Provided by: masakari-common_9.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.5_all bug


       masakari - masakari

       Masakari  is an OpenStack project designed to ensure high availability of instances and compute processes
       running on hosts.

       This documentation is intended to help explain the  current  scope  of  the  Masakari  project  and   the
       architectural  decisions  made  to  support  this  scope.   The  documentation  will  include  the future
       architectural roadmap and  the current development process and policies.


       The Masakari API is extensive. We provide a concept guide which gives some of the high level details,  as
       well as a more detailed API reference.


   Architecture Overview
       • Masakari architecture: An overview of how all the components in masakari work together.

       A detailed install guide for masakari.

   Masakari services
   Masakari service overview
       Masakari  provides  Virtual  Machines High Availability(VMHA), and rescues KVM-based Virtual Machines(VM)
       from a failure events described below:


         VM process down - restart vm (use nova stop API, and nova start API).
                Libvirt events will be also emitted by other failures.


         Provisioning process down - restarts process, changes nova-compute service
                status to maintenance mode (use nova service-disable).


         nova-compute host failure - evacuate all the VMs from failure host to
                reserved host (use nova evacuate API).

       The below services enables deplores to integrate with the Masakari directly or through custom plug-ins.

       The Masakari service consists of the following components:

              An OpenStack-native REST API that processes API requests by sending them  to  the  masakari-engine
              over Remote Procedure Call (RPC).

              Processes  the  notifications  received  from  masakari-api  by executing the recovery workflow in
              asynchronous way.

   Install and configure
       This section describes how to install and configure Masakari services on the compute node.

       This section assumes that you already have a working OpenStack environment with the following  components
       installed: Nova, Glance, Cinder, Neutron and Identity.

       The installation and configuration vary by distribution.

   Install and configure for Ubuntu
       This section describes how to install and configure Masakari for Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic).

       Before  you  install  and configure the masakari service, you must create databases, service credentials,
       and API endpoints.

       1. To create the masakari database, follow these steps:

          • Use the database access client to connect to the database server as the root user:

                # mysql

          • Create the masakari database:

                mysql> CREATE DATABASE masakari CHARACTER SET utf8;

          • Grant access privileges to the databases:

                mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON masakari.* TO 'username'@'localhost' \
                mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON masakari.* TO 'username'@'%' \

             Replace MASAKARI_DBPASS with a suitable password.

          • Exit the database access client.

       2. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

             $ . admin-openrc

       3. Create the Masakari service credentials:

          • Create the masakari user with password as masakari:

                $ openstack user create --password-prompt masakari

                User Password:
                Repeat User Password:
                | Field               | Value                            |
                | domain_id           | default                          |
                | enabled             | True                             |
                | id                  | 8a7dbf5279404537b1c7b86c033620fe |
                | name                | masakari                             |
                | options             | {}                               |
                | password_expires_at | None                             |

          • Add the admin role to the masakari user:

                $ openstack role add --project service --user masakari admin

          • Create the masakari service entity:

                $ openstack service create --name masakari \
                --description "masakari high availability" instance-ha

                | Field       | Value                            |
                | description | masakari high availability       |
                | enabled     | True                             |
                | id          | 060d59eac51b4594815603d75a00aba2 |
                | name        | masakari                         |
                | type        | instance-ha                      |

       4. Create the Masakari API service endpoints:

             $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
               masakari public http:// <CONTROLLER_IP>/instance-ha/v1/$\(tenant_id\)s

             | Field        | Value                                                 |
             | enabled      | True                                                  |
             | id           | 38f7af91666a47cfb97b4dc790b94424                      |
             | interface    | public                                                 |
             | region       | RegionOne                                             |
             | region_id    | RegionOne                                             |
             | service_id   | 060d59eac51b4594815603d75a00aba2                      |
             | service_name | masakari                                              |
             | service_type | instance-ha                                           |
             | url          | http://<CONTROLLER_IP>/instance-ha/v1/$(tenant_id)s   |

             $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
               masakari internal http:// <CONTROLLER_IP>/instance-ha/v1/$\(tenant_id\)s

             | Field        | Value                                                 |
             | enabled      | True                                                  |
             | id           | 38f7af91666a47cfb97b4dc790b94424                      |
             | interface    | internal                                              |
             | region       | RegionOne                                             |
             | region_id    | RegionOne                                             |
             | service_id   | 060d59eac51b4594815603d75a00aba2                      |
             | service_name | masakari                                              |
             | service_type | instance-ha                                           |
             | url          | http://<CONTROLLER_IP>/instance-ha/v1/$(tenant_id)s   |

             $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
               masakari admin http://<CONTROLLER_IP>/instance-ha/v1/$\(tenant_id\)s

             | Field        | Value                                                 |
             | enabled      | True                                                  |
             | id           | 38f7af91666a47cfb97b4dc790b94424                      |
             | interface    | admin                                                 |
             | region       | RegionOne                                             |
             | region_id    | RegionOne                                             |
             | service_id   | 060d59eac51b4594815603d75a00aba2                      |
             | service_name | masakari                                              |
             | service_type | instance-ha                                           |
             | url          | http://<CONTROLLER_IP>/instance-ha/v1/$(tenant_id)s   |

   Install and configure Masakari

          • You must install Masakari on the Controller Nodes only.

       1. Clone masakari using:

             # git clone

       2. Prepare the masakari configuration files:

          1. Generate via tox:

             Go to ‘opt/stack/masakari’ and execute the command below, this will generate  masakari.conf.sample,
             sample configuration file at /opt/stack/masakari/etc/masakari/

                # tox -egenconfig

          2. Download from:

             # masakari.conf.sample

          3. Rename masakari.conf.sample file to masakari.conf, and edit sections as shown below:

                transport_url = rabbit://stackrabbit:admin@<CONTROLLER_IP>:5672/
                graceful_shutdown_timeout = 5
                os_privileged_user_tenant = service
                os_privileged_user_password = admin
                os_privileged_user_auth_url = http://<CONTROLLER_IP>/identity
                os_privileged_user_name = nova
                logging_exception_prefix = %(color)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d TRACE %(name)s [01;35m%(instance)s[00m
                logging_debug_format_suffix = [00;33mfrom (pid=%(process)d) %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d[00m
                logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [[00;36m-%(color)s] [01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s[00m
                logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [[01;36m%(request_id)s [00;36m%(project_name)s %(user_name)s%(color)s] [01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s[00m
                use_syslog = False
                debug = True
                masakari_api_workers = 2

                connection = mysql+pymysql://root:admin@1<CONTROLLER_IP>/masakari?charset=utf8

                memcached_servers = localhost:11211
                cafile = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
                project_domain_name = Default
                project_name = service
                user_domain_name = Default
                password = <MASAKARI_PASS>
                username = masakari
                auth_url = http://<CONTROLLER_IP>/identity
                auth_type = password

                connection = mysql+pymysql://root:admin@<CONTROLLER_IP>/masakari?charset=utf8

                Replace CONTROLLER_IP with the IP address of controller node.

                Replace MASAKARI_PASS with the password you chose for the masakari user in the Identity service.

          4. Create masakari directory in /etc/:

             Copy masakari.conf file to /etc/masakari/

                # cp -p etc/masakari/masakari.conf.sample /etc/masakari/masakari.conf

       3. To install masakari run from masakari:

             # cd masakari
             # sudo python install

       4. Run below db command to sync database:

             # masakari-manage db sync

   Finalize installation
       • Start masakari services:

            # masakari-api
            # masakari-engine

   Verify operation
       Verify Masakari installation.

       1. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

             $ . admin-openrc

       2. List API endpoints in the Identity service to verify connectivity with the Identity service:

             Below endpoints list may differ depending on the installation of OpenStack components.

             $ openstack endpoint list

             | Name        | Type           | Endpoints                                              |
             | nova_legacy | compute_legacy | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/compute/v2/<tenant_id>     |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | nova        | compute        | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/compute/v2.1               |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | cinder      | block-storage  | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/volume/v3/<tenant_id>      |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | glance      | image          | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/image                      |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | cinderv3    | volumev3       | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/volume/v3/<tenant_id>      |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | masakari    | instance-ha    | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                | internal: http://controller/instance-ha/v1/<tenant_id> |
             |             |                | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |  admin: http://controller/instance-ha/v1/<tenant_id>   |
             |             |                | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |  public: http://controller/instance-ha/v1/<tenant_id>  |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | keystone    | identity       | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/identity                   |
             |             |                | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   admin: http://controller/identity                    |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | cinderv2    | volumev2       | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/volume/v2/<tenant_id>      |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | placement   | placement      | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller/placement                  |
             |             |                |                                                        |
             | neutron     | network        | RegionOne                                              |
             |             |                |   public: http://controller:9696/                      |
             |             |                |                                                        |

       3. Run  segment  list command to verify masakari-api is running properly.  This will return empty segment
          list as you haven't yet configured Failover segments.

             $ openstack segment list

             Since Failover segments are not configured, there is no way to verify  masakari-engine  is  running
             properly as the notification cannot be sent from masakari-api to masakari-engine.

   Reference Material
       • Configuration Guide: Information on configuration files.

       • Custom Recovery Workflow Configuration Guide

       • CLI Commands for Masakari: The complete command reference for Masakari.

       • Versioned  Notifications:  This  provides  the  list  of  existing  versioned notifications with sample

       • Masakari team process

       • Getting started with Masakari: This will help newcomers understand basics of Masakari

       • Nova Docs: A collection of guides for Nova.

   Masakari CLI Documentation
       In this section you will find information on Masakari’s command line interface.

   CLI interface for Masakari status commands
          masakari-status <category> <command> [<args>]

       masakari-status is a tool that provides routines for checking the status of a Masakari deployment.

       The standard pattern for executing a masakari-status command is:

          masakari-status <category> <command> [<args>]

       Run without arguments to see a list of available command categories:


       Categories are:

       • upgrade

       Detailed descriptions are below:

       You can also run with a category argument such as upgrade to see a list of all commands in that category:

          masakari-status upgrade

       These sections describe the available categories and arguments for masakari-status.

       masakari-status upgrade check
              Performs a release-specific readiness check before restarting services with new code. For example,
              missing  or  changed  configuration  options, incompatible object states, or other conditions that
              could lead to failures while upgrading.

              Return Codes

                                    │Return code │ Description                           │
                                    │0           │ All upgrade readiness  checks  passed │
                                    │            │ successfully  and there is nothing to │
                                    │            │ do.                                   │
                                    │1           │ At least  one  check  encountered  an │
                                    │            │ issue     and     requires    further │
                                    │            │ investigation. This is  considered  a │
                                    │            │ warning but the upgrade may be OK.    │
                                    │2           │ There  was  an  upgrade  status check │
                                    │            │ failure    that    needs    to     be │
                                    │            │ investigated.    This    should    be │
                                    │            │ considered something  that  stops  an │
                                    │            │ upgrade.                              │
                                    │255         │ An unexpected error occurred.         │

              History of Checks

              7.0.0 (Stein)

              • Sample check to be filled in with checks as they are added in Stein.

   Control and manage masakari database
          masakari-manage <category> <action> [<args>]

       masakari-manage controls DB by managing various admin-only aspects of masakari.

       The standard pattern for executing a masakari-manage command is:

          masakari-manage <category> <command> [<args>]

       Run without arguments to see a list of available command categories:


       You can also run with a category argument such as db to see a list of all commands in that category:

          masakari-manage db

       These sections describe the available categories and arguments for masakari-manage.

   Masakari Database
       masakari-manage db version
              Print the current main database version.

       masakari-manage db sync [--version <version>]
              Upgrade the main database schema up to the most recent version or --version if specified.

       masakari-manage db purge
              Deleting rows older than 30 day(s) from table hosts, failover_segments and notifications.

   openstack masakari
       To control and manage masakari operations, the extended command list available in openstack command.

       The masakari service stores its API configuration settings in the api-paste.ini file.

          use = call:masakari.api.urlmap:urlmap_factory
          /: apiversions
          /v1: masakari_api_v1

          use = call:masakari.api.auth:pipeline_factory_v1
          keystone = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id faultwrap sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext osapi_masakari_app_v1
          noauth2 = cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id faultwrap sizelimit noauth2 osapi_masakari_app_v1

          # filters
          paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
          oslo_config_project = masakari

          paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.http_proxy_to_wsgi:HTTPProxyToWSGI.factory

          paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestId.factory

          paste.filter_factory = masakari.api.openstack:FaultWrapper.factory

          paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestBodySizeLimiter.factory

          paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory

          paste.filter_factory = masakari.api.auth:MasakariKeystoneContext.factory

          paste.filter_factory = masakari.api.auth:NoAuthMiddleware.factory

          # apps
          paste.app_factory = masakari.api.openstack.ha:APIRouterV1.factory

          pipeline = faultwrap http_proxy_to_wsgi apiversionsapp

          paste.app_factory = masakari.api.openstack.ha.versions:Versions.factory

   Configuration Options
       The  following  is  an  overview  of  all  available  configuration  options  in  Masakari.  For a sample
       configuration file, refer to sample_config.


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     keystone, noauth2

              This determines the strategy to  use  for  authentication:  keystone  or  noauth2.   'noauth2'  is
              designed  for  testing  only,  as  it  does  no  actual  credential  checking.  'noauth2' provides
              administrative credentials only if 'admin' is specified as the username.

              • Possible values:
                   Either 'keystone' (default) or 'noauth2'.

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:


              Type   boolean


              When True, the 'X-Forwarded-For' header is treated as the canonical  remote  address.  When  False
              (the default), the 'remote_address' header is used.

              You should only enable this if you have an HTML sanitizing proxy.

              • Possible values:
                   True, False (default)

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:


              Type   integer


              As  a  query  can  potentially return many thousands of items, you can limit the maximum number of
              items in a single response by setting this option.

              • Possible values:
                   Any positive integer. Default is 1000.

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:


              Type   string


              This string is prepended to the normal URL that is returned in links  to  the  OpenStack  Masakari
              API. If it is empty (the default), the URLs are returned unchanged.

              • Possible values:
                   Any string, including an empty string (the default).

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:


              Type   string


              Explicitly specify the temporary working directory.


              Type   boolean


              Determine if monkey patching should be applied.

              Related options:

                 • monkey_patch_modules: This must have values set for this option to have

                 any effect


              Type   list


              List of modules/decorators to monkey patch.

              This option allows you to patch a decorator for all functions in specified modules.

              Related options:

                 • monkey_patch: This must be set to True for this option to have any effect


              Type   string


              This  is  the  message  queue  topic  that  the  masakari engine 'listens' on. It is used when the
              masakari engine is started up to configure the queue, and whenever an RPC  call  to  the  masakari
              engine is made.

              • Possible values:
                   Any  string,  but there is almost never any reason to ever change this value from its default
                   of 'engine'.

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:

                 This option is deprecated for removal since 3.0.0.  Its value may be silently  ignored  in  the

                 Reason Configurable  RPC  topic  provides  little  value  and  it  can easily break Masakari if
                        operator configures it to the same topic used by other OpenStack services.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Interval in seconds for identifying duplicate  notifications.  If  the  notification  received  is
              identical to the previous ones whose status is either new or running and if it's created_timestamp
              and the current timestamp is less than this config option value, then  the  notification  will  be
              considered as duplicate and it will be ignored.


              Type   integer


              Number of seconds to wait after a service is enabled or disabled.


              Type   integer


              Wait until instance is evacuated


              Type   integer


              The monitoring interval for looping


              Type   integer


              Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down


              Type   integer


              Number of seconds to wait for instance to start


              Type   integer


              Interval in seconds for processing notifications which are in error or new state.


              Type   integer


                     This option can be changed without restarting.

              Interval  in  seconds for identifying notifications which are in new state. If the notification is
              in new state till this config option value after it's generated_time, then it is  considered  that
              notification    is    ignored    by    the    messaging   queue   and   will   be   processed   by
              'process_unfinished_notifications' periodic task.


              Type   integer


              Interval in seconds for checking running notifications.


              Type   integer


              Interval in seconds for identifying running notifications expired.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Number of threads to  be  used  for  evacuating  and  confirming  instances  during  execution  of
              host_failure workflow.


              Type   string


              Defines which driver to use for executing notification workflows.


              Type   boolean


              Make exception message format errors fatal


              Type   string


              Match  this  value  when searching for nova in the service catalog. Format is: separated values of
              the form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type>


              Type   string


              Region name of this node


              Type   string


              Location of ca certificates file to use for nova client requests.


              Type   boolean


              Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to nova


              Type   string


              OpenStack privileged account username. Used for requests to other services  (such  as  Nova)  that
              require an account with special rights.


              Type   string


              Password associated with the OpenStack privileged account.


              Type   string


              Tenant name associated with the OpenStack privileged account.


              Type   URI


              Auth URL associated with the OpenStack privileged account.


              Type   string


              User domain name associated with the OpenStack privileged account.


              Type   string


              Project domain name associated with the OpenStack privileged account.


              Type   string


              Directory where the masakari python module is installed


              Type   string


              Directory where masakari binaries are installed


              Type   string


              Top-level directory for maintaining masakari's state


              Type   host address


              Hostname, FQDN or IP address of this host. Must be valid within AMQP key.

              Possible values:

              • String with hostname, FQDN or IP address. Default is hostname of this host.


              Type   string


              Full class name for the Manager for masakari engine


              Type   integer


              Seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore


              Type   boolean


              Enable periodic tasks


              Type   integer


              Max interval time between periodic tasks execution in seconds.


              Type   integer


              Range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the periodic task scheduler to reduce stampeding.
              (Disable by setting to 0)


              Type   boolean


              Use APIs with SSL enabled


              Type   host address


              The IP address on which the Masakari API will listen.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Maximum Value

              The port on which the Masakari API will listen.


              Type   integer


              Number of workers for Masakari API service. The default will be the number of CPUs available.


              Type   integer


              Maximum time since last check-in for up service


              Type   string


              Enable eventlet backdoor.  Acceptable values are 0, <port>, and <start>:<end>, where 0 results  in
              listening  on  a  random tcp port number; <port> results in listening on the specified port number
              (and not enabling backdoor if that port is in use); and <start>:<end> results in listening on  the
              smallest  unused  port  number  within  the  specified  range of port numbers.  The chosen port is
              displayed in the service's log file.


              Type   string


              Enable eventlet backdoor, using the provided path as a unix socket that can  receive  connections.
              This  option  is  mutually  exclusive with 'backdoor_port' in that only one should be provided. If
              both are provided then the existence of this option overrides the usage of that option. Inside the
              path {pid} will be replaced with the PID of the current process.


              Type   boolean


              Enables  or  disables  logging  values of all registered options when starting a service (at DEBUG


              Type   integer


              Specify a timeout after which a gracefully shutdown server will exit.  Zero  value  means  endless


              Type   string


              File name for the paste.deploy config for api service


              Type   string

                     %(client_ip)s   "%(request_line)s"  status:  %(status_code)s   len:  %(body_length)s  time:

              A python format string that is used as the template to generate log lines.  The  following  values
              can   beformatted   into   it:   client_ip,  date_time,  request_line,  status_code,  body_length,


              Type   integer


              Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not supported on OS X.


              Type   integer


              Size of the pool of greenthreads used by wsgi


              Type   integer


              Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need to be increased when
              using  large  tokens (typically those generated when keystone is configured to use PKI tokens with
              big service catalogs).


              Type   boolean


              If False, closes the client socket connection explicitly.


              Type   integer


              Timeout for client connections' socket operations. If an incoming  connection  is  idle  for  this
              number of seconds it will be closed. A value of '0' means wait forever.


              Type   integer


              Size of RPC connection pool.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group   │ Name               │
                                            │DEFAULT │ rpc_conn_pool_size │


              Type   integer


              The pool size limit for connections expiration policy


              Type   integer


              The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool


              Type   integer


              Size of executor thread pool when executor is threading or eventlet.

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group   │ Name                 │
                                           │DEFAULT │ rpc_thread_pool_size │


              Type   integer


              Seconds to wait for a response from a call.


              Type   string


              The  network address and optional user credentials for connecting to the messaging backend, in URL
              format. The expected format is:


              Example: rabbit://rabbitmq:password@

              For full details on the fields in the URL see the documentation of oslo_messaging.TransportURL  at


              Type   string


              The  default  exchange  under  which  topics  are  scoped.  May  be overridden by an exchange name
              specified in the transport_url option.


              Type   boolean


                     This option can be changed without restarting.

              If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default INFO level.


              Type   string


                     This option can be changed without restarting.

              The name of a  logging  configuration  file.  This  file  is  appended  to  any  existing  logging
              configuration  files. For details about logging configuration files, see the Python logging module
              documentation. Note that when logging configuration files are used then all logging  configuration
              is set in the configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for example,

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group   │ Name       │
                                                │DEFAULT │ log-config │
                                                │DEFAULT │ log_config │


              Type   string

                     %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

              Defines the format string for %(asctime)s in log records. Default: the value above .  This  option
              is ignored if log_config_append is set.


              Type   string


              (Optional)  Name  of  log file to send logging output to. If no default is set, logging will go to
              stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

   Deprecated Variations
                                                  │Group   │ Name    │
                                                  │DEFAULT │ logfile │


              Type   string


              (Optional) The base directory used for  relative  log_file   paths.  This  option  is  ignored  if
              log_config_append is set.

   Deprecated Variations
                                                  │Group   │ Name   │
                                                  │DEFAULT │ logdir │


              Type   boolean


              Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or removed this handler
              will open a new log file with specified path instantaneously. It  makes  sense  only  if  log_file
              option  is  specified  and  Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is


              Type   boolean


              Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be changed  later  to  honor
              RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.


              Type   boolean


              Enable  journald  for  logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish to enable journal
              support. Doing so will use the journal native  protocol  which  includes  structured  metadata  in
              addition to log messages.This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.


              Type   string


              Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.


              Type   boolean


              Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.


              Type   boolean


              Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.


              Type   boolean


              Log output to Windows Event Log.


              Type   integer


              The   amount   of  time  before  the  log  files  are  rotated.  This  option  is  ignored  unless
              log_rotation_type is setto "interval".


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weekday, Midnight

              Rotation interval type. The time of the last file  change  (or  the  time  when  the  service  was
              started) is used when scheduling the next rotation.


              Type   integer


              Maximum number of rotated log files.


              Type   integer


              Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if "log_rotation_type" is not set to "size".


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     interval, size, none

              Log rotation type.  Possible values.INDENT 7.0

              Rotate logs at predefined time intervals.

       size   Rotate logs once they reach a predefined size.

       none   Do not rotate log files.


              Type   string

                     %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d      %(process)d     %(levelname)s     %(name)s     [%(request_id)s
                     %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s

              Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter


              Type   string

                     %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s

              Format   string   to   use   for   log   messages   when   context   is   undefined.    Used    by


              Type   string

                     %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d

              Additional  data  to  append  to  log message when logging level for the message is DEBUG. Used by


              Type   string

                     %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s

              Prefix    each    line    of    exception     output     with     this     format.     Used     by


              Type   string

                     %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s

              Defines  the  format  string  for %(user_identity)s that is used in logging_context_format_string.
              Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter


              Type   list


              List  of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored if log_config_append
              is set.


              Type   boolean


              Enables or disables publication of error events.


              Type   string

                     "[instance: %(uuid)s] "

              The format for an instance that is passed with the log message.


              Type   string

                     "[instance: %(uuid)s] "

              The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message.


              Type   integer


              Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting.


              Type   integer


              Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval.


              Type   string


              Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG or empty string.  Logs
              with  level  greater  or  equal to rate_limit_except_level are not filtered. An empty string means
              that all levels are filtered.


              Type   boolean


              Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations.


              Type   list


              Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain received  in  the  requests  "origin"
              header.     Format:     "<protocol>://<host>[:<port>]",     no     trailing     slash.    Example:


              Type   boolean


              Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials


              Type   list


              Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to HTTP Simple Headers.


              Type   integer


              Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests.


              Type   list


              Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request.


              Type   list


              Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual request.


              Type   boolean


              If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group   │ Name               │
                                            │DEFAULT │ sqlite_synchronous │


              Type   string


              The back end to use for the database.

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group   │ Name       │
                                                │DEFAULT │ db_backend │


              Type   string


              The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database.

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group    │ Name           │
                                              │DEFAULT  │ sql_connection │
                                              │DATABASE │ sql_connection │
                                              │sql      │ connection     │


              Type   string


              The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.


              Type   string


              The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option,  including  the  default,  overrides  any
              server-set  SQL  mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration, set this to no
              value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=


              Type   boolean


              If True, transparently enables support for handling MySQL Cluster (NDB).


              Type   integer


              Connections which have been present in the connection pool longer than this number of seconds will
              be replaced with a new one the next time they are checked out from the pool.

   Deprecated Variations
                                             │Group    │ Name             │
                                             │DATABASE │ idle_timeout     │
                                             │database │ idle_timeout     │
                                             │DEFAULT  │ sql_idle_timeout │
                                             │DATABASE │ sql_idle_timeout │
                                             │sql      │ idle_timeout     │


              Type   integer


              Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. Setting a value of 0 indicates no limit.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group    │ Name              │
                                            │DEFAULT  │ sql_max_pool_size │
                                            │DATABASE │ sql_max_pool_size │


              Type   integer


              Maximum  number  of  database  connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite
              retry count.

   Deprecated Variations
                                             │Group    │ Name            │
                                             │DEFAULT  │ sql_max_retries │
                                             │DATABASE │ sql_max_retries │


              Type   integer


              Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group    │ Name               │
                                            │DEFAULT  │ sql_retry_interval │
                                            │DATABASE │ reconnect_interval │


              Type   integer


              If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy.

   Deprecated Variations
                                         │Group    │ Name                    │
                                         │DEFAULT  │ sql_max_overflow        │
                                         │DATABASE │ sqlalchemy_max_overflow │


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Maximum Value

              Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything.

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group   │ Name                 │
                                           │DEFAULT │ sql_connection_debug │


              Type   boolean


              Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings.

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group   │ Name                 │
                                           │DEFAULT │ sql_connection_trace │


              Type   integer


              If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy.

   Deprecated Variations
                                         │Group    │ Name                    │
                                         │DATABASE │ sqlalchemy_pool_timeout │


              Type   boolean


              Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.


              Type   integer


              Seconds between retries of a database transaction.


              Type   boolean


              If  True,  increases  the   interval   between   retries   of   a   database   operation   up   to


              Type   integer


              If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a database operation.


              Type   integer


              Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is raised. Set to -1 to
              specify an infinite retry count.


              Type   string


              Optional  URL  parameters  to  append  onto  the  connection  URL  at  connect  time;  specify  as


              Type   boolean


              Enable the experimental use of thread pooling for all DB API calls

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group   │ Name            │
                                              │DEFAULT │ dbapi_use_tpool │


              Type   string


              The path to respond to healtcheck requests on.

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.


              Type   boolean


              Show  more  detailed  information as part of the response. Security note: Enabling this option may
              expose sensitive details about the service being monitored. Be sure to verify  that  it  will  not
              violate your security policies.


              Type   list


              Additional  backends  that can perform health checks and report that information back as part of a


              Type   string


              Check the presence of a file to determine if  an  application  is  running  on  a  port.  Used  by
              DisableByFileHealthcheck plugin.


              Type   list


              Check  the presence of a file based on a port to determine if an application is running on a port.
              Expects a "port:path" list of strings. Used by DisableByFilesPortsHealthcheck plugin.


              Type   boolean


              Operators can decide whether all instances or only those  instances  which  contain  metadata  key
              'HA_Enabled=True'  should be allowed for evacuation from a failed source compute node. When set to
              True, it will evacuate all instances from a failed source compute node. First preference  will  be
              given  to  those instances which contain 'HA_Enabled=True' metadata key, and then it will evacuate
              the remaining ones. When set to False,  it  will  evacuate  only  those  instances  which  contain
              'HA_Enabled=True' metadata key.


              Type   boolean


              Operators can decide whether error instances should be allowed for evacuation from a failed source
              compute node or not. When set to True, it will ignore  error  instances  from  evacuation  from  a
              failed  source  compute node. When set to False, it will evacuate error instances along with other
              instances from a failed source compute node.


              Type   boolean


              Operators can decide whether reserved_host should be added to aggregate group  of  failed  compute
              host. When set to True, reserved host will be added to the aggregate group of failed compute host.
              When set to False, the reserved_host will not be added to the aggregate group  of  failed  compute


              Type   boolean


              Operators  can  decide  whether  all  instances or only those instances which contain metadata key
              'HA_Enabled=True' should be taken into account to recover from instance failure events.  When  set
              to True, it will execute instance failure recovery actions for an instance irrespective of whether
              that particular instance contains metadata key 'HA_Enabled=True' or not.  When set  to  False,  it
              will  only  execute  instance  failure recovery actions for an instance which contain metadata key


              Type   string


              Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint should not be an "admin"  endpoint,  as  it
              should  be accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated clients are redirected to this endpoint to
              authenticate. Although this endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client  support  in  the  wild
              varies.  If  you're  using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should not be the same endpoint
              the service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal end users may not be able to reach
              that endpoint.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group              │ Name     │
                                            │keystone_authtoken │ auth_uri │


              Type   string


              Complete  "public"  Identity  API endpoint. This endpoint should not be an "admin" endpoint, as it
              should be accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated clients are redirected to this endpoint  to
              authenticate.  Although  this  endpoint  should ideally be unversioned, client support in the wild
              varies. If you're using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should not be  the  same  endpoint
              the service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal end users may not be able to reach
              that endpoint. This option is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and will be  removed  in
              the S release.

                 This  option  is deprecated for removal since Queens.  Its value may be silently ignored in the

                 Reason The auth_uri option is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and will  be  removed
                        in the S  release.


              Type   string


              API version of the Identity API endpoint.


              Type   string


              Interface  to  use  for  the  Identity  API  endpoint.  Valid  values  are "public", "internal" or


              Type   boolean


              Do not handle authorization  requests  within  the  middleware,  but  delegate  the  authorization
              decision to downstream WSGI components.


              Type   integer


              Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API server.


              Type   integer


              How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating with Identity API Server.


              Type   string


              Request  environment  key  where  the  Swift cache object is stored. When auth_token middleware is
              deployed with a Swift cache, use this option to have the middleware share a caching  backend  with
              swift. Otherwise, use the memcached_servers option instead.


              Type   string


              Required if identity server requires client certificate


              Type   string


              Required if identity server requires client certificate


              Type   string


              A  PEM  encoded  Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections. Defaults to system


              Type   boolean


              Verify HTTPS connections.


              Type   string


              The region in which the identity server can be found.


              Type   list


              Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching.  If  left  undefined,  tokens
              will instead be cached in-process.

   Deprecated Variations
                                        │Group              │ Name             │
                                        │keystone_authtoken │ memcache_servers │


              Type   integer


              In   order   to   prevent   excessive  effort  spent  validating  tokens,  the  middleware  caches
              previously-seen tokens for a configurable duration (in seconds). Set  to  -1  to  disable  caching


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     None, MAC, ENCRYPT

              (Optional)  If  defined,  indicate whether token data should be authenticated or authenticated and
              encrypted. If MAC, token data is authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If ENCRYPT, token data is
              encrypted  and  authenticated  in  the  cache.  If the value is not one of these options or empty,
              auth_token will raise an exception on initialization.


              Type   string


              (Optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy  is  defined)  This  string  is  used  for  key


              Type   integer


              (Optional) Number of seconds memcached server is considered dead before it is tried again.


              Type   integer


              (Optional) Maximum total number of open connections to every memcached server.


              Type   integer


              (Optional) Socket timeout in seconds for communicating with a memcached server.


              Type   integer


              (Optional)  Number  of  seconds  a connection to memcached is held unused in the pool before it is


              Type   integer


              (Optional) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to get a memcached client connection from
              the pool.


              Type   boolean


              (Optional)  Use  the  advanced  (eventlet safe) memcached client pool. The advanced pool will only
              work under python 2.x.


              Type   boolean


              (Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog header. If False, middleware will not ask
              for service catalog on token validation and will not set the X-Service-Catalog header.


              Type   string


              Used  to  control  the use and type of token binding. Can be set to: "disabled" to not check token
              binding. "permissive" (default) to validate binding information if the bind  type  is  of  a  form
              known  to  the  server  and  ignore  it if not. "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is
              unknown the token will be rejected. "required" any form of token binding is needed to be  allowed.
              Finally the name of a binding method that must be present in tokens.


              Type   list


              A  choice  of roles that must be present in a service token. Service tokens are allowed to request
              that an expired token can be used and so this  check  should  tightly  control  that  only  actual
              services  should be sending this token. Roles here are applied as an ANY check so any role in this
              list must be present.  For  backwards  compatibility  reasons  this  currently  only  affects  the
              allow_expired check.


              Type   boolean


              For  backwards  compatibility  reasons  we  must let valid service tokens pass that don't pass the
              service_token_roles check as valid. Setting this true will become the default in a future  release
              and should be enabled if possible.


              Type   string


              The  name  or  type  of the service as it appears in the service catalog. This is used to validate
              tokens that have restricted access rules.


              Type   unknown type


              Authentication type to load

   Deprecated Variations
                                          │Group              │ Name        │
                                          │keystone_authtoken │ auth_plugin │


              Type   unknown type


              Config Section from which to load plugin specific options


              Type   list



              This option is a list of all of the v2.1 API extensions to never load. However, it will be removed
              in  the  near future, after which the all the functionality that was previously in extensions will
              be part of the standard API, and thus always accessible.

              • Possible values:
                   A list of strings, each being the alias of an extension that you do not wish to load.

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:
                   enabled, extensions_whitelist

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group    │ Name                 │
                                           │osapi_v1 │ extensions_blacklist │

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.


              Type   list



              This is a list of extensions. If it is empty, then all extensions except those  specified  in  the
              extensions_blacklist option will be loaded. If it is not empty, then only those extensions in this
              list will be loaded, provided that they are also not in the extensions_blacklist option. Once this
              deprecated  option  is  removed,  after  which  the  all  the functionality that was previously in
              extensions will be part of the standard API, and thus always accessible.

              • Possible values:
                   A list of strings, each being the alias of an extension that you wish to load,  or  an  empty
                   list, which indicates that all extensions are to be run.

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:
                   enabled, extensions_blacklist

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group    │ Name                 │
                                           │osapi_v1 │ extensions_whitelist │

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.


              Type   string



              This  option  is a string representing a regular expression (regex) that matches the project_id as
              contained in URLs. If not set, it will match normal UUIDs created by keystone.

              • Possible values:
                   A string representing any legal regular expression

              • Services that use this:

              • Related options:

   Deprecated Variations
                                             │Group    │ Name             │
                                             │osapi_v1 │ project_id_regex │

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.


              Type   string


              Name for the AMQP container. must be globally unique. Defaults to a generated UUID

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group │ Name           │
                                               │amqp1 │ container_name │


              Type   integer


              Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds)

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group │ Name         │
                                                │amqp1 │ idle_timeout │


              Type   boolean


              Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout

   Deprecated Variations
                                                    │Group │ Name  │
                                                    │amqp1 │ trace │


              Type   boolean


              Attempt to connect via SSL. If no other ssl-related parameters are given, it will use the system's
              CA-bundle to verify the server's certificate.


              Type   string


              CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server's certificate

   Deprecated Variations
                                                 │Group │ Name        │
                                                 │amqp1 │ ssl_ca_file │


              Type   string


              Self-identifying certificate PEM file for client authentication

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group │ Name          │
                                                │amqp1 │ ssl_cert_file │


              Type   string


              Private key PEM file used to sign ssl_cert_file certificate (optional)

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group │ Name         │
                                                │amqp1 │ ssl_key_file │


              Type   string


              Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted)

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group │ Name             │
                                              │amqp1 │ ssl_key_password │


              Type   boolean


              By  default  SSL  checks  that  the  name  in the server's certificate matches the hostname in the
              transport_url. In some configurations it may be preferable to use the  virtual  hostname  instead,
              for  example  if  the  server uses the Server Name Indication TLS extension (rfc6066) to provide a
              certificate per virtual host. Set ssl_verify_vhost to True if the server's  SSL  certificate  uses
              the virtual host name instead of the DNS name.


              Type   string


              Space separated list of acceptable SASL mechanisms

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group │ Name            │
                                               │amqp1 │ sasl_mechanisms │


              Type   string


              Path to directory that contains the SASL configuration

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group │ Name            │
                                               │amqp1 │ sasl_config_dir │


              Type   string


              Name of configuration file (without .conf suffix)

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group │ Name             │
                                              │amqp1 │ sasl_config_name │


              Type   string


              SASL realm to use if no realm present in username


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Seconds to pause before attempting to re-connect.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Increase  the  connection_retry_interval  by  this  many  seconds after each unsuccessful failover


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Maximum limit for connection_retry_interval + connection_retry_backoff


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Time to pause between re-connecting an AMQP 1.0 link that failed due to a recoverable error.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              The maximum number of attempts to re-send a reply message which failed due to a recoverable error.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              The deadline for an rpc reply message delivery.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              The deadline for an rpc cast or call message delivery. Only used when caller does  not  provide  a
              timeout expiry.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              The  deadline  for  a sent notification message delivery. Only used when caller does not provide a
              timeout expiry.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              The duration to schedule a purge of idle sender links. Detach link after expiry.


              Type   string


              Indicates the addressing mode used by the driver.   Permitted  values:  'legacy'    -  use  legacy
              non-routable  addressing  'routable' - use routable addresses 'dynamic'  - use legacy addresses if
              the message bus does not support routing otherwise use routable addressing


              Type   boolean


              Enable virtual host support for those message buses that do not natively support  virtual  hosting
              (such  as  qpidd).  When  set  to  true  the  virtual  host  name will be added to all message bus
              addresses, effectively creating a private 'subnet' per virtual host. Set to False if  the  message
              bus  supports  virtual hosting using the 'hostname' field in the AMQP 1.0 Open performative as the
              name of the virtual host.


              Type   string


              address prefix used when sending to a specific server

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group │ Name                  │
                                            │amqp1 │ server_request_prefix │


              Type   string


              address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group │ Name             │
                                              │amqp1 │ broadcast_prefix │


              Type   string


              address prefix when sending to any server in group

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group │ Name                 │
                                            │amqp1 │ group_request_prefix │


              Type   string


              Address prefix for all generated RPC addresses


              Type   string


              Address prefix for all generated Notification addresses


              Type   string


              Appended to the address prefix when sending a fanout message. Used by the message bus to  identify
              fanout messages.


              Type   string


              Appended  to  the address prefix when sending to a particular RPC/Notification server. Used by the
              message bus to identify messages sent to a single destination.


              Type   string


              Appended to the address prefix when sending to a group of consumers. Used by the  message  bus  to
              identify messages that should be delivered in a round-robin fashion across consumers.


              Type   string


              Exchange   name   used   in   notification   addresses.    Exchange  name  resolution  precedence:
     if set else default_notification_exchange if set else control_exchange if set else


              Type   string


              Exchange  name used in RPC addresses.  Exchange name resolution precedence: if set
              else default_rpc_exchange if set else control_exchange if set else 'rpc'


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Window size for incoming RPC Reply messages.


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Window size for incoming RPC Request messages


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Window size for incoming Notification messages


              Type   multi-valued



              Send messages of this type pre-settled.  Pre-settled messages  will  not  receive  acknowledgement
              from  the  peer.  Note well: pre-settled messages may be silently discarded if the delivery fails.
              Permitted  values:  'rpc-call'  -  send  RPC  Calls  pre-settled  'rpc-reply'-  send  RPC  Replies
              pre-settled 'rpc-cast' - Send RPC Casts pre-settled 'notify'   - Send Notifications pre-settled


              Type   integer


              Max fetch bytes of Kafka consumer


              Type   floating point


              Default timeout(s) for Kafka consumers


              Type   integer


              Pool Size for Kafka Consumers

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

                 Reason Driver no longer uses connection pool.


              Type   integer


              The pool size limit for connections expiration policy

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

                 Reason Driver no longer uses connection pool.


              Type   integer


              The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.

                 Reason Driver no longer uses connection pool.


              Type   string


              Group id for Kafka consumer. Consumers in one group will coordinate message consumption


              Type   floating point


              Upper bound on the delay for KafkaProducer batching in seconds


              Type   integer


              Size of batch for the producer async send


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     none, gzip, snappy, lz4, zstd

              The  compression codec for all data generated by the producer. If not set, compression will not be
              used. Note that the allowed values of this depend on the kafka version


              Type   boolean


              Enable asynchronous consumer commits


              Type   integer


              The maximum number of records returned in a poll call


              Type   string


              Valid Values

              Protocol used to communicate with brokers


              Type   string


              Mechanism when security protocol is SASL


              Type   string


              CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server certificate


              Type   string


              Client certificate PEM file used for authentication.


              Type   string


              Client key PEM file used for authentication.


              Type   string


              Client key password file used for authentication.


              Type   multi-valued


              The Drivers(s) to handle  sending  notifications.  Possible  values  are  messaging,  messagingv2,
              routing, log, test, noop

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group   │ Name                │
                                            │DEFAULT │ notification_driver │


              Type   string


              A  URL representing the messaging driver to use for notifications. If not set, we fall back to the
              same configuration used for RPC.

   Deprecated Variations
                                        │Group   │ Name                       │

                                        │DEFAULT │ notification_transport_url │


              Type   list


              AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications.

   Deprecated Variations
                                         │Group         │ Name                │
                                         │rpc_notifier2 │ topics              │
                                         │DEFAULT       │ notification_topics │


              Type   integer


              The maximum number of attempts to re-send a notification message which failed to be delivered  due
              to a recoverable error. 0 - No retry, -1 - indefinite


              Type   boolean


              Use durable queues in AMQP.


              Type   boolean


              Auto-delete queues in AMQP.

   Deprecated Variations
                                             │Group   │ Name             │
                                             │DEFAULT │ amqp_auto_delete │


              Type   boolean


              Connect over SSL.

   Deprecated Variations
                                       │Group                 │ Name           │
                                       │oslo_messaging_rabbit │ rabbit_use_ssl │


              Type   string


              SSL  version  to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3,
              TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some distributions.

   Deprecated Variations
                                      │Group                 │ Name              │
                                      │oslo_messaging_rabbit │ kombu_ssl_version │


              Type   string


              SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled).

   Deprecated Variations
                                      │Group                 │ Name              │
                                      │oslo_messaging_rabbit │ kombu_ssl_keyfile │


              Type   string


              SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled).

   Deprecated Variations
                                     │Group                 │ Name               │
                                     │oslo_messaging_rabbit │ kombu_ssl_certfile │


              Type   string


              SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled).

   Deprecated Variations
                                     │Group                 │ Name               │
                                     │oslo_messaging_rabbit │ kombu_ssl_ca_certs │


              Type   boolean


              EXPERIMENTAL: Run the health check heartbeat thread through a native python thread. By default  if
              this  option  isn't provided the  health check heartbeat will inherit the execution model from the
              parent process. By example if  the  parent  process  have  monkey  patched  the  stdlib  by  using
              eventlet/greenlet then the heartbeat will be run through a green thread.


              Type   floating point


              How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel notification.

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group   │ Name                  │
                                           │DEFAULT │ kombu_reconnect_delay │


              Type   string


              EXPERIMENTAL: Possible values are: gzip, bz2. If not set compression will not be used. This option
              may not be available in future versions.


              Type   integer


              How long to wait a missing client before abandoning to send it its replies. This value should  not
              be longer than rpc_response_timeout.

   Deprecated Variations
                                   │Group                 │ Name                    │
                                   │oslo_messaging_rabbit │ kombu_reconnect_timeout │


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     round-robin, shuffle

              Determines  how  the  next  RabbitMQ  node is chosen in case the one we are currently connected to
              becomes unavailable. Takes effect only if more than one RabbitMQ node is provided in config.


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     PLAIN, AMQPLAIN, RABBIT-CR-DEMO

              The RabbitMQ login method.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group   │ Name                │
                                            │DEFAULT │ rabbit_login_method │


              Type   integer


              How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ.


              Type   integer


              How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ.

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group   │ Name                 │
                                           │DEFAULT │ rabbit_retry_backoff │


              Type   integer


              Maximum interval of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 30 seconds.


              Type   boolean


              Try to use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this option, you must wipe  the
              RabbitMQ  database.  In  RabbitMQ  3.0, queue mirroring is no longer controlled by the x-ha-policy
              argument when declaring a queue. If you just want to make sure that all queues (except those  with
              auto-generated names) are mirrored across all nodes, run: "rabbitmqctl set_policy HA '^(?!amq.).*'
              '{"ha-mode": "all"}' "

   Deprecated Variations
                                             │Group   │ Name             │
                                             │DEFAULT │ rabbit_ha_queues │


              Type   integer


              Minimum Value

              Positive integer representing duration in seconds for queue  TTL  (x-expires).  Queues  which  are
              unused for the duration of the TTL are automatically deleted. The parameter affects only reply and
              fanout queues.


              Type   integer


              Specifies the number of messages to prefetch. Setting to zero allows unlimited messages.


              Type   integer


              Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is considered down if heartbeat's keep-alive fails
              (0 disables heartbeat).


              Type   integer


              How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we check the heartbeat.


              Type   integer


              Enable/Disable  the  RabbitMQ mandatory flag for direct send. The direct send is used as reply, so
              the MessageUndeliverable exception is raised in case the client queue does not exist.


              Type   integer


              The maximum body size for each  request, in bytes.

   Deprecated Variations
                                        │Group   │ Name                        │
                                        │DEFAULT │ osapi_max_request_body_size │
                                        │DEFAULT │ max_request_body_size       │


              Type   string


              The HTTP Header that will be used to determine what the original request protocol scheme was, even
              if it was hidden by a SSL termination proxy.

                 This option is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.


              Type   boolean


              Whether  the  application is behind a proxy or not. This determines if the middleware should parse
              the headers or not.


              Type   boolean


              This option controls whether or not to enforce scope when evaluating policies. If True, the  scope
              of  the  token used in the request is compared to the scope_types of the policy being enforced. If
              the scopes do not match, an InvalidScope exception will be raised. If False,  a  message  will  be
              logged informing operators that policies are being invoked with mismatching scope.


              Type   boolean


              This  option  controls  whether or not to use old deprecated defaults when evaluating policies. If
              True, the old deprecated defaults are not going to be evaluated. This means if any existing  token
              is  allowed  for  old  defaults  but  is disallowed for new defaults, it will be disallowed. It is
              encouraged to enable this flag along with the enforce_scope flag so that you can get the  benefits
              of new defaults and scope_type together


              Type   string


              The  relative  or  absolute  path  of  a  file that maps roles to permissions for a given service.
              Relative paths must be specified in relation to the configuration file setting this option.

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group   │ Name        │
                                                │DEFAULT │ policy_file │


              Type   string


              Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.

   Deprecated Variations
                                            │Group   │ Name                │
                                            │DEFAULT │ policy_default_rule │


              Type   multi-valued


              Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative to any directory  in
              the  search  path  defined  by  the  config_dir  option,  or  absolute  paths. The file defined by
              policy_file must exist for these directories to be searched.  Missing  or  empty  directories  are

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group   │ Name        │
                                                │DEFAULT │ policy_dirs │


              Type   string


              Valid Values
                     application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json

              Content Type to send and receive data for REST based policy check


              Type   boolean


              server identity verification for REST based policy check


              Type   string


              Absolute path to ca cert file for REST based policy check


              Type   string


              Absolute path to client cert for REST based policy check


              Type   string


              Absolute path client key file REST based policy check


              Type   boolean


              Make exception message format errors fatal


              Type   string


              CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients.

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group   │ Name        │
                                                │DEFAULT │ ssl_ca_file │


              Type   string


              Certificate file to use when starting the server securely.

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group   │ Name          │
                                               │DEFAULT │ ssl_cert_file │


              Type   string


              Private key file to use when starting the server securely.

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group   │ Name         │
                                               │DEFAULT │ ssl_key_file │


              Type   string


              SSL  version  to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3,
              TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some distributions.


              Type   string


              Sets the list of available ciphers. value should be a string in the OpenSSL cipher list format.


              Type   string


              The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the taskflow database.


              Type   string


              File name for the paste.deploy config for masakari-api

   Deprecated Variations
                                             │Group   │ Name             │
                                             │DEFAULT │ api_paste_config │


              Type   string

                     %(client_ip)s  "%(request_line)s"  status:  %(status_code)s  len:   %(body_length)s   time:

              A  python  format  string that is used as the template to generate log lines. The following values
              can  be  formatted  into  it:  client_ip,  date_time,  request_line,   status_code,   body_length,

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group   │ Name            │
                                              │DEFAULT │ wsgi_log_format │


              Type   string


              The  HTTP  header used to determine the scheme for the original request, even if it was removed by
              an SSL terminating proxy. Typical value is "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO".

   Deprecated Variations
                                          │Group   │ Name                    │
                                          │DEFAULT │ secure_proxy_ssl_header │


              Type   string


              CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients

   Deprecated Variations
                                                │Group   │ Name        │
                                                │DEFAULT │ ssl_ca_file │


              Type   string


              SSL certificate of API server

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group   │ Name          │
                                               │DEFAULT │ ssl_cert_file │


              Type   string


              SSL private key of API server

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group   │ Name         │
                                               │DEFAULT │ ssl_key_file │


              Type   integer


              Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not supported on OS X.

   Deprecated Variations
                                               │Group   │ Name         │
                                               │DEFAULT │ tcp_keepidle │


              Type   integer


              Size of the pool of greenthreads used by wsgi

   Deprecated Variations
                                          │Group   │ Name                   │
                                          │DEFAULT │ wsgi_default_pool_size │


              Type   integer


              Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need to be increased when
              using large tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs).

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group   │ Name            │
                                              │DEFAULT │ max_header_line │


              Type   boolean


              If False, closes the client socket connection explicitly.

   Deprecated Variations
                                              │Group   │ Name            │
                                              │DEFAULT │ wsgi_keep_alive │


              Type   integer


              Timeout  for  client  connections'  socket  operations. If an incoming connection is idle for this
              number of seconds it will be closed. A value of '0' means wait forever.

   Deprecated Variations
                                           │Group   │ Name                  │
                                           │DEFAULT │ client_socket_timeout │

   Configuration Guide
       The configuration for masakari lies in below described files.

       Masakari has two main config files: masakari.conf and recovery_workflow_sample_config.conf.

       • Config Reference: A complete reference of all config points in masakari and what they impact.

       • Sample Config File: A sample config file with inline documentation.

       • Recovery Config Reference: A complete reference of all config points in masakari and what they impact.

       • Sample recovery workflow File: A complete reference of defining the monitoring processes.

       Masakari, like most OpenStack projects, uses a policy  language  to  restrict  permissions  on  REST  API

       • Policy Reference: A complete reference of all policy points in masakari and what they impact.

       • Sample policy File: A sample policy file with inline documentation.

   API configuration settings
       • API configuration: A complete reference of API configuration settings.

   Masakari Policies
       The  following  is  an  overview of all available policies in masakari.  For a sample configuration file,
       refer to sample_policy.



              Decides what is required for the 'is_admin:True' check to succeed.


                     is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s

              Default rule for most non-Admin APIs.



              Default rule for most Admin APIs.



              OperationsGET /extensions

              List available extensions.



              OperationsGET /extensions/{extensions_id}

              Shows information for an extension.



              Extension Info API extensions to change the API.



              OperationsGET /segments/{segment_id}/hosts

              Lists IDs, names, type, reserved, on_maintenance for all hosts.



              OperationsGET /segments/{segment_id}/hosts/{host_id}

              Shows details for a host.



              OperationsPOST /segments/{segment_id}/hosts

              Creates a host under given segment.



              OperationsPUT /segments/{segment_id}/hosts/{host_id}

              Updates the editable attributes of an existing host.



              OperationsDELETE /segments/{segment_id}/hosts/{host_id}

              Deletes a host from given segment.



              Host API extensions to change the API.



              OperationsGET /notifications

              Lists  IDs,  notification  types,  host_name,  generated_time,  payload   and   status   for   all



              OperationsGET /notifications/{notification_id}

              Shows details for a notification.



              OperationsPOST /notifications

              Creates a notification.



              Notification API extensions to change the API.



              OperationsGET /segments

              Lists IDs, names, description, recovery_method, service_type for all segments.



              OperationsGET /segments/{segment_id}

              Shows details for a segment.



              OperationsPOST /segments

              Creates a segment.



              OperationsPUT /segments/{segment_id}

              Updates the editable attributes of an existing host.



              OperationsDELETE /segments/{segment_id}

              Deletes a segment.



              Segment API extensions to change the API.



              OperationsGET /

              List all versions.



              Version API extensions to change the API.

   Configuration Options
       The  following  is  an  overview  of  all  available  configuration  options  in  Masakari.  For a sample
       configuration file, refer to recovery_workflow_sample_config.


              Type   unknown type

                     {'pre':  ['disable_compute_service_task'],  'main':  ['prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task'],
                     'post': ['evacuate_instances_task']}

              This  option  allows  operator  to  customize  tasks to be executed for host failure auto recovery

              Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be included to the host failure
              recovery  workflow.  The  full  classname  path  of  all  task  classes  should  be defined in the
              'masakari.task_flow.tasks' of  setup.cfg  and  these  classes  may  be  implemented  by  OpenStack
              Masaskari project team, deployer or third party.

              By  default below three tasks will be part of this config option:- 1. disable_compute_service_task
              2. prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task 3. evacuate_instances_task

              The allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object names in between {  and


              Type   unknown type

                     {'pre':   ['disable_compute_service_task'],  'main':  ['prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task',
                     'evacuate_instances_task'], 'post': []}

              This option allows operator to customize tasks to  be  executed  for  host  failure  reserved_host
              recovery workflow.

              Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be included to the host failure
              recovery workflow. The full  classname  path  of  all  task  classes  should  be  defined  in  the
              'masakari.task_flow.tasks'  of  setup.cfg  and  these  classes  may  be  implemented  by OpenStack
              Masaskari project team, deployer or third party.

              By default below three tasks will be part of this config option:- 1.  disable_compute_service_task
              2. prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task 3. evacuate_instances_task

              The  allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object names in between { and


              Type   unknown type

                     {'pre':     ['stop_instance_task'],      'main':      ['start_instance_task'],      'post':

              This  option  allows  operator  to  customize  tasks  to be executed for instance failure recovery

              Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be  included  to  the  instance
              failure  recovery  workflow.  The full classname path of all task classes should be defined in the
              'masakari.task_flow.tasks' of  setup.cfg  and  these  classes  may  be  implemented  by  OpenStack
              Masaskari project team, deployer or third party.

              By  default  below  three  tasks  will  be  part  of this config option:- 1. stop_instance_task 2.
              start_instance_task 3. confirm_instance_active_task

              The allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object names in between {  and


              Type   unknown type

                     {'pre':   ['disable_compute_node_task'],   'main':  ['confirm_compute_node_disabled_task'],
                     'post': []}

              This option allows operator to customize  tasks  to  be  executed  for  process  failure  recovery

              Provide  list  of  strings  reflecting  to the task classes that should be included to the process
              failure recovery workflow. The full classname path of all task classes should be  defined  in  the
              'masakari.task_flow.tasks'  of  setup.cfg  and  these  classes  may  be  implemented  by OpenStack
              Masaskari project team, deployer or third party.

              By default below two tasks will be part of this config option:-  1.  disable_compute_node_task  2.

              The  allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object names in between { and

   Guide for Custom Recovery Workflow Configuration
       If operator wants customized recovery workflow, so here is guidelines  mentioned  for  how  to  associate
       custom tasks from Third Party Library along with standard recovery workflows in Masakari.:

       1. First  make  sure  required Third Party Library is installed on the Masakari engine node. Below is the
          sample custom task file.  For example:

          from oslo_log import log as logging
          from taskflow import task

          LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

          class Noop(task.Task):

              def __init__(self, novaclient):
                  self.novaclient = novaclient
                  super(Noop, self).__init__()

              def execute(self, **kwargs):
        "Custom task executed successfully..!!")

       1. Configure custom task in Third Party Library's setup.cfg as below:

       For example, Third Party Library's setup.cfg will have following entry points

          masakari.task_flow.tasks =
              custom_pre_task = <custom_task_class_path_from_third_party_library>
              custom_main_task = <custom_task_class_path_from_third_party_library>
              custom_post_task = <custom_task_class_path_from_third_party_library>

       Note: Entry point in Third Party Library's setup.cfg should have same key as in  Masakari  setup.cfg  for
       respective failure recovery.

       1. Configure  custom  task  in Masakari's new conf file custom-recovery-methods.conf with same name which
          was given in the setup.cfg to locate class path.  For example(custom task added in host  auto  failure
          config option):

          host_auto_failure_recovery_tasks = {
          'pre': ['disable_compute_service_task', 'custom_pre_task'],
          'main': ['custom_main_task', 'prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task'],
          'post': ['evacuate_instances_task', 'custom_post_task']}

       1. If   there   are   any  configuration  parameters  required  for  custom  task,  then  add  them  into
          custom-recovery-methods.conf under the same group/section where they are  registered  in  Third  Party
          Library.  All config parameters related to recovery method customization should be part of newly added
          conf file.  Operator will be responsible to generate masakari.conf and related configuration files  by

       2. Operator should ensure output of each task should be made available to the next tasks needing them.

   Masakari Customized Recovery Workflow Configuration Options
       masakari-custom-recovery-methods.conf.sample  The  following  is  a  sample  Masakari  recovery  workflow
       configuration for adaptation and use.

       The sample configuration can also be downloaded from here.



          # From customized_recovery_flow_opts

          # This option allows operator to customize tasks to be executed for host failure
          # auto recovery workflow.
          # Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be included
          # to the host failure recovery workflow. The full classname path of all task
          # classes should be defined in the 'masakari.task_flow.tasks' of setup.cfg and
          # these classes may be implemented by OpenStack Masaskari project team, deployer
          # or third party.
          # By default below three tasks will be part of this config option:-
          # 1. disable_compute_service_task
          # 2. prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task
          # 3. evacuate_instances_task
          # The allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object
          # names in between ``{`` and ``}``. (dict value)
          #host_auto_failure_recovery_tasks = main:['prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task'],post:['evacuate_instances_task'],pre:['disable_compute_service_task']

          # This option allows operator to customize tasks to be executed for host failure
          # reserved_host recovery workflow.
          # Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be included
          # to the host failure recovery workflow. The full classname path of all task
          # classes should be defined in the 'masakari.task_flow.tasks' of setup.cfg and
          # these classes may be implemented by OpenStack Masaskari project team, deployer
          # or third party.
          # By default below three tasks will be part of this config option:-
          # 1. disable_compute_service_task
          # 2. prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task
          # 3. evacuate_instances_task
          # The allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object
          # names in between ``{`` and ``}``. (dict value)
          #host_rh_failure_recovery_tasks = main:['prepare_HA_enabled_instances_task', 'evacuate_instances_task'],post:[],pre:['disable_compute_service_task']

          # This option allows operator to customize tasks to be executed for instance
          # failure recovery workflow.
          # Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be included
          # to the instance failure recovery workflow. The full classname path of all task
          # classes should be defined in the 'masakari.task_flow.tasks' of setup.cfg and
          # these classes may be implemented by OpenStack Masaskari project team, deployer
          # or third party.
          # By default below three tasks will be part of this config option:-
          # 1. stop_instance_task
          # 2. start_instance_task
          # 3. confirm_instance_active_task
          # The allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object
          # names in between ``{`` and ``}``. (dict value)
          #instance_failure_recovery_tasks = main:['start_instance_task'],post:['confirm_instance_active_task'],pre:['stop_instance_task']

          # This option allows operator to customize tasks to be executed for process
          # failure recovery workflow.
          # Provide list of strings reflecting to the task classes that should be included
          # to the process failure recovery workflow. The full classname path of all task
          # classes should be defined in the 'masakari.task_flow.tasks' of setup.cfg and
          # these classes may be implemented by OpenStack Masaskari project team, deployer
          # or third party.
          # By default below two tasks will be part of this config option:-
          # 1. disable_compute_node_task
          # 2. confirm_compute_node_disabled_task
          # The allowed values for this option is comma separated dictionary of object
          # names in between ``{`` and ``}``. (dict value)
          #process_failure_recovery_tasks = main:['confirm_compute_node_disabled_task'],post:[],pre:['disable_compute_node_task']

   Masakari Configuration Options
       The following is a sample Masakari configuration for  adaptation  and  use.  It  is  auto-generated  from
       Masakari  when  this  documentation  is built, so if you are having issues with an option, please compare
       your version of Masakari with the version of this documentation.

       The sample configuration can also be downloaded from here.


          # From masakari.conf

          # This determines the strategy to use for authentication: keystone or noauth2.
          # 'noauth2' is designed for testing only, as it does no actual credential
          # checking. 'noauth2' provides administrative credentials only if 'admin' is
          # specified as the username.
          # * Possible values:
          #     Either 'keystone' (default) or 'noauth2'.
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     None
          #  (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # keystone - <No description provided>
          # noauth2 - <No description provided>
          #auth_strategy = keystone

          # When True, the 'X-Forwarded-For' header is treated as the canonical remote
          # address. When False (the default), the 'remote_address' header is used.
          # You should only enable this if you have an HTML sanitizing proxy.
          # * Possible values:
          #     True, False (default)
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     None
          #  (boolean value)
          #use_forwarded_for = false

          # As a query can potentially return many thousands of items, you can limit the
          # maximum number of items in a single response by setting this option.
          # * Possible values:
          #     Any positive integer. Default is 1000.
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     None
          #  (integer value)
          #osapi_max_limit = 1000

          # This string is prepended to the normal URL that is returned in links to the
          # OpenStack Masakari API. If it is empty (the default), the URLs are returned
          # unchanged.
          # * Possible values:
          #     Any string, including an empty string (the default).
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     None
          #  (string value)
          #osapi_masakari_link_prefix = <None>

          # Explicitly specify the temporary working directory. (string value)
          #tempdir = <None>

          # Determine if monkey patching should be applied.
          # Related options:
          #   * ``monkey_patch_modules``: This must have values set for this option to
          # have
          #   any effect
          #  (boolean value)
          #monkey_patch = false

          # List of modules/decorators to monkey patch.
          # This option allows you to patch a decorator for all functions in specified
          # modules.
          # Related options:
          #   * ``monkey_patch``: This must be set to ``True`` for this option to
          #     have any effect
          #  (list value)
          #monkey_patch_modules = masakari.api:masakari.cmd

          # DEPRECATED:
          # This is the message queue topic that the masakari engine 'listens' on. It is
          # used when the masakari engine is started up to configure the queue, and
          # whenever an RPC call to the masakari engine is made.
          # * Possible values:
          #     Any string, but there is almost never any reason to ever change this value
          #     from its default of 'engine'.
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-engine``
          # * Related options:
          #     None
          #  (string value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal since 3.0.0.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          # Reason:
          # Configurable RPC topic provides little value and it can easily break
          # Masakari if operator configures it to the same topic used by other OpenStack
          # services.
          #masakari_topic = ha_engine

          # Interval in seconds for identifying duplicate notifications. If the
          # notification received is identical to the previous ones whose status is either
          # new or running and if it's created_timestamp and the current timestamp is less
          # than this config option value, then the notification will be considered as
          # duplicate and it will be ignored. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 0
          #duplicate_notification_detection_interval = 180

          # Number of seconds to wait after a service is enabled or disabled. (integer
          # value)
          #wait_period_after_service_update = 180

          # Wait until instance is evacuated (integer value)
          #wait_period_after_evacuation = 90

          # The monitoring interval for looping (integer value)
          #verify_interval = 1

          # Number of seconds to wait for instance to shut down (integer value)
          #wait_period_after_power_off = 180

          # Number of seconds to wait for instance to start (integer value)
          #wait_period_after_power_on = 60

          # Interval in seconds for processing notifications which are in error or new
          # state. (integer value)
          #process_unfinished_notifications_interval = 120

          # Interval in seconds for identifying notifications which are in new state. If
          # the notification is in new state till this config option value after it's
          # generated_time, then it is considered that notification is ignored by the
          # messaging queue and will be processed by 'process_unfinished_notifications'
          # periodic task. (integer value)
          # Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
          #retry_notification_new_status_interval = 60

          # Interval in seconds for checking running notifications. (integer value)
          #check_expired_notifications_interval = 600

          # Interval in seconds for identifying running notifications expired. (integer
          # value)
          #notifications_expired_interval = 86400

          # Number of threads to be used for evacuating and confirming instances during
          # execution of host_failure workflow. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #host_failure_recovery_threads = 3

          # Defines which driver to use for executing notification workflows.
          #  (string value)
          #notification_driver = taskflow_driver

          # Make exception message format errors fatal (boolean value)
          #fatal_exception_format_errors = false

          # Match this value when searching for nova in the service catalog. Format is:
          # separated values of the form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type>
          # (string value)
          #nova_catalog_admin_info = compute:nova:publicURL

          # Region name of this node (string value)
          #os_region_name = <None>

          # Location of ca certificates file to use for nova client requests. (string
          # value)
          #nova_ca_certificates_file = <None>

          # Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to nova (boolean value)
          #nova_api_insecure = false

          # OpenStack privileged account username. Used for requests to other services
          # (such as Nova) that require an account with special rights. (string value)
          #os_privileged_user_name = <None>

          # Password associated with the OpenStack privileged account. (string value)
          #os_privileged_user_password = <None>

          # Tenant name associated with the OpenStack privileged account. (string value)
          #os_privileged_user_tenant = <None>

          # Auth URL associated with the OpenStack privileged account. (uri value)
          #os_privileged_user_auth_url = <None>

          # User domain name associated with the OpenStack privileged account. (string
          # value)
          #os_user_domain_name = default

          # Project domain name associated with the OpenStack privileged account. (string
          # value)
          #os_project_domain_name = default

          # Directory where the masakari python module is installed (string value)
          #pybasedir = /build/masakari-VZrMuh/masakari-9.0.0

          # Directory where masakari binaries are installed (string value)
          #bindir = /usr/local/bin

          # Top-level directory for maintaining masakari's state (string value)
          #state_path = $pybasedir

          # Hostname, FQDN or IP address of this host. Must be valid within AMQP key.
          # Possible values:
          # * String with hostname, FQDN or IP address. Default is hostname of this host.
          #  (host address value)
          #host = lgw01-amd64-035

          # Full class name for the Manager for masakari engine (string value)
          #engine_manager = masakari.engine.manager.MasakariManager

          # Seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore (integer value)
          #report_interval = 10

          # Enable periodic tasks (boolean value)
          #periodic_enable = true

          # Max interval time between periodic tasks execution in seconds. (integer value)
          #periodic_interval_max = 300

          # Range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the periodic task scheduler
          # to reduce stampeding. (Disable by setting to 0) (integer value)
          #periodic_fuzzy_delay = 60

          # Use APIs with SSL enabled (boolean value)
          #use_ssl = false

          # The IP address on which the Masakari API will listen. (host address value)
          #masakari_api_listen =

          # The port on which the Masakari API will listen. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          # Maximum value: 65535
          #masakari_api_listen_port = 15868

          # Number of workers for Masakari API service. The default will be the number of
          # CPUs available. (integer value)
          #masakari_api_workers = <None>

          # Maximum time since last check-in for up service (integer value)
          #service_down_time = 60

          # From oslo.log

          # If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default
          # INFO level. (boolean value)
          # Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
          #debug = false

          # The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any
          # existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration
          # files, see the Python logging module documentation. Note that when logging
          # configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the
          # configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for
          # example, log-date-format). (string value)
          # Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
          #log_config_append = <None>

          # Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default:
          # %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string
          # value)
          #log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

          # (Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set,
          # logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if
          # log_config_append is set. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
          #log_file = <None>

          # (Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file  paths. This option
          # is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
          #log_dir = <None>

          # Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or
          # removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path
          # instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and Linux
          # platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean
          # value)
          #watch_log_file = false

          # Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be
          # changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append is
          # set. (boolean value)
          #use_syslog = false

          # Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish
          # to enable journal support. Doing so will use the journal native protocol which
          # includes structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option is
          # ignored if log_config_append is set. (boolean value)
          #use_journal = false

          # Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if
          # log_config_append is set. (string value)
          #syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER

          # Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append
          # is set. (boolean value)
          #use_json = false

          # Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is
          # set. (boolean value)
          #use_stderr = false

          # Log output to Windows Event Log. (boolean value)
          #use_eventlog = false

          # The amount of time before the log files are rotated. This option is ignored
          # unless log_rotation_type is setto "interval". (integer value)
          #log_rotate_interval = 1

          # Rotation interval type. The time of the last file change (or the time when the
          # service was started) is used when scheduling the next rotation. (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # Seconds - <No description provided>
          # Minutes - <No description provided>
          # Hours - <No description provided>
          # Days - <No description provided>
          # Weekday - <No description provided>
          # Midnight - <No description provided>
          #log_rotate_interval_type = days

          # Maximum number of rotated log files. (integer value)
          #max_logfile_count = 30

          # Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if "log_rotation_type" is
          # not set to "size". (integer value)
          #max_logfile_size_mb = 200

          # Log rotation type. (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # interval - Rotate logs at predefined time intervals.
          # size - Rotate logs once they reach a predefined size.
          # none - Do not rotate log files.
          #log_rotation_type = none

          # Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by
          # oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
          #logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s

          # Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. Used by
          # oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
          #logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s

          # Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message is
          # DEBUG. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
          #logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d

          # Prefix each line of exception output with this format. Used by
          # oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter (string value)
          #logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s

          # Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in
          # logging_context_format_string. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter
          # (string value)
          #logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s

          # List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored
          # if log_config_append is set. (list value)
          #default_log_levels = amqp=WARN,amqplib=WARN,boto=WARN,qpid=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,suds=INFO,oslo.messaging=INFO,oslo_messaging=INFO,iso8601=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,websocket=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN,urllib3.util.retry=WARN,keystonemiddleware=WARN,routes.middleware=WARN,stevedore=WARN,taskflow=WARN,keystoneauth=WARN,oslo.cache=INFO,oslo_policy=INFO,dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO

          # Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean value)
          #publish_errors = false

          # The format for an instance that is passed with the log message. (string value)
          #instance_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "

          # The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message. (string
          # value)
          #instance_uuid_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "

          # Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting. (integer value)
          #rate_limit_interval = 0

          # Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval. (integer value)
          #rate_limit_burst = 0

          # Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG or
          # empty string. Logs with level greater or equal to rate_limit_except_level are
          # not filtered. An empty string means that all levels are filtered. (string
          # value)
          #rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL

          # Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean value)
          #fatal_deprecations = false

          # From oslo.messaging

          # Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
          #rpc_conn_pool_size = 30

          # The pool size limit for connections expiration policy (integer value)
          #conn_pool_min_size = 2

          # The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool (integer value)
          #conn_pool_ttl = 1200

          # Size of executor thread pool when executor is threading or eventlet. (integer
          # value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rpc_thread_pool_size
          #executor_thread_pool_size = 64

          # Seconds to wait for a response from a call. (integer value)
          #rpc_response_timeout = 60

          # The network address and optional user credentials for connecting to the
          # messaging backend, in URL format. The expected format is:
          # driver://[user:pass@]host:port[,[userN:passN@]hostN:portN]/virtual_host?query
          # Example: rabbit://rabbitmq:password@
          # For full details on the fields in the URL see the documentation of
          # oslo_messaging.TransportURL at
          # (string value)
          #transport_url = rabbit://

          # The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be overridden by an
          # exchange name specified in the transport_url option. (string value)
          #control_exchange = openstack

          # From oslo.service.service

          # Enable eventlet backdoor.  Acceptable values are 0, <port>, and <start>:<end>,
          # where 0 results in listening on a random tcp port number; <port> results in
          # listening on the specified port number (and not enabling backdoor if that port
          # is in use); and <start>:<end> results in listening on the smallest unused port
          # number within the specified range of port numbers.  The chosen port is
          # displayed in the service's log file. (string value)
          #backdoor_port = <None>

          # Enable eventlet backdoor, using the provided path as a unix socket that can
          # receive connections. This option is mutually exclusive with 'backdoor_port' in
          # that only one should be provided. If both are provided then the existence of
          # this option overrides the usage of that option. Inside the path {pid} will be
          # replaced with the PID of the current process. (string value)
          #backdoor_socket = <None>

          # Enables or disables logging values of all registered options when starting a
          # service (at DEBUG level). (boolean value)
          #log_options = true

          # Specify a timeout after which a gracefully shutdown server will exit. Zero
          # value means endless wait. (integer value)
          #graceful_shutdown_timeout = 60

          # From oslo.service.wsgi

          # File name for the paste.deploy config for api service (string value)
          #api_paste_config = api-paste.ini

          # A python format string that is used as the template to generate log lines. The
          # following values can beformatted into it: client_ip, date_time, request_line,
          # status_code, body_length, wall_seconds. (string value)
          #wsgi_log_format = %(client_ip)s "%(request_line)s" status: %(status_code)s  len: %(body_length)s time: %(wall_seconds).7f

          # Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not
          # supported on OS X. (integer value)
          #tcp_keepidle = 600

          # Size of the pool of greenthreads used by wsgi (integer value)
          #wsgi_default_pool_size = 100

          # Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need
          # to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated when
          # keystone is configured to use PKI tokens with big service catalogs). (integer
          # value)
          #max_header_line = 16384

          # If False, closes the client socket connection explicitly. (boolean value)
          #wsgi_keep_alive = true

          # Timeout for client connections' socket operations. If an incoming connection
          # is idle for this number of seconds it will be closed. A value of '0' means
          # wait forever. (integer value)
          #client_socket_timeout = 900


          # From oslo.middleware

          # Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain received in the
          # requests "origin" header. Format: "<protocol>://<host>[:<port>]", no trailing
          # slash. Example: (list value)
          #allowed_origin = <None>

          # Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials (boolean value)
          #allow_credentials = true

          # Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to HTTP Simple
          # Headers. (list value)
          #expose_headers =

          # Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests. (integer value)
          #max_age = 3600

          # Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request. (list value)

          # Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual request. (list
          # value)
          #allow_headers =


          # From oslo.db

          # If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode. (boolean value)
          #sqlite_synchronous = true

          # The back end to use for the database. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/db_backend
          #backend = sqlalchemy

          # The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database. (string
          # value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_connection
          # Deprecated group/name - [sql]/connection
          #connection = <None>

          # The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.
          # (string value)
          #slave_connection = <None>

          # The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the
          # default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set by
          # the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=
          # (string value)
          #mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL

          # If True, transparently enables support for handling MySQL Cluster (NDB).
          # (boolean value)
          #mysql_enable_ndb = false

          # Connections which have been present in the connection pool longer than this
          # number of seconds will be replaced with a new one the next time they are
          # checked out from the pool. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/idle_timeout
          # Deprecated group/name - [database]/idle_timeout
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_idle_timeout
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_idle_timeout
          # Deprecated group/name - [sql]/idle_timeout
          #connection_recycle_time = 3600

          # Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. Setting a value of 0
          # indicates no limit. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_pool_size
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_pool_size
          #max_pool_size = 5

          # Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to
          # specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_retries
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_retries
          #max_retries = 10

          # Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_retry_interval
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/reconnect_interval
          #retry_interval = 10

          # If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_overflow
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_max_overflow
          #max_overflow = 50

          # Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything. (integer
          # value)
          # Minimum value: 0
          # Maximum value: 100
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_debug
          #connection_debug = 0

          # Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings. (boolean value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_trace
          #connection_trace = false

          # If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_pool_timeout
          #pool_timeout = <None>

          # Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost. (boolean
          # value)
          #use_db_reconnect = false

          # Seconds between retries of a database transaction. (integer value)
          #db_retry_interval = 1

          # If True, increases the interval between retries of a database operation up to
          # db_max_retry_interval. (boolean value)
          #db_inc_retry_interval = true

          # If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a
          # database operation. (integer value)
          #db_max_retry_interval = 10

          # Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is
          # raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
          #db_max_retries = 20

          # Optional URL parameters to append onto the connection URL at connect time;
          # specify as param1=value1&param2=value2&... (string value)
          #connection_parameters =

          # From oslo.db.concurrency

          # Enable the experimental use of thread pooling for all DB API calls (boolean
          # value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/dbapi_use_tpool
          #use_tpool = false


          # From oslo.middleware

          # DEPRECATED: The path to respond to healtcheck requests on. (string value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          #path = /healthcheck

          # Show more detailed information as part of the response. Security note:
          # Enabling this option may expose sensitive details about the service being
          # monitored. Be sure to verify that it will not violate your security policies.
          # (boolean value)
          #detailed = false

          # Additional backends that can perform health checks and report that information
          # back as part of a request. (list value)
          #backends =

          # Check the presence of a file to determine if an application is running on a
          # port. Used by DisableByFileHealthcheck plugin. (string value)
          #disable_by_file_path = <None>

          # Check the presence of a file based on a port to determine if an application is
          # running on a port. Expects a "port:path" list of strings. Used by
          # DisableByFilesPortsHealthcheck plugin. (list value)
          #disable_by_file_paths =


          # From masakari.conf

          # Operators can decide whether all instances or only those instances which
          # contain metadata key 'HA_Enabled=True' should be allowed for evacuation from
          # a failed source compute node. When set to True, it will evacuate all instances
          # from a failed source compute node. First preference will be given to those
          # instances which contain 'HA_Enabled=True' metadata key, and then it will
          # evacuate the remaining ones. When set to False, it will evacuate only those
          # instances which contain 'HA_Enabled=True' metadata key. (boolean value)
          #evacuate_all_instances = true

          # Operators can decide whether error instances should be allowed for evacuation
          # from a failed source compute node or not. When set to True, it will ignore
          # error instances from evacuation from a failed source compute node. When set to
          # False, it will evacuate error instances along with other instances from a
          # failed source compute node. (boolean value)
          #ignore_instances_in_error_state = false

          # Operators can decide whether reserved_host should be added to aggregate group
          # of failed compute host. When set to True, reserved host will be added to the
          # aggregate group of failed compute host. When set to False, the reserved_host
          # will not be added to the aggregate group of failed compute host. (boolean
          # value)
          #add_reserved_host_to_aggregate = false


          # From masakari.conf

          # Operators can decide whether all instances or only those instances which
          # contain metadata key 'HA_Enabled=True' should be taken into account to
          # recover from instance failure events. When set to True, it will execute
          # instance failure recovery actions for an instance irrespective of whether
          # that particular instance contains metadata key 'HA_Enabled=True' or not.
          # When set to False, it will only execute instance failure recovery actions
          # for an instance which contain metadata key 'HA_Enabled=True'. (boolean value)
          #process_all_instances = false


          # From keystonemiddleware.auth_token

          # Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint should not be an
          # "admin" endpoint, as it should be accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated
          # clients are redirected to this endpoint to authenticate. Although this
          # endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in the wild varies. If
          # you're using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should *not* be the same
          # endpoint the service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal end
          # users may not be able to reach that endpoint. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/auth_uri
          #www_authenticate_uri = <None>

          # DEPRECATED: Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint should not
          # be an "admin" endpoint, as it should be accessible by all end users.
          # Unauthenticated clients are redirected to this endpoint to authenticate.
          # Although this endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in the
          # wild varies. If you're using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should
          # *not* be the same endpoint the service user utilizes for validating tokens,
          # because normal end users may not be able to reach that endpoint. This option
          # is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and will be removed in the S
          # release. (string value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal since Queens.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          # Reason: The auth_uri option is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and
          # will be removed in the S  release.
          #auth_uri = <None>

          # API version of the Identity API endpoint. (string value)
          #auth_version = <None>

          # Interface to use for the Identity API endpoint. Valid values are "public",
          # "internal" or "admin"(default). (string value)
          #interface = admin

          # Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware, but delegate the
          # authorization decision to downstream WSGI components. (boolean value)
          #delay_auth_decision = false

          # Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API server. (integer
          # value)
          #http_connect_timeout = <None>

          # How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating with Identity API
          # Server. (integer value)
          #http_request_max_retries = 3

          # Request environment key where the Swift cache object is stored. When
          # auth_token middleware is deployed with a Swift cache, use this option to have
          # the middleware share a caching backend with swift. Otherwise, use the
          # ``memcached_servers`` option instead. (string value)
          #cache = <None>

          # Required if identity server requires client certificate (string value)
          #certfile = <None>

          # Required if identity server requires client certificate (string value)
          #keyfile = <None>

          # A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
          # Defaults to system CAs. (string value)
          #cafile = <None>

          # Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
          #insecure = false

          # The region in which the identity server can be found. (string value)
          #region_name = <None>

          # Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left
          # undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process. (list value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/memcache_servers
          #memcached_servers = <None>

          # In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating tokens, the middleware
          # caches previously-seen tokens for a configurable duration (in seconds). Set to
          # -1 to disable caching completely. (integer value)
          #token_cache_time = 300

          # (Optional) If defined, indicate whether token data should be authenticated or
          # authenticated and encrypted. If MAC, token data is authenticated (with HMAC)
          # in the cache. If ENCRYPT, token data is encrypted and authenticated in the
          # cache. If the value is not one of these options or empty, auth_token will
          # raise an exception on initialization. (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # None - <No description provided>
          # MAC - <No description provided>
          # ENCRYPT - <No description provided>
          #memcache_security_strategy = None

          # (Optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy is defined) This string is
          # used for key derivation. (string value)
          #memcache_secret_key = <None>

          # (Optional) Number of seconds memcached server is considered dead before it is
          # tried again. (integer value)
          #memcache_pool_dead_retry = 300

          # (Optional) Maximum total number of open connections to every memcached server.
          # (integer value)
          #memcache_pool_maxsize = 10

          # (Optional) Socket timeout in seconds for communicating with a memcached
          # server. (integer value)
          #memcache_pool_socket_timeout = 3

          # (Optional) Number of seconds a connection to memcached is held unused in the
          # pool before it is closed. (integer value)
          #memcache_pool_unused_timeout = 60

          # (Optional) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to get a memcached
          # client connection from the pool. (integer value)
          #memcache_pool_conn_get_timeout = 10

          # (Optional) Use the advanced (eventlet safe) memcached client pool. The
          # advanced pool will only work under python 2.x. (boolean value)
          #memcache_use_advanced_pool = false

          # (Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog header. If False,
          # middleware will not ask for service catalog on token validation and will not
          # set the X-Service-Catalog header. (boolean value)
          #include_service_catalog = true

          # Used to control the use and type of token binding. Can be set to: "disabled"
          # to not check token binding. "permissive" (default) to validate binding
          # information if the bind type is of a form known to the server and ignore it if
          # not. "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is unknown the token will
          # be rejected. "required" any form of token binding is needed to be allowed.
          # Finally the name of a binding method that must be present in tokens. (string
          # value)
          #enforce_token_bind = permissive

          # A choice of roles that must be present in a service token. Service tokens are
          # allowed to request that an expired token can be used and so this check should
          # tightly control that only actual services should be sending this token. Roles
          # here are applied as an ANY check so any role in this list must be present. For
          # backwards compatibility reasons this currently only affects the allow_expired
          # check. (list value)
          #service_token_roles = service

          # For backwards compatibility reasons we must let valid service tokens pass that
          # don't pass the service_token_roles check as valid. Setting this true will
          # become the default in a future release and should be enabled if possible.
          # (boolean value)
          #service_token_roles_required = false

          # The name or type of the service as it appears in the service catalog. This is
          # used to validate tokens that have restricted access rules. (string value)
          #service_type = <None>

          # Authentication type to load (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/auth_plugin
          #auth_type = <None>

          # Config Section from which to load plugin specific options (string value)
          #auth_section = <None>


          # From masakari.conf

          # DEPRECATED:
          # *DEPRECATED*
          # This option is a list of all of the v2.1 API extensions to never load.
          # However,
          # it will be removed in the near future, after which the all the functionality
          # that was previously in extensions will be part of the standard API, and thus
          # always accessible.
          # * Possible values:
          #     A list of strings, each being the alias of an extension that you do not
          #     wish to load.
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     enabled, extensions_whitelist
          #  (list value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          #extensions_blacklist =

          # DEPRECATED:
          # *DEPRECATED*
          # This is a list of extensions. If it is empty, then *all* extensions except
          # those specified in the extensions_blacklist option will be loaded. If it is
          # not
          # empty, then only those extensions in this list will be loaded, provided that
          # they are also not in the extensions_blacklist option. Once this deprecated
          # option is removed, after which the all the functionality that was previously
          # in
          # extensions will be part of the standard API, and thus always accessible.
          # * Possible values:
          #     A list of strings, each being the alias of an extension that you wish to
          #     load, or an empty list, which indicates that all extensions are to be run.
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     enabled, extensions_blacklist
          #  (list value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          #extensions_whitelist =

          # DEPRECATED:
          # *DEPRECATED*
          # This option is a string representing a regular expression (regex) that matches
          # the project_id as contained in URLs. If not set, it will match normal UUIDs
          # created by keystone.
          # * Possible values:
          #     A string representing any legal regular expression
          # * Services that use this:
          #     ``masakari-api``
          # * Related options:
          #     None
          #  (string value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          #project_id_regex = <None>


          # From oslo.messaging

          # Name for the AMQP container. must be globally unique. Defaults to a generated
          # UUID (string value)
          #container_name = <None>

          # Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds) (integer value)
          #idle_timeout = 0

          # Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout (boolean value)
          #trace = false

          # Attempt to connect via SSL. If no other ssl-related parameters are given, it
          # will use the system's CA-bundle to verify the server's certificate. (boolean
          # value)
          #ssl = false

          # CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server's certificate (string value)
          #ssl_ca_file =

          # Self-identifying certificate PEM file for client authentication (string value)
          #ssl_cert_file =

          # Private key PEM file used to sign ssl_cert_file certificate (optional) (string
          # value)
          #ssl_key_file =

          # Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted) (string value)
          #ssl_key_password = <None>

          # By default SSL checks that the name in the server's certificate matches the
          # hostname in the transport_url. In some configurations it may be preferable to
          # use the virtual hostname instead, for example if the server uses the Server
          # Name Indication TLS extension (rfc6066) to provide a certificate per virtual
          # host. Set ssl_verify_vhost to True if the server's SSL certificate uses the
          # virtual host name instead of the DNS name. (boolean value)
          #ssl_verify_vhost = false

          # Space separated list of acceptable SASL mechanisms (string value)
          #sasl_mechanisms =

          # Path to directory that contains the SASL configuration (string value)
          #sasl_config_dir =

          # Name of configuration file (without .conf suffix) (string value)
          #sasl_config_name =

          # SASL realm to use if no realm present in username (string value)
          #sasl_default_realm =

          # Seconds to pause before attempting to re-connect. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #connection_retry_interval = 1

          # Increase the connection_retry_interval by this many seconds after each
          # unsuccessful failover attempt. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 0
          #connection_retry_backoff = 2

          # Maximum limit for connection_retry_interval + connection_retry_backoff
          # (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #connection_retry_interval_max = 30

          # Time to pause between re-connecting an AMQP 1.0 link that failed due to a
          # recoverable error. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #link_retry_delay = 10

          # The maximum number of attempts to re-send a reply message which failed due to
          # a recoverable error. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: -1
          #default_reply_retry = 0

          # The deadline for an rpc reply message delivery. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 5
          #default_reply_timeout = 30

          # The deadline for an rpc cast or call message delivery. Only used when caller
          # does not provide a timeout expiry. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 5
          #default_send_timeout = 30

          # The deadline for a sent notification message delivery. Only used when caller
          # does not provide a timeout expiry. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 5
          #default_notify_timeout = 30

          # The duration to schedule a purge of idle sender links. Detach link after
          # expiry. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #default_sender_link_timeout = 600

          # Indicates the addressing mode used by the driver.
          # Permitted values:
          # 'legacy'   - use legacy non-routable addressing
          # 'routable' - use routable addresses
          # 'dynamic'  - use legacy addresses if the message bus does not support routing
          # otherwise use routable addressing (string value)
          #addressing_mode = dynamic

          # Enable virtual host support for those message buses that do not natively
          # support virtual hosting (such as qpidd). When set to true the virtual host
          # name will be added to all message bus addresses, effectively creating a
          # private 'subnet' per virtual host. Set to False if the message bus supports
          # virtual hosting using the 'hostname' field in the AMQP 1.0 Open performative
          # as the name of the virtual host. (boolean value)
          #pseudo_vhost = true

          # address prefix used when sending to a specific server (string value)
          #server_request_prefix = exclusive

          # address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers (string value)
          #broadcast_prefix = broadcast

          # address prefix when sending to any server in group (string value)
          #group_request_prefix = unicast

          # Address prefix for all generated RPC addresses (string value)
          #rpc_address_prefix =

          # Address prefix for all generated Notification addresses (string value)
          #notify_address_prefix =

          # Appended to the address prefix when sending a fanout message. Used by the
          # message bus to identify fanout messages. (string value)
          #multicast_address = multicast

          # Appended to the address prefix when sending to a particular RPC/Notification
          # server. Used by the message bus to identify messages sent to a single
          # destination. (string value)
          #unicast_address = unicast

          # Appended to the address prefix when sending to a group of consumers. Used by
          # the message bus to identify messages that should be delivered in a round-robin
          # fashion across consumers. (string value)
          #anycast_address = anycast

          # Exchange name used in notification addresses.
          # Exchange name resolution precedence:
          # if set
          # else default_notification_exchange if set
          # else control_exchange if set
          # else 'notify' (string value)
          #default_notification_exchange = <None>

          # Exchange name used in RPC addresses.
          # Exchange name resolution precedence:
          # if set
          # else default_rpc_exchange if set
          # else control_exchange if set
          # else 'rpc' (string value)
          #default_rpc_exchange = <None>

          # Window size for incoming RPC Reply messages. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #reply_link_credit = 200

          # Window size for incoming RPC Request messages (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #rpc_server_credit = 100

          # Window size for incoming Notification messages (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #notify_server_credit = 100

          # Send messages of this type pre-settled.
          # Pre-settled messages will not receive acknowledgement
          # from the peer. Note well: pre-settled messages may be
          # silently discarded if the delivery fails.
          # Permitted values:
          # 'rpc-call' - send RPC Calls pre-settled
          # 'rpc-reply'- send RPC Replies pre-settled
          # 'rpc-cast' - Send RPC Casts pre-settled
          # 'notify'   - Send Notifications pre-settled
          #  (multi valued)
          #pre_settled = rpc-cast
          #pre_settled = rpc-reply


          # From oslo.messaging

          # Max fetch bytes of Kafka consumer (integer value)
          #kafka_max_fetch_bytes = 1048576

          # Default timeout(s) for Kafka consumers (floating point value)
          #kafka_consumer_timeout = 1.0

          # DEPRECATED: Pool Size for Kafka Consumers (integer value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          # Reason: Driver no longer uses connection pool.
          #pool_size = 10

          # DEPRECATED: The pool size limit for connections expiration policy (integer
          # value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          # Reason: Driver no longer uses connection pool.
          #conn_pool_min_size = 2

          # DEPRECATED: The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool (integer
          # value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          # Reason: Driver no longer uses connection pool.
          #conn_pool_ttl = 1200

          # Group id for Kafka consumer. Consumers in one group will coordinate message
          # consumption (string value)
          #consumer_group = oslo_messaging_consumer

          # Upper bound on the delay for KafkaProducer batching in seconds (floating point
          # value)
          #producer_batch_timeout = 0.0

          # Size of batch for the producer async send (integer value)
          #producer_batch_size = 16384

          # The compression codec for all data generated by the producer. If not set,
          # compression will not be used. Note that the allowed values of this depend on
          # the kafka version (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # none - <No description provided>
          # gzip - <No description provided>
          # snappy - <No description provided>
          # lz4 - <No description provided>
          # zstd - <No description provided>
          #compression_codec = none

          # Enable asynchronous consumer commits (boolean value)
          #enable_auto_commit = false

          # The maximum number of records returned in a poll call (integer value)
          #max_poll_records = 500

          # Protocol used to communicate with brokers (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # PLAINTEXT - <No description provided>
          # SASL_PLAINTEXT - <No description provided>
          # SSL - <No description provided>
          # SASL_SSL - <No description provided>
          #security_protocol = PLAINTEXT

          # Mechanism when security protocol is SASL (string value)
          #sasl_mechanism = PLAIN

          # CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server certificate (string value)
          #ssl_cafile =

          # Client certificate PEM file used for authentication. (string value)
          #ssl_client_cert_file =

          # Client key PEM file used for authentication. (string value)
          #ssl_client_key_file =

          # Client key password file used for authentication. (string value)
          #ssl_client_key_password =


          # From oslo.messaging

          # The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible values are messaging,
          # messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop (multi valued)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_driver
          #driver =

          # A URL representing the messaging driver to use for notifications. If not set,
          # we fall back to the same configuration used for RPC. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_transport_url
          #transport_url = <None>

          # AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications. (list value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [rpc_notifier2]/topics
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_topics
          #topics = notifications

          # The maximum number of attempts to re-send a notification message which failed
          # to be delivered due to a recoverable error. 0 - No retry, -1 - indefinite
          # (integer value)
          #retry = -1


          # From oslo.messaging

          # Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
          #amqp_durable_queues = false

          # Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
          #amqp_auto_delete = false

          # Connect over SSL. (boolean value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/rabbit_use_ssl
          #ssl = false

          # SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and
          # SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some
          # distributions. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_version
          #ssl_version =

          # SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_keyfile
          #ssl_key_file =

          # SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_certfile
          #ssl_cert_file =

          # SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_ssl_ca_certs
          #ssl_ca_file =

          # EXPERIMENTAL: Run the health check heartbeat thread through a native python
          # thread. By default if this option isn't provided the  health check heartbeat
          # will inherit the execution model from the parent process. By example if the
          # parent process have monkey patched the stdlib by using eventlet/greenlet then
          # the heartbeat will be run through a green thread. (boolean value)
          #heartbeat_in_pthread = false

          # How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel
          # notification. (floating point value)
          #kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0

          # EXPERIMENTAL: Possible values are: gzip, bz2. If not set compression will not
          # be used. This option may not be available in future versions. (string value)
          #kombu_compression = <None>

          # How long to wait a missing client before abandoning to send it its replies.
          # This value should not be longer than rpc_response_timeout. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [oslo_messaging_rabbit]/kombu_reconnect_timeout
          #kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout = 60

          # Determines how the next RabbitMQ node is chosen in case the one we are
          # currently connected to becomes unavailable. Takes effect only if more than one
          # RabbitMQ node is provided in config. (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # round-robin - <No description provided>
          # shuffle - <No description provided>
          #kombu_failover_strategy = round-robin

          # The RabbitMQ login method. (string value)
          # Possible values:
          # PLAIN - <No description provided>
          # AMQPLAIN - <No description provided>
          # RABBIT-CR-DEMO - <No description provided>
          #rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN

          # How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ. (integer value)
          #rabbit_retry_interval = 1

          # How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ. (integer
          # value)
          #rabbit_retry_backoff = 2

          # Maximum interval of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 30 seconds.
          # (integer value)
          #rabbit_interval_max = 30

          # Try to use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this
          # option, you must wipe the RabbitMQ database. In RabbitMQ 3.0, queue mirroring
          # is no longer controlled by the x-ha-policy argument when declaring a queue. If
          # you just want to make sure that all queues (except those with auto-generated
          # names) are mirrored across all nodes, run: "rabbitmqctl set_policy HA
          # '^(?!amq\.).*' '{"ha-mode": "all"}' " (boolean value)
          #rabbit_ha_queues = false

          # Positive integer representing duration in seconds for queue TTL (x-expires).
          # Queues which are unused for the duration of the TTL are automatically deleted.
          # The parameter affects only reply and fanout queues. (integer value)
          # Minimum value: 1
          #rabbit_transient_queues_ttl = 1800

          # Specifies the number of messages to prefetch. Setting to zero allows unlimited
          # messages. (integer value)
          #rabbit_qos_prefetch_count = 0

          # Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is considered down if
          # heartbeat's keep-alive fails (0 disables heartbeat). (integer value)
          #heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 60

          # How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we check the heartbeat.
          # (integer value)
          #heartbeat_rate = 2

          # Enable/Disable the RabbitMQ mandatory flag for direct send. The direct send is
          # used as reply, so the MessageUndeliverable exception is raised in case the
          # client queue does not exist. (integer value)
          #direct_mandatory_flag = True


          # From oslo.middleware

          # The maximum body size for each  request, in bytes. (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/osapi_max_request_body_size
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/max_request_body_size
          #max_request_body_size = 114688

          # DEPRECATED: The HTTP Header that will be used to determine what the original
          # request protocol scheme was, even if it was hidden by a SSL termination proxy.
          # (string value)
          # This option is deprecated for removal.
          # Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
          #secure_proxy_ssl_header = X-Forwarded-Proto

          # Whether the application is behind a proxy or not. This determines if the
          # middleware should parse the headers or not. (boolean value)
          #enable_proxy_headers_parsing = false


          # From oslo.policy

          # This option controls whether or not to enforce scope when evaluating policies.
          # If ``True``, the scope of the token used in the request is compared to the
          # ``scope_types`` of the policy being enforced. If the scopes do not match, an
          # ``InvalidScope`` exception will be raised. If ``False``, a message will be
          # logged informing operators that policies are being invoked with mismatching
          # scope. (boolean value)
          #enforce_scope = false

          # This option controls whether or not to use old deprecated defaults when
          # evaluating policies. If ``True``, the old deprecated defaults are not going to
          # be evaluated. This means if any existing token is allowed for old defaults but
          # is disallowed for new defaults, it will be disallowed. It is encouraged to
          # enable this flag along with the ``enforce_scope`` flag so that you can get the
          # benefits of new defaults and ``scope_type`` together (boolean value)
          #enforce_new_defaults = false

          # The relative or absolute path of a file that maps roles to permissions for a
          # given service. Relative paths must be specified in relation to the
          # configuration file setting this option. (string value)
          #policy_file = policy.json

          # Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found. (string value)
          #policy_default_rule = default

          # Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative
          # to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or
          # absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these
          # directories to be searched.  Missing or empty directories are ignored. (multi
          # valued)
          #policy_dirs = policy.d

          # Content Type to send and receive data for REST based policy check (string
          # value)
          # Possible values:
          # application/x-www-form-urlencoded - <No description provided>
          # application/json - <No description provided>
          #remote_content_type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

          # server identity verification for REST based policy check (boolean value)
          #remote_ssl_verify_server_crt = false

          # Absolute path to ca cert file for REST based policy check (string value)
          #remote_ssl_ca_crt_file = <None>

          # Absolute path to client cert for REST based policy check (string value)
          #remote_ssl_client_crt_file = <None>

          # Absolute path client key file REST based policy check (string value)
          #remote_ssl_client_key_file = <None>


          # From oslo.versionedobjects

          # Make exception message format errors fatal (boolean value)
          #fatal_exception_format_errors = false


          # From masakari.conf

          # CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/ssl_ca_file
          #ca_file = <None>

          # Certificate file to use when starting the server securely. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/ssl_cert_file
          #cert_file = <None>

          # Private key file to use when starting the server securely. (string value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/ssl_key_file
          #key_file = <None>

          # SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and
          # SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some
          # distributions. (string value)
          #version = <None>

          # Sets the list of available ciphers. value should be a string in the OpenSSL
          # cipher list format. (string value)
          #ciphers = <None>


          # From masakari.conf

          # The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the taskflow database.
          #  (string value)
          #connection = <None>


          # From masakari.conf

          # File name for the paste.deploy config for masakari-api (string value)
          #api_paste_config = api-paste.ini

          # A python format string that is used as the template to generate log lines. The
          # following values can be formatted into it: client_ip, date_time, request_line,
          # status_code, body_length, wall_seconds. (string value)
          #wsgi_log_format = %(client_ip)s "%(request_line)s" status: %(status_code)s len: %(body_length)s time: %(wall_seconds).7f

          # The HTTP header used to determine the scheme for the original request, even if
          # it was removed by an SSL terminating proxy. Typical value is
          # "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO". (string value)
          #secure_proxy_ssl_header = <None>

          # CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients (string value)
          #ssl_ca_file = <None>

          # SSL certificate of API server (string value)
          #ssl_cert_file = <None>

          # SSL private key of API server (string value)
          #ssl_key_file = <None>

          # Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not
          # supported on OS X. (integer value)
          #tcp_keepidle = 600

          # Size of the pool of greenthreads used by wsgi (integer value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/wsgi_default_pool_size
          #default_pool_size = 1000

          # Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need
          # to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the
          # Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs). (integer value)
          #max_header_line = 16384

          # If False, closes the client socket connection explicitly. (boolean value)
          # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/wsgi_keep_alive
          #keep_alive = true

          # Timeout for client connections' socket operations. If an incoming connection
          # is idle for this number of seconds it will be closed. A value of '0' means
          # wait forever. (integer value)
          #client_socket_timeout = 900

   Minimal Configuration
       Edit the /etc/masakari/masakari.conf file and complete the following actions

       In the [DEFAULT] section, set following options:

          auth_strategy = keystone
          masakari_topic = ha_engine
          os_privileged_user_tenant = service
          os_privileged_user_auth_url = http://controller/identity
          os_privileged_user_name = nova
          os_privileged_user_password = PRIVILEGED_USER_PASS

       Replace PRIVILEGED_USER_PASS with the password you chose for the privileged user in the Identity service.

       In the [database] section, configure database access:

          connection = mysql+pymysql://root:MASAKARI_DBPASS@controller/masakari?charset=utf8

       In the [keystone_authtoken] sections, configure Identity service access:

          auth_url = http://controller/identity
          memcached_servers = controller:11211
          signing_dir = /var/cache/masakari
          project_domain_name = Default
          user_domain_name = Default
          project_name = service
          username = masakari
          password = MASAKARI_PASS
          auth_type = password
          cafile = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem

       Replace MASAKARI_PASS with the password you chose for the masakari user in the Identity service.

   Sample Masakari Policy File
       The following is a sample masakari policy file for adaptation and use.

       The sample policy can also be viewed in file form.

          The sample policy file is auto-generated from masakari when this documentation is built.

          # Decides what is required for the 'is_admin:True' check to succeed.
          #"context_is_admin": "role:admin"

          # Default rule for most non-Admin APIs.
          #"admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s"

          # Default rule for most Admin APIs.
          #"admin_api": "is_admin:True"

          # List available extensions.
          # GET  /extensions
          #"os_masakari_api:extensions:index": "rule:admin_api"

          # Shows information for an extension.
          # GET  /extensions/{extensions_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:extensions:detail": "rule:admin_api"

          # Extension Info API extensions to change the API.
          #"os_masakari_api:extensions:discoverable": "rule:admin_api"

          # Lists IDs, names, type, reserved, on_maintenance for all hosts.
          # GET  /segments/{segment_id}/hosts
          #"os_masakari_api:os-hosts:index": "rule:admin_api"

          # Shows details for a host.
          # GET  /segments/{segment_id}/hosts/{host_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:os-hosts:detail": "rule:admin_api"

          # Creates a host under given segment.
          # POST  /segments/{segment_id}/hosts
          #"os_masakari_api:os-hosts:create": "rule:admin_api"

          # Updates the editable attributes of an existing host.
          # PUT  /segments/{segment_id}/hosts/{host_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:os-hosts:update": "rule:admin_api"

          # Deletes a host from given segment.
          # DELETE  /segments/{segment_id}/hosts/{host_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:os-hosts:delete": "rule:admin_api"

          # Host API extensions to change the API.
          #"os_masakari_api:os-hosts:discoverable": "rule:admin_api"

          # Lists IDs, notification types, host_name, generated_time, payload
          # and status for all notifications.
          # GET  /notifications
          #"os_masakari_api:notifications:index": "rule:admin_api"

          # Shows details for a notification.
          # GET  /notifications/{notification_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:notifications:detail": "rule:admin_api"

          # Creates a notification.
          # POST  /notifications
          #"os_masakari_api:notifications:create": "rule:admin_api"

          # Notification API extensions to change the API.
          #"os_masakari_api:notifications:discoverable": "rule:admin_api"

          # Lists IDs, names, description, recovery_method, service_type for all
          # segments.
          # GET  /segments
          #"os_masakari_api:segments:index": "rule:admin_api"

          # Shows details for a segment.
          # GET  /segments/{segment_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:segments:detail": "rule:admin_api"

          # Creates a segment.
          # POST  /segments
          #"os_masakari_api:segments:create": "rule:admin_api"

          # Updates the editable attributes of an existing host.
          # PUT  /segments/{segment_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:segments:update": "rule:admin_api"

          # Deletes a segment.
          # DELETE  /segments/{segment_id}
          #"os_masakari_api:segments:delete": "rule:admin_api"

          # Segment API extensions to change the API.
          #"os_masakari_api:segments:discoverable": "rule:admin_api"

          # List all versions.
          # GET  /
          #"os_masakari_api:versions:index": "@"

          # Version API extensions to change the API.
          #"os_masakari_api:versions:discoverable": "@"

   Development Quickstart
       This page describes how to setup and use a working Python development environment that  can  be  used  in
       developing masakari on Ubuntu.  These instructions assume you're already familiar with git.

       Following these instructions will allow you to build the documentation and run the masakari unit tests.

          For how to contribute to Masakari, refer:

          Masakari         uses         the        Gerrit        code        review        system,        refer:

       There are two ways to create a development environment: using  DevStack,  or  explicitly  installing  and
       cloning just what you need.

   Using DevStack
       To enable Masakari in DevStack, perform the following steps:

   Download DevStack
          export DEVSTACK_DIR=~/devstack
          git clone $DEVSTACK_DIR

   Enable the Masakari plugin
       Enable the plugin by adding the following section to $DEVSTACK_DIR/local.conf

          enable_plugin masakari

       Optionally, a git refspec (branch or tag or commit) may be provided as follows:

          enable_plugin masakari <refspec>

   Run the DevStack utility
          cd $DEVSTACK_DIR

   Explicit Install/Clone
       DevStack  installs  a  complete  OpenStack  environment.   Alternatively,  to  clone and install Masakari
       explicitly refer: install_and_configure_ubuntu

   Building the Documentation
       For a full documentation build, issue the following command from the masakari directory

          tox -e docs

       That will create  a  Python  virtual  environment,  install  the  needed  Python  prerequisites  in  that
       environment, and build all the documentation in that environment.

   Running unit tests
       See Running Python Unit Tests

   Masakari System Architecture
       Masakari  comprises  of two services api and engine, each performing different functions. The user-facing
       interface is a REST API, while internally Masakari communicates via an RPC message passing mechanism.

       The API servers process REST  requests,  which  typically  involve  database  reads/writes,  sending  RPC
       messages to other Masakari engine, and generating responses to the REST calls.  RPC messaging is done via
       the oslo.messaging library, an abstraction on top of message queues.  The Masakari engine will run on the
       same  host  where the Masakari api is running, and has a manager that is listening for RPC messages.  The
       manager too has periodic tasks.

       Below you will find a helpful explanation of  the  key  components  of  a  typical  Masakari  deployment.

       • DB: sql database for data storage.

       • API: component that receives HTTP requests, converts commands and communicates with masakari engine via
         the oslo.messaging queue.

       • Engine: Executes recovery workflow and communicates with nova via HTTP.

   How to get (more) involved with Masakari
       So you want to get more involved with Masakari? Or you are new to Masakari and wondering where to start?

       We are working on building easy ways for you to get help and ideas on how to learn  more  about  Masakari
       and how the Masakari community works.

   How do I get started?
       There are quite a few global docs on this:


       There is more general info, non Masakari specific info here:


   What should I work on?
       So you are starting out your Masakari journey, where is a good place to start?

       If you'd like to learn how Masakari works before changing anything (good idea!), we recommend looking for
       reviews with -1s and -2s and seeing why they got down voted. Once  you  have  some  understanding,  start
       reviewing patches. It's OK to ask people to explain things you don't understand. It's also OK to see some
       potential problems but put a +0.

       Once you're ready to write code, take a look at some of the work already marked as low-hanging fruit:


   How do I get my feature in?
       The best way of getting your feature in is... well it depends.

       First concentrate on solving your problem and/or use case, don't fixate on  getting  the  code  you  have
       working  merged.  It’s likely things will need significant re-work after you discuss how your needs match
       up with all the existing ways Masakari is currently being used. The good news,  is  this  process  should
       leave you with a feature that's more flexible and doesn't lock you into your current way of thinking.

       A key part of getting code merged, is helping with reviewing other people's code. Great reviews of others
       code will help free up more core reviewer time to look  at  your  own  patches.  In  addition,  you  will
       understand how the review is thinking when they review your code.

       Also,  work  out  if any ongoing efforts are blocking your feature and helping out speeding those up. The
       spec review process should help with this effort.

       For more details on our process, please see: process.

   What is expected of a good contributor?
       TODO - need more info on this

   Top Tips for working with the Masakari community
       Here are some top tips around engaging with the Masakari community:

       • IRC

         • we talk a lot in #openstack-masakari

         • do ask us questions in there, and we will try to help you

         • not sure about asking questions? feel free to listen in around other people's questions

         • we recommend you setup an IRC bouncer:

       • Email

         • Use the [masakari] tag in the mailing lists

         • Filtering on [masakari] and [all] can help tame the list

       • Be Open

         • i.e. don't review your teams code in private, do it publicly in gerrit

         • i.e. be ready to talk about openly about problems you are having, not "theoretical" issues

         • that way you can start to gain the trust of the wider community

       • Got a problem? Please ask!

         • Please raise any problems and ask questions early

         • we want to help you before you are frustrated or annoyed

         • unsure who to ask? Just ask in IRC.

       • Talk about problems first, then solutions

         • Don't think about "merging your patch", instead think about "solving your problem"

         • conversations are more productive that way

       • It's not the decision that's important, it's the reason behind it that's important

         • Don't like the way the community is going?

         • Please ask why we were going that way, and please engage with the debate

         • If you don't, we are unable to learn from what you have to offer

       • No one will decide, this is stuck, who can help me?

         • it's rare, but it happens

         • ...but if you don't ask, it's hard for them to help you

       It can feel like you are faced with a wall of process. We are a big community, to  make  sure  the  right
       communication happens, we do use a minimal amount of process.

       If you find something that doesn't make sense, please:

       • ask questions to find out *why* it happens

       • if you know of a better way to do it, please speak up

       • one "better way" might be to remove the process if it no longer helps

       To learn more about Masakari's process, please read process.

   Why bother with any process?
       Why is it worth creating a bug or blueprint to track your code review?  This may seem like silly process,
       but there is usually a good reason behind it.

       We have lots of code to review, and we have tools to try and get to really important code reviews  first.
       If  yours  is  really  important,  but not picked up by our tools, it's possible you just get lost in the
       bottom of a big queue.

       If you have a bug fix, you have done loads of work to identify the issue, and  test  out  your  fix,  and
       submit  it.  By adding a bug report, you are making it easier for other folks who hit the same problem to
       find your work, possibly saving them the hours of pain you went through. With any  luck  that  gives  all
       those  people the time to fix different bugs, all that might have affected you, if you had not given them
       the time go fix it.

       It's similar with blueprints. You have worked out how to scratch your itch, lets tell others  about  that
       great  new feature you have added, so they can use that. Also, it stops someone with a similar idea going
       through all the pain of creating a feature only to find you already have that feature ready  and  up  for
       review, or merged into the latest release.

       Hopefully  this  gives  you  an  idea  why we have applied a small layer of process to what we are doing.
       Having said all this, we need to unlearn old habits to move forward, there  may  be  better  ways  to  do
       things, and we are open to trying them. Please help be part of the solution.

   Why do code reviews if I am not in masakari-core?
       Code reviews are the life blood of the developer community.

       There  is  a  good  discussion  on  how  you  do  good  reviews,  and  how  anyone  can  be  a  reviewer:

       In the draft process guide, I discuss how doing reviews can help get your code merged faster: process.

       Let’s look at some of the top reasons why participating with code reviews really helps you:

       • Doing more reviews, and seeing what other reviewers notice, will help you  better  understand  what  is
         expected of code that gets merged into master

       • Having  more non-core people do great reviews, leaves less review work for the core reviewers to do, so
         we are able get more code merged

       • Empathy is one of the keys to a happy community. If you are used to doing code reviews, you will better
         understand the comments you get when people review your code. As you do more code reviews, and see what
         others notice, you will get a better idea of what people are looking for when then apply a +2  to  your

       What are the most useful types of code review comments? Well here are a few to the top ones:

       • Fundamental flaws are the biggest thing to spot. Does the patch break a whole set of existing users, or
         an existing feature?

       • Consistency of behavior is really important. Does this bit of  code  do  things  differently  to  where
         similar things happen elsewhere in Masakari?

       • Is  the code easy to maintain, well tested and easy to read? Code is read order of magnitude times more
         than it is written, so optimize for the reader of the code, not the writer.

       Let's look at some problems people hit when starting out doing code reviews:

       • My +1 doesn't mean anything, why should I bother?

         • So your +1 really does help. Some really useful -1 votes that lead to a +1 vote helps get code into a

       • When to use -1 vs 0 vs +1

         • Please see the guidelines here:

       • I have already reviewed this code internally, no point in adding a +1 externally?

         • Please  talk to your company about doing all code reviews in the public, that is a much better way to
           get involved. Showing how the code has evolved upstream, is much better than trying to 'perfect' code
           internally, before uploading for public review. You can use Draft mode, and mark things as WIP if you
           prefer, but please do the reviews upstream.

       • Where do I start? What should I review?

         • There     are     various     tools,      but      a      good      place      to      start      is:

         • Depending   on   the   time   in  the  cycle,  it's  worth  looking  at  NeedsCodeReview  blueprints:

         • Maybe take a look at things you want to see merged, bug fixes and features, or little code fixes

         • Look for things that have been waiting a long time for a review:

         • If you get through the above lists, try other tools, such as:

   How to do great code reviews?

       For more tips, please see: Why do code reviews if I am not in masakari-core?

   How do I become masakari-core?
       You don't have to be masakari-core to be a valued member of the Masakari community. There are many,  many
       ways you can help. Every quality review that helps someone get their patch closer to being ready to merge
       helps everyone get their code merged faster.

       The first step to becoming masakari-core is  learning  how  to  be  an  active  member  of  the  Masakari
       community, including learning how to do great code reviews.

       If  you feel like you have the time to commit to all the masakari-core membership expectations, reach out
       to the Masakari PTL who will be able to find you an existing member of masakari-core to help mentor  you.
       If  all  goes  well,  and  you  seem  like  a  good  candidate,  your mentor will contact the rest of the
       masakari-core team to ask them to start looking at your reviews, so they are able to vote for you, if you
       get nominated for join masakari-core.

       We  encourage  all  mentoring,  where possible, to occur on #openstack-masakari so everyone can learn and
       benefit from your discussions.

       The above mentoring is available to everyone who wants to learn how to better code reviews, even  if  you
       don't  ever  want  to  commit  to becoming masakari-core. If you already have a mentor, that's great, the
       process is only there for folks who are still trying to find a mentor. Being admitted  to  the  mentoring
       program  no  way  guarantees  you will become a member of masakari-core eventually, it's here to help you
       improve, and help you have the sort of involvement and conversations that can lead to becoming  a  member
       of masakari-core.

   Notifications in Masakari
       Similar  to  other  OpenStack  services Masakari emits notifications to the message bus with the Notifier
       class provided by oslo.messaging-doc. From  the  notification  consumer  point  of  view  a  notification
       consists of two parts: an envelope with a fixed structure defined by oslo.messaging and a payload defined
       by the service emitting the notification. The envelope format is the following:

              "priority": <string, selected from a predefined list by the sender>,
              "event_type": <string, defined by the sender>,
              "timestamp": <string, the isotime of when the notification emitted>,
              "publisher_id": <string, defined by the sender>,
              "message_id": <uuid, generated by oslo>,
              "payload": <json serialized dict, defined by the sender>

       oslo.messaging provides below choices of notification drivers:

                                    │Driver      │ Description                           │
                                    │messaging   │ Send  notifications  using  the   1.0 │
                                    │            │ message format                        │
                                    │messagingv2 │ Send   notifications  using  the  2.0 │
                                    │            │ message  format   (with   a   message │
                                    │            │ envelope)                             │
                                    │routing     │ Configurable   routing  notifier  (by │
                                    │            │ priority or event_type)               │
                                    │log         │ Publish  notifications   via   Python │
                                    │            │ logging infrastructure                │

                                    │test        │ Store  notifications  in  memory  for │
                                    │            │ test verification                     │
                                    │noop        │ Disable     sending     notifications │
                                    │            │ entirely                              │

       So notifications can be completely disabled by setting the following in Masakari configuration file:

          driver = noop

       Masakari supports only Versioned notifications.

   Versioned notifications
       Masakari  code uses the masakari.rpc.get_notifier call to get a configured oslo.messaging Notifier object
       and it uses the oslo provided functions on the Notifier object to emit notifications.  The  configuration
       of  the  returned Notifier object depends on the parameters of the get_notifier call and the value of the
       oslo.messaging configuration options driver and topics.  The versioned notification the  the  payload  is
       not a free form dictionary but a serialized oslo.versionedobjects-doc.

       For example the wire format of the segment.update notification looks like the following:

              "event_type": "api.update.segments.start",
              "timestamp": "2018-11-27 14:32:20.396940",
              "payload": {
                  "": "SegmentApiPayload",
                  "": {
                      "description": null,
                      "fault": null,
                      "recovery_method": "auto",
                      "name": "test",
                      "service_type": "compute",
                      "id": 877,
                      "uuid": "89597691-bebd-4860-a93e-1b6e9de34b9e"
                  }, "
                  "masakari_object.version": "1.0",
                  "masakari_object.namespace": "masakari"
              "priority": "INFO",
              "publisher_id": "masakari-api:test-virtualbox",
              "message_id": "e6322900-025d-4dd6-a3a1-3e0e1e9badeb"

       The  serialized  oslo  versionedobject  as  a  payload  provides  a version number to the consumer so the
       consumer can detect if the structure of the payload is changed. Masakari provides the following  contract
       regarding the versioned notification payload:

       • the  payload version defined by the masakari_object.version field of the payload will be increased only
         if the syntax or the semantics of the field of the payload is changed.

       • a minor version bump indicates a backward compatible change which means that only new fields are  added
         to the payload so a well written consumer can still consume the new payload without any change.

       • a  major  version  bump  indicates a backward incompatible change of the payload which can mean removed
         fields, type change, etc in the payload.

       • there is an additional field '' for every  payload  besides  ''
         and  'masakari_object.version'. This field contains the name of the Masakari internal representation of
         the payload type. Client code should not depend on this name.

   Existing versioned notifications
       • This provides the list of existing versioned notifications with sample payloads.

             │Event typeNotification classPayload classSample │
             │error.exceptionExceptionNotificationExceptionPayload       │        │
             │         │        │
             │         │        │
             │         │        │
             │         │        │
             │         │        │
             │         │        │
             │create.notification.endNotificationApiNotificationNotificationApiPayload │        │
             │create.notification.startNotificationApiNotificationNotificationApiPayload │        │
             │process.notification.endNotificationApiNotificationNotificationApiPayload │        │
             │process.notification.errorNotificationApiNotificationNotificationApiPayload │        │
             │process.notification.startNotificationApiNotificationNotificationApiPayload │        │
             │create.segment.endSegmentApiNotificationSegmentApiPayload      │        │
             │create.segment.startSegmentApiNotificationSegmentApiPayload      │        │
             │delete.segment.endSegmentApiNotificationSegmentApiPayload      │        │
             │delete.segment.startSegmentApiNotificationSegmentApiPayload      │        │
             │update.segment.endSegmentApiNotificationSegmentApiPayload      │        │
             │update.segment.startSegmentApiNotificationSegmentApiPayload      │        │

   Masakari team process
       Masakari is always evolving its processes to ensure productive communication between all members  of  our
       community easily.

   OpenStack Wide Patterns
       Masakari  follows  most  of the generally adopted norms for OpenStack projects.  You can get more details


       If you are new to Masakari, please read this first: getting_involved.

   How do I get my code merged?
       OK, so you are new to Masakari, and you have been given a feature  to  implement.  How  do  I  make  that

       You can get most of your questions answered here:


       But let's put a Masakari specific twist on things...

       [image: Flow chart showing the Masakari bug/feature process] [image]

   Where do you track bugs?
       We track bugs here:


       If you fix an issue, please raise a bug so others who spot that issue can find the fix you kindly created
       for them.

       Also before submitting your patch it's worth checking to see if someone has  already  fixed  it  for  you
       (Launchpad helps you with that, at little, when you create the bug report).

   When do I need a blueprint vs. a spec?
       To understand this question, we need to understand why blueprints and specs are useful.

       But here is the rough idea:

       • if it needs a spec, it will need a blueprint.

       • if it's an API change, it needs a spec.

       • if it's a single small patch that touches a small amount of code, with limited deployer and doc impact,
         it probably doesn't need a spec.

       If you are unsure, please ask PTL or one of the other masakari-core on IRC.

   How do I get my blueprint approved?
       So you need your blueprint approved? Here is how:

       • if you don't need a spec, please add a link to your blueprint to  the  agenda  for  the  next  masakari

         • be sure your blueprint description has enough context for the review in that meeting.

       • if you need a spec, then please submit a masakari-spec for review.

       Got  any more questions? Contact samP or one of the other masakari-core who are awake at the same time as
       you. IRC is best as you will often get an immediate response, if they are too busy send him/her an email.

   How do I get a procedural -2 removed from my patch?
       When feature freeze hits, any patches for blueprints that are still in review get a procedural -2 to stop
       them  merging. In Masakari a blueprint is only approved for a single release. To have the -2 removed, you
       need to get the blueprint approved for the current release (see How do I get my blueprint approved?).

   My code review seems stuck, what can I do?
       First and foremost - address any -1s and -2s! A few tips:

       • Be precise. Ensure you're not talking at cross purposes.

       • Try to understand where the reviewer is coming from. They may have a very different perspective  and/or
         use-case to you.

       • If you don't understand the problem, ask them to explain - this is common and helpful behavior.

       • Be positive. Everyone's patches have issues, including core reviewers. No-one cares once the issues are

       • Try not to flip-flop. When two reviewers are pulling you in different directions, stop pushing code and
         negotiate the best way forward.

       • If the reviewer does not respond to replies left on the patchset, reach out to them on IRC or email. If
         they still don't respond, you can try to ask their colleagues if they're on holiday (or  simply  wait).
         Finally,  you  can  ask  for  mediation  in  the  Masakari  meeting  by  adding  it  to  the  agenda (‐ This is also what you should do if you  are  unable
         to negotiate a resolution to an issue.

       Eventually  you  should  get  some +1s from people working through the review queue. Expect to get -1s as
       well. You can ask for reviews within your company,  1-2  are  useful  (not  more),  especially  if  those
       reviewers are known to give good reviews. You can spend some time while you wait reviewing other people's
       code - they may reciprocate and you may learn something (Why do code reviews when I'm not core?).

       If you've waited an appropriate amount of time and you haven't had any  +1s,  you  can  ask  on  IRC  for
       reviews.  Please  don't  ask  for core review straight away, especially not directly (IRC or email). Core
       reviewer time is very valuable and gaining some +1s is a good way to show your patch meets basic  quality

       Once  you have a few +1s, be patient. Remember the average wait times.  You can ask for reviews each week
       in IRC, it helps to ask when cores are awake.

       It helps to apply correct tracking information.

       • Put "Closes-Bug", "Partial-Bug" or "Related-Bug" in the commit message tags as necessary.

       • If you have to raise a bug in Launchpad first, do it - this helps someone else find your fix.

       • Make sure the bug has the correct priority and tag set.

       Again, it helps to apply correct tracking information. For blueprint-only features:

       • Put your blueprint in the commit message, EG "blueprint simple-feature".

       • Mark the blueprint as NeedsCodeReview if you are finished.

       • Maintain the whiteboard on the blueprint so it's easy to understand which patches need reviews.

       • Use a single topic for all related patches. All patches for one blueprint should share a topic.

       For blueprint and spec features, do everything for blueprint-only features and also:

       • If       it's       a       project       or       subteam       priority,       add       it       to:

       • Ensure your spec is approved for the current release cycle.

       If  it's  not  a priority, your blueprint/spec has been approved for the cycle and you have been patient,
       you can raise it during the Masakari meeting. The outcome may be that your spec gets unapproved  for  the
       cycle,  so  that  priority  items can take focus. If this happens to you, sorry - it should not have been
       approved in the first place, Masakari team bit off more than they could chew, it  is  their  mistake  not
       yours. You can re-propose it for the next cycle.

       If  it's  not a priority and your spec has not been approved, your code will not merge this cycle. Please
       re-propose your spec for the next cycle.


       • search: Search the contents of this document.

       • OpenStack wide search: Search the wider set of OpenStack documentation, including forums.


       2021, OpenStack Foundation

                                                  Jun 11, 2021                                       MASAKARI(1)