Provided by: likwid_5.0.1+dfsg1-1_amd64 bug


       likwid-perfctr  -  configure  and  read  out hardware performance counters on x86, ARM and POWER CPUs and
       Nvidia GPUs


       likwid-perfctr  [-vhHmaiefO]  [-c  core_list]  [-C  core_list_for_pinning]   [-g   performance_group   or
       performance_event_string]  [-t  timeline_frequency]  [-S monitoring_time] [-T group_switch_frequency] [-V
       verbosity] [-M access_mode] [-o output_file] [-s skip_mask] [-E search_str] [--stats]


       likwid-perfctr is a lightweight command line application to configure and read out  hardware  performance
       monitoring  data  on  supported  x86,  ARM and POWER processors. It can measure either as wrapper without
       changing the measured application or with marker API functions inside the code, which will  turn  on  and
       off  the counters. There are preconfigured performance groups with useful event sets and derived metrics.
       Additionally, arbitrary events can be measured with  custom  event  sets.  The  marker  API  can  measure
       multiple named regions and the results are accumulated over multiple region calls.


       -v, --version
              prints version information to standard output, then exits.

       -h, --help
              prints a help message to standard output, then exits.

       -H     prints group help message (use together with -g switch).

       -V <level>, --verbose <level>
              verbose  output  during  execution for debugging. 0 for only errors, 1 for informational output, 2
              for detailed output and 3 for developer output

       -m     run in marker API mode

       -a     print available performance groups for current processor, then exit.

       -e     print available counters and performance events of current processor.

       -o, --output <filename>
              store all output to a file instead of stdout. For the  filename  the  following  placeholders  are
              supported:  %j  for PBS_JOBID, %r for MPI RANK (only Intel MPI at the moment), %h host name and %p
              for process pid.  The placeholders must be separated by underscore as, e.g.,  -o  test_%h_%p.  You
              must  specify  a  suffix  to  the filename. For txt the output is printed as is to the file. Other
              suffixes trigger a filter on the output.  Available filters are csv (comma separated  values)  and
              xml at the moment.

       -O     print  output  in  CSV  format  (conform  to RFC 4180, see for

       -i, --info
              print cpuid information about processor and about  Intel  Performance  Monitoring  features,  then

       -c <cpu expression>
              specify  a  numerical list of processors. The list may contain multiple items, separated by comma,
              and ranges. For example 0,3,9-11.

       -C <cpu expression>
              specify a numerical list of processors. The list may contain multiple items, separated  by  comma,
              and  ranges.  For  example  0,3,9-11.  This  variant  will also pin the threads to the cores. Also
              logical numberings can be used.

       -g, --group <performance group> or <performance event set string>
              specify which performance group to measure. This can be one of the tags output with the  -a  flag.
              Also  a  custom event set can be specified by a comma separated list of events. Each event has the
              format eventId:register with the the register being one of a  architecture  supported  performance
              counter registers.

       -t <frequency of measurements>
              timeline  mode  for  time resolved measurements. The time unit must be given on command line, e.g.
              4s, 500ms or 900us.

       -S <waittime between measurements>
              End-to-end measurement using likwid-perfctr but sleep instead of  executing  an  application.  The
              time unit must be given on command line, e.g. 4s, 500ms or 900us.

       -T <time between group switches>
              Frequency  to  switch groups if multiple are given on commandline, default is 2s. Value is ignored
              for a single event set and default frequency of 30s is used to catch overflows. The time unit must
              be given on command line, e.g. 4s, 500ms or 900us.

       -s, --skip <mask>
              Specify skip mask as HEX number. For each set bit the corresponding thread is skipped.

       -f, --force
              Force writing of registers even if they are in use.

       -E <search_str>
              Print only events and corresponding counters matching <search_str>

              Always print statistics table


       Because  likwid-perfctr measures on processors and not single applications it is necessary to ensure that
       processes and threads are pinned to dedicated resources. You can either pin the application  yourself  or
       use the builtin pin functionality.

       1.  As wrapper with performance group:

       likwid-perfctr -C 0-2 -g TLB ./cacheBench -n 2 -l 1048576 -i 100 -t Stream

       The parent process is pinned to processor 0, Thread 0 to processor 1 and Thread 1 to processor 2.

       2.  As wrapper with custom event set on AMD:

       likwid-perfctr -C 0-4 -g INSTRUCTIONS_RETIRED_SSE:PMC0,CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED:PMC3 ./cacheBench

       It  is  specified  that  the  event  INSTRUCTIONS_RETIRED_SSE  is  measured on counter PMC0 and the event
       CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED on counter PMC3.  It is possible calculate the run time of all threads based  on  the
       CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED event. If you want this you have to include this event in your custom event string as
       shown above.

       3.  As wrapper with custom event set on Intel:

       likwid-perfctr -C 0 -g INSTR_RETIRED_ANY:FIXC0,CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE:FIXC1 ./stream-icc

       On Intel processors fixed events are measured on dedicated  counters.  These  are  INSTR_RETIRED_ANY  and
       CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE.  If you configure these fixed counters, likwid-perfctr will calculate the run time
       and CPI metrics for your run.

       4.  Using the marker API to measure only parts of your code (this can be used both with groups or  custom
           event sets):

       likwid-perfctr -m -C 0-4 -g INSTRUCTIONS_RETIRED_SSE:PMC0,CPU_CLOCKS_UNHALTED:PMC3 ./cacheBench

       You  have  to  link you code against and use the marker API calls.  Examples can be found in
       examples folder /usr/share/likwid/examples.  The following code snippet shows the necessary calls:

       #include <likwid-marker.h>

       /* only one thread calls init */

       /* Can be called by each thread the should
        * perform measurements. It is only needed
        * if the pinning feature of LIKWID failed
        * and the threads need to be pinned explicitly.
        * If you place it in the same parallel
        * region as LIKWID_MARKER_START, perform a
        * barrier between the statements to avoid
        * timing problems.

       /* If you run the code region only once, register
        * the region tag previously to reduce the overhead
        * of START and STOP calls. Call it once for each
        * thread in parallel environment.
        * Note: No whitespace characters are allowed in the region tags
        * This call is optional but RECOMMENDED, START will do the same operations.

       /* Start measurement
        * Note: No whitespace characters are allowed in the region tags
        * Your code to be measured is here
        * You can also nest named regions
        * No whitespaces are allowed in the region names!

       /* If you want to measure multiple groups/event sets
        * Switches through groups in round-robin fashion

       /* If you want to get the data of a region inside your application
        * nevents in an (int*) and used as input length of the events array. After the
        * call, nevents contains the actual amount of events
        * events is an array of doubles (double*), time is a pointer to double to
        * retrieve the measured runtime of the region and count is a pointer to int
        * and is filled with the call count of the region.
       LIKWID_MARKER_GET("name", nevents, events, time, count);

       /* If you want to reset the counts for a region

       /* Finally */

       5.  Using likwid in timeline mode:

       likwid-perfctr -c 0-3 -g FLOPS_DP -t 300ms ./cacheBench > out.txt

       This will read out the counters every 300ms on physical cores 0-3 and write the results to out.txt.   The
       application is not pinned to the CPUs. The output syntax of the timeline mode is for custom event sets:

       <groupID>   <numberOfEvents>   <numberOfThreads>   <Timestamp>   <Event1_Thread1>   <Event2_Thread1>  ...
       <Event1_Thread2> ... <EventN_ThreadM>

       For  performance  groups  with  metrics:  <groupID>   <numberOfMetrics>   <numberOfThreads>   <Timestamp>
       <Metric1_Thread1> <Metric2_Thread1> ... <Metric1_Thread2> ...<MetricN_ThreadM>

       For  timeline  mode  there  is a frontend application likwid-perfscope(1), which enables live plotting of
       selected events. Please be aware that with high frequencies (<100ms), the values  differ  from  the  real
       results but the behavior of them is valid.

       6.  Using likwid in stethoscope mode:

       likwid-perfctr -c 0-3 -g FLOPS_DP -S 2s

       This  will  start  the counters and read them out after 2s on physical cores 0-3 and write the results to

       7.  Using likwid with counter options:

       likwid-perfctr -c S0:1@S1:1 -g LLC_LOOKUPS_DATA_READ:CBOX0C0:STATE=0x9 ./cacheBench

       This will program the counter CBOX0C0 (the counter 0 of the  LLC  cache  box  0)  to  measure  the  event
       LLC_LOOKUPS_DATA_READ  and  filter  the increments by the state of a cacheline.  STATE=0x9 for this event
       means all <invalid> and <modified> cachelines. Which options are allowed  for  which  box  is  listed  in
       LIKWID's  html  documentation.  The  values  for  the  options  can  be  found in the vendors performance
       monitoring documentations. Likwid measures the first CPU of socket 0 and the first CPU of socket  1.  See
       likwid-pin(1)  for  details  regarding  the  cpu  expressions.  For more code examples have a look at the
       likwid WIKI pages and LIKWID's html documentation.

       7.   Using likwid with GPU events and NvMarkerAPI. The CUDA library and CUPTI library must  be  reachable
            (path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

       likwid-perfctr -G 0,1 -W FLOPS_DP -m ./cudaApp

       This  runs  the  application in NvMarkerAPI mode on GPUs 0 and 1 and measures the single-precision flops.
       The NvMarkerAPI is similar to the CPU MarkerAPI (compile -DLIKWID_NVMON):

       #include <likwid-marker.h>

       /* Initialize the library and add configured eventset */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_INIT;

       /* If you run the code region only once, register
        * the region tag previously to reduce the overhead
        * of START and STOP calls. Call it before calling START() for
        * the region the first time.
        * Place it around your CUDA kernel call.
        * Note: No whitespace characters are allowed in the region tags
        * This call is optional but RECOMMENDED, START will do the same operations.
        */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_REGISTER("name");

       /* Start measurement on Nvidia GPUs
        * Note: No whitespace characters are allowed in the region tags
        */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_START("name"); /*
        * Your code to be measured is here
        * You can also nest named regions

       /* Stop measurment on Nvidia GPUs
        * No whitespaces are allowed in the region names!
        */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_STOP("name");

       /* If you want to measure multiple groups/event sets
        * Switches through groups in round-robin fashion.

       /* If you want to get the data of a region inside your application
        * nevents in an (int*) and used as input length of the events array. After the
        * call, nevents contains the actual amount of events. Same for ngpus.
        * events is an array of doubles (double*), time is a pointer to double to
        * retrieve the measured runtime of the region and count is a pointer to int
        * and is filled with the call count of the region.
        */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_GET("name", ngpus, nevents, events, time, count);

       /* If you want to reset the counts for a region
        */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_RESET("name");

       /* Finally */ LIKWID_NVMARKER_CLOSE;


       Written by Thomas Gruber <>.


       Report Bugs on <>.


       likwid-topology(1), likwid-perfscope(1), likwid-pin(1), likwid-bench(1)