Provided by: xmltv-util_0.6.1-1_all bug


       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite - Grab TV and radio program listings from Schedules Direct (subscription


       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --help

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --info

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --version

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --capabilities

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --description

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --manage-lineups [--config-file FILE]
                     [--quiet] [--debug] [--passwordhash HASH]

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite [--days N] [--offset N] [--config-file FILE]
                     [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug]
                     [--passwordhash HASH]

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --configure [--config-file FILE]
                     [--quiet] [--debug]
                     [--passwordhash HASH]

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --list-channels [--config-file FILE]
                     [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug]
                     [--passwordhash HASH]

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --list-lineups  [--config-file FILE]
                     [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug]
                     [--passwordhash HASH]

       tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --get-lineup [--config-file FILE]
                     [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug]
                     [--passwordhash HASH]


       Output TV listings in XMLTV format for many locations available in North America (US/CA) and other
       selected countries internationally.  The data comes from <> and an account
       must be created on the Schedules Direct site in order to grab data.  Refer to the Schedules Direct site
       for signup requirements and supported locations.

       This grabber uses a shared local database which allows for downloading only new/changed/updated
       information, and in the case of mixed OTA, Cable, and/or Satellite providers can substantially reduce the
       download times (as some data such as schedules and program details are commonly shared between sources in
       the same location).

       First, you must run tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --manage-lineups to manage the lineups available to your
       grabber configuration at the Schedules Direct service.

       Second, you must run tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --configure to choose which lineup this configuration will
       grab (this grabber will share the downloaded information for multiple lineups, and can substantially
       reduce the royal overheads in those cases).


       --manage-lineups Perform Schedules Direct lineup management functions (adding/deleting lineups from your
       account, and creating the local EPG database).  Managing lineups can be performed without a configuration
       file (it will prompt for the needed information) but if it exists, it will be used to obtain initial
       credentials.  If you change your password at Schedules Direct, you will need to update the database (or
       display the new password hash) using --manage-lineups.

       --configure Prompt for which lineup to download and write the configuration file.  Note that one must run
       --manage-lineups first to create and initialize the database and configure lineups.

       --config-file FILE Set the name of the configuration file, the default is
       ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite.conf.  This is the file written by --configure and read when grabbing.

       --output FILE When grabbing, write output to FILE rather than standard output.

       --download-only Perform a download of the data only (no output).

       --no-download Do not download data, but use the existing contents of the local database.  Since the code
       optimizes the data downloaded, this is nominally useful only in offline situations.

       --force-download Deletes most existing local database data and forces a download of the data.  If there
       is a suspicion that the data is currupt (and not being automatically corrected), forcing a new download
       might be necessary.

       --days N When grabbing, grab N days rather than all available days.

       --offset N Start grabbing at today/now + N days.

       --quiet Suppress various informational messages shown on standard error.

       --debug Provide more information on progress to stderr to help in debugging.  This can get very verbose,
       but too much data is better that not enough if errors need to be squashed.  Note that the debug data may
       contain information you might prefer to be confidential such as your password hash, so treat the output

       --passwordhash HASH Provide the password hash on the command line.  This is necessary if the hash is not
       stored in the database.

       --list-channels Write output giving <channel> elements for every channel available in the current

       --list-lineups Write output giving list of available viewing regions.  Note that list-lineups is not
       fully standardized, so the output is subject to change.

       --get-lineup Write output giving <channel> elements for every channel available in the current lineup.
       Note that get-lineup is not fully standardized, so the output is subject to change.

       --capabilities Show which capabilities the grabber supports. For more information, see

       --version Show the version of the grabber.

       --help Print a help message and exit.

       --info Print a help page and exit.


       1.  First you must signup for an account at Schedules Direct.  This is a paid service providing EPG data
       for North America and other selected countries.  See <> for signup
       requirements, and the countries served.

       2.  Second you need to configure the lineups that you will have access to using your account with this
       grabber.  Run tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --manage-lineups to add your lineups and to initialize the

       3.  Third, you will need to configure this specific instance of the grabber to select the lineup to use.
       Run tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --configure.

       4.  (Optionally) run tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --download-only to download and "fill" the local database
       copies of your data.  In future runs, only updated information will be downloaded, and the local database
       will be pruned to delete old/obsolete information.


       All the normal XMLTV capabilities are included.

       Note that Schedules Direct only has data for a maximum of about 21 days, (although may be less for some
       channels) but the accuracy of the data at the end of the period tends to be poor.


       If the grabber encounters a fatal error, it will write a message to STDERR and exit(1).  Some errors are
       retriable, and the code performs retries.


       The environment variable HOME can be set to change where configuration files are stored. All
       configuration is stored in $HOME/.xmltv/. On Windows, it might be necessary to set HOME to a path without
       spaces in it.

       The environment variable TV_GRAB_TARGET_APPLICATION_FIXUPS can be set to indicate that the grabber should
       apply fixups for applications that are not fully XMLTV compliant, or that are currently missing some
       specific functionality.  The fixups can be combined by separating them with colons.  Available fixups are
       NO_XMLTV_NS_TOTAL_SEASONS (do not include the total seasons in the generated xmltv_ns episode numbering),
       NO_PREVIOUSLY_SHOWN_ZONE_OFFSET (do not include the zone offset in previously-shown), and
       NO_STATION_LOGOS (do not include station logos in the output).  The fixups are intended to be temporary
       until the application(s) can be updated.


       Schedules Direct lineups should support all the channels from your provider or OTA antenna.  If there are
       missing channels, or incorrect guide data, you should contact Schedules Direct to request updates.


       tv_validate_grabber may report an error similar to:

             "Line 123 Duplicate channel-tag for ''"

       This is a because at least some providers (typically Cable/Satellite, but sometimes OTA repeaters that
       you may have in your lineup) actually have the exact same station available on multiple channels.  XMLTV
       does not like seeing the same station reported twice, even though the full display-name info does show
       that the channel number is different.

       This error can (should/must?) be ignored.


       XMLTV (despite a couple of proposals to update the specifications) has a legacy confusion regarding the
       differences between a "station", which is a supplier of content (programs) and schedules, and a "channel"
       which is method of delivery/transport.  XMLTV uses the term <channel> where they likely should be using
       the term <station>, because they deal with programming, not transport.  Regardless, such a transition
       would be understandably be a challenge, and the lineup proposals to extend the capability to provide a
       mechanism to support "channels" has not progressed in years.

       This also results in a failing of the configuration capability which treats the selecting of content as
       being station based, which is not always the same thing as a <channel> (for example, for Cable providers,
       a "station" may be transmitted on many "channels" (perhaps in different resolutions), but an individual
       may only be authorized to receive some of the "channels").  One may want the "station" schedules and
       programs, but not to see the "channel" returned because they cannot tune it.


       Due to the XMLTV interpretations of <channel>, this grabber implements its own "channel" (transport)
       selection mechanism (which parallels that on the Schedules Direct site).  It is implemented within the
       --manage-lineups capability.  The grabber defaults will result in all channels and stations associated
       with the lineup being written.  In some cases it may be desired by some to limit the channels to a small
       subset of all available channels (the most common being a Cable or Satellite service which has billions
       and billions of channels, but you are subscribed to a significantly reduced programming tier, and your
       application does not have the ability to restrict the display/access to that large number of channels).
       There is just enough flexibility to allow one to confuse oneself some of the time.  Note that while an
       effort is made to maintain the existing selection value when the lineup mapping (channels and stations)
       are updated, new or changed station assignments per channel will result in the lineup defaults being
       assigned to the new or updated channel.  The lineup channel selection default can also be set for an
       existing lineup.  Due to the potential of future surprises or confusion, if one can avoid using the
       channel selection capability one is likely better off.


       No FAQs yet....


       The Schedules Direct service requires a subscription, and only allows for usage for personal use with
       approved open source projects.  Refer to the Schedules Direct site for their requirements and how to sign


       Gary Buhrmaster.  As with most tv_grabbers, documentation, ideas, and parts of the code may have been
       leveraged from other existing grabbers from the XMLTV-project.  We stand on the shoulders of those that
       came before us.


       Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018 Gary Buhrmaster <>

       This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2)

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
       License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

