Provided by: montage_6.0+dfsg-6build3_amd64 bug


       mExamine - Information about the sky coverage of a FITS image


       mExamine [-d][-p ra dec radius] image.fits


       mExamine returns information about the sky coverage of a FITS image (assuming WCS keywords in the header)
       and optionally pixel statistics for a region in the image.


       -p ra dec radius

              Return information about a region (central pixel  value,  min,  max  values  and  location,  etc.)
              Coordinates and radius are in degrees unless given a "p" suffix, in which case they are in pixels.

       -a ra dec

              Returns a simple aperture photometry fit to a location.  Cannot be used at the same time as the -p
              option above.  Also supports the "p" suffix rule from above.


              Turn on debugging.



              FITS file to examine. If the file has multiple HDUs, you can add that  to  the  file  name,  e.g.,
              "m51.fits[2]".   If  an  HDU  is a datacube, you can select a plane ("m51.fits[2][256]").  Even if
              there  is  a  single  HDU,  you  need  to  specify  it  if  you  want  to  specify  a  cube  plane
              ("m51.fits[0][512]").   Note  that  this  syntax may require quotes around the file name string to
              avoid confusing your shell.


       If successful, returns the following:

       projImage projection csysCoordinate system equinoxCoordinate system equinox naxisNumber of  axes  in  the
       file  naxis1Image  width  (in  pixels)  naxis2Image  height  naxis3Data  cube  depth  (only if NAXIS > 2)
       naxis4Data cube fourth dimension (only if NAXIS >  3)  crval1WCS  reference  coordinate  for  first  axis
       crval2WCS  reference  coordinate  for  second  axis  crpix1Pixel  value  for  reference coordinate crpix2
       cdelt1Pixel scale (degrees) cdelt2 crota2Rotation of image (E of N) loncSky coordinate  of  image  center
       latc  ximgsizeImage  size  (degrees) yimgsize rotequRotation of image in Equatorial (J2000) racEquatorial
       (J2000) coordinates of image center decc ra1Equatorial coordinates of four image corners  dec1  ra2  dec2
       ra3 dec3 ra4 dec4

       and optionally

       radiusRadius  of  pixel  region  (degrees)  radpixRadius  in  pixels  npixelNumber  of  pixels  in region
       nnullNumber of null pixels avefluxAverage flux for region rmsfluxRMS of  region  fluxes  fluxrefFlux  for
       reference location sigmarefRMS of fluxes xrefPixel coordinates of reference location yref rarefEquatorial
       (J2000) coordinated of reference location decref fluxminSame for pixel with minimum  flux  sigmamin  xmin
       ymin ramin decmin fluxmaxSame for pixel with maximum flux sigmamax xmax ymax ramax decmax

       If  you  specify  region  that is all blank, npixel will be zero, nnull will be the total number of pixel
       examined, and the flux related parameters will all be zero.


       ERROR  No ra, dec, radius location given or file name missing

       ERROR  File name missing

       ERROR  Cannot open FITS file test.fits

       ERROR  Cannot find WCS keys in FITS file test.fits

       ERROR  WCS initialization failed.

       ERROR  Location off the image.

       ERROR  Error reading FITS data.


       mExamine -p 202.5 47.0 0.01 aJ_asky_980527n0240232.fits

              [struct   stat="OK",   proj="SIN",   csys="EQUJ",   equinox=2000.0,    naxis1=512,    naxis2=1024,
              crval1=202.5213942,     crval2=47.1131924,     crpix1=256.5,    crpix2=512.5,    cdelt1=0.0002778,
              cdelt2=0.0002778,    crota2=0.0034,    lonc=202.5213942,    latc=47.1134702,    ximgsize=0.142222,
              yimgsize=0.142222,     rotequ=0.0034,     rac=202.5213942,    decc=47.1131924,    ra1=202.6260252,
              dec1=46.9706487,    ra2=202.4171950,    dec2=46.9706407,     ra3=202.4166112,     dec3=47.2553630,
              ra4=202.6265617,    dec4=47.2553710,   radius=0.0100000,   radpix=36.00,   npixel=5476,   nnull=0,
              aveflux=136.807,   rmsflux=0.853615,   fluxref=137.3,   sigmaref=0.578143,   xref=309,   yref=105,
              raref=202.5000208,   decref=46.9999951,  fluxmin=135.042,  sigmamin=-2.06764,  xmin=328,  ymin=77,
              ramin=202.4922870,  decmin=46.9922153,  fluxmax=152.299,  sigmamax=18.1493,  xmax=307,   ymax=117,
              ramax=202.5008338, decmax=47.0033286]


       The drizzle algorithm has been implemented but has not been tested in this release.

       If a header template contains carriage returns (i.e., created/modified on a Windows machine), the cfitsio
       library will be unable to read it properly, resulting in the  error:  [struct  stat="ERROR",  status=207,
       msg="illegal character in keyword"]

       It  is  best  for  the  background  correction  algorithms  if  the area described in the header template
       completely encloses all of the input images in their entirety. If parts of input images are "chopped off"
       by  the  header  template,  the  background correction will be affected. We recommend you use an expanded
       header for the reprojection and background modeling steps, returning to  the  originally  desired  header
       size  for  the  final  coaddition.  The  default background matching assumes that there are no non-linear
       background variations in the individual images (and therefore in the overlap differences).  If  there  is
       any  uncertainty  in  this  regard, it is safer to turn on the "level only" background matching (the "-l"
       flag in mBgModel.


       2001-2015 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

       If your research uses Montage, please include the following acknowledgement: "This research made  use  of
       Montage.  It  is  funded  by  the  National  Science  Foundation  under Grant Number ACI-1440620, and was
       previously funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Earth Science Technology Office,
       Computation  Technologies  Project,  under  Cooperative  Agreement  Number  NCC5-626 between NASA and the
       California Institute of Technology."

       The Montage distribution includes an adaptation of the MOPEX algorithm developed at the  Spitzer  Science