Provided by: xmltv-util_0.6.1-1_all bug


       tv_grab_ar - Grab TV listings for Argentina.


       tv_grab_ar --help

       tv_grab_ar [--config-file FILE] --configure [--gui OPTION]

       tv_grab_ar [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--days N]
                  [--offset N] [--zone N] [--quiet]

       tv_grab_ar --list-channels

       tv_grab_ar --capabilities

       tv_grab_ar --version


       Output TV listings for several channels available in Argentina.  Now supports terrestrial analog TV
       listings, which is the most common TV viewed in Argentina.

       The TV listings come from The grabber relies on parsing HTML so it
       might stop working at any time.

       First run tv_grab_ar --configure to choose, which channels you want to download. Then running tv_grab_ar
       with no arguments will output listings in XML format to standard output.

       --configure Prompt for which channels, and write the configuration file.

       --config-file FILE Set the name of the configuration file, the default is ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_ar.conf.  This
       is the file written by --configure and read when grabbing.

       --gui OPTION Use this option to enable a graphical interface to be used.  OPTION may be 'Tk', or left
       blank for the best available choice.  Additional allowed values of OPTION are 'Term' for normal terminal
       output (default) and 'TermNoProgressBar' to disable the use of XMLTV::ProgressBar.

       --output FILE Write to FILE rather than standard output.

       --days N Grab N days.  The default is 3.

       --offset N Start N days in the future.  The default is to start from today.

       --zone N  Specify a different location ID than that specified in the configuration file.

       --quiet Suppress the progress messages normally written to standard error.

       --capabilities Show which capabilities the grabber supports. For more information, see

       --version Show the version of the grabber.

       --help Print a help message and exit.




       The original author was Christian A. Rodriguez, car at cespi dot unlp dot edu dot ar, basing tv_grab_ar
       on tv_grab_es by Ranin Roca.

       Significant updates and patches have been provided by:
         - Mariano S. Cosentino, 4xmltv at marianok dot com dot ar
         - Karl Dietz, dekarl at spaetfruehstuecken dot org
         - Geoff Westcott, honir999 at gmail dot com
         - Nick Morrott, knowledgejunkie at gmail dot com


       This grabber extracts all information from the cablevision website. Any changes to the website may cause
       this grabber to stop working.

       Retrieving the description information adds a considerable amount of time to the run and makes the file
       quite large.

       It might be a good idea to cache program descriptions so there is no need to refetch them.