Provided by: genwqe-tools_4.0.18-3_amd64 bug


       genwqe_memcopy - IBM Hardware Accelerator Tool.




       -h, --help
              print usage information

       -v, --verbose
              verbose mode

       -C, --card <cardno>
              use this card for operation

       -A, --accelerator-type=GENWQE|CAPI CAPI is only available for System p

       -V, --version

       -q, --quiet
              quiece output

       -c, --count <number>
              do multiple memcopies

       -l, --preload <number>
              preload multiple ddcb's. (default 1, only for CAPI Card)

       -X, --cpu <cpu>
              only run on this CPU

       -D, --debug
              create debug data on failure

       -G, --use-sglist
              use the scatter gather list

       -n, --nonblocking
              use nonblcoking behavior

       -p, --patternfile <filename>]

       -s, --bufsize <bufsize>
              default is 4KiB

       -i, --pgoffs_i <offs>
              byte offset for input buffer

       -o, --pgoffs_o <offs>
              byte offset for output buffer

       -F, --force-compare <output_data.bin>

       -t, --threads <num>
              run <num> threads, default is 1

       -Y, --inject-error <err> IN:0x1, OUT:0x2, SIZE:0x4, DDCB:0x8

       This  utility  sends memcopy DDCBs to the application chip unit. It can be used to check the cards health
       and/or to produce stress on the card to verify its correct function.

              dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4096 count=1024 of=input_data.bin ./genwqe_memcopy -C0 -F  -D  --patternfile
              input_data.bin output_data.bin echo $?  diff input_data.bin output_data.bin echo $?