Provided by: perl6-tap-harness_0.20190121-1_all 

prove6 - Run tests through a TAP harness.
prove6 [options] [files or directories]
Boolean options: -v, Print all test lines. -l, Add 'lib' to the path for your tests (-Ilib). -b, Add 'blib/lib' to the path for your tests --shuffle Run the tests in random order. --ignore-exit Ignore exit status from test scripts. --reverse Run the tests in reverse order. --timer Print elapsed time after each test. --trap Trap Ctrl-C and print summary on interrupt. --help Display this help --version Display the version Options that take arguments: -e, Interpreter to run the tests ('' for compiled tests.) --harness Define test harness to use. See TAP::Harness. --reporter Result reporter to use. See REPORTERS. -j, Run N test jobs in parallel (try 9.) --err=stdout Direct the test's $*ERR to the harness' $*ERR. --err=merge Merge test scripts' $*ERR with their $*OUT. --err=ignore Ignore test script' $*ERR.
Default Test Directory If no files or directories are supplied, prove6 looks for all files matching the pattern t/*.t. Colored Test Output Colored test output is the default, but if output is not to a terminal, color is disabled. Color support requires Terminal::ANSIColor on Unix-like platforms. If the necessary module is not installed colored output will not be available. PS: Currently not available. Exit Code If the tests fail prove6 will exit with non-zero status. -e Normally you can just pass a list of Perl 6 tests and the harness will know how to execute them. However, if your tests are not written in Perl 6 or if you want all tests invoked exactly the same way, use the -e switch: prove6 -e='/usr/bin/ruby -w' t/ prove6 -e='/usr/bin/perl -Tw -mstrict -Ilib' t/ prove6 -e='/path/to/my/customer/exec' --err • --err=stderr Direct the test's $*ERR to the harness' $*ERR. This is the default behavior. • --err=merge If you need to make sure your diagnostics are displayed in the correct order relative to test results you can use the --err=merge option to merge the test scripts' $*ERR into their $*OUT. This guarantees that $*OUT (where the test results appear) and $*ERR (where the diagnostics appear) will stay in sync. The harness will display any diagnostics your tests emit on $*ERR. Caveat: this is a bit of a kludge. In particular note that if anything that appears on $*ERR looks like a test result the test harness will get confused. Use this option only if you understand the consequences and can live with the risk. PS: Currently not supported. • --err=ignore Ignore the test script' $*ERR --trap The --trap option will attempt to trap SIGINT (Ctrl-C) during a test run and display the test summary even if the run is interrupted $*REPO prove6 introduces a separation between "options passed to the perl which runs prove" and "options passed to the perl which runs tests"; this distinction is by design. Thus the perl which is running a test starts with the default $*REPO. Additional library directories can be added via the PERL6LIB environment variable, via -Ifoo in PERL6OPT or via the -Ilib option to prove6. 02 November 2019 Prove6(1)