Provided by: libvnlog-dev_1.26-1_amd64 bug


       vnl-gen-header - create definition for vnlog output from C


        $ vnl-gen-header 'int w' 'uint8_t x' 'char* y' 'double z' > vnlog_fields_generated.h


       We provide a simple C library to produce vnlog output. The fields this library outputs must be known at
       compile time, and are specified in a header created by this tool. Please see the vnlog documentation for
       instructions on how to use the library


       This tool needs to be given a list of field definitions. First we look at the commandline, and if the
       definitions are not available there, we look on STDIN.  Each definition is a string "type name" (one def
       per argument on the commandline or per line on STDIN). If reading from STDIN, we ignore blank lines, and
       treat any line starting with "#" as a comment.

       Each def represents a single output field. Each such field spec in a C-style variable declaration with a
       type followed by a name. Note that these field specs contain whitespace, so each one must be quoted
       before being passed to the shell.

       The types can be basic scalars, possibly with set widths ("char", "double", "int", "uint32_t", "unsigned
       int", ...), a NULL-terminated string ("char*") or a generic chunk of binary data ("void*").

       The names must consist entirely of letters, numbers or "_", like variables in C.



       Dima Kogan "<>"


       Copyright 2016 California Institute of Technology.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
       or (at your option) any later version.

                                                   2020-02-04                                  VNL-GEN-HEADER(1)