentation file (.cns) where, preferably, log2 ratios
              have already been adjusted to integer absolute values using the 'call' command.

       theta  Convert segments to THetA2 input file format (*.input).

              Convert bin-level log2 ratios to Nexus Copy Number "basic" format.

              Convert log2 ratios and b-allele freqs to Nexus "Custom-OGT" format.

       cdt    Convert log2 ratios to CDT format. Compatible with Java TreeView.

       jtv    Convert log2 ratios to Java TreeView's native format.

   optional arguments:
       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit