Provided by: bio-tradis_1.4.5+dfsg2-1_all bug


       tradis_comparison - bio-tradis: compares two experimental conditions using the method of Dembek et al.


       tradis_comparison  [-h]  [-f]  [-t  read  cutoff]  [-o  outputfile.csv]  [-p  outputplot.pdf]  --controls
       controls.txt --conditions conditions.txt


       Compares two experimental conditions using the method of Dembek et al.  mBio 2015. Read counts  per  gene
       are compared using edgeR. This analysis requires experimental replicates.


   Required Arguments:
              control libraries, generally growth in a permissive condition

              libraries exposed to the experimental condition being compared

   Optional Arguments:
       -o     output filename

       -p     output filename for diagnostic plots

       -f     enable filtering on minimum read counts

       -t     if  --filter  is  enabled,  sets  minimum  read  count necessary in one condition for a gene to be
              included in the comparison.


       This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage
       of the program.