Provided by: atlc_4.6.1-2_amd64 bug


       create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler  -  bitmap  generator  for  coupler  with  thin  striplines  between two
       infinitely wide groundplanes (part of atlc)


       create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler [-C] [-b bitmapsize] [-v] H w s Er outputfile


       This man page is not a complete set of documentation - the complexity of the atlc project makes man pages
       not  an  ideal  way  to  document  it,  although  out  of completeness, man pages are produced.  The best
       documentation that was current at the time the version was produced should be found on your  hard  drive,
       usually at
       although  it  might  be  elsewhere  if  your system administrator chose to install the package elsewhere.
       Sometimes, errors are corrected in the documentation and placed at before  a
       new  release of atlc is released.  Please, if you notice a problem with the documentation - even spelling
       errors and typos, please let me know.


       create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler is a pre-processor for atlc, the finite difference program that is  used
       to calculate the properties of a two and three conductor electrical transmission lines of arbitrary cross
       section. The program create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler is used as a fast way of generating bitmaps  (there
       is  no  need  to  use  a  graphics  program), for a pair of 1 pixel thick conductors of width w, spaced a
       distance s apart, inside a pair of groundplanes of  separation H. This has an  exact  analytical  answer,
       when  the inner is infinitely thin and the overall width W is infinitely wide. This theoretical impedance
       is calculated and printed to stderr if the  -v  option  is  given  on  create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler's
       command line.

       -----------------------------------------------------  ^
       |                                                   |  |
       |                  Er                               |  |
       |                                                   |  |
       |            -----------       -----------          |  H
       |            <----w----><--s--><----w---->          |  |
       |                                                   |  |
       |                                                   |  |
       |                                                   |  |
       -----------------------------------------------------  v

       The  overall  width  W  is  calculated  internally to be large enough that making it any larger will have
       negligible effect on the results.  The dielectric is assumed that of vacuum.

       The bitmaps produced by create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler are 24-bit bit colour bitmaps, as  are  required
       by atlc.


       Print the full copyright information and exit.

       -b bitmapsize
       is  used  to  set  the  size  of  the  bitmap, and so the accuracy to which atlc is able to calculate the
       coupler's properties. The default value for 'bitmapsize' is normally 18  although  this  can  be  set  at
       compile  time. (see 'DEFAULT_COUPLER_BITMAP_SIZE' in definitions.h). The value can be set anywhere from 6
       to 28. The size of bitmap produced will be between 2^(bitmapsize-1) and 2^(bitmapsize+1), so if  its  set
       to 28 the bitmap could be as big as 512 Mb, which would take an eternity to compute.

       Print  some extra data to stdout on the theoretical impedance of the structure. This is useful to compare
       with the numerical result from atlc


       In the first example, a standard coupler is created, where the

       eg1. create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler  1.23 0.7 1.2 1.0  coupler.bmp
       eg2. create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler -b 8 1.23 0.7 3.3  small.bmp
       eg3. create_bmp_for_stripline_coupler -v 12 1.23 0.7 4.8  theory.bmp


       atlc(1)                   create_bmp_for_circ_in_circ(1)                   create_bmp_for_circ_in_rect(1)
       create_bmp_for_microstrip_coupler(1)                                   create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect(1)
       create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect_coupler(1) create_bmp_for_rect_in_circ(1)  create_bmp_for_rect_in_rect(1)
       create_bmp_for_symmetrical_stripline(1)                                                 design_coupler(1)
       find_optimal_dimensions_for_microstrip_coupler(1) readbin(1)                - Home page       - Download area
       atlc-X.Y.Z/docs/html-docs/index.html       - HTML docs
       atlc-X.Y.Z/docs/qex-december-1996/atlc.pdf - theory paper
       atlc-X.Y.Z/examples                        - examples


       Dr. David Kirkby PhD, drkirkby at


       Copyright (c) 2002 Dr. David Kirkby.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  it  under  the  terms  of  the  GNU
       General  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       (at your option) any later version.  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  but
       WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
       PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.  You should have received a  copy  of  the
       GNU  General  Public License (in the file COPYING) along with this program. You may get a full copy of it
       by running the program with the -C option. Otherwise you can write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.