Provided by: stilts_3.2-2_all bug


       stilts-datalinklint - Validates DataLink documents


       stilts datalinklint [votable=<filename>|<URL>|-] [format=text|json] [report=[EWISF]+] [maxrepeat=<int-
                           value>] [truncate=<int-value>] [debug=true|false]


       datalinklint runs a series of tests on a VOTable that is supposed  to  conform  to  the  {links}-response
       format  defined  in the IVOA DataLink specification, and reports the results. This is not likely to be of
       use to normal users, it is intended for people developing or  operating  DataLink-compliant  services  to
       assess correctness, perhaps with a view to improving compliance.

       To  run it, you point it at the URL or filename of a VOTable of interest, and it runs various tests on it
       and reports them to standard output. Only the input table itself, and if the input location uses HTTP the
       HTTP  headers,  are  tested,  this  validator does not inspect any other resources. As well as validation
       checks, some reporting of the table's content (such as a summary of the link defined by each  row  and  a
       listing of the defined service descriptors) is provided as INFO-level output for convenience. This can be
       suppressed if preferred by use of the report parameter.

       This operates in much the same way as the taplint command, and the output has a  similar  format,  though
       unlike  taplint this command does not divide the testing up into stages. Each report line is of the form:
       T-MMMMxN aaaaa... where the parts have the following meanings:

         * T: Report type, one of E(rror), W(arning), I(nfo), S(ummary), F(ailure). See the documentation of the
           report  parameter  for  further  description  of what these mean. The report parameter can be used to
           suppress some of these; only E indicates actual service compliance errors, but including  the  others
           may make it easier to see what's going on.

         * MMMM:  Message  label,  which  is always the same for messages generated by the same test, is usually
           different for messages generated by different tests, and may be somewhat mnemonic.

         * x: Continuation indicator, either "-" or "+". In most cases it is "-", indicating the first line of a
           message,  but  multi-line  messages  (rare)  use  "-" for the first line and "+" for any continuation

         * N: Sequence number, which is 1 for the first time message T-MMMM is reported, and  increases  by  one
           for  each  subsequent  appearance.  After  a  certain maximum (determined by the maxrepeat parameter)
           additional reports with the same code are no longer output individually, but a summary of the  number
           of  reports  so  discarded is written at the end of the section with the character "x" instead of the
           sequence number. This behaviour prevents the output being swamped by multiple  reports  of  the  same
           issue.  If  the  maxrepeat  parameter is increased above 9, more than one digit will be used here (so
           e.g. for maxrepeat=999, the format would be NNN not N).

         * aaaaa...: Message text, a free text description of what is being reported.

       If you don't like that format, others may be selected using the format parameter,  which  currently  also
       supports  JSON. For more flexible interaction with the output you can invoke taplint programmatically and
       supply your own instance.

       As with any validator, this command does not guarantee to pick up everything  wrong  with  the  indicated
       VOTable,  but it tries as hard as it can to check against the rules set out in the DataLink specification
       and other related documents as appropriate. A non-exhaustive list of the items checked is:

         * VOTable validation à la votlint

         * Correct RESOURCE structure of VOTable document

         * All required columns are present with mandated metadata

         * Each row contains one of access_url, service_def, error_message

         * Service descriptors correctly specified and referenced

         * Syntax of error_message column values

         * Syntax of content_type column values

         * Syntax of semantics column values

         * Reported HTTP content-type, if applicable

         * Correct serialization (TABLEDATA) is used

         * DALI error-response checking, if applicable
        At present no checking is performed on the link targets; tests are confined to  the  presented  document

       HTTP  connections  made  by  this  validator  are  flagged in the User-Agent field with the token "(IVOA-


              Location of the DataLink VOTable document to check. This may be a  URL,  or  a  filename,  or  the
              special value "-" to indicate standard input.

              Determines the format of the output. Possible values are text, json.

              Note not all of the other parameters may be applicable to all output formats.

              Letters  indicating  which  message types should be listed. Each character of the string is one of
              the letters E, W, I, S, F with the following meanings:

                * E: Error in operation or standard compliance of the service.

                * W: Warning that service behaviour is questionable, or contravenes a  standard  recommendation,
                  but is not in actual violation of the standard.

                * I: Information about progress, for instance details of queries made.

                * S: Summary of previous successful/unsuccessful reports.

                * F:  Failure  of the validator to perform some testing. The cause is either some error internal
                  to the validator, or some error or missing functionality in the service which has already been

              Puts  a  limit  on  the number of times that a single message will be repeated. By setting this to
              some reasonably small number, you can ensure that the output does not get cluttered up by millions
              of repetitions of essentially the same error.

              Limits the line length written to the output.

              If  true,  debugging output including stack traces will be output along with the normal validation



       If the package stilts-doc is installed, the full documentation SUN/256 is available in HTML format:


       STILTS version 3.2-debian

       This is the Debian version of Stilts, which lack the support of some file formats and network  protocols.
       For differences see


       Mark Taylor (Bristol University)

                                                    Mar 2017                              STILTS-DATALINKLINT(1)