Provided by: photopc_3.07-1_amd64 bug


       photopc - utility to control digital cameras based on Sierra Imaging firmware


       photopc  [-h]  [-V] [-v[v]] [-q] [-z] [-t] [-f timeformat] [-s <speed>] [-S <pseudo-speed>] [-l <device>]
       [command [params] ] ...


       This is a command line tool to manipulate digital still cameras that use certain control protocol, namely
       Agfa  ePhoto  line,  Epson  PhotoPC  line,  Olympus  D-xxxL  line, Sanyo and Nikon (at least CoolPix 9xx)
       cameras.  It can set camera parameters, download and erase pictures, e.t.c.  It was originally  developed
       for Epson PhotoPC 500, now the author uses it with Olympus D-600L, results with other models may vary.


       -h   This option produces a help screen of all options and commands.

       -V   This option prints software revision information.

       -v   This  option  enables verbose output. Using two -v options increases the level of verbosity. This is
            primarily meant for debugging.

       -q   This option sets quiet mode.  If it is  not  specified,  the  program  will  show  running  download
            progress indicator.

       -z   This option sets no time-zone processing mode.  Use this option if the camera's clock is (should be)
            set up shifted by the local timezone offset.

       -s speed
            This option permits setting the data rate to use when communicating with the  camera.   Valid  rates
            are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 (the default).

       -S speed
            On  some  UNIX systems with some serial hardware/driver combinations you need to "lie" to the driver
            about the communication speed that you want to use at startup  and  during  the  session.   Physical
            startup  speed  is  always  19200.  E.g., if on your system speeds up to 19200 are translated one to
            one, but in order to use 57600 baud you have to specify 50 baud, and  you  want  to  run  at  57600,
            you'll need to specify photopc -s57600 -S19200,50 <commands ...>

            Another  example:  if  your driver will use physical speed four times as high as you told it to set,
            and you want to run at default 115200 physical speed, specify photopc -S4800,28800 <commands ...>

       -t   Set timestamp of generated files to the time of snapshot.

       -f timeformat
            This option permits specifying the format for automatically generated image file names; the value is
            used  as the format string for strftime(3) function.  By default, names of the format "MMDD_NNN.jpg"
            are generated, where MM is a month, DD is a day, and NNN is a  count  starting  from  001.   A  good
            starting  point  for  the  timeformat  value could be "%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S.jpg".  If the format string
            contains context "%%XXXd" where XXX are digits, it is taken for the count, i.e.  if  the  file  with
            such name is present, next count is tried.  If the format string does not contain "%%XXXd" part, the
            count field, if necessary, is appended at the end of the name.

            A few single-character formats are used as shortcuts.  "x" makes the name of seconds since the epoch
            in hexadecimal format (8 characters + ".jpg"), "d" - the same in decimal format (10 characters), "1"
            stands for default format  "%m%d_%%03d.jpg",  "2"  stands  for  "%y%m%d%%02d.jpg",  "3"  stands  for
            "%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S.jpg"  and  4  stands for "%Y/%m/%d/%H_%M_%S.jpg".  The program attempts to create
            intermediate directories if necessary (and possible).

       -l device
            This allows specifying the serial device to use for communicating with the camera.  The  default  is
            /dev/photopc  (which  is typically created as a (symbolic) link to the real device, e.g. /dev/ttyS0)
            in UNIX, and COM1: in DOS and Windows.  Note that the program does not use UUCP style locks  so  you
            need  to  be  certain  that no other program, such as uugetty, uucico or mouse manager, is trying to
            access the same device.  Another note: on some systems (notably Linux) terminal  settings  are  kept
            across  usage of the serial port by different programs.  photopc may have troubles if, say, hardware
            flow control was kept turned on.  Try "stty -F /dev/ttyXX sane" if you suspect that you  are  bitten
            by this.


       After the options, one or more commands can be given in the command line.

       Some  commands  accept  frame-list  as  a  parameter.  Frame list is a comma-separated list of tokens (no
       whitespace allowed), each of the tokens being a word all, or a single number, or two numbers separated by
       a dash (-), or a number followed by a dash and a word last (without whitespace).

            Display all current camera settings.

            Output the number of pictures stored in the camera.  This is intended for use in shell scripts.

       list List  information  about  frames  stored in the camera.  Fields displayed are: frame number, size of
            image file, protection state, resolution mode, timestamp and filename  if  available.   Faster  than
            llist but may not work with some (older) models.

            WARNING:  this  command changes current directory on models that support directory tree on the flash

            List more information about frames stored in  the  camera.   Fields  displayed  are:  frame  number,
            protection  state,  size  of image file, resolution mode, flash, shutter and timestamp.  Slower than
            list and does not work with models that use Exif file format.

            WARNING: this command changes current directory on models that support directory tree on  the  flash

       cd <path>
            On  the  models  that  support  multiple directories on the flash media, change current directory as

            The program chdir's to the first non-empty folder at the beginning.  So, your first cd command  must
            specify full path starting with a slash. If it where unix you could also cd ../something but here we
            do not have a way to move up one level.

       protect <frame-list> On | Off
            Change "protected" status of frames. Frame numbering starts at 1. The command will fail if the frame
            number is omitted, not numeric, or does not correspond to a stored frame.  "Protected" frames cannot
            be erased with "erase" and "eraseall" commands or with the "erase" button on the camera.

       erase <frame-list>
            Erase frames. Frame numbering starts at 1. The command will fail if the frame number is omitted, not
            numeric, or does not correspond to a stored frame.

            To  avoid  unexpected  results, list of frames specified for this command is sorted and processed in
            reverse order.

            Erase all stored frames.

            Erase most recently taken frame.

            Take a picture.

       off  Switch off the camera.  This command only has this effect on some models (notably  Olympus  D-600L).
            On  other  models,  it just terminates the session immediately (otherwise the camera would be active
            several seconds after the last command).  On models with big timeout, such as Photopc 600, it may be
            wise to always issue "off" at the end of command row, to decrease power consumption.

            All commands going after "off" are ignored.

       image <frame-list> <file-or-dir-name>
            Download  an  image or series of images from the camera to disk file(s) on the host computer.  Frame
            numbering starts at 1. The command will fail if the frame number is omitted, not  numeric,  or  does
            not  correspond to a stored frame.  Files are stored in JPEG (JFIF or Exif) format.  Image file also
            contains a thumbnail portion, and set of parameters like the shutter  speed,  date  and  time,  I.D.
            string  and  more.   Directory  must  be specified if frame list is requested.  If directory name is
            specified, downloaded file(s) will get unique names starting with month and date of snapshot, unless
            -f option is used, in which case unique names according to -f option setting.

       thumbnail <frame-list> <file-or-dir-name>
            Download  a  thumbnail  image  or  series  of thumbnails from the camera to disk file(s) on the host
            computer. Frame numbering starts at 1. The command will fail if the frame  number  is  omitted,  not
            numeric,  or  does not correspond to a stored frame. Files are stored in JPEG (JFIF or Exif) format.
            If the camera does not keep files in EXIF format, then the thumbnail file also  contains  a  set  of
            parameters  like  the  shutter  speed,  date  and  time,  I.D.   string and more.  Directory must be
            specified if frame list is requested.  If directory name is specified, downloaded file(s)  will  get
            unique names according to -f option setting.

       audio <frame-list> <file-or-dir-name>
            Download  an  audio  notice  file  or  series  of  files from the camera to disk file(s) on the host
            computer. Frame numbering starts at 1. The command will fail if the frame  number  is  omitted,  not
            numeric,  or  does  not correspond to a stored frame. Files are stored with ".wav" extension but the
            format is not RIFF WAV format.  It is compressed in some way, probably with some variation of ADPCM.
            The program stores the raw data as provided by the camera, it is not playable as a normal .wav file.
            Directory must be specified if frame list is requested.  If directory name is specified,  downloaded
            file(s) will get unique names according to -f option setting.

       preview <file-name>
            take  a  `preview' snapshot and save image as a <file-name>.  File is in JPEG (JFIF or Exif) format,
            and does not contain any additional data, just plain (very low resolution) image.

       upload <file-name>
            Upload image file into the camera.  This command is not enabled in  LOWMEMORY  version  (i.e.  under

            WARNING!   You  cannot  upload arbitrary JPEG file.  Depending on the camera model, such attempt may
            result in the image not uploaded, not viewable, or even the camera  "hung"  needing  to  remove  the
            batteries  to  make  it work again.  File previously downloaded from the same camera model is always
            uploadable.  Otherwise, your milage may vary.  photopc program does not perform any checks, so  it's
            up to the user to provide the file in proper format.

       mode Record | Play | Thumbnail
            Set specified operation mode on certain models.

       resolution Hi | Lo | Ext | <number>
            Set  the  camera  to  high,  low  or extended resolution mode.  Exact meaning of the modes is model-
            dependant and may specify different image dimensions and/or JPEG compression rate.

            Set the camera's internal real-time clock using the current date and time from  the  host  computer.
            Time  of  taking  a snapshot is included inside the JPEG files produced.  Note that the models which
            display the time on the LCD will then display GMT rather than local  time.   With  -z  option,  time
            shifted  by  the timezone offset is set, and the LCD will display local time.  Using unshifted (GMT)
            time in the camera seems a proper way to go.

       shutter <speed>
            Set the camera shutter speed.  Units can be specified in microseconds or in  traditional  form  like
            "1/250".   Valid  interval  depends on the model.  If a value outside the interval is specified, the
            camera will set the speed to the nearest margin of the valid interval.   Special  speed  value  auto
            will  set  automatic  shutter.  Note that this only works while the camera is connected to the host,
            and  automatically  turns  the  flash  off.   While  disconnected,  shutter  speed  is  always   set

       aperture Auto | Lo | Med | Hi
            Set the lense aperture on models that support it.

       flash Auto | Force | Off | AntiRedeye | SlowSync
            Set the camera flash mode.

       id <string>
            Set  the  camera identifier string that is included inside the JPEG files produced.  Only few models
            support this.

       autoshut-host <seconds>
            Automatically shut off the camera after that many seconds  of  inactivity  while  connected  to  the
            computer (on the host).

       autoshut-field <seconds>
            Automatically  shut off the camera after that many seconds of inactivity while disconnected from the
            computer (in the field).

       lcd-autoshut <seconds>
            Automatically shut off the LCD monitor after that many seconds of inactivity.

       lcd-brightness <value>
            Set LCD brightness to the value (valid values are 1 to 7).

       focus Macro | Normal | Infinity
            Set the lens focusing mode.  As far as I can tell, on fixed focus  models  macro  only  means  force
            minimum  aperture,  not  change  the  focal  length.   Only  has  effect in the same invocation with
            "snapshot" command.

       adjust Normal | Contrast+ | Contrast- | Brightness+ | Brightness-
            Set adjustment of picture brightness/contrast.

       metering Center-weighted | Spot | Matrix
            Set auto exposure metering mode.

       whitebalance Normal | Sunny | Incandescent | Fluorescent | Flash | Preset | Cloudy
            Set white balance.

       color On | Off
            Set color or B/W mode.

       dzoom On | Off | <number>
            Set digital zoom on or off.  Note that it may only work if low resolution was set prior  to  turning
            on  digital  zoom,  and  only  have  effect in the same invocation with "snapshot" command.  Numeric
            values have model-dependant meaning.

       zoom <mm>
            Set optical zoom value on models that support it.


       % photopc query

       % photopc -f "image%H:%M:%S" eraseall snapshot image 1 .


       The latest version of this tool can be found at

       Trademarks are properties of their respective owners.


       On some models, powersaving timeouts are measured not in seconds but in  1/10  sec  units.   The  program
       reports them as in seconds.

       Llist command relies on the format of thumbnail image that does not contain necessary information on some
       models (e.g. Nikon CP 900), this command does not work for these models.  List command, on the  contrary,
       do not display useful data on models that do not return it in the register 47 (e.g. Agfa 780).

       The  program is known to have some timing problems talking to Nikon CP900 when the camera is "napping" in
       powersaving mode.  Until the problem is solved, a workaround is to run the program this way:

       $ photopc && photopc <command list>

       Nikon seem to have some other problems too, especially when doing "actions" (e.g. snapshots, erase).

       Another Nikon problem: if 32Mb (or bigger?) memry card is inserted, the program cannot get the number  of
       frames  taken,  and if "all" or "NN-last" range is specified for downloading, the program fails.  Specify
       explicit range of frames.  Also, with any card, number of frames taken is not updated  immediately  after
       the  "snapshot"  command  (the  same  has  been  reported for other models).  If you find how to find the
       correct number of frames, please let me know.


       The program is copyrighted by Eugene G. Crosser  <>  and  freely  distributable.   See
       README file for detailes.  DOS and Windows support copyright Bruce D. Lightner <>


       The  man page was originally written by Jeff Tranter <>, who also contributed a few
       bugfixes.   Some  information  about  the  serial  protocol  obtained  from  Jun-ichiro   "itojun"   Itoh
       <>, Thierry Bousch <> and other contributors.


       epinfo(1), strftime(3), protocol description (protocol.htm in the source distribution).