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       rescrog — change something, make it different


       /etc/rescrog [system|service] [direction]


       rescrog  assumes  the  future  basis  of a system or service is dependent on the analysis of bit patterns
       found on the system device.  It determines the logical next-best bit pattern to yield the new  system  or
       service.  This avoids the necessity of distribution tapes.

       Alterations  are made by slight pseudo-random permutations by recursive approximation based on the theory
       of the Towers of Saigon, where the Oriental Guard could never play Ring-toss twice on the same day.

       rescrog's default direction is future (except for DoD-installed systems, where the default is past).  The
       first  argument  tells rescrog whether to perform its actions on the specified system or network service.
       It is best to rescrog servers before clients in order to avoid out-of-phase recovery errors.




       punt(1), spewtab(5), rescrogd(8)


       rescrog cannot distinguish between bugs and features.

       Interruption while rescrogging can cause diddle-damage.

       Repeated rescrogs done too quickly will lead to advanced technology beyond our comprehension.
