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       dico - Search a word in a French dictionary


       dico pattern1 pattern2 patternN ... ...


       dico is a command allowing to search a word in a French dictionary, in order to check the orthography.

       This  dictionary contains more than 100,000 words like nouns, verbs, conjugations, adjectives and complex
       plural forms as well as the name and the postal code of the french cities.


       See the French manual page (/usr/share/man/fr/man1/dico.1.gz) for more informations.


       This dictionnary was created thanks to the voluntary or involuntary contributions (automatic analyzes  of
       messages...) of many people of which here a nonexhaustive list

       Alain   Lemell,  Alain   Vermotgaud,  Attila    Altan,  Bernard Guillaumot, Bernard  Milovanovic, Bernard
       Norek, Bertrand Petit, Cedric Ingrand, Christian Delannoy,  Christian  Perrier,  Daniel   Morais,  Daniel
       Toussaint,  Denis Gradel, Antony Filleau, Edmond Vandermeersch, Emmanuel Charpentier,Patrick Montgermont,
       Emmanuel Roussin, Eric Richet,  Francis  Rozange,  Gerard  Mannig,  Francois  Jarraud,  Francois  Millet,
       Francois  Vigneron,  Georges  Wanderstok, Javier Castillo, Jean-Christophe Peyrard, Jean-Claude Ambroise,
       Jean-Luc Betin, Jean-Marie Guitard, Joel  Surcouf, Jps  Gueniat, Klaus   Steinschaden,  Laurent  Graffin,
       Mic   Ralle,  Michel   Duffaud,  Michel  Perez,  Michel Pinquier, Nat Makarevitch, Olivier Girard, Lionel
       Delafosse, Ollivier Civiol, Ollivier  Robert,  Philippe  Abegg,  Jacques  Lipka,  Pascal   Petit,  Pascal
       Reszetko,  Pascal  Tremong,  Paul Milliot, Philippe David, Philippe Duflot, Philippe Paternotte, Philippe
       Waki, Pierre Tran, Pierre Zarka, Regis Rampnoux, Rene Cougnenc, Rene Durand, Sam Cabannes, Serge Delbono,
       Serge Gautier, Stef Evain, Stephane Derny, Vincent Gillet, Emmanuel Bataille.