Provided by: fastaq_3.17.0-2_all bug


       fastaq_split_by_base_count - Split multi sequence file into separate files


       usage: fastaq_split_by_base_count [options] <infile> <outprefix> <max_bases>

       Splits  a  multi  sequence file into separate files. Does not split sequences.  Puts up to
       max_bases into each split file. The exception is that any sequence longer  than  max_bases
       is put into its own file.

   positional arguments:
       infile Name of input file to be split

              Name of output file

              Max bases in each output split file

   optional arguments:
       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       --max_seqs INT
              Max number of sequences in each output split file [no limit]