Provided by: datalad_0.12.4-2_all bug


       datalad clean - clean up after DataLad (possible temporary files etc.)


       datalad clean [-h] [-d DATASET] [--what [{cached-archives,annex-tmp,annex-transfer,search-
              index}   [{cached-archives,annex-tmp,annex-transfer,search-index}    ...]]]    [-r]
              [-R LEVELS]


       Removes extracted temporary archives, etc.


       $ datalad clean


       -h, -\-help, -\-help-np
              show  this  help  message.  --help-np  forcefully  disables  the use of a pager for
              displaying the help message

       -d DATASET, -\-dataset DATASET
              specify the dataset to perform the clean operation on. If no dataset is  given,  an
              attempt  is made to identify the dataset in current working directory. Constraints:
              Value must be a Dataset or a valid identifier of a Dataset (e.g. a path)

       -\-what [{cached-archives,  annex-tmp,  annex-transfer,  search-index}  [{cached-archives,
       annex-tmp, annex-transfer, search-index} ...]]
              What to clean. If none specified -- all known targets are cleaned.

       -r, -\-recursive
              if set, recurse into potential subdataset.

       -R LEVELS, -\-recursion-limit LEVELS
              limit  recursion  into subdataset to the given number of levels. Constraints: value
              must be convertible to type 'int'


        datalad is developed by The DataLad Team and Contributors <>.