Provided by: mlpack-bin_3.2.2-3_amd64 bug


       mlpack_mean_shift - mean shift clustering


        mlpack_mean_shift -i string [-f bool] [-P bool] [-l bool] [-m int] [-r double] [-V bool] [-C string] [-o string] [-h -v]


       This program performs mean shift clustering on the given dataset, storing the learned cluster assignments
       either as a column of labels in the input dataset or separately.

       The input dataset should be specified with the '--input_file (-i)' parameter, and  the  radius  used  for
       search  can  be  specified  with  the  '--radius (-r)' parameter. The maximum number of iterations before
       algorithm termination is controlled with the '--max_iterations (-m)' parameter.

       The output labels may be saved with the '--output_file (-o)' output parameter and the centroids  of  each
       cluster may be saved with the '--centroid_file (-C)' output parameter.

       For  example,  to  run  mean  shift  clustering  on  the  dataset  'data.csv'  and store the centroids to
       'centroids.csv', the following command may be used:

       $ mlpack_mean_shift --input_file data.csv --centroid_file centroids.csv


       --input_file (-i) [string]
              Input dataset to perform clustering on.


       --force_convergence (-f) [bool]
              If specified, the mean shift algorithm will continue running regardless  of  max_iterations  until
              the clusters converge.

       --help (-h) [bool]
              Default help info.

       --in_place (-P) [bool]
              If  specified,  a  column  containing  the  learned cluster assignments will be added to the input
              dataset file. In this case, --output_file is overridden. (Do not use with Python.)

       --info [string]
              Print help on a specific option. Default value ''.

       --labels_only (-l) [bool]
              If specified, only the output labels will be written to the file specified by --output_file.

       --max_iterations (-m) [int]
              Maximum number of iterations before mean shift terminates. Default value 1000.

       --radius (-r) [double]
              If the distance between two centroids is less than the given radius, one will be removed. A radius
              of 0 or less means an estimate will be calculated and used for the radius. Default value 0.

       --verbose (-v) [bool]
              Display informational messages and the full list of parameters and timers at the end of execution.

       --version (-V) [bool]
              Display the version of mlpack.


       --centroid_file (-C) [string]
              If specified, the centroids of each cluster will be written to the given matrix.

       --output_file (-o) [string]
              Matrix to write output labels or labeled data to.


       For  further  information,  including  relevant  papers, citations, and theory, consult the documentation
       found at or included with your distribution of mlpack.