Provided by: pagure-doc_5.8.1+dfsg-3_all bug


       pagure - Pagure Documentation

       Pagure is a light-weight git-centered forge based on pygit2.


       • Open-sources: Web-interface for the git repositories

       • Flexibility: Ability to create any project you want

       • One place: Keep your documentation and tickets in pagure

       • Collaboration: Fork a project and make a pull-request

       • Integration: Create pull-request from a fork hosted somewhere else than in pagure

       • Open data: Sources, doc, ticket and pull-requests meta-data are available in the web interface but also
         in git repos which can thus be cloned and changed locally.

       • Freedom: Pagure is fully Free and Open-Source Software!


       • Home pageGit repositoryGithub mirror



       Pagure is split over multiple components, each having their  purpose  and  all  but  two  (the  core  web
       application and its workers) being optional.

       These components are:

   ContentsOverviewPagure core applicationPagure workersGitolitePagure doc serverPagure milterPagure EventSource ServerPagure web-hook ServerPagure load JSON servicePagure log com service

       Before  going  into  the overall picture, one should realize that most of the components listed above are

       Here is a diagram representing pagure without all the optional components:

       And here is a diagram of all the components together: .SS Pagure core application

       The core application is the flask application interacting with gitolite to provide a web UI  to  the  git
       repositories as well as tickets and pull-requests.  This is the main application for the forge.

   Pagure workers
       Interacting  with  git  repos  can  be  a long process, it varies depending on the size of the repository
       itself but also based on hardware performances or simply the load on the system.  To make pagure  capable
       of  handling  more  load,  since pagure 3.0 the interactions with the git repositories from the web UI is
       performed by dedicated workers, allowing async processing of the different tasks.

       The communication between the core application and its worker is based on celery and  defaults  to  using
       redis but any of the queueing system supported by celery could be used instead.

       Currently  pagure  uses  gitolite  to grant or deny ssh access to the git repositories, in other words to
       grant or deny read and/or write access to the git repositories.

       Pagure supports cloning over both ssh and http, but writing can only be done via ssh, through gitolite.

   Pagure doc server
       While integrated into the main application at  first,  it  has  been  split  out  for  security  concern,
       displaying  information  directly  provided  by the user without a clear/safe way of filtering for unsafe
       script or hacks is a security hole.  For this reason we also strongly encourage anyone wanting to  deploy
       their  own  instance  of  pagure  with  the doc server, to run this application on a completely different
       domain name (not just a sub-domain) in order to reduce the cross-site forgery risks.

       Pagure can be run just fine without the doc server, all you need to do is  to  not  define  the  variable
       DOC_APP_URL in the configuration file.

   Pagure milter
       The milter is a script, receiving an email as input and performing an action with it.

       In the case of pagure, the milter is used to allow replying on a comment of a ticket or a pull-request by
       directly replying to the notification sent.  No need to go to the page anymore  to  reply  to  a  comment
       someone made.

       The  milter  integrates with a MTA such as postfix or sendmail that you will have running and have access
       to in order to change its configuration.

   Pagure EventSource Server
       Eventsource or Server Sent Events are messages sent from a server to a browser.

       For pagure this technology is used to allow live-refreshing of a page when someone  is  viewing  it.  For
       example, while you are reading a ticket if someone comments on it, the comment will automatically show up
       on the page without the need for you to reload the entire page.

       The flow is: the main pagure server does an action, sends a message over redis,  the  eventsource  server
       picks  it  up and send it to the browsers waiting for it, then javascript code is executed to refresh the
       page based on the information received.

   Pagure web-hook Server
       Sends notifications to third party services using POST http requests.

       This is the second notifications system in pagure with fedmsg.  These notifications are running on  their
       own  service to prevent blocking the main web application in case the third part service is timing-out or
       just being slow.

       The flow is: the main pagure server does an action, sends a message over redis, the web-hook server picks
       it up, build the query and performs the POST request to the specified URLs.

   Pagure load JSON service
       The load JSON service is an async service updating the database based on information pushed to the ticket
       or pull-request git repositories.  This allows updating the database with information pushed to  the  git
       repositories without keeping the connection open with the client.

   Pagure log com service
       The  log com (for log commit) service is an async service updating the log table of the database on every
       pushed made to any repository allowing to build the data for the  calendar  heatmap  graph  displayed  on
       every user's page.


       Using  pagure  should  come  fairly easily, especially to people already used to forges such as GitHub or
       GitLab. There are however some tips and tricks which can be useful to know and that this section  of  the
       doc covers.

       One  of  the  major  difference  with  GitHub  and  GitLab  is  that for each project on pagure, four git
       repositories are made available:

       • A git repository containing the source code, displayed in the main section of the pagure project.

       • A git repository for the documentation

       • A git repository for the issues and their metadata

       • A git repository for the metadata for pull-requests

       Issues and pull-requests repositories contain the meta-data (comments, notifications,  assignee...)  from
       the  issues  and pull-request. They are are not public and only available to admins and committers of the
       project, since they may contain private information.

       You can use these repositories for offline access to your tickets or pull-requests (the  pag-off  project
       for  example  relies on a local copy of the issue git repository). They are designed to allow you to have
       full access to all the data about your project.  One of the original idea was also  to  allow  syncing  a
       project between multiple pagure instances by syncing these git repositories between the instances.

       You  can  find the URLs to access or clone these git repositories on the overview page of the project. On
       the top right of the page, in the drop-down menu entitled Clone. Beware that if documentation, the  issue
       tracker or the pull-requests are disabled on the project, the corresponding URL will not be shown.


   First Steps on pagure
       When  coming  to  pagure  for  the first time there are a few things one should do or check to ensure all
       works as desired.

   Login to pagure or create your account
       Pagure has its own user account system.

       For instances of pagure such as the one at where the authentication is  delegated  to  a  third
       party (in the case of, the Fedora Account System) via OpenID, the local user account is created
       upon login.

       This means, you cannot be added to a group or a project before you login for the first time as the system
       will simply not know you.

       If you run your own pagure instance which uses the local authentication system, then you will find on the
       login page an option to create a new account.

   Upload your SSH key
       Pagure uses gitolite to manage who has read/write access to which git repository via ssh.

       An ssh key is composed of two parts:

       • a private key, which you must keep to yourself and never share with anyone.

       • a public key, which is public and therefore can be shared with anyone.

       If you have never generated a ssh key, you can do so by running:


       or alternatively on GNOME using the application seahorse.

       This will create two files in ~/.ssh/ (~ is the symbol for your home folder).

       These two files will be named (for example) id_rsa and  The first one is the private key that
       must never be shared. The second is the public key that can be uploaded on pagure to give you ssh access.

       To upload your public key onto pagure:

       1. Login into pagure and click on the user icon on the top right corner, there, select My settings.

       2.  In  the  authentication section of your user settings copy the content of your file in the
       Public SSH key text box and save your ssh key settings.  .sp NOTE:
          Pagure supports multiple ssh keys per user. To add more than one ssh key to your user account just add
          your  new ssh key in your authentication settings (one key per row), this way you will be able to push
          commits to your repository from a different computer.

   Configure the default email address
       If the pagure instance you use is using local user authentication, you can choose whichever email address
       you  prefer  to  use during account creation.  But in the case (like where the pagure instance
       relies on an external authentication service, the email address provided by this service may be different
       from the one you prefer.

       The settings page of your account (see above for how to access the page) allows you to add multiple email
       addresses and set one as default.

       Your default email address is the address that will be used to send you notifications  and  also  as  the
       email address in the git commit if you merge a pull-request with a merge commit.

       For  online  editing, when doing the commit, you will be presented with the list of valid email addresses
       associated with your account and you will be able to choose which one you wish to use.

          All email addresses will need to be confirmed to be activated, this is done via a link sent  by  email
          to the address. If you do not receive this link, don't forget to check your spam folder!

       A  fork  in Pagure is a copy of a repository. When contributing to a project on Pagure, the first step is
       to fork it. This gives you a place to make changes to the project and, if you so wish, contribute back to
       the  original  project.  If you're not already familiar with Git's distributed workflow, the Pro Git book
       has an excellent introduction.

       You can see a list of projects you've forked on your home page.

   Create a Fork on Pagure
       To fork a project, simply navigate to the project on Pagure and click the fork button. You will  then  be
       redirected to your new fork.

   Configure your Local Git Repository
       Now  that you have forked the project on Pagure, you're ready to configure a local copy of the repository
       so you can get to work. First, clone the repository. The URL for the repository is on the right-hand side
       of the project overview page. For example:

          $ git clone ssh://
          $ cd pagure

       After  cloning  your  fork  locally, it's a good idea to add the upstream repository as a git remote. For

          $ git remote add -f upstream ssh://

       This lets you pull in changes that  the  upstream  repository  makes  after  you  forked.  Consult  Git's
       documentation for more details.

   Pushing Changes
       After  you  Configure  your  Local  Git  Repository you're ready to make your changes and contribute them
       upstream. First, start a new branch:

          $ git checkout -b my-feature-or-bugfix

       It's a good idea to give the branch a descriptive name so  you  can  find  it  later.   Next,  make  your
       changes. Once you're satisfied, add the changes to Git's staging area and commit the changes:

          $ git add -A  # add all changes
          $ git commit -s # prepare changes for upload

       Your  text  editor  of  choice  will open and you can write your commit message.  If you have not done so
       already upload-your-ssh-key now.  Afterwards, you are ready to push your changes to your remote fork:

          $ git push -u origin my-feature-or-bugfix # upload changes

       In case you cloned the repo via HTTP, for example using a command like git clone  https://...,  the  push
       will fail. does not support pushing over HTTP. An easy workaround is to use:

          $ git push -u origin my-feature-or-bugfix ssh://

       You are now ready to open-pull-request.

   Understanding Read Only Mode of projects
       If  a project is in Read Only Mode, the users of the project may not be able to modify the git repository
       of the project. Let's say you forked a project, then the forked project goes into a read only  mode.  You
       won't  be able to modify the git repository of the forked project in that mode.  After the read only mode
       is gone, you can begin to use the git repository again. Let's say you decide to add another user to  your
       fork,  this  time  the project will go in read only mode again but, you still will be able to use the git
       repository while the new user will have to wait for read only mode to get over. This is  also  true  when
       you  remove  a  user  from  your project. The removed user can still access the project's git repository,
       given that he had at least commit access, until the read only mode is over.

       In Pagure, we use gitolite for Access Control Lists when using SSH.  Modifying gitolite  may  be  a  time
       taking  task  (depending  on  number of projects hosted on the pagure instance) that's why Pagure does it
       outside of HTTP Request-Response Cycle.

       Whenever you fork a project or add/remove a new user/group to project, gitolite needs to be refreshed  in
       order to put those changes in effect for ssh based git usage.

   Actions that put the project in read only mode
       All the actions that needs gitolite to be compiled, will bring the project in read only mode.

       • Creating/Forking a project. (only the fork will be in read only mode)

       • Adding/Removing a user/group from a project.

   Pull Requests
       Pagure  uses  the  concept of pull requests to contribute changes from your fork of a project back to the
       upstream project. To contribute a change to a project  you  first  open  a  pull  request  with  original
       project.  The  project maintainer then merges the pull request if they are satisfied with the changes you
       have proposed.

   Open a Pull Request
       Before you can open a pull request, you need to complete the first-steps and create-fork of  the  project
       you  would like to contribute to. Once you have a fork and you have pushed a git branch containing one or
       more commits, you are ready to contribute to the project.

   Pagure to Pagure pull request
       You can create a pull request from a pagure project, using one of the following options

   From the project overview
       1. Go the the overview tab of your fork.

       2. Locate your feature branch (Right hand side), and press the button New PR button.

       3. Fill the Create a pull request form (Title and Description) and create your pull request.

       Notes: The New PR button appears only if there are commits not available in the main  branch.   .SS  From
       the commits history

       1. Go to the commit tab of your fork and select your feature branch.

       2. Press the create pull request button (above the latest commits).

       3. Fill the Create a pull request form (Title and Description) and create your pull request.
       .SS From the pull requests list

       1. Go to the main project's (not your fork) pull requests list and press the File Pull Request button.

       2. Select the feature branch containing your changes from the dropdown menu.

       3. Fill the Create a pull request form (Title and Description) and create your pull request.
       .SS Remote Git to Pagure pull request

       You  can create a pull request from another git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab).  This is a remote
       pull request.

   From the pull requests list
       1. Go to the main project's (not your fork) pull requests list and press the File Pull Request button.

       2. Select the Remote pull-request option from the dropdown menu.

       3. Fill the New remote pull-request form (Title, Git repo address and Git branch) and create your  remote
          pull request.

       Congratulations! It is now up to the project maintainer to accept your changes by merging them.

   Updating Your Pull Request
       It  is  likely  that project maintainers will request changes to your proposed code by commenting on your
       pull request. Don't be discouraged! This is an opportunity to improve  your  contribution  and  for  both
       reviewer and reviewee to become better programmers.

       Adding to your pull request is as simple as pushing new commits to the branch you used to create the pull
       request. These will automatically be displayed in the commit list for the pull request.

       You may encounter a situation where you want to include changes from the master  branch  that  were  made
       after  you created your pull request. You can do this by rebasing your pull request branch and pushing it
       to your remote fork.

   Working with Pull Requests
       It's quite common to work with a pull request locally, either to build on top of it or to  test  it.  You
       can  do this easily using git fetch to download the pull request followed by git checkout to work with it
       as you would any local branch.  The syntax for git fetch is:

          git fetch $REMOTE pull/$PR_NUMBER/head:$BRANCHNAME

       For example, if you have PR#1 which "adds support for foo" you might run:

          git fetch origin pull/1/head:add-foo-support

       Then you can work with the add-foo-support normally:

          git checkout add-foo-support

          You may use / characters in your branch name if you want to group your pull requests by the  submitter
          name, bug number, etc.  For example, you could name your local branch user/add-foo-support.

       If  you  want  to allow working with all of your pull requests locally, you can do so by editing your git
       configuration as follows.  Locate your remote in the .git/config file, for example:

          [remote "origin"]
              url = ssh://
              fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

       Now add this line:

          fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

       to that section as the first fetch line, like this:

          [remote "origin"]
              url = ssh://
              fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*
              fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

       Obviously, the remote URL should be matching the URL of your project (pagure project in this example).

       Now you can fetch the all the pull requests:

          $ git fetch origin
          From ssh://
          * [new ref]        refs/pull/2541/head -> origin/pr/2541
          * [new ref]        refs/pull/2540/head -> origin/pr/2540
          * [new ref]        refs/pull/2538/head -> origin/pr/2538

       To checkout a particular pull request:

          $ git checkout pr/25413
          Branch pr/2541 set up to track remote branch pr/2541 from origin.
          Switched to a new branch 'pr/2541'

       You will now be able to use this branch to work from or on this pull requests.

       If you are only interested in one particular pull request and do not want to fetch all the  project  PRs,
       you can add to your ~/.bashrc the following function:

          function pullpr {
              git fetch $remote pull/$1/head:pr_$1
              git checkout pr_$1

       Then  after sourcing your ~/.bashrc or restarting your shell, you can use the pullpr function to checkout
       a pull request from within the clone of the git repository.  For example checkout pull request number  58
       from current git clone (here the infra-docs project)

          $ source ~/.bashrc
          $ pullpr 58
          remote: Counting objects: 393, done.
          remote: Compressing objects: 100% (238/238), done.
          remote: Total 365 (delta 231), reused 255 (delta 127)
          Receiving objects: 100% (365/365), 71.36 KiB | 63.00 KiB/s, done.
          Resolving deltas: 100% (231/231), completed with 20 local objects.
          From ssh://
          * [new ref]         refs/pull/58/head -> pr_58
          Switched to branch 'pr_58'

   Using Markdown in Pagure
       Pagure  uses  Markdown  syntax highlighting as the base for formatting comments in issues, pull requests,
       and in Markdown files in repositories. For basic formatting, Pagure follows common  Markdown  formatting,
       but  it also has some unique syntax for more advanced formatting. This help page helps demonstrate how to
       use Markdown in Pagure.

       Pagure relies on the Markdown python module to do the conversion.  It has enabled a few extensions:

       • Definition ListsFenced Code BlocksTablesSmart StrongAdmonitionCodeHiliteSane lists

       README files can also rely on:

       • AbbreviationsFootnotesTable of Contents

       While comments use:

       • New Line to Break

          Pagure does not support linking to remote images, if you want to link to an image  on  a  ticket,  you
          will have to upload it to pagure.

       You can mark up text with bold, italics, or strikethrough.


         Style: Bold

                • Syntax: ** ** or __ __

                • Example: **This is bold text**

                • Output: This is bold textStyle: Italics

                • Syntax: * * or _ _

                • Example: _This is italicized text_

                • Output: This is italicized textStyle: Strikethrough

                • Syntax: ~~ ~~

                • Example: ~~This text is no longer relevant~~

                • Output: This text is no longer relevant


         Style: Bold and italics

                • Syntax: ** ** and _ _

                • Example: ** This text is the _most important thing ever_ **

                • Output: ** This text is the most important thing ever **

       You can show text as being quoted with the > character.

          Before merging this pull request, remember Clark Kent mentioned this:
          > Double-check there's no reference to the Kryptonite library in the program since we removed that a few versions ago.

       Before merging this pull request, remember Clark Kent mentioned this:
          Double-check there's no reference to the Kryptonite library in the program since we removed that a few
          versions ago.

       You can also make a line-wrapping blockquote using <br/>.

          Remember what Solomon said:
          > I don't want to survive. <br/> I want to live.

       Remember what Solomon said:
          I don't want to survive.

          I want to live.

       For more details regarding Blockquote, refer Blockquote.

       You can highlight parts of a line as code or create entire code blocks in your  Markdown  documents.  You
       can do this with the backtick character (`).  Text inside of backticks will not be formatted.

          When running the program for the first time, use `superman --initialize`.

       When running the program for the first time, use superman --initialize.

       To  format  multiple  lines  of  code into its own block, you can wrap the text block with four tilde (~)

          Install the needed system libraries:
          sudo dnf install git python-virtualenv libgit2-devel \
                          libjpeg-devel gcc libffi-devel redhat-rpm-config

       Install the needed system libraries:

          sudo dnf install git python-virtualenv libgit2-devel \
                       libjpeg-devel gcc libffi-devel redhat-rpm-config

   Regular links
       Need to embed a link to somewhere else? No problem! You can create an in-line link by wrapping  the  text
       in [ ] and appending the URL in parentheses ( ) immediately after.

       Pagure is used by the [Fedora Project](

       Pagure is used by the Fedora Project.

   Links to ticket/PR of the same project
       You  want  to  link  to  a  ticket  or a pull-request in the current project? Easy just use # immediately
       followed by the identifier of the ticket or pull-request.

       This is an example for #2921

       This is an example for #2921

   Links to ticket/PR of another project
       You want to link to a ticket or a pull-request of a different project? Simply add  the  project  name  in
       front of the # and immediately followed by the identifier of the ticket or pull-request.

       This is an example for pagure#2921

       This is an example for pagure#2921

   Unordered lists
       You can make unordered lists spanning multiple lines with either - or *.

          * Superman
          * Batman
              * Protector of Gotham City!
          * Superwoman
          * Harley Quinn
              * Something on this list is unlike the others...

       • Superman



                • Protector of Gotham City!

       • Superwoman


         Harley Quinn

                • Something on this list is unlike the others...

   Ordered lists
       You can make ordered lists by preceding each line with a number.

          1. Superman
          2. Batman
              1. Protector of Gotham City!
              2. He drives the Batmobile!
          3. Superwoman
          4. Harley Quinn
              1. Something on this list is unlike the others...
              2. Somebody evil lurks on this list!

       1. Superman



                 1. Protector of Gotham City!

                 2. He drives the Batmobile!

       3. Superwoman


          Harley Quinn

                 1. Something on this list is unlike the others...

                 2. Somebody evil lurks on this list!

   Tagging users
       You  can  tag  other users on Pagure to send them a notification about an issue or pull request. To tag a
       user, use the @ symbol followed by their username.  Typing the @ symbol in a comment will bring up a list
       of  users that match the username. The list searches as you type. Once you see the name of the person you
       are looking for, you can click their name to automatically complete the tag.

       @jflory7, could you please review this pull request and leave feedback?

       @jflory7, could you please review this pull request and leave feedback?

   Tagging issues or pull requests
       In a comment, you can automatically link a pull request or issue by its number.  To link it,  use  the  #
       character  followed by its number. Like with tagging users, Pagure will provide suggestions for issues or
       pull requests as you type the number. You can select the issue in the drop-down to automatically tag  the
       issue or pull request.

       If  you need to tag an issue or pull request that is outside of the current project, you are also able to
       do this. For cross-projects links, you can tag them by typing <project  name>#id  or  <username>/<project

       Pagure  natively supports emoji characters. To use emoji, you can use two colons wrapped around the emoji
       keyword (:emoji:). Typing a colon by itself will bring up a list of suggested emoji with a small preview.
       If you see the one you are looking for, you can click it to automatically complete the emoji.

       I reviewed the PR and it looks good to me. :+1: Good to merge! :clapper:

       I reviewed the PR and it looks good to me. 👍 Good to merge! 🎬

   Improve this documentation!
       Notice  anything  that can be improved in this documentation? Find a mistake?  You can improve this page!
       Find it in the official Pagure repository.

   Project settings
       Each project have a number of options that can be tweaked in the settings page of the  project  which  is
       accessible to the person having full commits to the project.

       This page presents the different settings and there effect.

   Always merge
       This Boolean enables or disables always making a merge commit when merging a pull-request.

       When merging a pull-request in pagure there are three states:

       • fast-forward:  when  the  commits  in the pull-request can be fast-forwarded pagure signals it and just
         fast-forward the commit, keeping the history linear.

       • merge: when the commits in the pull-request cannot be merged without a merge commit, pagure signals  it
         and performs this merge commit.

       • conflicts:  when  the  commits  in the pull-request cannot be merged at all automatically due to one or
         more conflicts. Then pagure signals it and prevent merging.

       If the Always merge option is on, then the fast-forward option above is disabled in favor  of  the  merge

   Comment editing
       This Boolean enables or disables editing comments.

       After  commenting  on a ticket or a pull-request, the admins of the project and the author of the comment
       may be allowed to edit the comment.  This allows them to adjust the wording or the style as they wish.

          notification about a comment is only sent once with the original text, changes  performed  later  will
          not trigger a new notification.

       Some  project  may  not  want  to  allow  editing comments after they were posted and this setting allows
       turning it on or off.

   Enforce signed-off commits in pull-request
       This Boolean enables or disables checking for a 'Signed-off-by' line (case  insensitive)  in  the  commit
       messages of the pull-requests.

       If  this  line is missing, pagure will display a message near the Merge button, allowing project admin to
       request the PR to be updated.

          This setting does not prevent commits without this 'signed-off-by' line to be pushed directly, it only
          work at the pull-request level.

   Issue tracker
       This  Boolean  simply enables or disables the issue tracker for the project.  So if you are tracking your
       ticket on a different system, you can simply disable  reporting  issue  on  pagure  by  un-checking  this

   Minimum score to merge pull-request
       This  option  can  be  used  for project wishing to enforce having a minimum number of people reviewing a
       pull-request before it can be merged.

       If this option is enabled, anyone can vote in favor or against a pull-request and the sum of the votes in
       favor  minus  the  sum of the votes against give the pull-request a score that should be equal or greater
       than the value entered in this option for the pull-request to be allowed to be merged.

          Only the main comments (i.e.: not in-line) are taken into  account  to  calculate  the  score  of  the

       To vote in favor of a pull-request, use either: * +1 * :thumbsup:

       To vote against a pull-request, use either: * -1 * :thumbsdown:

          Pull-Request not reaching the minimum score are not automatically merged

          Anyone can vote on the pull-request, not only the contributors.

          Only one vote per person is taken into account to compute the final score.

   Only assignee can merge pull-request
       This  option can be used for project wishing to institute a strong review workflow where pull-request are
       first assigned then merged.

       If this option is enabled, only the person assigned to the pull-request can merge it.

   Project documentation
       Pagure offers the option to have a git repository specific for the documentation of the project.

       This repository is then accessible under the Docs tab in the menu of the project.

       If you prefer to store your documentation elsewhere or maybe even within the sources of the project,  you
       can disable the Docs tab by un-checking this option.

   Pull requests
       Pagure  offers the option to fork a project, make changes to it and then ask the developer to merge these
       changes into the project. This is similar to the pull-request mechanism on GitHub or GitLab.

       However, some projects may prefer receiving patches by  email  on  their  list  or  via  another  hosting
       platform  or  simply  do  not wish to use the pull-request mechanism at all. Un-checking this option will
       therefore prevent anyone from opening a pull-request against this project.

          disabling pull-requests does not disable forking the projects.

       Pagure  offers  the  option  of  sending  notification  about  event   happening   on   a   project   via
       [web-hooks|]. This option is off by default and can be turned on for
       a pagure instance in its configuration file.

       The URL of the web-hooks can be entered in this field.

          See the notifications documentation to learn more about web-hooks in pagure and how to use them.

       Pagure allows you to define "tags" that can be added to Issues.  Tags are unique  to  each  project,  and
       they  can  only be defined in the project settings page.  The Tag color can also be customized for a more
       robust visual representation of the tag.

   Deploy keys
       Deploy keys are SSH keys that have access to pull/push only to a single project.  Upon  creation,  admins
       can determine whether this particular key has read/write access or read-only.

   Project Level Access Control
       Till  release  2.12,  pagure  had  a  very  simple user model. If we added a new user or a new group to a
       project, the user/group would be an admin of the project.   The  user/group   could  do  everything  from
       changing  the status of an issue to adding or removing any user on the project. With project ACL feature,
       we allow a more fine grained control over what a new user/group has access to, what things it can add  or
       what actions it can take.

       With Project ACL feature, We can now have three levels of access:

       • Ticket:  A  user or a group with this level of access can only edit metadata of an issue. This includes
         changing the status of an issue, adding/removing tags from them, adding/removing  assignees  and  every
         other  option  which  can  be accessed when you click "Edit Metadata" button in an issue page. However,
         this user can not "create" a new tag or "delete" an existing tag because, that would involve access  to
         settings  page  of  the project which this user won't have. It also won't be able to "delete" the issue
         because, it falls outside of "Edit Metadata".

       • Commit: A user or a group with this level of access can do everything what  a  user/group  with  ticket
         access  can  do + it can do everything on the project which doesn't include access to settings page. It
         can "Edit Metadata" of an issue just like a user with ticket access would do, can merge a pull request,
         can push to the main repository directly, delete an issue, cancel a pull request etc.

       • Admin: The user/group with this access has access to everything on the project.  All the "users" of the
         project that have been added till now are having this access.  They can  change  the  settings  of  the
         project, add/remove users/groups on the project.

   Add/Update Access
       • Every  time you add a new user or a new group to the project, you will be asked to provide the level of
         access you want to give to that user or group. It's a required field in the form.

       • To add a user or a group to a project, go to settings page of the project. There are buttons with text:
         Add  User and Add Group. It will take you to a different page where you will have to select the user or
         group (depending on whether you clicked Add User or Add Group) and the access you want  the  user/group
         to have.

       • If  you  want  to  update  a  user or a group's access, go to settings page of the project.  There is a
         section which lists users associated with the project with the buttons  to  edit  their  access  and  a
         different  button to remove them from the project. If you click the edit button, you will be taken to a
         different page where you can change the access and then click on Update button.

   Points to be noted
       • The creator of a project in pagure holds a more unique position than a normal user with  admin  access.
         The creator can not be removed by an admin. His access level can not be changed. But, an admin's access
         can be updated by a fellow admin or the creator himself.

       • All the members of a group will have same access over the project except for the case mentioned in  the
         next point.

       • In  cases  when,  a user is added to a project with an access level of "A" and a group is also added to
         the same project with access level "B" and that user is also present in the group then, the  user  will
         enjoy  the  access  of higher of "A" and "B". Meaning, if the user earlier had access of ticket and the
         group had access of commit, the user will enjoy the access of a committer. And, if the user earlier had
         access of commit and the group had access of ticket, the user will still be a committer.

   Using the roadmap feature
       Pagure allows building the roadmap of the project using the tickets and their milestones.

       The principal is as follow:

       • For  each  milestones  defined  in the settings of the project, the roadmap will group tickets with the
         corresponding milestone.

       • If your project has an unplanned milestone, this milestone will be shown at the bottom of  the  roadmap
         page. This allowing you to put something on the roadmap without assigning a real milestone to it.

       For a project named test on

       • First,  go  to  the settings page of the project, create the milestones you like, for example: v1.0 and

       • For the tickets you want to be on these milestones, go through each of them and set their milestone  to
         either v1.0 or v2.0, or none of them if the ticket is not on the roadmap.  You can set the milestone on
         the metadata panel on the right side of the issue page.

       • And this is how it will look like
       .SS Flags

       Pagure offers the possibility to flag pull-requests and commits. A flag is a way for a  third-party  tool
       to provide feedback on a pull-request or a commit.

       This  feedback  can be as simple as the outcome of running the tests, or some lint tool, or test coverage

   Add a flag
       Flags can be set via the API, see the /api/ URL in your pagure instance or at and look for
       the endpoints with the titles: Flag a commit or Flag a pull-request.

       • uid: the API endpoints to add flag have an optional UID argument. It is a unique identifier (of maximum
         32 characters) that is unique the commit or pull-request that is being/has been flagged.  If it is  not
         specified by the user/tool adding the flag, it will be automatically generated and in either case, will
         be returned in the JSON data returned by the API endpoints. Note that this is the only time  you  would
         be able to retrieve this identifier if you do not specify it yourself.

       • status:  this  field  indicates  the  status  of the task in the system running it. Pagure supports the
         following statuses:

         • success: the task ended successfully.

         • canceled: the task was canceled.

         • failure: the task ended but failed.

         • error: the task did not end at all.

         • pending: the results of this task are pending.  (for failure vs error think of the  test  system  ran
           the tests but they failed vs the test system did not get to run the tests)

       • percent:  this is an optional field which can be used to provide some more details about the outcome of
         the task. For example this could be used for test coverage, or the number of test that failed/passed.

       • username: the name of the system running the tests. While not being restricted  in  length,  a  shorter
         name will render better in the interface.

       • comment: a free text form not restricted in length (however, here as well if the comment is too long it
         may render off in the interface).

       • url: the URL the flag is linked to and where the user should be able to retrieve more information about
         the task and its outcome.

   Example of two flags on a commit:
       .SS Example of two flags on a pull-request: .SS Magic Words

       Magic  words are words and constructs you can use in your commit message to make pagure act on tickets or

   Enabling magic words
       These magic words are enabled if the pagure git hook is enable. To do so, go to your  project's  settings
       page, open the Hooks tab and activate there the Pagure hook.

   Using magic words
       To  reference an issue/PR you need to use one of recognized keywords followed by a reference to the issue
       or PR, separated by whitespace and and optional colon.  Such references can be either:

       • The issue/PR number preceded by the # symbol

       • The full URL of the issue or PR

       If using the full URL, it is possible to reference issues in other projects.

       The recognized keywords are:

       • fix/fixed/fixes

       • relate/related/relates

       • merge/merges/merged

       • close/closes/closed

       • resolve/resolves/resolved


       • Fixes #21

       • related:

       • this commit merges #74

       • Merged:

       Capitalization does not matter; neither does the colon (:) between keyword and number.

   Using the doc repository of your project
       In this section of the documentation, we are interested in the doc repository.

       The doc repository is a simple Git repo. It can be displayed  as  a  subfolder  of  a  project  or  as  a
       dedicated Git repo.  Either way its content can be displayed in 2 ways:

       • inline under the Docs tab in Pagure:

         •<project>/ or


       • standalone:

         •<project>/ or


       By  default the Docs tab in the project's menu is disabled, you will have to visit the project's settings
       page and turn it on in the Project options section.

       The URL to clone the doc repo is:


       To view the doc source files in the browser:

       • if the doc repo is kept in the project's sources, use the project's website

       • if the doc repo is a dedicated repo, use<namespace>/<name>

       Different file types can be used for your documentation in this repo:

       • simple text files

         Pagure will display them as plain text. If one of these is named index it  will  be  presented  as  the
         front page.

       • RST or markdown files

         Pagure will convert them to HTML on the fly and display them as such.  The RST files must end with .rst
         and the markdown ones must end with .mk, .md or simply .markdown.

       • HTML files

         Pagure will simply show them as such.

       Updating documentation hosted in a dedicated repo is like using other repos.

       Pagure's documentation is kept in pagure's sources, in  the  doc  folder  there.   You  can  see  it  at:  This  doc  can  be  built  with  Sphinx  to make it HTML and

       The built documentation is available at:

       This is how it is built/updated:

       • Clone pagure's sources:

            git clone

       • Move into its doc folder:

            cd pagure/doc

       • Build the doc:

            make html

       • Clone pagure's doc repository:

            git clone ssh://

       • Copy the result of sphinx's build to the doc repo:

            cp -r _build/html/* pagure/

       • Go into the doc repo and update it:

            cd pagure
            git add .
            git commit -am "Update documentation"
            git push

       • Clean the sources:

            cd ..
            rm -rf pagure  # remove the doc repo
            rm -rf _build  # remove the output from the sphinx's build

       To make things simpler, the following script (name can be used:


          make html

          git clone "ssh://$1.git"
          cp -r _build/html/* $1/
              cd $1
              git add .
              git commit -av
              git push

          rm -rfI _build
          rm -rfI $1

       It can be used by running <project> from within the folder containing the doc.

       So for pagure it would be something like:

          cd pagure/doc

   Using web-hooks
       Web-hooks are a notification system that could be compared to a callback.  Basically, pagure will make  a
       HTTP  POST  request  to one or more third party server/application with information about what is or just

   Activating web-hooks notifications
       To set-up a web-hook, simply go to  the  settings  page  of  your  project  and  enter  the  URL  to  the
       server/endpoint  that  will receive the notifications.  If you wish to enter multiple URLs, enter one per
       line.  To stop all notifications, clear out that field.

       Pagure will send a notification to this/these URL(s) for every action made on this  project:  new  issue,
       new pull-request, new comments, new commits...

          The  notifications  sent  via  web-hooks  have  the same payload as the notifications sent via fedmsg.
          Therefore, the list of pagure topics  as  well  as  example  messages  can  be  found  in  the  fedmsg
          documentation about pagure

   Authenticating the notifications
       There  is,  in  the  settings  page, a web-hook key which is used by the server (here pagure) to sign the
       message sent and which you can use to ensure the notifications received are coming from the right source.

       Each POST request made contains some specific headers:


       X-Pagure contains URL of the pagure instance sending this notification.

       X-Pagure-Project contains the name of the project on that pagure instance.

       X-Pagure-Signature contains the signature of the message allowing to check that the  message  comes  from

       X-Pagure-Signature-256  contains  the SHA-256 signature of the message allowing to check that the message
       comes from pagure.

          These headers are present to allow you to verify that the webhook was actually  sent  by  the  correct
          Pagure instance. These are not included in the signed data.

       X-Pagure-Topic  is a global header giving a clue about the type of action that just occurred. For example

          The headers X-Pagure, X-Pagure-Project and X-Pagure-Topic are present for convenience only,  they  are
          not  signed  and  therefore should not be trusted. Rely on the payload after checking the signature to
          make any decision.

       Pagure relies on hmac to sign the content of its messages. If  you  want  to  validate  the  message,  in
       python, you can do something like the following:

          import hmac
          import hashlib

          payload =  # content you received in the POST request
          headers =  # headers of the POST request
          project_web_hook_key =  # private web-hook key of the project

          hashhex =
              str(project_web_hook_key), payload, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()

          if hashhex != headers.get('X-Pagure-Signature'):
              raise Exception('Message received with an invalid signature')

   Templates for ticket input
       Pagure  offers  the  possibility  to  add  templates  for  ticket's input. These templates do not enforce
       anything, users will have the possibility to simply ignore it, or even to not  follow  it,  but  it  also
       helps  structuring  the  ticket  opened against a project and highlighting the information that are often

       The templates are provided in the git repository containing the meta-data for the tickets.  They must  be
       placed under a templates folder in this git repository, end with .md and as the extension suggests can be
       formatted as markdown.

       If you create a template templates/, it will be shown by default when someone ask to  create  a
       new ticket.

       For a project named test on

       • First, clone the ticket git repo [1] and move into it

          git clone ssh://
          cd test

       • Create the templates folder

          mkdir templates

       • Create a default template

          vim templates/

       And place in this file the following content:

          ##### Issue

          ##### Steps to reproduce

          ##### Actual results

          ##### Expected results

       • Commit and push the changes to the git repo

          git add templates
          git commit -m "Add a default template for tickets"
          git push

       • And this is how it will look like

       [1]  The  URLs  to  the  different  git repositories can be found on the main page of the project, on the
            right-side menu, under the section Source GIT URLs. Click on more to see them if you are  logged  in
            and  have  access to the repository (the ticket and request git repositories require a commit access
            or higher).

   Customize the PR page
       Pagure offers the possibility to customize the page  that  creates  pull-request  to  add  your  specific
       information,  such  as:  please follow the XYZ coding style, run the tests or whatever you wish to inform
       contributors when they open a new pull-request.

       The customization  is  done  via  a  file  in  the  git  repository  containing  the  meta-data  for  the
       pull-requests.  This  file  must  be placed under a templates folder, be named and can be
       formatted as you wish using markdown.

       For a project named test on

       • First, clone the pull-request git repo [1] and move into it

          git clone ssh://
          cd test

       • Create the templates folder

          mkdir templates

       • Create the customized PR info

          vim templates/

       And place in this file the following content:

          Contributing to test

          When creating a pull-request against test, there are couple of items to do
          that will speed up the review process:

          * Ensure the unit-tests are all passing (cf the ```` script at the
            top level of the sources)
          * Check if your changes are [pep8](
            compliant for this you can install ``python-pep8`` and run the ``pep8`` CLI

       • Commit and push the changes to the git repo

          git add templates
          git commit -m "Customize the PR page"
          git push

       • And this is how it will look like

       [1]  All the URLs to the different git repositories can be found on the main page of the project, on  the
            right-side menu, under the section Source GIT URLs, click on more to see them.

   Theming Guide
       Pagure  is  built  on  Flask,  and  uses  Jinja2 for templates. Pagure also includes the ability to apply
       different themes that control the look and feel of your pagure instance, or add or remove  elements  from
       the interface.

   Setting a theme
       The theme is set in the Pagure configuration file. The theme name is defined by the name of the directory
       in the /themes/ folder that contains the theme.  For  example  to  enable  the  theme  that  is  used  on, add the following line to your Pagure configuration:

          THEME = "pagureio"

   Theme contents
       A  theme  requires  two  directories (templates and static) in the directory that contains the theme. The
       only other required file is theme.html which is placed in the templates directory

       The templates directory is where pagure will look for the theme.html template. Additionally, if you  wish
       to  override any template in Pagure, place it in the theme templates/ directory, and pagure will use that
       template rather than the standard one.

          Take care when overriding templates, as any changes to Pagure upstream will need to be  backported  to
          your theme template override.

       The  static  directory  contains  all  the static elements for the theme, including additional a favicon,
       images, Javascript, and CSS files. To reference a file in the theme static directory use the  jinja2  tag
       {{ url_for('theme.static', filename='filename')}}. For example:

          <link href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='theme.css') }}"
                rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

       The  theme.html  file  defines  a  subset of items in the Pagure interface that are commonly changed when
       creating a new theme. Theming is a new feature in Pagure, so this set is currently small, but please file
       issues or PRs against pagure with ideas of new items to include.

       The current items configurable in theme.html are:

   masthead_class variable
       A  string  of  additional  CSS  class(es)  to be added to the navbar element.  This navbar element is the
       topbar in Pagure. For example:

          {% set masthead_class = "navbar-dark bg-dark" %}

   site_title variable
       A string containing the text to append at the end of the html title on every page on the site. Usage:

          {% set site_title = "Pagure" %}

   projectstring(Bool:plural) macro
       A macro that returns a string used to refer to Projects in Pagure The plural  parameter  informs  if  the
       string to be returned is the plural form.  This macro is optional.  Usage:

          {% macro projectstring(plural=False) -%}
              {% if plural %}
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}
          {% endmacro -%}

   projecticon variable
       A  string  containing  the  name  of the fontawesome icon to use for Projects. This variable is optional.

          {% set projecticon = "Package" %}

   head_imports() macro
       A Jinja macro that defines the additional items in the html head to be imported. The  base  templates  do
       not  include  the  bootstrap CSS, so this needs to be included in this macro in your theme. Additionally,
       include your favicon here, and a link to any additional CSS files your theme uses. Example:

          {% macro head_imports() %}
              <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/"
                    href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='favicon.ico')}}"/>
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css')}}" />
              <link href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='theme.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
          {% endmacro %}

   js_imports() macro
       A Jinja macro that defines the additional javascript files to be imported.  The  base  templates  do  not
       include the bootstrap JS, so this needs to be included in this macro in your theme. Example:

          {% macro js_imports() %}
              <script src="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js')}}"></script>
          {% endmacro %}

   browseheader_message(select) macro
       An optional Jinja macro that defines the welcome message that is shown above the tabs on the Browse Pages
       (Projects, Users, and Groups). The select parameter is a string with the name of  the  page  being  shown

          {% macro browseheader_message(select) %}
              {% if select == 'projects' %}
              <div class="row justify-content-around">
              <div class="col-md-8">
                  <div class="jumbotron bg-transparent m-0 py-4 text-center">
                      <h1 class="display-5">Welcome to my Pagure</h1>
                      <p class="lead">Pagure is an Open Source software code hosting system.</p>
              {% endif %}
          {% endmacro %}

   footer() macro
       A Jinja macro that defines the footer of the Pagure site. Example:

          {% macro footer() %}
              <div class="footer py-3 bg-light border-top text-center">
                  <div class="container">
                      <p class="text-muted credit">
                  Powered by
                  <a href="">Pagure</a>
                  {{ g.version }}
                      <p><a href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.ssh_hostkey') }}">SSH Hostkey/Fingerprint</a> | <a href="">Documentation</a></p>
          {% endmacro %}

   about_page() macro
       A  Jinja  macro that defines the content of the About page (available at /about). You may want to replace
       the links to contact links for your own instance. Example:

          {% macro about_page() %}
              <div class="container mt-5">
                  <p>This is an instance of Pagure, a git forge.</p>
                  <p>If you experience a bug or security concern, please <a href="">submit an issue</a>.</p>
                  <p>You may also post questions to the Pagure Development list by emailing: <a href=""></a> or <a href="">subscribe to the list</a>.</p>
                  <p><a href="">Subscribe to announcements</a> about Pagure.</p>
          {% endmacro %}

   Upgrade a database
       For changes to the database schema, we rely on Alembic.  This allows us to do upgrade  and  downgrade  of
       schema migration, kind of like one would do commits in a system like git.

       To upgrade the database to the latest version simply run:

          alembic upgrade head

          if  pagure's configuration file isn't in /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg you will have to specify it to alembic
          using the command:

              PAGURE_CONFIG=/path/to/pagure.cfg alembic upgrade head

          This allow applies for the command specified below.

       This may fail for different reasons:

       • The change was already made in the database

       This can be because the version of the database schema saved is incorrect.  It can be debugged using  the
       following commands:

          • Find the current revision:

                alembic current

          • See the entire history:

                alembic history

       Once  the  revision  at which your database should be is found (in the history) you can declare that your
       database is at this given revision using:

          alembic stamp <revision id>

       Eventually, if you do not know where your database is or should be,  you  can  do  an  iterative  process
       stamping the database for every revision, one by one trying every time to alembic upgrade until it works.

       • The database used does not support some of the changes

       SQLite  is  handy  for  development  but  does  not  support  all the features of a real database server.
       Upgrading a SQLite database might therefore not work, depending on the changes done.

       In some cases, if you are using a SQLite database, you will have to destroy it and create a new one.

   Pagure CI
       Pagure CI is a service integrating the results of Continuous Integration (CI) services, such  as  jenkins
       or travis-ci, into pull-requests opened against your project on pagure.

          By default pagure-ci is off, an admin of your pagure instance will need to configure it to support one
          or more CI services. Check the configuration section on how to do that.


   Jenkins with Pagure-ci
       Jenkins is a Continuous Integration service that can be configured to be integrated with pagure.

       This document describe the steps needed to make it work.

   How does it work?
       The principal is: * pagure will trigger a build on jenkins when a pull-request is created,
          updated or when someone explicitly asks pagure to do so or when a new commit is pushed  (if  pagure-ci
          is configured to trigger on commit).

       • pagure will send a few information to jenkins when triggering a build: REPO, BRANCH, BRANCH_TO, cause.

       • jenkins will do its work and, using webhook, report to pagure that it has finished its task

       • pagure will query jenkins to know the outcome of the task and flag the PR accordingly

       REPO  corresponds to the url of the repository the pull-request originates from (so most often it will be
       a fork of the main repository).

       BRANCH corresponds to the branch the pull-request originates from (the branch of the fork).

       BRANCH_TO corresponds to the targeted branch in the main repository (the branch of the  main  project  in
       which the PR is to be merged).

       cause is the reason the build was triggered (ie: the pull-request id or the commit hash).

   How to enable Pagure CI
       • Visit the settings page of your project

       • Scroll down to the Hooks section and click on Pagure CI

       • Select the type of CI service you want

       • Enter the URL of the CI service. For example

       • Enter the name of the job the CI service will trigger. For example pagure-ci

       • Tick  the  checkbox activating the hook. Either trigger on every commits, trigger only on pull-requests
         or both every commits and pull-requests.

       These steps will activate the hook, after reloading the page or the tab, you will be given access to  two
       important  values:  the  token used to trigger the build on jenkins and the URL used by jenkins to report
       the status of the build.  Keep these two available when configuring jenkins for your project.

   Configure Jenkins
       These steps can only be made by the admins of your jenkins instance, but they only need to be made once.

       • Download the following plugins:

         • Git PluginNotification Plugin

   Configure your project on Jenkins
       • Go to the Configure page of your project

       • Under Job Notification  click Add Endpoint

       • Fields in Endpoint will be :

          FORMAT: JSON
          PROTOCOL: HTTP
          EVENT: All Events
          URL: <The URL provided in the Pagure CI hook on pagure>
          TIMEOUT: 3000
          LOG: 1

       • Tick the checkbox This build is parameterized

       • Add two String Parameters named REPO and BRANCH

       • Source Code Management select Git  and give the URL of the pagure project

       • Under Build Trigger click on Trigger build remotely and specify the token given by pagure.

       • Under Build -> Add build step -> Execute Shell

       • In the box given  enter the shell steps you want for testing your project.

       Example Script

          # Script specific for Pull-Request build
          if [ -n "$REPO" -a -n "$BRANCH" ]; then
          git remote rm proposed || true
          git remote add proposed "$REPO"
          git fetch proposed
          git checkout origin/master
          git config --global ""
          git config --global "Your Name"
          git merge --no-ff "proposed/$BRANCH" -m "Merge PR"

          # Part of the script specific to how you run the tests on your project

   Tips and tricks
       • How to re-trigger a run of pagure-ci on a pull-request?

       To manually trigger a run of pagure-ci on a given pull-request,  simply  add  a  comment  saying:  pretty
       please pagure-ci rebuild.

          To always have this handy, you can save it in the Quick Replies!

          This trigger can also be configured per pagure instance via the configuration file.

   Quick replies
       Quick  replies  are  reusable  pieces  of  text  that  you can use to start a comment on an issue or pull
       request. They are meant to remove the hassle of typing a similar response again and again.

       Examples where this can be handy:

       • asking for a rebase of a pull request

       • asking a person to add a Signed-off-by line to their commit

       All these requests might be accompanied by a description on why it's requested.  With quick  replies  you
       can prepare the descriptions and the just use them with a click of a button.

   Using quick replies
       Any  user that can comment will be able to use the quick reply. They are offered in a drop down menu next
       to the Preview button above comment form.  [image]

       The button is only visible if the project has some quick replies defined.

       Additionally, the button will become insensitive when you type something into the comment box  or  switch
       to  preview. This should avoid writing over your carefully crafted comment by accident. If you remove the
       text from the field, the button will work again.

   Creating and modifying quick replies
       Project admins can create them in the settings section. There are no length limits on the reply, but only
       the  first  50  characters will be displayed in the menu for users to choose from. This limitation should
       encourage you to put the most important message at the beginning.

       The order in which you define the replies will be preserved on the chooser menu. This can be used to  put
       the most frequently used ones on the top of the list.

       This page lists some of the potential issues one may have in pagure as well as their solution(s).


   Inaccessible pull-requests
   The symptoms
       When trying to open a pull-request, if you run into this error:

          The branch into which this pull-request was to be merged: XXX seems to
          no longer be present in this repo

       (Where XXX is a branch name).

       (Here XXX is m2).

       This  means that the pull-request was opened against a branch on your repo and that this branch no longer
       exists.  Pagure is therefore unable to compute the diff  between  the  sources  and  the  target  of  the

       The pull-request is thus inaccessible but remains in the list of open pull-requests.

   The solution
       The easiest solution to solve this problem is to re-create the target branch in your repo.

       This can be done using git simply by doing:

          git checkout -b <branch_name>
          git push origin <branch_name>

       It  will  create  the  branch  named  <branch_name>  in pagure, allowing the diff to be computed for that
       pull-request and thus allowing it to be displayed. It is then up to you to see if  this  pull-request  is
       still relevant and should be merged or closed.

   Tips and tricks
       This  page contains some tips and tricks on how to use pagure. These do not fit in their own page but are
       worth mentioning.

   Place image onto your overview page
       You can only use images that come from the Pagure host itself.

          ![See Copr workflow](/copr/copr/raw/master/f/doc/img/copr-workflow.png)

       Text in the square brackets will be used as an alt description.

   Pre-fill issue using the URL
       When creating issues for a project pagure supports pre-filling the title and description input text using
       URL parameters.

   Example:<Issue>&content=<Issue Content>

       The  above URL will autofill the text boxes for Title and Description field with Title set to <Issue> and
       Description set to <Issue Content>.

   Pre-fill issue template using the URL
       When creating issues for a project pagure supports pre-filling the title and description input text using
       URL parameters.


       The  above  URL will autofill the ticket with the specified template. The TemplateName should be the name
       of the template file on disk (in the templates directory of the ticket git repository).

   Filter for issues not having a certain tag
       Very much in the same way pagure allows you to filter for issues having a certain tag, pagure allows  one
       to filter for issues not having a certain tag.  To do this, simply prepend a ! in front of the tag.


   Local user creation without email verification
       If  you  set  EMAIL_SEND  to  `False` from the configuration file, you will get the emails printed to the
       console instead of being sent. The admin of the instance can then access the URL to manually validate the
       account from there. This is generally used for development where we don't need to send any emails.

   Filter an user's projects by their access
       When watching a user's page, the list of all the project that user is involved in is presented regardless
       of whether the user has ticket, commit, admin access or is the main admin of the project.

       You can specify an acl= argument to the URL to filter the list of projects by access.

          This also works for your home page when you are logged in.

   Examples:           admin  

   Filter issues by (custom) fields
       Via  the  project's  settings  page, admins can set custom keys to be used in issues. You can search them
       using the URL via the arguments ckeys and cvalue or simpler, using the search field at  the  top  of  the
       issue page.

       This  also  works  for the following regular fields: tags, milestones, author, assignee, status, priority
       (but tags and milestones despite their name only support a single value).


   Search the comments of issues
       One  can  search  all  the comments made on an issue tracker using content:<keyword> in the search field.
       This is going to search all the comments (including the descriptions) of all the tickets and thus can  be
       quite slow on large project. This is why this feature isn't being pushed much forward.


   Pagure API
       The  API  documentation  can  be  found  at  or  in /api/0/ of you local pagure


       There are two ways to install pagure:

       • via the RPM package (recommended if you are using a RPM-based GNU/Linux distribution)

       • via the

   Installing pagure via RPM
       Here as well there are two ways of obtaining the RPM:

       • From the main repositories

       Pagure is packaged for Fedora since Fedora 21 and is available for RHEL and its derivative via  the  EPEL
       repository <>.  So installing it is as easy as:

          dnf install pagure pagure-milters pagure-ev pagure-webhook


          yum install pagure pagure-milters pagure-ev pagure-webhook

       The pagure package contains the core of the application and the doc server.  (See the Overview page for a
       global overview of the structure of the project).

       The pagure-milters package contains, as the name says, the milter (a mail filter to hook into a MTA).

       The pagure-ev package contains the eventsource server.

       The pagure-webhook package contains the web-hook server.

          The last three packages are optional, pagure would work fine without them  but  the  live-update,  the
          webhook and the comment by email services will not work.

       • From the sources

       If  you  wish to run a newer version of pagure than what is in the repositories you can easily rebuild it
       as RPM.

       Simply follow these steps: # Clone the sources:

          git clone

       # Go to the folder:

          cd pagure

       # Build a tarball of the latest version of pagure:

          python sdist

       # Build the RPM:

          rpmbuild -ta dist/pagure*.tar.gz

       This will build pagure from the version present in your clone.

       Once, the RPM is installed the services pagure_milter and pagure_ev are ready to be used but the database
       and the web-application parts still need to be configured.

   Installing pagure via
       Pagure  includes  in its sources a automating the installation of the web applications of pagure
       (ie: the core + the doc server).

       To install pagure via this mechanism simply follow these steps: # Clone the sources:

          git clone

       # Go to the folder:

          cd pagure

       # Install the latest version of pagure:

          python build
          sudo python install

          To install the eventsource server or the milter, refer to their respective documentations.

       # Install the additional files as follow:

                    │Source                              | │                                      │
                    │Destination                           │                                      │
                    │files/pagure.cfg.sample             | │                                      │
                    │/etc/pagure/pagure.cfg                │                                      │
                    │files/alembic.ini/etc/pagure/alembic.ini              │
                    │files/pagure.conf/etc/httpd/conf.d/pagure.conf        │
                    │files/pagure.wsgi/usr/share/pagure/pagure.wsgi        │
                    │ │

   Set-up pagure
       Once pagure's files are installed, you still need to set up some things.

       • Create the folder release

       This folder is used by project maintainers to upload the tarball of the releases of their project.

       This folder must be accessible by the user under which the application is running (in our case: git).

          mkdir -p /var/www/releases
          chown git:git /var/www/releases

       • Create the folders where the repos, forks and checkouts will be stored

       Pagure stores the sources of a project in a git repo, offers a place to store the project's documentation
       in  another  repo,  stores  a  JSON dump of all issues and of all pull-requests in another two repos, and
       keeps a local checkout of remote projects when asked to do remote pull-requests.  All these  repositories
       are stored in different folders that must be created manually.

       For  example  you  can place them under /srv/git/repositories/ which would make /srv/git the home of your
       gitolite user.

       You would then create the folders with:

          mkdir /srv/git/repositories/{docs,forks,tickets,requests,remotes}

       • Configure apache

       If   installed   by   RPM,   you   will   find    an    example    apache    configuration    file    at:

       If not installed by RPM, the example file is present in the sources at: files/pagure.conf.

       Adjust it for your needs.

       • Configure the WSGI file

       If  you installed by RPM, you will find example WSGI files at: /usr/share/pagure/pagure.wsgi for the core
       server and /usr/share/pagure/doc_pagure.wsgi for the doc server.

       If you did not install by RPM,  these  files  are  present  in  the  sources  at:  files/pagure.wsgi  and

       Adjust them for your needs

       • Give apache permission to read the repositories owned by the git user.

       For  the sake of this document, we assume that the web application runs under the git user, the same user
       as your gitolite user, but apache itself runs under the httpd (or apache2) user. So  by  default,  apache
       will not be allowed to read git repositories created and managed by gitolite.

       To  give  apache  this  permission (required to make git clone via http work), we use file access control
       lists (aka FACL):

          setfacl -m user:apache:rx --default
          setfacl -Rdm user:apache:rx /srv/git
          setfacl -Rm user:apache:rx /srv/git

       Where /srv/git is the home of your  gitolite  user  (which  will  thus  need  to  be  adjusted  for  your

       • Set up the configuration file of pagure

       This  is  an important step which concerns the file /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg.  If you have installed pagure
       by RPM, this file is  already  there,  otherwise  you  can  find  an  example  one  in  the  sources  at:
       files/pagure.cfg.sample that you will have to copy to the right location.

       Confer  the  Configuration  section  of  this  documentation for a full explanation of all the options of

       • Create the database

       You first need to create the database itself. For this, since pagure can work with: PostgreSQL, MySQL  or
       MariaDB,  we  would  like  to  invite  you  to consult the documentation of your database system for this

       Once you have specified in the configuration file the to url used to connect to the database, and  create
       the database itself, you can now create the tables, the database scheme.

       For  changes  to  existing tables, we rely on Alembic.  It uses revisions to perform the upgrades, but to
       know which upgrades are needed and which are already done, the current revision needs to be saved in  the
       database. This will allow alembic to know and apply the new revision when running it.

       In  the  alembic.ini  file,  one of the configuration key is most important: script_location which is the
       path to the versions folder containing all the alembic migration files. The sqlalchemy.url  configuration
       key if missing will be replaced by the url filled in the configuration file of pagure.

       To  create  the  database  tables,  you  need  to run the script /usr/share/pagure/ and
       specify the configuration to use for pagure and for alembic.

       For example:

          python /usr/share/pagure/ -c /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg -i /etc/pagure/alembic.ini

       This will tell /usr/share/pagure/ to use the database information specified in the file
       /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg and to stamp the database at the last alembic revision.

          Pagure's  default  configuration  is  using  sqlite.  This is fine for development purpose but not for
          production use as sqlite does not support all the operations needed when updating the database schema.
          Do use PostgreSQL, MySQL or MariaDB in production.

       For  changes  to  existing tables, we rely on Alembic.  It uses revisions to perform the upgrades, but to
       know which upgrades are needed and which are already done, the current revision needs to be saved in  the
       database. This will allow alembic to know apply the new revision when running it.

       In  the  alembic.ini  file,  one of the configuration key is most important: script_location which is the
       path to the versions folder containing all the alembic migration files. The sqlalchemy.url  configuration
       key if missing will be replaced by the url filled in the configuration file of pagure.

          Calling is asked regularly in the UPGRADING.rst documentation, especially to handle
          database schema changes upon upgrades, but the --initial argument should only be used the  first  time
          as it will otherwise break upgrading the database schema via alembic.

          When install from source the script is called and not

       If you installed by RPM, then enable and start the worker services

          systemctl enable --now pagure_worker.service pagure_gitolite_worker.service

   Set up virus scanning
       Pagure can automatically scan uploaded attachments for viruses using Clam.  To set this up, first install
       clamav-data-empty, clamav-server, clamav-server-systemd and clamav-update.

       Then edit /etc/freshclam.conf, removing the Example line and run freshclam once to  get  an  up  to  date

       Copy  /usr/share/doc/clamav-server/clamd.conf  to /etc/clamd.conf and edit that too, again making sure to
       remove the Example line. Make sure to set LocalSocket to a file in a directory that exists, and set  User
       to an existing system user.

       Then start the clamd service and set VIRUS_SCAN_ATTACHMENTS = True in the Pagure configuration.


       A  milter  is  a  script  that is ran by a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) upon receiving an email via either a
       network or an unix socket.

       If  you  want  more  information  feel  free  to  check  out  the  corresponding   page   on   wikipedia:

   Configure your system
       • Install the required dependencies


          We  ship  a  systemd  unit  file  for  pagure_milter but we welcome patches for scripts for other init

          It also requires a MTA, we used postfix.

       • Create an alias reply

       This can be done in /etc/aliases, for example:

          reply:      /dev/null

       • Activate the ability of your MTA, to split users based on the character +.  This  way  all  the  emails
         sent to will be forwarded to your alias for reply.

       In postfix this is done via:

          recipient_delimiter = +

       • Hook the milter in the MTA

       In postfix this is done via:

          non_smtpd_milters = unix:/var/run/pagure/paguresock
          smtpd_milters = unix:/var/run/pagure/paguresock

       • Install the files of the milter as follow:

                 │Source                                 │ Destination                               │
                 │pagure-milters/ │
                 │pagure-milters/milter_tempfile.conf/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/pagure-milter.conf    │

                 │pagure-milters/pagure_milter.service/etc/systemd/system/pagure_milter.service │

       The first file is the script of the milter itself.

       The  second  file  is a file specific for systemd and ensuring the temporary folders needed by the milter
       are re-created if needed at each boot.

       The third file is the systemd service file.

       • Activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:

          systemctl enable pagure_milter
          systemctl start pagure_milter


       Eventsource or Server Sent Events are messages sent from a server to a web  browser.  It  allows  one  to
       refresh a page "live", ie, without the need to reload it entirely.

   Configure your system
       The eventsource server is easy to set-up.

       • Install the required dependencies


          We  ship  a  systemd  unit  file  for  pagure_milter but we welcome patches for scripts for other init

       • Install the files of the SSE server as follow:

                 │Source                            │ Destination                                    │
                 │pagure-ev/ │
                 │pagure-ev/pagure_ev.service/etc/systemd/system/pagure_ev.service          │

       The first file is the script of the SSE server itself.

       The second file is the systemd service file.

       • Finally, activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:

          systemctl enable redis
          systemctl start redis
          systemctl enable pagure_ev
          systemctl start pagure_ev


       Web-hooks  are  a  notification  system upon which a system makes a http POST request with some data upon
       doing an action. This allows notifying a system that an action has occurred.

       If  you  want  more  information  feel  free  to  check  out  the  corresponding   page   on   wikipedia:

   Configure your system
       • Install the required dependencies


          We  ship  a  systemd  unit  file  for pagure_webhook but we welcome patches for scripts for other init

       • Install the files of the web-hook server as follow:

           │Source                                  │ Destination                                          │
           │pagure-webhook/ │

           │pagure-webhook/pagure_webhook.service/etc/systemd/system/pagure_webhook.service           │

       The first file is the script of the web-hook server itself.

       The second file is the systemd service file.

       • Activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:

          systemctl enable redis
          systemctl start redis
          systemctl enable pagure_webhook
          systemctl start pagure_webhook


       A CI stands for Continuous Integration. Pagure can be configured to  integrate  results  coming  from  CI
       services, such as Jenkins on pull-request opened against the project.

   Configure your system
       • Install the required dependencies


          We ship a systemd unit file for pagure_ci but we welcome patches for scripts for other init systems.

       • Install the files of pagure-ci as follow:

                     │Source                        │ Destination                                │
                     │pagure-ci/ │
                     │pagure-ci/pagure_ci.service/etc/systemd/system/pagure_ci.service      │

       The first file is the pagure-ci service itself, triggering the build on the CI service when  there  is  a
       new pull-request or a change to an existing one.

       The second file is the systemd service file.

       • Configure your pagure instance to support CI, add the following to your configuration file

          PAGURE_CI_SERVICES = ['jenkins']

       • Activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:

          systemctl enable redis
          systemctl start redis
          systemctl enable pagure_ci
          systemctl start pagure_ci


       pagure-loadjson  is  the  service  that updates the database based on the content of the JSON blob pushed
       into the ticket git repository (and in the future for pull-requests as well).

   Configure your system
       • Install the required dependencies


          We ship a systemd unit file for pagure_loadjson but we welcome patches  for  scripts  for  other  init

       • Install the files of pagure-loadjon as follow:

             │Source                                    │ Destination                                     │
             │pagure-loadjson/ │
             │pagure-loadjson/pagure_loadjson.service/etc/systemd/system/pagure_loadjson.service     │

       The  first  file  is  the  pagure-loadjson service itself, triggered by the git hook (shipped with pagure
       itself) and loading the JSON files into the database.

       The second file is the systemd service file.

       • Activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:

          systemctl enable redis
          systemctl start redis
          systemctl enable pagure_loadjson
          systemctl start pagure_loadjson


       pagure-logcom is the service that updates the log table in the database for every commit made to the main
       branch of a repository allowing to build the calendar heatmap presented on every user's page.

   Configure your system
       • Install the required dependencies


          We  ship  a  systemd  unit  file  for  pagure_logcom but we welcome patches for scripts for other init

       • Install the files of pagure-loadjon as follow:

                          │Source                                             │ Destination │
                          │pagure-logcom/              │             │
                          │|                                                  │             │
                          │/usr/libexec/pagure-logcom/ │             │
                          │pagure-logcom/pagure_logcom.service              | │             │
                          │/etc/systemd/system/pagure_logcom.service          │             │

       The first file is the pagure-logcom service itself, triggered  by  the  git  hook  (shipped  with  pagure
       itself) and logging the commits into the database.

       The second file is the systemd service file.

       • Activate the service and ensure it's started upon boot:

          systemctl enable redis
          systemctl start redis
          systemctl enable pagure_logcom
          systemctl start pagure_logcom


       Some actions in pagure are meant to the run via a cron job.

   API key expiration reminder
       One  of  the cron job sending reminder about API keys that are about to expire.  It will send an email 10
       days, then 5 days and finally the day before the key expires to the person who has created.

       The cron job can be found in the sources in:


       In the RPM it is installed in:


       This cron job is meant to be run daily using a syntax similar to:

          10 0 * * * root python /usr/share/pagure/

       which will make the script run at 00:10 every day.


       Pagure offers a wide varieties of options that must or can be used to adjust its behavior.

       All of these options can be edited or added to your configuration file.  If you  have  installed  pagure,
       this  configuration  file  is likely located in /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg. Otherwise, it will depend on your

   Must options
       Here are the options you must set up in order to get pagure running.

       This configuration key is used by flask to create the session. It should be kept secret and set as a long
       and random string.

       This  configuration key is used to ensure that when sending notifications to different users, each one of
       them has a different, unique and unfakeable Reply-To header. This header is then used by  the  milter  to
       find out if the response received is a real one or a fake/invalid one.

       This configuration key indicates to the framework how and where to connect to the database server. Pagure
       uses SQLAchemy to connect to a wide range of database server including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

       Examples values:

          DB_URL = 'mysql://user:pass@host/db_name'
          DB_URL = 'postgres://user:pass@host/db_name'
          DB_URL = 'sqlite:////var/tmp/pagure_dev.sqlite'

       Defaults to sqlite:////var/tmp/pagure_dev.sqlite

       This configuration key indicates the URL at which this pagure instance will be made available.

       Defaults to: http://localhost.localdomain/

       Pagure sends email when it catches an unexpected error (which saves you from having to monitor  the  logs
       regularly;  but  if you like, the error is still present in the logs).  This configuration key allows you
       to specify to which email address to send these error reports.

       This configuration key provides the information to the user on how to  clone  the  git  repos  hosted  on
       pagure via SSH.

       The URL should end with a slash /.

       Defaults to: 'ssh://git@llocalhost.localdomain/'

          If you are using a custom setup for your deployment where every user has an account on the machine you
          may want to tweak this URL to include the username. If that is the case, you can use {username} in the
          URL  and it will be expanded to the username of the user viewing the page when rendered.  For example:

       This configuration key provides the information to the user on how to  clone  the  git  repos  hosted  on
       pagure anonymously. This access can be granted via the git:// or http(s):// protocols.

       The URL should end with a slash /.

       Defaults to: 'git://localhost.localdomain/'

       This  configuration  key is used to point celery to the broker to use. This is the broker that is used to
       communicate between the web application and its workers.

       Defaults to: 'redis://%s' % APP.config['REDIS_HOST']

          See the Redis options for the REDIS_HOST configuration key

   Repo Directories
       Each project in pagure has 2 to 4 git repositories, depending on configuration  of  the  Pagure  instance
       (see below):

       • the main repo for the code

       • the doc repo showed in the doc server (optional)

       • the ticket repo storing the metadata of the tickets (optional)

       • the request repo storing the metadata of the pull-requests

       There  are  then another 3 folders: one for specifying the locations of the forks, one for the remote git
       repo used for the remotes pull-requests (ie: those coming from a project not hosted on this  instance  of
       pagure), and one for user-uploaded tarballs.

       This  configuration  key  points to the folder where the git repos are stored.  For every project, two to
       four repos are created:

       • a repo with source code of the project

       • a repo with documentation of the project (if ENABLE_DOCS is True)

       • a repo with metadata of tickets opened against the project (if ENABLE_TICKETS is True)

       • a repo with metadata of pull requests opened against the project

       Note that gitolite config value GL_REPO_BASE (if using gitolite 3) or $REPO_BASE (if  using  gitolite  2)
       must have exactly the same value as GIT_FOLDER.

       This  configuration  key  points to the folder where the remote git repos (ie: not hosted on pagure) that
       someone used to open a pull-request against a project hosted on pagure are stored.

       This configuration key points to the folder where user-uploaded tarballs are stored and served from.

       This configuration key points to the folder where attachments can be cached  for  easier  access  by  the
       web-server (allowing to not interact with the git repo having it to serve it).

       Full  URL to where the uploads are available. It is highly recommended for security reasons that this URL
       lives on a different domain than  the  main  application  (an  entirely  different  domain,  not  just  a

       Defaults to: /releases/, unsafe for production!

          both UPLOAD_FOLDER_PATH and UPLOAD_FOLDER_URL must be specified for the upload release feature to work

       When  this is set to True, the session cookie will only be returned to the server via ssl (https). If you
       connect to the server via plain http, the cookie will not be sent. This prevents sniffing of  the  cookie
       contents.   This  may  be  set to False when testing your application but should always be set to True in

       Defaults to: False for development, must be True in production with https.

       Enables the flask-session extension if set to a value other than None. The flask-session package needs to
       be installed and proper configuration needs to be included in the Pagure config file.

       This  is  useful  when  the Pagure server needs to be scaled up to multiple instances, which requires the
       flask session keys to be shared between  those.   Flask-session  allows  you  to  use  Redis,  Memcached,
       relational database or MongoDB for storing shared session keys.

       This  configuration  key  specifies  the  email  address used by this pagure instance when sending emails

       Defaults to: pagure@localhost.localdomain

       This  configuration  key  specifies  the  domain  used  by  this  pagure  instance  when  sending  emails
       (notifications). More precisely, it is used when building the msg-id header of the emails sent.

       Defaults to: localhost.localdomain

       This  configuration  key  configures  whether  attachments  are  scanned  for viruses on upload. For more
       information, see the install.rst guide.

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key allows specifying which git auth backend to use.

       Git auth backends can either be static (like gitolite), where a file is generated when something  changed
       and then used on login, or dynamic, where the actual ACLs are checked in a git hook before being applied.

       By default pagure provides the following backends:

       • test_auth:    simple    debugging    backend    printing    and    returning    the    string    Called
         GitAuthTestHelper.generate_acls()gitolite2: allows deploying pagure on the top of gitolite 2

       • gitolite3: allows deploying pagure on the top of gitolite 3

       • pagure: Pagure git auth implementation (using and

       Defaults to: gitolite3

          The option GITOLITE_BACKEND is the legacy name, and for backwards compatibility reasons will  override
          this setting

          These options can be expended, cf custom-gitolite.

   Configure Gitolite
       Pagure  can  use  gitolite  as an authorization layer.  Gitolite relies on SSH for the authentication. In
       other words, SSH lets you in and gitolite checks if you are allowed to do what you are trying to do  once
       you are inside.

       Pagure  supports both gitolite 2 and gitolite 3 and the code generating the gitolite configuration can be
       customized for easier integration with other systems (cf custom-gitolite).

   gitolite 2 and 3
       This configuration key points to the home directory of the user under which gitolite is ran.

       This configuration key points to the folder where gitolite stores and accesses the public SSH keys of all
       the user have access to the server.

       Since  pagure  is  the  user  interface,  it  is  pagure  that  writes  down the files in this directory,
       effectively setting up the users to be able to use gitolite.

       This configuration key points to the gitolite.conf file  where  pagure  writes  the  gitolite  repository
       access configuration.

       This  configuration  is useful for large pagure deployment where recompiling the gitolite config file can
       take a long  time.  By  default  the  compilation  of  gitolite's  configuration  file  is  done  by  the
       pagure_worker,  which  spawns  by  default  4  concurrent  workers.  If it takes a while to recompile the
       gitolite configuration file, these workers may be stepping on each others' toes.  In this situation, this
       configuration  key  allows  you  to  direct the messages asking for the gitolite configuration file to be
       compiled to a different queue which can then be handled by a different service/worker.

       Pagure provides a pagure_gitolite_worker.service systemd service file  pre-configured  to  handles  these
       messages if this configuration key is set to gitolite_queue.

   gitolite 2 only
       This  configuration  key points to the file gitolite.rc used by gitolite to record who has access to what
       (ie: who has access to which repo/branch).

       This configuration key indicates the folder in which the gitolite tools can be found. It can be as simple
       as  /usr/bin/  if the tools have been installed using a package manager or something like /opt/bin/ for a
       more custom install.

   gitolite 3 only
       By setting this configuration key to True, you can turn on using  the  gitolite  compile-1  binary.  This
       speeds  up  gitolite  task when it recompiles configuration after new project is created. In order to use
       this, you need to have the compile-1 gitolite command.

       There are two ways to have it,

       1. You distribution already has the file installed for you and you can then just use it.

       2. You need to download and install it yourself. We are describing what needs to be done  for  this  here

       Installing the compile-1 command:

       • You  also  have  to  make  sure  that your distribution of gitolite contains patch which makes gitolite
         respect ALLOW_ORPHAN_GL_CONF configuration variable, if this patch isn't already present, you will have
         to make the change yourself.

       • In your gitolite.rc set ALLOW_ORPHAN_GL_CONF to 1 (you may have to add it yourself).

       • Still in your gitolite.rc file, uncomment LOCAL_CODE file and set it to a full path of a directory that
         you choose (for example /usr/local/share/gitolite3).

       • Create a subdirectory commands under the path you picked for LOCAL_CODE (in our example, you will  need
         to do: mkdir -p /usr/local/share/gitolite3/commands)

       • Finally,  install the compile-1 command in this commands subdirectory If your installation doesn't ship
         this file, you can download it.  (Ensure the file is executable, otherwise gitolite will not find it)

       Defaults to: False

   EventSource options
       This configuration key indicates the URL at which the EventSource server is available.  If  not  defined,
       pagure will behave as if there are no EventSource server running.

       This configuration key indicates the port at which the EventSource server is running.

          The EventSource server requires a redis server (see Redis options below)

   Web-hooks notifications
       This configuration key allows turning on or off web-hooks notifications for this pagure instance.

       Defaults to: False.

          The Web-hooks server requires a redis server (see Redis options below)

   Redis options
       This configuration key indicates the host at which the redis server is running.

       Defaults to:

       This configuration key indicates the port at which the redis server can be contacted.

       Defaults to: 6379.

       This  configuration  key  indicates  the  name  of  the  redis database to use for communicating with the
       EventSource server.

       Defaults to: 0.

   Authentication options
       List of groups, either local or remote (if the openid server used supports the group extension), that are
       the  site  admins.  These  admins  can  regenerate the gitolite configuration, the ssh key files, and the
       hook-token for every project as well as manage users and groups.

       List of local users that are the site admins. These admins have the same rights as the users in the admin
       groups listed above as well as admin rights to all projects hosted on this pagure instance.

   Celery Queue options
       In  order to help prioritize between tasks having a direct impact on the user experience and tasks needed
       to be run on the background but not directly impacting  the  users,  we  have  split  the  generic  tasks
       triggered  by  the  web  application  into  three  possible queues: Fast, Medium, Slow.  If none of these
       options are set, a single queue will be used for all tasks.

       This configuration key can be used to specify a dedicated queue for tasks that are triggered by  the  web
       frontend and need to be processed quickly for the best user experience.

       This will be used for tasks such as creating a new project, forking or merging a pull-request.

       Defaults to: None.

       This  configuration  key can be used to specify a dedicated queue for tasks that are triggered by the web
       frontend and need to be processed but aren't critical for the best user experience.

       This will be used for tasks such as updating a file in a git repository.

       Defaults to: None.

       This configuration key can be used to specify a dedicated queue for tasks that are triggered by  the  web
       frontend, are slow and do not impact the user experience in the user interface.

       This  will be used for tasks such as updating the ticket git repo based on the content posted in the user

       Defaults to: None.

   Stomp Options
       Pagure integration with Stomp allows you to emit messages to any stomp-compliant message bus.

       This configuration key can be used to turn  on  or  off  notifications  via  stomp  protocol.  All  other
       stomp-related settings don't need to be present if this is set to False.

       Defaults to: False.

       List  of  2-tuples  with  broker  domain  names  and  ports.  For example [('', 6543),
       ('`, 6543)].

       Base name of the hierarchy to emit messages to. For example /queue/some.hierarchy.. Note that  this  must
       end  with  a  dot.  Pagure  will append queue names such as to this value, resulting in queue
       names being e.g.  /queue/

       Whether or not to use SSL when connecting to message brokers.

       Defaults to: False.

       Absolute path to key file for SSL connection. Only required if STOMP_SSL is set to True.

       Absolute path to certificate file for SSL connection. Only required if STOMP_SSL is set to True.

       Password for decoding STOMP_CERT_FILE and STOMP_KEY_FILE. Only required if STOMP_SSL is set to  True  and
       credentials files are password-encoded.

       This  configuration  key  can be used to enforce stomp notifications on commits made on all projects in a
       pagure instance.

       Defaults to: False.

   API token ACLs
       This configuration key lists all the ACLs that  can  be  associated  with  an  API  token  with  a  short
       description  of  what  the  ACL  allows one to do.  This key it not really meant to be changed unless you
       really know what you are doing.

       This configuration key can be used to list which of the ACLs listed in ACLS can be associated with an API
       token of a project in the (web) user interface.

       Use  this  configuration  key  in combination with ADMIN_API_ACLS to disable certain ACLs for users while
       allowing admins to generate keys with them.

       Defaults to: [key for key in ACLS.keys() if key != 'generate_acls_project']
              (ie: all the ACLs in ACLS except for generate_acls_project)

       This configuration key can be used to list which of the ACLs listed in  ACLS  can  be  generated  by  the
       pagure-admin CLI tool by admins.

       Defaults    to:    ['issue_comment',    'issue_create',    'issue_change_status',    'pull_request_flag',
       'pull_request_comment', 'pull_request_merge', 'generate_acls_project', 'commit_flag', 'create_branch']

       This configuration key can be used to list which of the ACLs listed in ACLS  can  be  associated  with  a
       project-less  API  token  in the (web) user interface.  These project-less API tokens can be generated in
       the user's settings page and allows action in multiple projects instead of being restricted to a specific

       Defaults to: ['create_project', 'fork_project', 'modify_project']

   Optional options
       This  configuration  key  allows you to specify the theme to be used. The string specified is the name of
       the theme directory in pagure/themes/

       For more information about theming see the usage/theming

       Default options:

       • chameleon  The OpenSUSE theme for pagure

       • default  The default theme for pagure

       • pagureio  The theme used at https://pagure.iosrcfpo  The theme used at

       Defaults to: default

   Git repository templates
       This configuration key allows you to specify the path to a git repository  to  use  as  a  template  when
       creating  new  repository  for new projects.  This template will not be used for forks nor any of the git
       repository but the one used for the sources (ie: it will not be used for the tickets,  requests  or  docs

       This  configuration  key  allows  you  to  specify the path to a git repository to use as a template when
       creating new repository for new forks.  This template will not be used for any of the git repository  but
       the  one  used  for  the  sources  of  forks  (ie:  it will not be used for the tickets, requests or docs

       It is a good practice to publish the fingerprint and public SSH key of a server you  provide  access  to.
       Pagure  offers  the  possibility  to expose this information based on the values set in the configuration
       file, in the SSH_KEYS configuration key.

       See the SSH hostkeys/Fingerprints page on

       Where <foo> and <bar> must be replaced by your values.

       Content Security Policy (CSP) is a computer security standard introduced to prevent cross-site  scripting
       (XSS), clickjacking and other code injection attacks resulting from execution of malicious content in the
       trusted web page context


       Defaults to:


              CSP_HEADERS = (
                     "default-src 'self' https:; "  "script-src  'self'  'nonce-{nonce}';  "  "style-src  'self'


       Where {nonce} is dynamically set by pagure.

       This  configuration  key  allows you to set up the logging of the application.  It relies on the standard
       python logging module.

       The default value is:

          LOGGING = {
              'version': 1,
              'disable_existing_loggers': False,
              'formatters': {
                  'standard': {
                      'format': '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s'
                  'email_format': {
                      'format': MSG_FORMAT
              'filters': {
                  'myfilter': {
                      '()': ContextInjector,
              'handlers': {
                  'console': {
                      'level': 'INFO',
                      'formatter': 'standard',
                      'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
                      'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout',
                  'email': {
                      'level': 'ERROR',
                      'formatter': 'email_format',
                      'class': 'logging.handlers.SMTPHandler',
                      'mailhost': 'localhost',
                      'fromaddr': 'pagure@localhost',
                      'toaddrs': 'root@localhost',
                      'subject': 'ERROR on pagure',
                      'filters': ['myfilter'],
              # The root logger configuration; this is a catch-all configuration
              # that applies to all log messages not handled by a different logger
              'root': {
                  'level': 'INFO',
                  'handlers': ['console'],
              'loggers': {
                  'pagure': {
                      'handlers': ['console'],
                      'level': 'DEBUG',
                      'propagate': True
                  'flask': {
                      'handlers': ['console'],
                      'level': 'INFO',
                      'propagate': False
                  'sqlalchemy': {
                      'handlers': ['console'],
                      'level': 'WARN',
                      'propagate': False
                  'binaryornot': {
                      'handlers': ['console'],
                      'level': 'WARN',
                      'propagate': True
                  'pagure.lib.encoding_utils': {
                      'handlers': ['console'],
                      'level': 'WARN',
                      'propagate': False

          as you can see there is an email handler defined. It's not used anywhere by default but you can use it
          to  get report of errors by email and thus monitor your pagure instance.  To do this the easiest is to
          set, on the root logger:

              'handlers': ['console', 'email'],

       This configuration key allows you to configure the length of a page by setting the number of items on the
       page. Items can be commits, users, groups, or projects for example.

       Defaults to: 50.

       If  set  to  True,  the  default  target branch for all pull requests in UI is the branch that is longest
       substring of the branch that the pull request is created from. For example, a mybranch branch in original
       repo will be the default target of a pull request from branch mybranch-feature-1 in a fork when opening a
       new pull request. If this is set to False, the default branch of the repo will be the default  target  of
       all pull requests.

       Defaults to: False.

   SMTP configuration
       This configuration key specifies the SMTP server to use when sending emails.

       Defaults to: localhost.

       This configuration key specifies the SMTP server port.

       SMTP  by default uses TCP port 25. The protocol for mail submission is the same, but uses port 587.  SMTP
       connections secured by SSL, known as SMTPS, default to port 465  (nonstandard,  but  sometimes  used  for
       legacy reasons).

       Defaults to: 25

       This configuration key specifies whether the SMTP connections should be secured over SSL.

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key allows usage of SMTP with auth.

       Note: Specify SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD for using SMTP auth

       Defaults to: None

       This configuration key allows usage of SMTP with auth.

       Note: Specify SMTP_USERNAME and SMTP_PASSWORD for using SMTP auth

       Defaults to: None

       This  configuration  key  specifies  the  length  of  the  commit  ids  or file hex displayed in the user

       Defaults to: 6.

       This configuration key specifies a list of project names that are  forbidden.   This  list  is  used  for
       example to avoid conflicts at the URL level between the static files located under /static/ and a project
       that would be named static and thus be located at /static.

       Defaults to:

              'static', 'pv', 'releases', 'new', 'api', 'settings',
              'logout', 'login', 'users', 'groups', 'about'

       This configuration key specifies whether to check the user's IP address when retrieving its session. This
       makes  things more secure but under certain setups it might not work (for example if there are proxies in
       front of the application).

       Defaults to: True.

       This configuration key specifies which authentication method to use.   Valid  options  are  fas,  openid,
       oidc, or local.

       • fas  uses  the  Fedora  Account  System  FAS <> to provide user
         authentication and enforces that users sign the FPCA.

       • openid uses OpenID authentication.  Any provider  may  be  used  by  changing  the  FAS_OPENID_ENDPOINT
         configuration key.  By default FAS (without FPCA) will be used.

       • oidc  enables  OpenID  Connect  using  any  provider.  This provider requires the configuration options
         starting with OIDC_ (see below) to be provided.

       • local causes pagure to use the local pagure database for user management.

       Defaults to: local.

   OIDC Settings
          Pagure uses flask-oidc to support OIDC authentication. This extension has a  number  of  configuration
          keys that may be useful depending on your set-up

       Provide  a  path  to  client secrets file on local filesystem. This file can be obtained from your OpenID
       Connect identity provider. Note that some providers don't fill in userinfo_uri. If that is the case,  you
       need to add it to the secrets file manually.

       When  this  is  set to True, the cookie with OpenID Connect Token will only be returned to the server via
       ssl (https). If you connect to the server via plain http, the cookie will  not  be  sent.  This  prevents
       sniffing  of  the  cookie  contents.   This  may be set to False when testing your application but should
       always be set to True in production.

       Defaults to: True for production with https, can be set to False for convenient development.

       List of OpenID Connect scopes to request
       from identity provider.

       Name of key of user's email in userinfo JSON returned by identity provider.

       Name of key of user's full name in userinfo JSON returned by identity provider.

       Name of key of user's preferred username in userinfo JSON returned by identity provider.

       Name of key of user's ssh key in userinfo JSON returned by identity provider.

       Name of key of user's groups in userinfo JSON returned by identity provider.

       This  specifies  fallback  for getting username assuming OIDC_PAGURE_USERNAME is empty - can be email (to
       use the part before @) or sub (IdP-specific user id, can be a nickname, email or a numeric  ID  depending
       on identity provider).

       This  configuration  key  specifies  which  IP addresses are allowed to access the internal API endpoint.
       These endpoints are accessed by the milters for example and allow  performing  actions  in  the  name  of
       someone else which is sensitive, thus the origin of the request using these endpoints is validated.

       Defaults to: ['', 'localhost', '::1'].

       This  configuration  key  specifies  the  maximum file size allowed when uploading content to pagure (for
       example, screenshots to a ticket).

       Defaults to: 4 * 1024 * 1024 which corresponds to 4 megabytes.

       This configuration key activates or deactivates the ticketing system for all the projects hosted on  this
       pagure instance.

       Defaults to: True

       This  configuration  key  can be used to restrict the namespace in which the ticketing system is enabled.
       So if your pagure instance has ENABLE_TICKETS as True  and  sets  ENABLE_TICKETS_NAMESPACE  to  ['tests',
       'infra'] only the projects opened in these two namespaces will have the ticketing system enabled. All the
       other namespaces will not.

       Defaults to: []

       This configuration key activates or deactivates creation of git  repos  for  documentation  for  all  the
       projects hosted on this pagure instance.

       Defaults to: True

       This  configuration key permits or forbids creation of new projects via the user interface and the API of
       this pagure instance.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key permits or forbids creation of new projects via the user interface (only) of  this
       pagure  instance. It allows forbidding to create new project in the user interface while letting a set of
       trusted person to create projects via the API granted they have the API token with the corresponding ACL.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key permits or forbids deletion of projects via the  user  interface  of  this  pagure

       Defaults to: True

       This  configuration  key  permits  or  forbids  deletion  of  forks via the user interface of this pagure

       Defaults to: ENABLE_DEL_PROJECTS

       This configuration key specifies if the git hook have a read-only (RO) access to  the  database  or  not.
       Some  pagure deployment provide an actual shell account on the host and thus the git hook called upon git
       push are executed under that account. If the user manages to by-pass  git  and  is  able  to  access  the
       configuration  file,  they  could  have  access to "private" information. So in those deployments the git
       hooks have a specific configuration file with a database access that is read-only, making  pagure  behave
       differently in those situations.

       Defaults to: False

       This  configuration key enables or disables all email notifications for this pagure instance. This can be
       useful to turn off when developing on pagure, or for test or pre-production instances.

       Defaults to: False.

          This does not disable emails to the email address set in EMAIL_ERROR.

       This configuration key can be used to turn on or off notifications via fedmsg.

       Defaults to: False.

       This configuration key can be used to turn on or off sending notifications via

       `fedora-messaging <>`_

       Defaults to: False.

       This configuration key can be used to enforce fedmsg notifications on commits made on all projects  in  a
       pagure instance.

       Defaults to: True.

       This  configuration  keys  enables  or  disables  allowing  users  to  delete  git branches from the user
       interface. In sensible pagure instance you may want to turn this  off  and  with  a  customized  gitolite
       configuration you can prevent users from deleting branches in their git repositories.

       Defaults to: True.

       This  enables  a  checkbox  "Ignore  existing repos" for admins when creating a new project. When this is
       checkbox is checked, existing repositories will not cause project creation to fail.  This could  be  used
       to assume responsibility of existing repositories.

       Defaults to: False.

       List of users who can al create a project while ignoring existing repositories.

       Defaults to: [].

       This  configuration  key can be used to let pagure administrate the user's ssh keys or have a third party
       tool do it for you.  In most cases, it will be fine to let pagure handle it.

       Defaults to True.

       This configuration key can be used to disable the deploy keys feature of an entire pagure instance.  This
       feature enable to add extra public ssh keys that a third party could use to push to a project.

       Defaults to True.

       In version 1.3, pagure changed its URL scheme to view the commit of a project in order to add support for
       pseudo-namespaced projects.

       For pagure instances older than 1.3,  who  care  about  backward  compatibility,  we  added  an  endpoint
       view_commit_old  that  brings  URL  backward  compatibility  for URLs using the complete git hash (the 40
       characters).  For URLs using a shorter hash, the URLs will remain broken.

       This configuration key enables or disables  this  backward  compatibility  which  is  useful  for  pagure
       instances running since before 1.3 but is not for newer instances.

       Defaults to: False.

       In some pagure deployments remote pull requests need to be disabled due to legal / policy reasons.

       Defaults to: False.

       Pagure  can  be  configure to integrate results of a Continuous Integration (CI) service to pull-requests
       open against a project.

       To enable this  integration,  follow  the  documentation  on  how  to  install  pagure-ci  and  set  this
       configuration key to ['jenkins'] (Jenkins being the only CI service supported at the moment).

       Defaults to: None.

          Requires Redis to be configured and running.

       This allows giving a name to this running instance of pagure. The name is then used in the welcome screen
       shown upon first login.

       Defaults to: Pagure

       This configuration key allows you to change the default administrator email which  is  displayed  on  the
       "about" page. It can also be used elsewhere.

       Defaults to: root@localhost.localdomain

       This  configuration  key  can  be  used to enforce that project are namespaced under the user's username,
       behaving in this way in a similar fashion as or

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key allows you to specify where the documentation server is running (preferably  in  a
       different  domain  name  entirely).  If not set, the documentation page will show an error message saying
       that this pagure instance does not have a documentation server.

       Defaults to: None

       This configuration key allows you to host private repositories. These repositories are  visible  only  to
       the  creator of the repository and to the users who are given access to the repository. No information is
       leaked about the private repository which means redis doesn't have the access to the repository and  even
       fedmsg doesn't get any notifications.

       Defaults to: True

       This  configuration key can be used to hide project an user has access to via one of the groups listed in
       this key.

       The use-case is the following: the Fedora project is deploying pagure has a front-end for the  git  repos
       of  the packages in the distribution, that means about 17,000 git repositories in pagure. The project has
       a group of people that have access to all of these repositories, so when viewing the user's page  of  one
       member  of  that  group,  instead  of seeing all the project that this user works on, you can see all the
       projects hosted in that pagure instance. Using this configuration key, pagure will hide all the  projects
       that  this  user  has access to via the specified groups and thus return only the groups of forks of that

       Defaults to: []

       A run of pagure-ci can  be  manually  triggered  if  some  key  sentences  are  added  as  comment  to  a
       pull-request,  either  manually  or  via  the "Rerun CI" dropdown.  This allows one to re-run a test that
       failed due to some network outage or other unexpected issues unrelated to the test suite.

       This configuration key can be used to define all the sentences that can be used to trigger this pagure-ci
       run.  The  format  is  following:  {"<sentence>":  {"name":  "<name  of  the CI>", "description": "<short

       Sentences which have None as value won't show up in the "Rerun CI" dropdown. Additionally, it's  possible
       to  add  a  requires_project_hook_attr  key  to  the dict with data about a sentence. For example, having
       "requires_project_hook_attr": ("ci_hook", "active_pr", True) would make the "Rerun CI"  dropdown  have  a
       button for this specific CI only if the project has ci_hook activated and its active_pr value is True.

       In versions before 5.2, this was a list containing just the sentences.

       Defaults  to:  {"pretty  please  pagure-ci rebuild": {"name": "Default CI", "description": "Rerun default

          The sentences defined in this configuration key should be lower case only!

       By default, Pagure has success, failure, error, pending and canceled statuses of  PR  and  commit  flags.
       This setting allows you to define a custom mapping of statuses to their respective Bootstrap labels.

       Holds name of PR/commit flag that is considered a success.

       Defaults to: success

       Holds name of PR/commit flag that is considered a failure.

       Defaults to: failure

       Holds name of PR/commit flag that is considered a pending state.

       Defaults to: pending

       The  external  committer feature is a way to allow members of groups defined outside pagure (and provided
       to pagure upon login by the authentication system) to be consider committers on pagure.

       This feature can give access to all the projects on the instance, all but some or just some.

       Defaults to: {}

       To give access to all the projects to a group named fedora-altarch use a such a structure:

              'fedora-altarch': {}

       To give access to all the projects but one (named rpms/test) to a group named provenpackager use a such a

              'fedora-altarch': {},
              'provenpackager': {
                  'exclude': ['rpms/test']

       To  give  access  to just some projects (named rpms/test and modules/test) to a group named testers use a
       such a structure:

              'fedora-altarch': {},
              'provenpackager': {
                  'exclude': ['rpms/test']
              'testers': {
                  'restrict': ['rpms/test', 'modules/test']

       The required groups allows one to specify in which group an user must be to be added to  a  project  with
       commit or admin access.

       Defaults to: {}

       Example configuration:

          REQUIRED_GROUPS = {
              'rpms/kernel': ['packager', 'kernel-team'],
              'modules/*': ['module-packager', 'packager'],
              'rpms/*': ['packager'],
              '*': ['contributor'],

       With this configuration (evaluated in the provided order):

       • only  users that are in the groups packager and kernel-team will be allowed to be added the rpms/kernel
         project (where rpms is the namespace and kernel the project name).

       • only users that are in the groups module-packager and packager will be allowed to be added to  projects
         in the modules namespace.

       • only  users  that  are  in  the  group  packager  will  be  allowed to be added to projects in the rpms

       • only users in the contributor group will be allowed to be added to any project on this pagure instance.

       This configuration key allows you to include some content at the top of the gitolite  configuration  file
       (such as some specific group definition), thus allowing to customize the gitolite configuration file with
       elements and information that are outside of pagure's control.

       This can be used in combination with GITOLITE_POST_CONFIG to further customize  gitolite's  configuration
       file.  It  can  also be used with EXTERNAL_COMMITTER to give commit access to git repos based on external

       Defaults to: None

       This configuration key allows you to include some content at the end of the gitolite  configuration  file
       (such  as  some project definition or access), thus allowing to customize the gitolite configuration file
       with elements and information that are outside of pagure's control.

       This can be used in combination with GITOLITE_PRE_CONFIG to further  customize  gitolite's  configuration
       file.  It  can  also be used with EXTERNAL_COMMITTER to give commit access to git repos based on external

       Defaults to: None

       This configuration key allows for explicit running of git gc --auto after every operation that  adds  new
       objects  to  any  git  repository  -  that  is  after  pushing  and  merging.  The reason for having this
       functionality in Pagure is that gc is  not  guaranteed  to  be  run  by  git  after  every  object-adding

       The  garbage  collection  run  by  Pagure  will  respect  git  settings,  so  you  can  tweak and
       gc.autoPackLimit to your liking and that will have immediate effect on the task  that  runs  the  garbage
       collection.    These    values    can    be    configured    system-wide    in    /etc/gitconfig.     See for more details.

       This is especially useful if repositories are stored on NFS (or  similar  network  storage),  where  file
       metadata access is expensive - having unpacked objects in repositories requires a lot of metadata reads.

       Note that the garbage collection is only run on repos that are not on repoSpanner.

       Defaults to: False

       This  configuration  key  allows  you  to  tweak  the  configuration  of  celery for your needs.  See the
       documentation about celery configuration for more information.

       Defaults to: {}

       This configuration key can be used to make this pagure instance case sensitive instead  of  its  default:

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key can be used to customize the regular expression used to validate new project name.

       Defaults to: ^[a-zA-z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$

       This configuration key is used in the path of the cookie used by pagure.

       Defaults to: '/'

       This configuration key can be used to specify a list of allowed namespaces that will not require creating
       a group for users to create projects in.

       Defaults to: []

       This configuration key allows specifying the lifetime of the session during which the user won't have  to
       re-login  for  admin  actions.   In  other  words,  the  maximum  time between which an user can access a
       project's settings page without re-login.

       Defaults to: timedelta(minutes=20)

       where timedelta comes from the python datetime module

       This configuration key can be used to blacklist some group names.

       Defaults to: ['forks', 'group']

       This configuration key can be used to turn on or off managing (ie: creating a group, adding  or  removing
       users  in  that group) groups in this pagure instance.  If turned off, groups and group members are to be
       managed outside of pagure and synced upon login.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key can be used to turn on or off managing users  (adding  or  removing  them  from  a
       project) in this pagure instance.  If turned off, users are managed outside of pagure.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key can be used to specify the name of the session cookie used by pagure.

       Defaults to: 'pagure'

       This configuration key can be used to specify what is shown in the index page of logged in users.

       Defaults to: ['repos', 'myrepos', 'myforks']

       By  default pagure sends an email to every one watch commits on a project when a commit is made.  However
       some pagure instances may be using a different notification mechanism on commits and thus  may  not  want
       this  feature to double the notifications received.  This configuration key can be used to turn on or off
       email being sent to people watching commits on a project upon commits.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key controls whether any HTTP access to repositories is provided via the  support  for
       that that's embedded in Pagure.  This provides HTTP pull access via <pagureurl>/<reponame>.git if nothing
       else serves this URL.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key controls whether pushing is possible via the HTTP interface.  This is disabled  by
       default, as it requires setting up an authentication mechanism on the webserver that sets REMOTE_USER.

       Defaults to: False

       This  configuration  key  configures  the path to the gitolite-shell binary.  If this is set to None, Git
       http-backend is used directly.  Only set this to None if you intend  to  provide  HTTP  push  access  via
       Pagure, and are using a dynamic ACL backend.

       Defaults to: /usr/share/gitolite3/gitolite-shell

       This  configuration  key  specificies  where pagure should store the ssh keys generated for the mirroring
       feature. This folder should be properly backed up and kept secure.

       Defaults to: /var/lib/pagure/sshkeys/

       This configuration key will make pagure log all commits  pushed  to  all  branches  of  all  repositories
       instead of logging only the once that are pushed to the default branch.

       Defaults to: False

       This  configuration  key  allows a pagure instance to not support mirroring in projects (from third party
       git server).

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key can be used to force highlight.js to use a certain logic on certain files based on
       their extensions.

       It  should  be a dictionary containing the file extensions as keys and the highlighting language/category
       to use as values.

       Defaults to: {".spec": "specfile", ".patch": "diff"}

   RepoSpanner Options
       Pagure can be integrated with repoSpanner allowing to deploy pagure in a load-balanced environment  since
       the git repositories are then synced across multiple servers simultaneously.

       Support for this integration has been included in Pagure version 5.0 and higher.

       Here below are the different options one can/should use to integrate pagure with repoSpanner.

       This  should  contain  the  path  to the repoBridge binary, which is used for pushing and pulling to/from

       Defaults to: /usr/libexec/repobridge.

       This configuration key instructs pagure to create new git repositories on repoSpanner or not.  Its  value
       should be the region in which the new git repositories should be created on.

       Defaults to: None.

       This configuration key can be used to let pagure admin override the default region used when creating new
       git repositories on repoSpanner.  Its value should be a boolean.

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key instructs pagure on where/how to create new git repositories for  the  forks  with
       repoSpanner.   If None, git repositories for forks are created outside of repoSpanner entirely.  If True,
       git repositories for forks are created in the same region as the parent project.  Otherwise, a region can
       be directly specified where git repositories for forks will be created.

       Defaults to: True

       This configuration key can be used to let admin manually migrate individual project into repoSpanner once
       it is set up.

       Defaults to: False

       This configuration key can be used to specify the different region where repoSpanner is deployed and thus
       with which this pagure instance can be integrated.

       An example entry could look like:

              'default': {'url': 'https://nodea.regiona.repospanner.local:8444',
                          'repo_prefix': 'pagure/',
                          'hook': None,
                          'ca': '/etc/pki/repospanner/pki/ca.crt',
                          'admin_cert': {'cert': '/etc/pki/repospanner/pki/admin.crt',
                                         'key': '/etc/pki/repospanner/pki/admin.key'},
                          'push_cert': {'cert': '/etc/pki/repospanner/pki/pagure.crt',
                                        'key': '/etc/pki/repospanner/pki/pagure.key'}}

       If  this  configuration key is not defined, pagure will consider that it is not set to be integrated with

       Defaults to: {}

       This configuration key is used by the keyhelper script to indicate that the git username should  be  used
       and  looked  up.  Use this if the username that is sent to ssh is specific for a unique Pagure user (i.e.
       not using a single "git@" user for all git operations).

       A list of usernames that are exempted from being verified via the keyhelper.

       This configuration key should contain the username that is used for git if a single SSH user is used  for
       all git ssh traffic (i.e. "git").

       This  configuration  key  provides  the  options  added to keys as they are returned to sshd, in the same
       format as AuthorizedKeysFile (see "AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT" in sshd(8)).

       If not set to None, aclchecker and keyhelper will use this api admin token to get authorized to  internal
       endpoints that they use. The token must have the internal_access ACL.

       This  is  useful  when  the  IP  address of sshd service is not predictable (e.g. because of running in a
       distributed cloud environment) and so it's not possible to use the IP_ALLOWED_INTERNAL address list.

       Defaults to: None

       The command to run if a repository is on repospanner when aclchecker is in use.

       The command to run if a repository is not on repospanner when aclchecker is in use.

   MQTT Options
       If approprietly configured pagure supports sending messages to an MQTT message queue.

       Here below are the different configuration options to make it so.

       Global configuration key to turn on or off the code to send notifications to an MQTT message queue.

       Defaults to: False

       Host name of the MQTT server to send the MQTT notifications to.

       Defaults to: None

       Port of the MQTT server to use to send the MQTT notifications to.

       Defaults to: None

       Username to authenticate to the MQTT server as.

       Defaults to: None

       Password to authenticate to the MQTT server with.

       Defaults to: None

       When using SSL-based authentication to the MQTT server, use this configuration key to  point  to  the  CA
       cert to use.

       Defaults to: None

       When  using  SSL-based authentication to the MQTT server, use this configuration key to point to the cert
       file to use.

       Defaults to: None

       When using SSL-based authentication to the MQTT server, use this configuration key to point  to  the  key
       file to use.

       Defaults to: None

       When using SSL-based authentication to the MQTT server, use this configuration key to specify if the CERT
       is required.

       Defaults to: ssl.CERT_REQUIRED (from python's ssl library)

       When using SSL-based authentication to the MQTT server, use this configuration key  to  specify  the  TLS
       protocols to support/use.

       Defaults to: ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 (from python's ssl library)

       When  using  SSL-based  authentication  to  the  MQTT  server,  use this configuration key to specify the

       Defaults to: None

       This configuration key can be used to specify a prefix to the mqtt messages sent.  This  prefix  will  be
       added  to  the  topic  used  by  pagure  thus  allowing the mqtt admins to specify a parent topic for all
       pagure-related messages.

       Defaults to: None

       This configuration key can be used to enforce mqtt notifications on commits made on  all  projects  in  a
       pagure instance.

       Defaults to: False.

   Deprecated configuration keys
       This configuration key used to be use to specify the folder where the forks are placed. Since the release
       2.0 of pagure, it has been deprecated, forks are now automatically placed in a sub-folder of  the  folder
       containing the mains git repositories (ie GIT_FOLDER).

       See the UPGRADING.rst file for more information about this change and how to handle it.

       This  configuration  key used to be use to specify where the uploaded releases are available. It has been
       replaced by UPLOAD_FOLDER_PATH in the release 2.10 of pagure.

       This configuration key specifies which version of gitolite you are using, it can be either 2 or 3.

       Defaults to: 3.

       This has been replaced by GITOLITE_BACKEND in the release 3.0 of pagure.

       These configuration values were removed. It has been found out that due to how Pagure writes  repo  names
       in  the  gitolite  configuration  file, these must have fixed paths relative to GIT_FOLDER. Specifically,
       they must occupy subdirectories docs, requests and tickets  under  GIT_FOLDER.   They  are  now  computed
       automatically  based  on  value  of  GIT_FOLDER.   Usage  of docs and tickets can be triggered by setting
       ENABLE_DOCS and ENABLE_TICKETS to True (this is the default).

       This configuration key can be used to specify the maximum number of characters a file or diff should have
       to  have  syntax highlighting. Everything above this limit will not have syntax highlighting as this is a
       memory intensive procedure that easily leads to out of memory error on large files or diff.

       Defaults to: 5000

       This configuration key can be used to specify the URL where are hosted the bootstrap CSS file  since  the
       files hosted on used in are not restricted in browser access.

       Defaults to: ''

       This has been deprecated by the new way of theming pagure, see the theming documentation

       This  configuration  key  can be used to specify the URL where are hosted the bootstrap JS file since the
       files hosted on used in are not restricted in browser access.

       Defaults to: ''

       This has been deprecated by the new way of theming pagure, see the theming documentation

       This configuration key allows you to customize the HTML title  of  all  the  pages,  from  ...  -  pagure
       (default) to ... - <your value>.

       Defaults to: Pagure

       This has been deprecated by the new way of theming pagure, see the theming documentation

       This  configuration  key  allowed  specifying  the  gitolite  backend.   This  has  now  been replaced by
       GIT_AUTH_BACKEND, please see that option for information on valid values.


       Pagure provides a mechanism to allow customizing the creation and compilation of the  configuration  file
       of gitolite.

       To  customize  the  gitolite  configuration  file,  we  invite  you  to look at the sources of the module

       As you can see it defines the following class:

          class GitAuthHelper(object):

              __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

              def generate_acls():

              def remove_acls(self, session, project):

       This will be the class you will have to inherit from in order to inject your own  code.   You  will  then
       declare an entry point in your following this template:

          my_git_auth = my_pagure.my_module:MyGitAuthTestHelper

       Then you can adjust pagure's configuration file to say:

          GITOLITE_BACKEND = 'my_git_auth'


   Get the sources

          git clone


          git clone ssh://

       Install the build dependencies of pagure:

          sudo dnf install git python-virtualenv libgit2-devel \
                           libjpeg-devel gcc libffi-devel redhat-rpm-config

       The  python  dependencies  of  pagure  are  listed  in  the file requirements.txt at the top level of the

          virtualenv pagure_env
          source ./pagure_env/bin/activate
          pip install pygit2==<version of libgit2 found>.* # e.g. 0.23.*
          pip install -r requirements.txt

          working in a virtualenv is tricky due to the dependency on pygit2 and thus on libgit2 but  the  pygit2
          documentation has a solution for this.

   How to run pagure
       There  are  several  options  when it comes to a development environment. Vagrant will provide you with a
       virtual machine which you can develop on, you can use a container to run pagure or  you  can  install  it
       directly on your host machine.  The README has detailed instructions for the different options.

   Run pagure for development
       Adjust  the  configuration  file  (secret  key, database URL, admin group...)  See configuration for more
       detailed information about the configuration.

       Create the database scheme:


       Create the folder that will receive the different git repositories:

          mkdir {repos,docs,forks,tickets,requests,remotes}

       Run the server:


       If you want to change some configuration key you can create a file, place the configuration change in  it
       and use it with

          ./ -c <config_file>

       For example, create the file config with in it:

          from datetime import timedelta
          # Makes the admin session longer
          ADMIN_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=20000000)

          # Use a postgresql database instead of sqlite
          DB_URL = 'postgresql://user:pass@localhost/pagure'
          # Change the OpenID endpoint
          FAS_OPENID_ENDPOINT = ''

          APP_URL = '*'
          EVENTSOURCE_SOURCE = 'http://localhost:8080'
          EVENTSOURCE_PORT = '8080'
          DOC_APP_URL = '*'

          # Avoid sending email when developing
          EMAIL_SEND = False

       and run the server with:

          ./ -c config

       To get some profiling information you can also run it as:

          ./ --profile

       You should be able to access the server at http://localhost:5000

       Every  time  you  save  a  file,  the  project will be automatically restarted so you can see your change

   Create a pull-request for testing
       When working on pagure, it is pretty often that one wanted to work on a  feature  or  a  bug  related  to
       pull-requests needs to create one.

       Making  a  pull-request  for development purposes isn't hard, if you remember that since you're running a
       local instance, the git repos created in your pagure instance are also local.

       So here are in a few steps that one could perform to create a pull-request in a local pagure instance.

       • Create a project on your pagure instance, let's say it will be called test

       • Create a folder clones somewhere in your system (you probably do  not  want  it  in  the  repos  folder
         created above, next to it is fine though):

            mkdir clones

       • Clone the repo of the test project into this clones folder and move into it:

            cd clones
            git clone ~/path/to/pagure/repos/test.git
            cd test

       • Add and commit some files:

            echo "*~" > .gitignore
            git add .gitignore
            git commit -m "Add a .gitignore file"
            echo "BSD" > LICENSE
            git add LICENSE
            git commit -m "Add a LICENSE file"

       • Push these changes:

            git push -u origin master

       • Create a new branch and add a commit in it:

            git branch new_branch
            git checkout new_branch
            touch test
            git add test
            git commit -m "Add file: test"

       • Push this new branch:

            git push -u origin new_branch

       Then  go back to your pagure instance running in your web-browser, check the test project. You should see
       two branches: master and new_branch.  From there you should be able to open a  new  pull-request,  either
       from the front page or via the File Pull Request button in the Pull Requests page.

   Coding standards
       We  are trying to make the code PEP8-compliant.  There is a flake8 tool that can automatically check your

       We run the source code through black as part of the tests, so you may have to do some adjustments or  run
       it yourself (which is simple: black /path/to/pagure).

          flake8 and black are available in Fedora:

              dnf install python3-flake8 python3-black


              yum install python3-flake8 python3-black

   Send patch
       The  easiest  way  to work on pagure is to make your own branch in git, make your changes to this branch,
       commit whenever you want, rebase on master, whenever you need and when  you  are  done,  send  the  patch
       either by email, via the trac or a pull-request (using git or github).

       The workflow would therefore be something like:

          git branch <my_shiny_feature>
          git checkout <my_shiny_feature>
          git commit file1 file2
          <more work>
          git commit file3 file4
          git checkout master
          git pull
          git checkout <my_shiny_feature>
          git rebase master
          git format-patch -2

       This  will create two patch files that you can send by email to submit in a ticket on pagure, by email or
       after forking the project on pagure by submitting a pull-request (in which case the last step  above  git
       format-patch -2 is not needed.

          Though  not  required,  it’s a good idea to begin the commit message with a single short (less than 50
          character) line summarizing the change, followed by a blank line and then a more thorough description.
          The text up to the first blank line in a commit message is treated as the commit title, and that title
          is used throughout Git.  For example, git-format-patch turns a commit into  email,  and  it  uses  the
          title on the Subject line and the rest of the commit in the body.  Pagure uses lines that contain only
          'Fixes #number' as references to issues. If for example a commit message of a pagure patch has a  line
          'Fixes  #3547'  and  a  pullrequest  (PR)  gets  created  in  pagure,  this  PR will be linked to from

       Pagure has a number of unit-tests.

       We aim at having a full (100%) coverage of the whole code (including the Flask application) and of course
       a  smart  coverage as in we want to check that the functions work the way we want but also that they fail
       when we expect it and the way we expect it.

       Tests checking that function are failing when/how we want are as important as tests  checking  they  work
       the way they are intended to.

       So here are a few steps that one could perform to run unit-tests in a local pagure instance.

       • Install the dependencies:

            pip install -r requirements-testing.txt

       • Run it:

            python run

       You can also use:

          python  --help

       to see other options supported.

       Each  unit-tests  files  (located  under tests/) can be called by alone, allowing easier debugging of the
       tests. For example:

          python run tests/

          In order to have coverage information you might have to install python-coverage

              dnf install python-coverage


              yum install python-coverage

       To run the unit-tests, there is also a container available with all the  dependencies  needed.   Use  the
       following command to run the tests

          $ ./dev/

       This command will build a fedora based container and execute the test suite. You can also limit the tests
       to unit-test files or single tests similar to the python options described  above.  You  need
       set  the  environment variables REPO and BRANCH if the tests are not yet available in the upstream pagure
       master branch.


       If you're submitting patches to pagure, please observe the following:

       • Check that your python code is PEP8-compliant.  There is a flake8 tool that  automatically  checks  the
         sources as part of the tests.

       • We  run  the  source code through black as part of the tests, so you may have to do some adjustments or
         run it yourself (which is simple: black /path/to/pagure).

       • Check that your code doesn't break the test suite.  The test suite can be  run  using  the
         script  at  the  top  of  the  sources,  you may use python run to run the tests and python --help to check other options supported.  See development for more  information  about  the
         test suite.

       • If you are adding new code, please write tests for them in tests/, the script will help you
         to see the coverage of your code in unit-tests.

       • If your change warrants a modification to the docs in doc/ or any docstrings  in  pagure/  please  make
         that modification.

          You have a doubt, you don't know how to do something, you have an idea but don't know how to implement
          it, you just have something bugging you?

          Come to see us on IRC: #pagure or #fedora-apps on or directly on the project.


       Pagure would be nothing without its contributors.

       On December 2, 2019 (release 5.8.1) the list looks as follow:

                              │Number of commits │ Contributor                           │
                              │6640              │ Pierre-Yves         Chibon         <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │328               │ Ryan Lerch <>        │
                              │172               │ Vivek             Anand            <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │139               │ farhaanbukhsh                      <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │134               │ Clement Verna <>   │
                              │133               │ Patrick          Uiterwijk         <‐ │
                              │                  │>                │
                              │110               │ Julen     Landa      Alustiza      <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │98                │ Patrick          Uiterwijk         <‐ │
                              │                  │>               │
                              │88                │ Farhaan           Bukhsh           <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │64                │ Slavek Kabrda <>    │
                              │59                │ Johan Cwiklinski <>     │
                              │50                │ Karsten Hopp <>     │
                              │47                │ Mark Reynolds <>  │
                              │32                │ Lubomír Sedlář <>   │
                              │32                │ Matt Prahl <>        │
                              │32                │ Pradeep       CE       (cep)       <‐ │
                              │                  │>              │
                              │25                │ Lubomír           Sedlář           <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │25                │ Neal Gompa <>       │
                              │23                │ rahul Bajaj <>         │
                              │20                │ Jeremy Cline <>      │
                              │19                │ Aurélien          Bompard          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                 │
                              │19                │ Gaurav Kumar <>       │
                              │18                │ Abhijeet          Kasurde          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │18                │ Fabien Boucher <>  │
                              │18                │ Lenka Segura <>          │
                              │18                │ Sayan           Chowdhury          <‐ │
                              │                  │>        │
                              │17                │ Adam Williamson <> │
                              │17                │ Brian Stinson <>    │
                              │17                │ Ralph Bean <>         │

                              │15                │ Igor           Gnatenko            <‐ │
                              │                  │>     │
                              │15                │ Vibhor Verma <>     │
                              │14                │ Justin W. Flory <>          │
                              │13                │ Ghost-script <>    │
                              │13                │ Martin Basti <>      │
                              │13                │ Mathieu           Bridon           <‐ │
                              │                  │>           │
                              │11                │ Shengjing Zhu <>   │
                              │9                 │ Michael          Watters           <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │9                 │ mprahl <>            │
                              │8                 │ Lei Yang <>      │
                              │8                 │ Paul W. Frields <> │
                              │7                 │ René Genz <>   │
                              │6                 │ Michael Scherer <>     │
                              │6                 │ ymdatta <>      │
                              │5                 │ Mike McLean <>        │
                              │5                 │ Oliver          Gutierrez          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                │
                              │5                 │ Shaily <>        │
                              │5                 │ Till Maas <>      │
                              │5                 │ jingjing <>           │
                              │5                 │ vanzhiganov <>       │
                              │5                 │ yangl1996 <>     │
                              │4                 │ Alex Gleason <>    │
                              │4                 │ Eric Barbour <>    │
                              │4                 │ Maciej Lasyk <>      │
                              │4                 │ Sergio     Durigan     Junior      <‐ │
                              │                  │>                │
                              │4                 │ clime <>              │
                              │3                 │ Akanksha                           <‐ │
                              │                  │>          │
                              │3                 │ Ankush Behl <>     │
                              │3                 │ Anthony Lackey <>  │
                              │3                 │ Chenxiong Qi <>         │
                              │3                 │ Dhriti           Shikhar           <‐ │
                              │                  │>        │
                              │3                 │ Eric Barbour <>    │
                              │3                 │ FeRD (Frank Dana) <> │
                              │3                 │ Jan Pokorný <>     │
                              │3                 │ Jason Tibbitts <>    │
                              │3                 │ Kushal          Khandelwal         <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │

                              │3                 │ Pedro Lima <>     │
                              │3                 │ Pierre-YvesChibon                  <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │3                 │ Ricky Elrod <>          │
                              │3                 │ Ryan             Lerch             <‐ │
                              │                  │ rlerch@localhost.localdomain>         │
                              │3                 │ Stefan Bühler <>      │
                              │3                 │ bill auger <>   │
                              │3                 │ cep <>         │
                              │3                 │ shivani <>      │
                              │3                 │ skrzepto <>         │
                              │3                 │ tenstormavi                        <‐ │
                              │                  │>            │
                              │2                 │ Akshay           Gaikwad           <‐ │
                              │                  │>               │
                              │2                 │ Anatoli          Babenia           <‐ │
                              │                  │>                │
                              │2                 │ Carlos     Mogas    da    Silva    <‐ │
                              │                  │>                      │
                              │2                 │ Daniel Mach <>        │
                              │2                 │ Fabian           Arrotin           <‐ │
                              │                  │>            │
                              │2                 │ Hervé Beraud <>     │
                              │2                 │ Kamil Páral <>       │
                              │2                 │ Luis Guzman <>         │
                              │2                 │ MR <>               │
                              │2                 │ Neha Kandpal <> │
                              │2                 │ Nuno Maltez <>      │
                              │2                 │ Ompragash <>       │
                              │2                 │ Peter Oliver <>       │
                              │2                 │ Rahul Bajaj <>   │
                              │2                 │ Richard            Marko           <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │
                              │2                 │ Simo Sorce <>          │
                              │2                 │ Stasiek         Michalski          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │2                 │ Tim Flink <>  │
                              │2                 │ Tim           Landscheidt          <‐ │
                              │                  │>               │
                              │2                 │ Todd Zullinger <>        │
                              │2                 │ William     Moreno      Reyes      <‐ │
                              │                  │>            │
                              │2                 │ Your Name <>  │
                              │2                 │ bruno <>                │
                              │2                 │ dhrish20 <>         │
                              │2                 │ hellcp <>          │

                              │2                 │ yadneshk <>        │
                              │2                 │ “AnjaliPardeshi”                  <“‐ │
                              │                  │”>          │
                              │1                 │ Akanksha          Mishra           <‐ │
                              │                  │>          │
                              │1                 │ Aleksandra   Fedorova   (bookwar)  <‐ │
                              │                  │>               │
                              │1                 │ Alexander Scheel <> │
                              │1                 │ Alois Mahdal <>     │
                              │1                 │ Amol Kahat <>        │
                              │1                 │ Anthony           Lackey           <‐ │
                              │                  │ alackey@localhost.localdomain>        │
                              │1                 │ Antoni     Segura     Puimedon     <‐ │
                              │                  │>                   │
                              │1                 │ Arti Laddha <>  │
                              │1                 │ Brian (bex) Exelbierd <> │
                              │1                 │ Carl George <>    │
                              │1                 │ Charelle          Collett          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │1                 │ David Caro <>      │
                              │1                 │ Eashan <>        │
                              │1                 │ Felix Yan <>  │
                              │1                 │ Filip Valder <>     │
                              │1                 │ Frank Dana (FeRD) <> │
                              │1                 │ Haikel            Guemar           <‐ │
                              │                  │>            │
                              │1                 │ Hazel Smith <>     │
                              │1                 │ Jeremy Cline <>      │
                              │1                 │ Jingjing Shao <>      │
                              │1                 │ John Florian <> │
                              │1                 │ Jun Aruga <>         │
                              │1                 │ Kunaal Jain <>      │
                              │1                 │ Mary Kate Fain <>  │
                              │1                 │ Mathew          Robinson           <‐ │
                              │                  │>        │
                              │1                 │ Michal Konečný <>  │
                              │1                 │ Miro Hrončok <>        │
                              │1                 │ Mohan Boddu <>       │
                              │1                 │ Pavel Raiskup <>   │
                              │1                 │ Peter Kolínek <>    │
                              │1                 │ Petr Šplíchal <>   │
                              │1                 │ Randy            Barlow            <‐ │
                              │                  │>          │
                              │1                 │ Robert Bost <>        │
                              │1                 │ Romain DEP. <>       │

                              │1                 │ Ryan Lerch <>      │
                              │1                 │ Sachin Kamath <>  │
                              │1                 │ Snehal Karale <>    │
                              │1                 │ Stanislav         Laznicka         <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │1                 │ Stanislav        Ochotnicky        <‐ │
                              │                  │>               │
                              │1                 │ Stephen         Gallagher          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │1                 │ Tiago M. Vieira <>   │
                              │1                 │ Till            Hofmann            <‐ │
                              │                  │>          │
                              │1                 │ Vadim Rutkovsky <> │
                              │1                 │ Vyacheslav       Anzhiganov        <‐ │
                              │                  │>                    │
                              │1                 │ Yves Martin <>   │
                              │1                 │ abhishek <>  │
                              │1                 │ abhishek          goswami          <‐ │
                              │                  │>               │
                              │1                 │ alunux <>         │
                              │1                 │ anar <>         │
                              │1                 │ anatoly         techtonik          <‐ │
                              │                  │>                  │
                              │1                 │ anshukira <>     │
                              │1                 │ chocos10 <>     │
                              │1                 │ d3prof3t <>  │
                              │1                 │ ishcherb <>        │
                              │1                 │ jcvicelli <>       │
                              │1                 │ josef           radinger           <‐ │
                              │                  │>                │
                              │1                 │                 <‐ │
                              │                  │>                   │
                              │1                 │ pingou <>     │
                              │1                 │ prasad0896 <>      │
                              │1                 │ rishika7000 <>   │
                              │1                 │ ryanlerch <>         │
                              │1                 │ sclark                             <‐ │
                              │                  │>        │
                              │1                 │ skrzepto <>         │
                              │1                 │ smit            thakkar            <‐ │
                              │                  │>              │
                              │1                 │ smurfix <>         │
                              │1                 │ vibhcool <>         │
                              │1                 │ vivekanand1101                     <‐ │
                              │                  │>             │

       This list is generated using

          git shortlog -s -n -e

       The old pagure logo has been created by Micah Denn <>, the new one, as  well  as  the
       entire  version  2  of the user interface (using bootstrap) is the work of Ryan Lerch <>
       many thanks to them for their work and understanding during the process.

       This documentation is generated from the doc folder in the pagure's sources. Feel free to  report  issues
       about the documentation on the pagure issue tracker or even better, contribute to it!

       • genindex

       • modindex

       • search


       Pierre-Yves Chibon <>


       2020, Red Hat Inc, Pierre-Yves Chibon <>