Provided by: qfits-tools_6.2.0-8ubuntu2_amd64 bug


       fitsmd5 - Compute/update the DATAMD5 keyword/value


       fitsmd5 [-u] [-s] [-a] <FITS files...>


       fitsmd5  computes  the  MD5  signature of all data sections in a FITS file, and prints out the results on
       stdout. This command can optionally update the main FITS header in modifying the  value  of  the  DATAMD5

       This  command is useful to give a unique ID to a FITS file. The algorithm simply browses through all data
       sections in the input file and passes the data blocks to an MD5 hash function.  The  final  result  is  a
       128-bit signature that can be used to uniquely identify the file.

       This approach is meant to provide a tool to tag FITS files with unique IDs, it is not meant to be used as
       a checksum for file integrity (the CKSUM key is the solution for that), although it could be used in that
       spirit.  The  main  point  is  that only data sections are taken into account, leaving the possibility of
       changing the headers without affecting the data signature.

       MD5 hashing is cryptographically strong, which means the probability of having two different  FITS  files
       getting  the  same  ID  is almost zero. It should be good enough to assign a unique ID to several tens of
       thousands of frames. Since there is still a tiny but non-zero possibility that two different  files  will
       get  an  identical  key,  this approach is not recommended to tag very large numbers of files (typically:
       millions of them). If you do have a large database of FITS files, using a timestamp is usually  a  better

       The MD5 signature is a good solution to tag a list of FITS files which might have originated from various
       sources on which the database  maintainer  has  no  control.  Typically,  calibration  databases  holding
       calibration  frames  for  a given instrument, receive data from different actors who might not be in sync
       with unique file naming conventions. This command makes sure it is always possible to assign a unique  ID
       to each frame.

       Notice  that  if  the  input  FITS file has no data section, the returned MD5 key will be non-zero (it is
       exactly d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e). This signature also offers the interesting  property  that  if
       two  files  have exactly the same pixels (bit-wise comparisons) they will get the same ID, this is useful
       e.g. for regression tests.

       If you want to produce files containing the DATAMD5 key in their main headers, you should use  the  qfits
       library,  which  always  inserts  this  key.  If you are working with other FITS-processing software, you
       should allocate an empty DATAMD5 placeholder and apply this command with the  -u  option  to  update  the

       Notice that this command can also compute the MD5 sum of a complete file, not just its data sections (see
       -a option). In this mode, the command is completely identical to the GNU md5sum command, which is used to
       compute  checksums  on  files.  Input  files  in that case need not be FITS, though they still need to be
       regular files.


       -u     Try to update the DATAMD5 keyword in the main header if present.

       -s     Silent mode: run without printing any message.

       -a     Compute the MD5 sum on all bits in the file. In this mode, the command behaves like the GNU md5sum
              command, to be used e.g. as a checksum. This option excludes all others.


       Input files to fitsmd5 shall comply with the FITS format, except when used with -a option.

                                                   01 Aug 2001                                        fitsmd5(1)