Provided by: tran_5-2_all bug


       tran - transcribe between character scripts


       tran <input

       echo Hello world | tran script


       tran lets you convert between Latin and a number of other character scripts.  It works as a filter,
       reading standard input and writing to the standard output.

       Please specify the target script as the argument.  If none is given, the default is latin.  Specify
       "list" to get the list of supported scripts.


       -d, --debug
           marks characters that haven't been touched in color.  The output must go to a terminal, "less -R" or
           something that can understand ANSI colors.


       There is currently no triangulation -- to go between two scripts other than latin you need to convert to
       latin first.

       This especially matters for ascii: to convert, eg, cyrillic text, you need to use a pipe: tran|tran

       The ascii conversion, like any other, leaves characters it doesn't have data for intact, leading to non-
       ASCII output.  This might be what you want if you need to just drop diacritics and expand digraphs, but
       if you're after pure 7-bit text, use "tran ascii|perl -CIO -pe 'tr /\x1-\x7e/?/c'" (/usr/bin/tr works on
       bytes not characters).

       Not all of your recipients may have all required fonts, especially for Plane 1 scripts.  Such support is
       especially bad on old terminals that use bitmap fonts, such as xterm, text-mode Linux or pre-Windows 10


       Ancient (ie, non-Unicode) charsets are not supported at all.  tran will obliviously write UTF-8 even when

       This tool is pretty slow, especially on startup.  If this is a problem for anyone, please holler -- I did
       not optimize it at all.


       Adam Borowski (