Provided by: genomethreader_1.7.3+dfsg-5_amd64 bug


       gthbssmtrain - train splice site model


       gthbssmtrain [option ...] GFF3_file


       Create BSSM training data from annotation given in GFF3_file.


           set name of output directory to which the training files are written default: training_data

           extract training data for GC donor sites default: yes

           set type of features to used for filtering (usually 'exon' or 'CDS') default: exon

           set the minimum number of good exons a feature must have to be included into the training data
           default: 1

           set the minimum score an exon must have to count towards the ``good exon count'' (exons without a
           score count as good) default: 1.00

           set type of features to be extracted as exons (usually 'exon' or 'CDS') default: CDS

           set the sequence file from which to take the sequences default: undefined

           set the encoded sequence indexname from which to take the sequences default: undefined

           set the sequence files from which to extract the features use '--' to terminate the list of sequence

           search the sequence descriptions from the input files for the desired sequence IDs (in GFF3),
           reporting the first match default: no

           exactly match the sequence descriptions from the input files for the desired sequence IDs (in GFF3)
           from the beginning to the first whitespace default: no

           use sequence descriptions to map the sequence IDs (in GFF3) to actual sequence entries. If a
           description contains a sequence range (e.g., III:1000001..2000000), the first  part is used as
           sequence ID ('III') and the first range position as offset ('1000001') default: no

           set file containing sequence-region to sequence file mapping default: undefined

           set seed for random number generator manually 0 generates a seed from the current time and the
           process id default: 0

           be verbose default: no

           write gzip compressed output files default: no

           write bzip2 compressed output files default: no

           force writing to output files default: no

           display help and exit

           display version information and exit
