Provided by: rheolef_7.1-1_amd64 bug


       msh2geo - convert gmsh mesh in geo format (rheolef-7.1)


       msh2geo [-zr|-rz] < file[.msh] > output.geo
       msh2geo [-zr|-rz]   file[.msh] > output.geo


       Convert a .msh file, as generated by the gmsh mesh generator, into a .geo one for Rheolef. The output
       goes to standard output. The input comes either from standard input or from a file.


           gmsh -2 toto.mshcad -o toto.msh
           msh2geo < toto.msh > toto.geo

           gmsh -2 -order 2 toto.mshcad -o toto2.msh
           msh2geo < toto2.msh > toto2.geo

       See the gmsh documentation for a detailed description of the .mshcad input file for gmsh.



           Specifies the coordinate system. The default is cartesian while -rz and -zr denotes some axisymmetric
           coordinate systems. Recall that most of Rheolef codes are coordinate-system independent and the
           coordinate system is specified in the geometry file .geo.


       There is an issue for curved boundaries, using high order Pk polynomial elements. Pk triangle, when k>=5,
       may have internal nodes renumbered. From the gmsh documentation:

       The nodes of a curved element are numbered in the following order:

         the element principal vertices;
         the internal nodes for each edge;
         the internal nodes for each face;
         the volume internal nodes.

       The numbering for face and volume internal nodes is recursive,
       i.e., the numbering follows that of the nodes of an embedded face/volume.
       The higher order nodes are assumed to be equispaced on the element.

       In Rheolef, internal triangle nodes are numbered from left to right and then from bottom to top. The
       numbering differ for triangle when k >= 5. Thus, msh2geo fixes the corresponding internal nodes numbering
       during the conversion.

       Pk tetrahedrons and hexahedrons in gmsh and Rheolef has not the same edge-node order and orientation.
       E.g. for tetrahedrons, edges 13 and 23 should be swapped and reoriented as 32 and 31. Thus, msh2geo also
       fix the corresponding internal nodes numbering.


       Fix for P3-tetra: swap edges orientations for 3,4,5 and swap faces 1 and 2. Check P4(T) for face
       orientation. Perform face visualization with gnuplot face fill.

       See also hexa edges orient and faces numbers and orient.

       Check that node are numbered by vertex-node, then edge-node, then face(tri,qua)-node and then
       volume(T,P,H)-node. Otherwise, renumber all nodes.

       Support for high order >= 6 element is not documented in gmsh, but gmsh supports it at run


       This documentation has been generated from file main/sbin/


       Pierre  Saramito  <>


       Copyright   (C)  2000-2018  Pierre  Saramito  <> GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or
       later  <>.  This  is  free  software:  you  are free to change and
       redistribute it.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.