Provided by: glfer_0.4.2-2build1_amd64 bug


       glfer - spectrogram display and QRSS keyer


       glfer [OPTIONS] ...


       glfer  is  a program that displays the power spectrum of a signal as a function of time in a format known
       as a waterfall display; this is also called a spectrogram.  The horizontal axis represents time. The time
       scale  depends  on  the  sample  rate  and  the  number  of points per FFT.  The vertical axis represents
       frequency, from DC to the Nyquist frequency (half the sample rate).  The estimated  power  of  the  input
       signal is indicated by the color; the spectrogram window has an automatic gain control (AGC) that ensures
       always the maximum visual contrast and which, in the current version, cannot be disabled.

       Resizing the main window in the horizontal direction just changes the length of the time scale;  resizing
       it  in  the  vertical direction enlarges the portion of spectrum shown in the window. The entire spectrum
       can be seen by scrolling the spectrogram window using the scrollbar  on  the  right.   Moving  the  mouse
       pointer  on  the  spectrogram  window  shows  the frequency corresponding to the pointer position and the
       signal power at that frequency on the status line at the bottom.

       The first time glfer is run it will ask to select a control port (serial or parallel) for the  TX  keying
       functions;  if  the  mouse  is  connected  to  the  serial port be sure NOT to select its serial port for
       controlling the TX otherwise the system may hang.  All the settings can be saved to a configuration file;
       in this case they will be automatically loaded when glfer is launched.

       Please note that the program must be run as root (or suid root) to gain access to the transmitter control
       (parallel or serial) port.

       You may have to use a separate mixer program to adjust the input volume and to enable the desired input.


       glfer can use several different spectral estimators to compute the input signal power spectrum:

       the "classical" periodogram, which  is  obtained  as  the  squared  amplitude  of  the  discrete  Fourier
       transform,  after  tapering  the  data  with  a "window function" selectable among the Hanning, Blackman,
       Gaussian, Welch, Bartlett, Rectangular, Hamming and Kaiser types. As usual, the FFT number of points  and
       the overlap between data blocks can be freely changed.

   Multitaper method
       The  multitaper  method  is  a  weighted combination of periodograms computed with different windows, all
       belonging to the same family and having certain peculiar properties.

       This method was described by David J. Thomson in "Spectrum Estimation and Harmonic Analysis", Proc. IEEE,
       vol.70,  Sep. 1982.  Besides the FFT size and overlap, it is possible to change also a relative bandwidth
       parameter and the number of windows to use for the analysis.

       This method requires more CPU power than the first one, due to the fact that several FFTs  are  performed
       on  the  same  block  of  data, using different windows. The resulting spectrum is similar to a classical
       periodogram, but with much less variance  (i.e.  less  variation  in  the  background  noise  [speckle]).
       Performances  are  also  similar  to  the  periodogram, maybe it makes detection of QRSS signals a little
       easier, but this doesn't means they are always more readable.

   High performance ARMA
       The (so called) "high performance" ARMA model assumes that the input signal is  composed  only  of  white
       noise  plus  a  certain  number  of  sinusoids  and  tries  to extract the relevant parameters (sinusoids
       frequency and strenght) from the data.

       Reference article for  this  implementation  is  "Spectral  An  Overdetermined  Rational  Model  Equation
       Approach", by James A. Cadzow, Proc. IEEE, vol.70, Sep. 1982.

       At  present  this  method  is  still  experimental. There are two parameters that can be varied: t is the
       number of samples used for computing the samples autocorrelation and p_e is the order of  the  AR  model.
       This latter must be less than t, and both number should be fairly small in order not to overload the CPU.
       The number of sinusoids is estimated autimatically from the samples  autocorrelation.   Use  the  default
       numbers  as  a starting point and experiment!  Unfortunately this spectral estimator performs poorly with
       non-white noise (as we have usually in the RX audio, due to the IF filters) and high noise levels. On the
       other hand it provides a very good visual SNR with signals not buried in the noise

       This method is experimental


       -d, --device FILE
              use FILE as audio device (default: /dev/dsp)

       -f, --file FILENAME
              take audio input from FILENAME (WAV format)

       -s, --sample_rate RATE
              set audio sample rate to RATE Hertz (default: 8000)

       -n N   number of points per FFT to N (preferably a power of 2, default: 1024)

       -h, --help
              print the help

       -v, --version
              display the version of glfer and exit


              User startup file.


       There  was some report of problems in the audio acquisition routine, it seems that some audio card/driver
       don't work well with select; this needs further investigation


       Maybe the Spectrogram should scroll as in other programs, all the picture moving right to left

       Jason decoder (in progress)

       Spectrogram speed independent of FFT size


       This man page documents glfer, version 0.4.2


       glfer was written by Claudio Girardi <>


       You are welcome to send bug reports to Claudio Girardi <>. It would be helpful  to  include
       with the bug description also the output of the configure script.


       Copyright © 2010 Claudio Girardi <>

       This  program  is  free  software;  you  can  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,  or
       (at your option) any later version.

       This  program  is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General  Public
       License for more details.

       You  should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA